996 resultados para Lehner, Erich


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Large-scale estimates of the area of terrestrial surface waters have greatly improved over time, in particular through the development of multi-satellite methodologies, but the generally coarse spatial resolution (tens of kms) of global observations is still inadequate for many ecological applications. The goal of this study is to introduce a new, globally applicable downscaling method and to demonstrate its applicability to derive fine resolution results from coarse global inundation estimates. The downscaling procedure predicts the location of surface water cover with an inundation probability map that was generated by bagged derision trees using globally available topographic and hydrographic information from the SRTM-derived HydroSHEDS database and trained on the wetland extent of the GLC2000 global land cover map. We applied the downscaling technique to the Global Inundation Extent from Multi-Satellites (GIEMS) dataset to produce a new high-resolution inundation map at a pixel size of 15 arc-seconds, termed GIEMS-D15. GIEMS-D15 represents three states of land surface inundation extents: mean annual minimum (total area, 6.5 x 10(6) km(2)), mean annual maximum (12.1 x 10(6) km(2)), and long-term maximum (173 x 10(6) km(2)); the latter depicts the largest surface water area of any global map to date. While the accuracy of GIEMS-D15 reflects distribution errors introduced by the downscaling process as well as errors from the original satellite estimates, overall accuracy is good yet spatially variable. A comparison against regional wetland cover maps generated by independent observations shows that the results adequately represent large floodplains and wetlands. GIEMS-D15 offers a higher resolution delineation of inundated areas than previously available for the assessment of global freshwater resources and the study of large floodplain and wetland ecosystems. The technique of applying inundation probabilities also allows for coupling with coarse-scale hydro-climatological model simulations. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.


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We set up the theory of newforms of half-integral weight on Gamma(0)(8N) and Gamma(0)(16N), where N is odd and squarefree. Further, we extend the definition of the Kohnen plus space in general for trivial character and also study the theory of newforms in the plus spaces on Gamma(0)(8N), Gamma(0)(16N), where N is odd and squarefree. Finally, we show that the Atkin-Lehner W-operator W-4 acts as the identity operator on S-2k(new)(4N), where N is odd and squarefree. This proves that S-2k(-)(4) = S-2k(4).


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Raquel Merino Álvarez, José Miguel Santamaría, Eterio Pajares (eds.)


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O trabalho analisa, na obra Grande Sertão: Veredas de João Guimarães Rosa (1956), elementos discursivos indicadores de um modo de narrar que ficcionaliza, tanto na forma quanto no teor de sua mensagem, manifestações do sagrado originárias da Antiguidade grega e da tradição judaico-cristã. A partir da analogia entre a obra de Guimarães Rosa e a Odisseia de Homero, tornam-se evidentes vestígios do épico e de modelos clássicos de narrativa que, revestidos do peculiar trabalho da linguagem rosiana, adensam a complexidade do romance. O paralelismo com as Sagradas Escrituras, mais difuso, projeta as ações num patamar dramático, em que se decidem o destino das personagens e a solenidade do discurso memorável. A fundamentação teórica articula o pensamento de Erich Auerbach, André Jolles, Rudolf Otto e também de estudiosos que se dedicaram à obra do autor mineiro, como Kathrin Rosenfield. Esse recorte mostrou a presença do sagrado em microcélulas entretecidas ao emaranhado de histórias e causos que costuram a obra prima de Rosa. A cicatriz da Tatarana alude à cicatriz de Ulisses, sinal revelador da identidade do herói grego e que, no caso do jagunço Riobaldo, desoculta um amor negado por meio da purgação do passado, elaborada numa conversa "unilateral com um suposto interlocutor. Em linguagem mítica e mágica, a figura nebulosa de Diadorim funciona como índice de ambiguidade e, ao mesmo tempo, da revelação alcançada através da morte. A pesquisa, por seu turno, segue as veredas abertas pelo estudo de Tereza Virgínia Ribeiro Barbosa a respeito das mulheres vestidas de sol, metáfora relacionada a Medeia, mas que se projeta na Virgem Maria e numa linhagem de figuras femininas da América Latina ligadas ao sagrado. Verificamos, na perspectiva das transferências culturais do tipo passado místico-mistérico/posteridade fabular, que o discurso de Riobaldo é atravessado por micronarrativas de longa tradição que sincretizam diferentes símbolos exotéricos. O trabalho encerra sua investigação desvendando a dualidade do sertão rosiano, onde impera o embate entre fé e ceticismo, a dúvida e a razão, o amor e o ódio, o masculino e o feminino, que resulta no inacabado, na travessia, a vida como metáfora, no campo das infinitas possibilidades do homem humano


