975 resultados para Limestone outcrops
This paper reports some research work that has been done to support Geological Survey's field work for the 1:50.000 Carta Geológica de Portugal, (sheets 19-C Figueira da Foz and 19-D Coimbra-Lousã). Its main purpose was to establish the age of some continental formations. At Cerâmica do Mondego, Lda. near Taveiro, two series were observed. The lower one is mainly pelitic, montmorillonite being predominant. It also includes some sandy beds and channel deposits with high energy sediments (conglomerate with limestone pebbles). The upper series lies unconformably upon the former, and there is a neat discontinuity surface between the two. It mainly consists of sands, kaolinite being the most abundant of the clay minerals. This seems to indicate an intensive weathering, an acid, well drained environment and transportation by quite high energy running waters. No fossils were recorded. Preliminary paleontological results are presented, along with some data concerning other localities (Aveiro, etc). Fossils found in the lower series are: gastropoda (Bulimus gaudryi, TV. 15 bed), several vertebrates (TV. 18), fishes (TV. 19?) and plants (TV. 19-TV. 24). Vertebrata belong to the same fauna as that from Vizo, Aveiro, etc. The presence of mammals is most important as only a single tooth was previously know in Europe (Southern France) in Late Cretaceous formations. Elsewhere there are some mammalian remains in Peru besides the rich assemblages found in the USA and Mongolia. Plants are representative of the «Debeya flora» well known at several localities in Beira Litoral province, in «Buçaco sandstones», and in Lisbon's «Basaltic Complex». The most important stratigraphical conclusion is that the lower series is Upper Campanian and/or Maastrichtian in age, and not Tertiary as sometimes it has been considered. As at Aveiro, «Bebeya flora» occurs in-beds somewhat higher than those with the Aveiro-Vizo-Taveiro vertebrate fauna. Correlation with other «Debeya flora» localities are now more clear. Data concerning Taveiro lower series, in the whole, point out to a rather warm (and moist?) environment in an occasionally (seasonally?) flooded region.
Formações jurássicas da região de Albufeira: estratigrafia, consequências cartográficas e tectónicas
The geological survey of Albufeira map area envolved the execution of several logs on Jurassic formations. The study of amonoid forms allowed the interpretation and the establishement of correlations on the Upper Jurassic series and the definition of the regional stratigraphic sequence. Based on this fauna, recalled for the first time in this region, the marly and marly-limestone units of the lower part of the series are placed in the interval from middle Oxfordian {plicatilis? - Transversarium zone) to Kimmeridgian (Hypselocyclum zone). Albufeira village is in part built on these formations. The overlaying dolomitic limestones with heterochronous limits at basin level are dated Kimmeridgian. The Jurassic series finishes with compact sub-lithographic limestone beds containing fossils of corals, gastropods and echinoid radioles of Kimmeridgian-Portlandian age. The geological map is presented and the regional structure is discussed.
Examination of samples from eight outcrops from Albian and Cenomanian of Estremadura, induced to take a census of sixty-two species and subspecies of Ostracodes among which fifteen are new and described here. Their associations pennited - first, to characterize three faunistic sets: a lower and middle Albian set with a mediolittoral and infralittoral (shallow marine} sedimentation; an upper Albian s.l. (near formations of Rudists}; a lagoonal lower Cenomanian; - on the other hand, to state local comparisons with the middle Cretaceous of Southern France, of the South-pyrenean Zone (Sierra d' Aulet: district of Sopeira), of the district of Oviedo (Northwestern Spain), and of the Aragonese Iberian Range (Aragon and Maestrazgo), placing in a prominent position faunistic exchanges of Ostracodes between the above-mentioned regions and the Estremadura, during the lower Cenomanian.
Some outcrops in the western part of Leiria's diapir yielded continental fossils in five points near Amor village (mammals, other vertebrata, and gastropoda). This is most significant as it is the first locality where miocene age could undoubtedly been ascribed to formations northwards the Iberian Central Chain and Nazare's accident. Mammalian fauna comprises 18 taxa. A new cricetid species, Fahlbuschia freudenthali n. sp. is described. This fauna allows to date fossil-bearing units from Upper Orleanian, MN5 mammal zone, that may be correlated to Upper Langhian marine stage. As the fauna is quite varied, it is possible to recognize the main characters of environment and of climatic conditions. It may probably be assumed that at the time the climate was of mediterranean type, generally warmer than today.
