947 resultados para Lentiviral Vector


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We describe an equivalence of categories between the category of mixed Hodge structures and a category of vector bundles on the toric complex projective plane which verify some semistability condition. We then apply this correspondence to define an invariant which generalises the notion of R-split mixed Hodge structure and compute extensions in the category of mixed Hodge structures in terms of extensions of the corresponding vector bundles. We also give a relative version of this correspondence and apply it to define stratifications of the bases of the variations of mixed Hodge structure.


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Psychodopygus wellcomei, a proven vector of (muco-)cutaneous leishmaniasis, has been found for the first time outside of the Amazon Basin, in Ceará State. Parasitological and entomological evidence suggests that the Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis/Ps. wellcomei zoonosis is widespread on the Brazilian Shield.


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The males of the sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis occur in two forms, one which bears a single pair of pale spots on tergite 4 and another in which an additional pair of spots characterizes tergite 3. In crosses between laboratory reared stocks of the two forms originating from allopatric and sympatric sites in Brazil nearly all males of one form fail to inseminate females of the other. In addition, insemination failure between some allopatric populaytions of Lu. longipalpis with similar tergal spot patterns is recorded, indicating the existence of additional forms in an apparent species complex. The possibility that Lu. longipalpis sensu latu represents more than a single taxon is discussed and the relevance of these findings to future epidemiological studies on kala-azar is considered.


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In the second half of 1980, 112 (or ca. 16%) of the inhabitants of the new settlement of São José, city of Manaus, contracted cutaneous leishmaniasis whilst clearing their properties of terra firme rainforest. With the aid of SUCAM, the authors carried out a pilot study to investigate the feasibility of reducing populations of Lutzomyia umbratilis, the local silvatic vector of Leishmania braziliensis guyanensis, by spraying insecticide on its favoured diurnal resting sites, the bases of the larger forest trees. Most manvector contact is at these resting sites and, therefore, it was encouraging to record a marked reduction of the tree-base populations of L. umbratilis for 21 days following just one application of D.D.T. emulsion in an area 200m square. Most of the treated trunks were not occupied by L. umbratilis for at least eleven months. Suggestions for extending the pilot study are made, and the need for collaboration with a clinical team is emphasized. Leishmania b. guyanensis is the aetiological agent of [quot ]pain bois[quot ], which is hyperendemic from French Guiana to central Amazônia. In the absence of proven vaccines or methods of vector control, some simple methods for limiting transmission of Le. b. guyanensis to man are listed.


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Bajo condiciones experimentales, se estabelece el de desarrollo primario de Leishmania garnhami em su vector Lutzomyia townsendi, siguiendo disecciones diarias entre el Iro y 12mo dia post-imnfección. Se demuestra que L. garnhami puede lograr el estabelecimiento inicial de la infección en cualquiera de las regiones del intestino y en los túbulos de Malpighi del insecto vector. Un comportamiento similar fue observado en ejemplares de Lu. longipalpis. Se discute la susceptibilidad de Lu. townsendi a las infecciones por L. mexicana, L. braziliensis y L. garnhami. Se concluye que L. garnhami, a juzgar por su comportamiento en el vector, debe considerarse distinta a las especies del complejo L.mexicana y que su patrón de desarrollo difiere del de las especies de la Sección Suprapylaria, ya que invaden el triângulo pilórico, y del de la Peripylaria por su invasión a los túbulos de Malpighi.


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An aqueous solution of the latex of Euphorbia tirucalli collected at sites receiving large amounts of sunlight showed molluscicide action on Biomphalaria glabrata, with LD50 obtained at the concentration of 28,0 ppm and LD90 at the concentration of 85,0 ppm. The toxicity of the product for fish was similar to that of Bayluscide and of copper sulfate used for comparison. However, the wide distribution of the plant, its easy propagation and the simple procedure for extraction of the active substance, which is biodegradable, favor "avelós" as a promising agent in the control of schistosomiasis.


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Dos flebótomos atraídos pelo Proechimys iheringi numa área onde esse roedor foi achado naturalmente infectado por Leishmania mexicana ssp., 98,1% foram Lutzomyia gasparviannai, o que sugere que essa espécie não antropofílica seja o transmissor entre os roedores mas não habitualmente ao homem.


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Infective stages of Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis, capable of producing amastigote infections in hamster skin, were shown to be present in the experimentally infected sandfly vector Lutzomyia flaviscutellata 15, 25, 40, 49, 70, 96 and 120 hours after the flies had received their infective blood-meal. Similarly, infective stages of Leishmania (L.) chagasi were demonstrated in the experimentally infected vector Lu. longipalpis examined 38, 50, 63, 87, 110, 135, 171 and 221 hours following the infective blood-meal, by the intraperitoneal inoculation of the flagellates into hamsters. The question of whether or not transmission by the bite of the sandfly is dependent on the presence of [quot ]metacyclic[quot ] promastigotes in the mouthparts of the vector is discussed.