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Background: The rising temperature of the world’s oceans has become a major threat to coral reefs globally as the severity and frequency of mass coral bleaching and mortality events increase. In 2005, high ocean temperatures in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean resulted in the most severe bleaching event ever recorded in the basin. Methodology/Principal Findings: Satellite-based tools provided warnings for coral reef managers and scientists, guiding both the timing and location of researchers’ field observations as anomalously warm conditions developed and spread across the greater Caribbean region from June to October 2005. Field surveys of bleaching and mortality exceeded prior efforts in detail and extent, and provided a new standard for documenting the effects of bleaching and for testing nowcast and forecast products. Collaborators from 22 countries undertook the most comprehensive documentation of basin-scale bleaching to date and found that over 80% of corals bleached and over 40% died at many sites. The most severe bleaching coincided with waters nearest a western Atlantic warm pool that was centered off the northern end of the Lesser Antilles. Conclusions/Significance: Thermal stress during the 2005 event exceeded any observed from the Caribbean in the prior 20 years, and regionally-averaged temperatures were the warmest in over 150 years. Comparison of satellite data against field surveys demonstrated a significant predictive relationship between accumulated heat stress (measured using NOAA Coral Reef Watch’s Degree Heating Weeks) and bleaching intensity. This severe, widespread bleaching and mortality will undoubtedly have long-term consequences for reef ecosystems and suggests a troubled future for tropical marine ecosystems under a warming climate


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Sea turtles are subjected to involuntary submergence and potential mortality due to incidental capture by the commercial shrimp fishing industry. Despite implementation of turtle excluder devices (TEDs) to reduce at-sea mortality, dead stranded turtles continue to be found in near-record numbers along the coasts of the western Atlantic Ocean and northern Gulf of Mexico. Although this mortality may be due to an increase in the number of turtles available to strand, one alternative explanation is that sea turtles are repetitively submerged (as one fishing vessel follows the path of another) in legal TEDs. In the present study, laboratory and field investigations were undertaken to examine the physiological effects of multiple submergence of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). Turtles in the laboratory study were confined during the submersion episodes, whereas under field conditions, turtles were released directly into TED-equipped commercial fishing nets. Under laboratory and field conditions, pre- and postsubmergence blood samples were collected from turtles submerged three times at 7.5 min per episode with an in-water rest interval of 10, 42, or 180 min between submergences. Analyses of pre- and postsubmergence blood samples revealed that the initial submergence produced a severe and pronounced metabolic and respiratory acidosis in all turtles. Successive submergences produced significant changes in blood pH, Pco2, and lactate, although the magnitude of the acid-base imbalance was substantially reduced as the number of submergences increased. In addition, increasing the interval between successive submergences permitted greater recovery of blood homeostasis. No turtles died during these studies. Taken together, these data suggest that repetitive sub-mergence of sea turtles in TEDs would not significantly affect their survival potential provided that the animal has an adequate rest interval at the surface between successive submergences.


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水母雪莲(Saussurea medusa Maxim)为名贵珍稀中药材,其主要药用成分为类黄酮,尤其是3-脱氧类黄酮。目前关于雪莲的研究主要集中在采用细胞培养生产类黄酮等方面,但对于雪莲类黄酮生物合成的分子机制了解甚少,极大限制了这一珍贵资源的利用。本研究采用水母雪莲红色系愈伤组织及悬浮细胞为材料,构建cDNA文库,从中克隆水母雪莲类黄酮次生代谢中的相关基因并对这些基因进行了深入的生物信息学分析、转基因研究初步确定其功能,以期了解雪莲类黄酮次生代谢的分子机制,为提高类黄酮的合成奠定基础。主要结果如下: 1. 成功地构建了水母雪莲红色系愈伤组织与悬浮细胞cDNA文库,原始文库滴度达到4×106pfu/ml,扩增文库滴度接近1011 pfu/ml,重组率达98%。PCR检测插入片段,均在0.5kb到3kb之间,1kb以上占62%。从文库中检测到了chs、dfr及Myb转录因子SmP,文库覆盖度达到要求且为PCR筛选文库提供了可能。 2. 采用部分简并引物,通过RT-PCR克隆了水母雪莲查尔酮异构酶基因Smchi特异探针,并根据这一探针序列设计特异引物,采用TD-PCR法筛选cDNA文库,获得Smchi cDNA序列,全长831bp,编码一个232氨基酸残基的蛋白。根据cDNA序列克隆了Smchi DNA序列,结果表明Smchi基因无内含子。Smchi cDNA序列与翠菊chi基因高度同源,ORF区域同源性高达84%,但推测氨基酸序列则只有79.3%。Smchi mRNA具有复杂的二级结构。SmCHI具有典型的Chalcone结构域,其二级结构与苜蓿CHI蛋白十分相似,7个α-螺旋与8个延伸链由随机结构联系起来。但其活性中心的第三个关键氨基酸残基N115为M115所取代,这一取代可能导致该蛋白无生物活性,也可能使它具有一般CHI不同的功能。构建Smchi正义、反义真核表达载体,通过农杆菌介导导入烟草,获得转正义、反义Smchi基因的烟草。转基因烟草花色未改变,但叶片总黄酮发生了显著的变化,50%转正义基因烟草总黄酮含量显著提高,最高比对照提高6倍,70%转反义基因烟草总黄酮含量显著下降,最多达85.1%,初步证明Smchi具有功能,并能有效调控烟草类黄酮次生代谢。因此,SmCHI可能是不同于已知CHI的一类新的CHI蛋白,它催化的反应可能与花色素合成无关,其反应机制也可能有所不同。 3. 伴随Smchi的克隆获得了一个黄烷酮3-羟化酶类似基因Smf3h的cDNA,全长1334bp,编码一个343aa的蛋白。根据这一cDNA序列克隆了Smf3h DNA序列,全长1630bp,结果表明该基因由4个外显子和3个内含子组成。Smf3h mRNA具有十分复杂的二级结构。 推测蛋白氨基酸同源性分析表明,SmF3H属于2OG-FeII_Oxy家族,与同一家族的的颠茄H6H的同源性为45%,与拟南芥F3H的同源性为40%,但对SmF3H、典型F3H及典型H6H推测蛋白二级结构、活性中心关键氨基酸残基的位置与相对距离、软件进行功能预测分析,发现SmF3H与F3H更相似。构建Smf3h的正义与反义真核表达载体,通过农杆菌介导导入烟草,但只获得一批转正义基因的烟草,反义基因导致烟草不能再生而未获得转反义基因烟草。转基因烟草花色未改变,叶片总黄酮也与对照相似,初步确认Smf3h与烟草类黄酮生物合成无关,而是一个既不属于f3h也不属于h6h的功能未确定的新基因。 4. 采用与克隆Smchi基因相似的方法,从cDNA文库中克隆了SmP基因cDNA,全长969bp,编码一个256 aa的蛋白质。根据cDNA序列克隆了SmP基因的DNA序列,结果表明,SmP基因无内含子。SmP基因cDNA 一级结构及mRNA二级结构预测分析表明,该基因A+T含量很高(63%),所形成二级结构以A-T配对为主,其稳定性可能较差。SmP推测蛋白序列具有R2R3-Myb转录因子的典型特征,在N-端具有两个Myb DNA-binding Domain,其二级结构与鸡Myb转录因子1A5J十分相似,与其他基因如水稻OsMYB、番茄ThMYB的同源区域主要集中在这一结构域,分别为71.3%和70.8%;C-端富含丝氨酸,与烟草NtMYB、葡萄VlMYB等类黄酮调控因子相似,都呈寡聚体分布,并具有相同的保守磷酸化位点S170与S206。构建SmP基因真核表达载体,通过农杆菌介导导入烟草,获得大量转基因烟草。转基因烟草花色未发生改变,但51%的转基因烟草叶片总黄酮含量都显著提高(0.5-6倍),表明SmP具有促进烟草类黄酮生物合成的功能,但所调控的支路与花色素合成无关。初步试验结果表明,转SmP基因烟草对蚜虫具有很高的抗性,可有效地抑制蚜虫在烟草上的生长,抑制率最高可达92%-100%。这一抗性与烟草中类黄酮的积累可能具有直接的联系,但还需要进一步的试验证明。 5. 与美国俄亥俄州立大学Erich Grotewold 博士实验室合作,完成了微型EST库50个克隆的测序并进行了分析,从中获得了水母雪莲花色素合酶基因SmANS及醛脱氢酶基因SmALDH的特异探针。根据SmANS特异探针设计引物,采用PCR从这50个克隆中筛选获得了SmANS的cDNA序列,全长1229bp,编码一个356aa的蛋白质。SmANS在cDNA水平上与同属的翠菊ANS基因高度同源,但同源区域集中在ORF区域,达到80%,mRNA 预测二级结构十分复杂;推测氨基酸序列与翠菊ANS同源性达到82.9%。SmANS属于2OG-FeII_Oxy家族,在2OG-FeII_Oxy结构域高度保守,与翠菊、甜橙ANS保守结构域同源性达到94%。预测蛋白二级结构以α-螺旋-β-折叠为主,由7个主螺旋和11个主β-折叠及随机结构连接而成,并具有2OG-FeII_Oxy家族活性中心的三个保守的组氨酸残基(His84、His235、His291)和一个天冬氨酸残基(Asp237)。 6. 根据微型EST库中获得的SmALDH特异探针设计引物,采用PCR从这50个克隆中筛选获得了SmALDH基因cDNA 序列,全长1664bp,编码一个491aa的蛋白质。SmALDH基因cDNA具有独特的碱基组成,3/-UTR富含A+T,占该区域碱基总量的80%,5/-UTR的A+T和G+C各占50%,比ORF区域(52%)还低,因此其mRNA二级结构中5/-UTR可以单独形成自身二级结构并且十分稳定,这可能影响基因的表达。这一现象在水稻、玉米等植物中也存在。SmALDH在cDNA水平上在ORF区域与拟南芥、藏红花、水稻等具有较高同源性,分别为64.03%、63.89%、63.72%,但在推测蛋白氨基酸序列水平上同源性反而较低,分别为54.9%、54.3%、54.0%。SmALDH缺少线粒体定位信号,为胞质醛脱氢酶,具有一个Aldedh 保守结构域,还具有与1OF7-H相似的以α-螺旋-β-折叠为主的二级结构,由10个主螺旋和15个主β-折叠及随机结构连接而成。由于ALDH在植物细胞乙醇发酵中具有解除醛类物质毒害的功能,因此SmALDH基因的克隆为改造细胞自身以适应发酵培养条件,解决水母雪莲细胞大规模培养中需氧问题提供了可能。


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Light traps and channel nets are fixed-position devices that involve active and passive sampling, respectively, in the collection of settlement-stage larvae of coral-reef fishes. We compared the abundance, taxonomic composition, and size of such larvae caught by each device deployed simultaneously near two sites that differed substantially in current velocity. Light traps were more selective taxonomically, and the two sampling devices differed significantly in the abundance but not size of taxa caught. Most importantly, light traps and channel nets differed greatly in their catch efficiency between sites: light traps were ineffective in collecting larvae at the relatively high-current site, and channel nets were less efficient in collecting larvae at the low-current site. Use of only one of these sampling methods would clearly result in biased and inaccurate estimates of the spatial variation in larval abundance among locations that differ in current velocity. When selecting a larval sampling device, one must consider not only how well a particular taxon may be represented, but also the environmental conditions under which the device will be deployed.


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Barbara Hanning points out in her book Concise History of Western Music, that "Twentieth-century American music was in large measure an extension of European music" (Hanning 1998, 515). My dissertation/perforrnance project features cello works written by three contemporary composers who lived in America but were connected to the European heritage in different ways; each contributed significantly to the development of American classical concert life, music education, and even popular culture. Programs of my performances are intended to illustrate their unique compositional styles. The first recital consists of five cello compositions of Massachusetts-born Arthur Foote (1853 - 1937): Drei Stucke fur Pianoforte und Violoncello, Op. 1; Scherzo, Op.22; Romanza, Op.33; Aubade, Op.77; and Sonata for Violoncello and Piano, Op.78. Foote was influenced by the German-trained John Knowles Paine at Harvard University; he composed music famous for its extensive chromaticism in both harmony and melodic line, and for clearly-defined formal structure. The second recital explores the music of Swiss-American composer Ernest Bloch (1880-1959): a short Meditation Hebraique, a Suite No. I for Violoncello Solo and the famous rhapsody Schelomo. Born in Geneva, Switzerland, and settling in the United States in 1916, Bloch is a composer deeply influenced by the European late-Romantic tradition and is also well-known for employing "Hebraic" elements into his works. The final performance comprises two other of Bloch's cello works and one cello concerto by the Austrian-American composer, Erich Wolfgang Korngold (1897- 1957). Bloch's Voice in the Wilderness is a symphonic poem for orchestra and cello (accompanied by piano in this performance), consisting of six movements performed without pause. His Suite No.3 for Cello Solo is shorter and has a simpler style than the first Suite. Korngold was recognized as a child prodigy in his native Austria. After a Nazi-induced exile, he immigrated to America and became a film music composer in Hollywood. The Cello Concerto was used in the movie "Deception" (1 946), for which Korngold provided the film score. The impassioned harmonic language and lavish melodic lines inherited from the high-romanticism make this work one of comparative discordant beauty among other compositions of his time.


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French chamber music in the last quarter of the nineteenth century displayed significant advances in musical innovations and technical developments. As the Parisian public began to favor instrumental music and mélodie over opera, vocal and chamber music with piano became one of the main genres to express French composers’ creativity and individuality. The composers Franck, Debussy, Fauré, Duparc, Ravel, Chausson and Poulenc were the major contributors to this unusually creative period in French music. French mélodies of this period blend precision with lyricism, and demand the performer’s elegance and wit. They show careful settings of the French language’s rhythmic subtleties and increased expressiveness in and importance of the piano accompaniment. The chamber works of this period demanded superior pianistic and instrumental virtuosity while displaying wide ranges of sonority, multiple tone colors, and rhythmic fluidity. The three recitals which comprise this dissertation project were performed at the University of Maryland Gildenhorn Recital Hall on 27 October 2006, All Nations Mission Church (Dayton, NJ) on 5 December 2009, and the Leah M. Smith Lecture Hall of the University of Maryland on 11 May 2010. The repertoire included Poulenc’s Sonata for Oboe and Piano (1962) with oboist Yeongsu Kim, French mélodies by Fauré, Chausson, Debussy, Ravel and Duparc with soprano Jung-A Lee and baritone Hyun-Oh Shin, Poulenc’s Sextet for Piano, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon and Horn (1932-1939) with flutist Katrina Smith, clarinetist Jihoon Chang, bassoonist Erich Heckscher, hornist Heidi Littman and oboist Yeongsu Kim, Debussy’s Sonata for Cello and Piano (1915) with cellist Ji-Sook Shin, Poulenc’s Sonata for Violin and Piano (1942-1949) with violinist Ji-Hee Lim, Franck’s Sonata for Violin and Piano (1886) with violinist Na-Young Cho, Ravel’s Piano Trio (1915) with cellist Ji-Sook Shin and violinist Yu-Jeong Lee and Ravel’s Sonata for Violin and Piano (1927) with violinist Yu-Jeong Lee. The recitals were recorded on compact discs and are archived within the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM).


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My dissertation explores the enabling contributions of love to the practice of ethico-political and cultural critique. Engaging with the work of Alain Badiou, Simone Weil, Erich Fromm, and Roland Barthes, I examine love in terms of the following modalities: waiting, giving, and looking. I place the aforementioned thinkers in dialogue with selected literary and cinematic texts to explicate and interrogate the meaningful possibilities of their discourse on love. In my chapter on Alain Badiou, I discuss his ontology, which I draw upon heavily to set the theoretical parameters of my study. I also discuss the logic of love that he develops in his philosophy. Speaking to the problem of pre-Evental agency that critics of his work identify, I suggest that waiting as attention, as theorized by Simone Weil, might be the closest form of agency that a pre-Evental (amorous) being can experience. In my discussion of Erich Fromm, I reevaluate his “art of loving” within the constellation of late capitalism. Reading his work through a Lacanian lens, I explore the utility of his prescriptions by examining Chuck Palahniuk’s controversial novel Fight Club. In my chapter on Roland Barthes, I theorize the possibility of cinematic looking that does not depend on the antagonism inherent in the binaries masculine/ feminine and (Gazing) spectator/ (to-be-looked-at) image. Towards this objective, I propose the “amorous look,” a mode of viewing occasioned by cinematic punctual encounters, that I contend is beyond the domain of desire and perversion. I deploy the “amorous look” as I reflect on Aureus Solito’s film Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Olivares (The Blossoming of Maximo Olivares) and its representations of love and waiting.


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We present ultraviolet and optical spectra of DI 1388, a young star in the Magellanic Bridge, a region of gas between the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. The data have signal-to-noise ratios of 20-45 and a spectral resolution of 6.5 km s-1. Interstellar absorption by the Magellanic Bridge at vLSR~200 km s-1 is visible in the lines of C I, C II, C II*, C IV, N I, O I, Al II, Si II, Si III, Si IV, S II, Ca II, Fe II, and Ni II. The relative gas-phase abundances of C II, N I, O I, Al II, Si II, Fe II, and Ni II with respect to S II are similar to those found in Galactic halo clouds, despite a significantly lower metallicity in the Magellanic Bridge. The higher ionization species in the cloud have a column density ratio N(C+3)/N(Si+3)~1.9, similar to that inferred for collisionally ionized Galactic cloud interfaces at temperatures ~105 K. We identify substructure in the stronger interstellar lines, with a broad component (FWHM~20 km s-1) at ~179 km s-1 and a sharp component (FWHM~11 km s-1) at 198 km s-1. The abundance analysis for these clouds indicates that the feature at 198 km s-1 consists of a low electron density, mainly neutral gas that may be associated with an interface responsible for the highly ionized gas. The 179 km s-1 cloud consists of warmer, lower density gas that is partially ionized.