A small outcrop of an igneous rock (basanite) was observed in 1971 at Figueira-Mexilhoeira Grande-Algarve, enclosed by Miocene limestone and showing clear evidente of low grade thermal effects along the contact with the igneous mass. This is in agreement with F. L. Pereira Sousa who was the first geologist to admit (1917) the existence of Miocene igneous rocks in Algarve although subsequently they were not possible to localize. This work reports studies on petrography and chemical composition of this basanite and describes the evidence of the thermal effects upon the surrounding calcareous rocks. This well localized small outcrop represents an igneous rock more modern than the basaltic complex of Lisbon, hitherto assigned to the Eocene in age and recently ascribed to the Upper Cretaceous and until now considered the most recent manifestation of volcanic activity in Portugal. However this does not exclude the possibility of existence of even more modem igneous rocks in Algarve region.
The Middle Liassic outcrops of the Coimbra region (Portugal) show, at Carixian-Domerian boundary, an unusual high frequence of the Falsopalmula, morphogenus,that is generally well represented in the Lower Toarcian. The study of the Nodosaridea association shows that the massive presence of this morphogenus excludes the Lenticulina s. st. genus. These faunistic particularities should be ascribed to the environment and to the sedimentation pattern. The development of the Falsopalmula morphogenus should have been simultaneous to that of the pelitic sedimentation.
New elements about the stratigraphy of the Serra de Candeeiros Dogger and Lower «Lusitanian» are presented. The Lower Aalenian was recognized for the first time. Bathonian (more than 50 metres thick) is dated on brachiopods and foraminifera. It corresponds to a series of massive micritic, biodetritical, coral-reef, chaetetid, bryozoa and oolitic-limestones. Callovian (120 m) begins by whitish or yellowish limestones with ammonites and brachiopods of the Gracilis zone. It is followed by regressive limestone sequences ending with thick oncolitic layers. The «Lusitanian» base is formed by greyish lagoon brackish limestones; it lies unconformably on the Dogger, with or without angular and/or cartographic unconformity. This radical facies change is related to tectonic deformation of several blocks between the Nazaré and Tagus faults during Oxfordian times.
In Portugal, Carixian is generally represented by alternative layers of marly limestones characterized by nodule and lumpy levels. These layers are particularly developped [show preferential development] on passage areas to a sedimentary basin, particularly along the slope of tilted blocks between the Meseta and Berlenga's horst. This facies is included in the range of the «nodular limestone» and of the «ammonitico-rosso». Limestones are radiolaria micrites with fragments of pelagic organisms (ammonoids, thin shelled gastropods). These layers can be affected by intensive bioturbation (Brenha) which is responsible for dismantlement, specially where the initial thickness does not exceed a few centimetres. This process can lead to the isolation of residual nodules (Brenha, São Pedro de Muel, Peniche) which can be mobilised by massive sliding (Peniche). The isolated elements, shell fragments or residual nodules, can also be incrustated, thus developing oncolitic cryptalgal structures. At Brenha the lump structure developed progressively into a sequence overlapping the normal sedimentary one (thick limestone beds alternating with bituminous shales). Cryptalgal structures correspond to rather unstable environment conditions on mobile margins. These structures are known in deep pelagic sediments corresponding to well defined events of the geodynamic evolution (end of the initial rifting). Cryptalgal accretions disappear towards the sedimentary basin, and the nodular levels are less important. In the articulation areas with the Tomar platform, small mounds and cupules (Alcabideque) developed within the alternating marly-limestone levels. They represent the so called «mud mounds» of metric dimensions. The upper part of these «mud mounds» is hardened, showing track remains and supporting some brachiopods and pectinids. Hence the lumpy facies of Portugal is included among the range of sedimentaty environments and can be used as «geodynamic tracer».