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The taxonomic status of three Amazonian simuliid species, Simulium guianese Wise, S. oyapockense Floch & Abonnenc and S. yarzabali Ramirez Perez is reviewed. Simulium cuasisanguineum Ramirez Perez, Yarzabal & Peterson is synonymized with S. oyapockense, and S. yarzabali is revalidated from its synonymy with S. incrustatum Lutz. The role of these three species in the transmission of human onchocerciasis and mansonelliasis in Amazonia is reviewed.


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Saliva of blood-sucking arthropods contains substances that counteract the host's hemostatic and inflammatory reactions, allowing the arthropod to locate blood and keep it flowing during the blood meal. Parasites may manipulate this system in order to achieve increased transmission, both to vertebrate and to invertebrate hosts. Additionally, salivary pharmacological substances may locally immunosupress the delivery site, allowing initial colonization of the vertebrate host by the parasite.


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Staphylococcus aureus harbors redundant adhesins mediating tissue colonization and infection. To evaluate their intrinsic role outside of the staphylococcal background, a system was designed to express them in Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris 1363. This bacterium is devoid of virulence factors and has a known genetic background. A new Escherichia coli-L. lactis shuttle and expression vector was constructed for this purpose. First, the high-copy-number lactococcal plasmid pIL253 was equipped with the oriColE1 origin, generating pOri253 that could replicate in E. coli. Second, the lactococcal promoters P23 or P59 were inserted at one end of the pOri253 multicloning site. Gene expression was assessed by a luciferase reporter system. The plasmid carrying P23 (named pOri23) expressed luciferase constitutively at a level 10,000 times greater than did the P59-containing plasmid. Transcription was absent in E. coli. The staphylococcal clumping factor A (clfA) gene was cloned into pOri23 and used as a model system. Lactococci carrying pOri23-clfA produced an unaltered and functional 130-kDa ClfA protein attached to their cell walls. This was indicated both by the presence of the protein in Western blots of solubilized cell walls and by the ability of ClfA-positive lactococci to clump in the presence of plasma. ClfA-positive lactococci had clumping titers (titer of 4,112) similar to those of S. aureus Newman in soluble fibrinogen and bound equally well to solid-phase fibrinogen. These experiments provide a new way to study individual staphylococcal pathogenic factors and might complement both classical knockout mutagenesis and modern in vivo expression technology and signature tag mutagenesis.


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The algorithmic approach to data modelling has developed rapidly these last years, in particular methods based on data mining and machine learning have been used in a growing number of applications. These methods follow a data-driven methodology, aiming at providing the best possible generalization and predictive abilities instead of concentrating on the properties of the data model. One of the most successful groups of such methods is known as Support Vector algorithms. Following the fruitful developments in applying Support Vector algorithms to spatial data, this paper introduces a new extension of the traditional support vector regression (SVR) algorithm. This extension allows for the simultaneous modelling of environmental data at several spatial scales. The joint influence of environmental processes presenting different patterns at different scales is here learned automatically from data, providing the optimum mixture of short and large-scale models. The method is adaptive to the spatial scale of the data. With this advantage, it can provide efficient means to model local anomalies that may typically arise in situations at an early phase of an environmental emergency. However, the proposed approach still requires some prior knowledge on the possible existence of such short-scale patterns. This is a possible limitation of the method for its implementation in early warning systems. The purpose of this paper is to present the multi-scale SVR model and to illustrate its use with an application to the mapping of Cs137 activity given the measurements taken in the region of Briansk following the Chernobyl accident.


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The author studied some protective behaviors of Biomphalaria glabrata (vertical movements, response to molluscicides and response to water currents) and demonstrated how these activities hamper the control of this snail, which is the main vector of schistosomiasis in Brazil.


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Comparision by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of Trypanosoma cruzi flagellates attached to the cuticle of the rectal gland of infected Dipetalogaster maxima nymphs, showed marked differences before amd after feeding. Before feeding numerous metacyclic trypomastigotes were observed among the abundant epimastigotes that formed the carpet of flagellates. On the other hand, in insects that were allowed to urinate for 24 hours after a meal, the metacyclics were scarce,indicating that they had been detached by the urine flow. An asymetric type of cell division, probably originating both an epi-and a trypomastigote, was occasionally observed. The occurrence of swellings at different levels of the flagella of epimastigotes suggests that secondary sites of attachment may be common.