After a briefhistorical introduction, this paper deals with the main concerned geotectonic units: the Lower Tagus and Alvalade basins, the Western and Southern borders, and their infillings. Most of the Neogene events and record concern areas South of the Iberian Central Chain, a nearly inverse situation as that of Paleogene times. In the most important of these units, the Lower Tagus basin, there are quite thick detrital series, mostly marine in its distal part near Lisboa (albeit with several continental intercalations), and mainly continental in its inner part. Sedimentological record is almost complete since Lowermost to Upper Miocene. The richness ofdata (paleontology, isotope chronology, paleoclimate, etc.) it gives and the possibility of direct marine-continental correlations render this basin one of the more interesting ones in Western Europe. Alvalade basin is separated from the previous one by a barrier ofPaleozoic rocks. Two transgressions events (Upper Tortonian and Messinian in age) are recorded. Active sedimentation may be correlated to Late Miocene tectonics events. In Algarve, chiefly marine units from Lower to Upper Miocene are well developped. The Lower unit (Lagos-Portimao Formation) is best exposed in Western Algarve, but desappears eastwards. Middle Miocene is not as well known, whereas Upper Miocene main outcrops are in Eastern Algarve. Cacela Formation is remarquable for its beautiful fossils. Sedimentation as a whole refletcts the tectonic activity and in special the evolution of the Algarve flexures. There is scant evidence of post-Lower Miocene volcanism, the latest known in Portugal. Pliocene has not been recognized there beyond doubt. . Miocene sediments are much less important to the North of the Central Iberian Chain. Continental beds near Leiria that yielded the well-known "Hisp anotherium fauna" are lower Middle Miocene. Pliocene corresponds to dramatic changes in paleogeography. At Setiibal Peninsula there is some evidence of a minor Lower Pliocene transgression. Continental detrital sediments, often coarse, occupy rather large areas. In Western Portugal between the Seta hal Peninsula and Pombal there is good evidence of a marine Upper Pliocene transgression, followed up by dune sands overlain by marsh clays, diatomites, lignites and boghead levels that can be partly Pleistocene in age.
Onshore, the Piacenzianof the Mondego and Lower Tagus Tertiary basins comprises siliciclastic sediments deposited in shallow marine to continental environments. The outcrops of the deposits are relatively widespread in the Aveiro and Seuibal region. A lithostratigraphic synthesis based on the correlation of geological sections, is presented for the two basins. In general, the Piacenzian sediments display a regressive sucession. The Late Tortonian-Zanclean (?) confined drainage pattern changed at the beginning of Piazencian, to fluvial systems draining to the Atlantic, and capturing the drainage of the inner parts of the Hesperic Meseta. The Piacenzian sedimentary sequence post-dates one of the uprising phases during Neogene compression, recorded by a strong regional unconformity. Some local active faulting - as in Lousa, Rio Maior and Senibal- Pinhal Novo - allowed the local thickening of the sedimentary record. Later compressive tectonism continues to generate reverse faulting and diapiric reactivation, affecting those sediments. Currently, the Piacenzian deposits culminates the marginal piedmonts, widely eroded by the Quaternary fluvial dissection.
Revista Española de Paleontologia 19 (2), 229-242
La cal es un material producido a partir de la calcinación de la roca caliza y tiene diversas utilidades en el mundo de la industria como la siderúrgica, papelera, alimentaria, en la construcción, entre otras. Es fundamental conocer todas las características de la caliza para poder determinar su grado de calcinación. Con el presente trabajo se pretende estudiar las propiedades de la caliza para su posterior calcinación y el dimensionamiento de una planta de producción de cal desde que el mineral llega de la explotación hasta que sale al mercado. Para determinar los equipos se calcularon sus dimensiones para una producción de 600 t/h de cal, sabiendo que la planta principal de machaqueo solo trabajará 5 días de la semana en jornadas de 8 horas, mientras que a partir del horno de calcinación estará en funcionamiento los 7 días de la semana, 24 horas al día. A partir de esas consideraciones se obtienen las dimensiones de todos los equipos y se realiza un estudio para la elección de un horno, o un horno de eje vertical y un horno rotativo, así como el combustible empleado, ya que es una parte fundamental para determinar los costes para la producción de cal. También fue objeto de este trabajo, el estudio ambiental de la instalación de la planta, en función de la mezcla de combustible empleada y del impacto en el entorno de la misma, así como un estudio de viabilidad de la planta, estimando unos costes de la misma y un precio de mercado “ex‐Works”.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações
Revista electrónica de Ciências da Terra,http://e-terra.geopor.pt,Geociences on-line journal, Vol. 6, nº1
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Doutor em Conservação e Restauro pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia