1000 resultados para La structure du ribosome tertiaire
Some land and freshwater mollusks (Gastropoda, Pelecypoda) from three middle Miocene localities: Pêro Filho, Póvoa de Santarém, Sítio do Mirante, all in Ribatejo province, Portugal, are summarily studied. On a systematical viewpoint it has been shown (see also Tableau): - the presence of the genus Janulus, whose species only survive now at Madeira and Canary's islands; - the presence of "Helix" cotteri that may indeed belong in the genus Megalotachea, common in western Europe since "Helvetian" to Messinian times; - Limax, Testacella, Acroloxus and Pseudamnicola are quoted for the first time in portuguese tertiary formations; Ferrisia has been identified for the first time in Iberian Peninsule; - the presence of other forms previously quoted by ANTUNES & ZBYSZEWSKI (1973), is confirmed: Bithynia, Theodoxus, Pisidium. Such faunules are compatible with a middle Miocene age. On a paleobiogeographical viewpoint, some forms suggest mediterranean affinities. Fossil associations do correspond ecologically to either palustrine or stagnant, calm and shallow water conditions (Sítio do Mirante, and essentially also Póvoa de Santarém), or to fluviatile conditions (Pêro Filho).
The study of Cyprinid fish pharyngeal teeth, collected by M. Telles Antunes in continental "Helvetian" sediments from Póvoa de Santarém, makes possible to demonstrate the occurrence of two distinct species. One remains undetermined. The other belongs to the recent genus Leuciscus CUV. Several dental types of this genus are described and figured as Leuciscus antunesi nov. sp. Palaeoclimatical and palaeoecological interpretations are proposed.
This study on middle Miocene mammalian faunas from Tagus'basin deals particularly with some small mammals hitherto undescribed from Portugal, including a new Glirid (Paraglirulus scalabicensis nov. sp.); it allows an accurate datation by biostratigraphical standards, Megacricetodon crusafonti, Fahlbuschia darocensis, Cricetodon jotae being characteristic of mammalian MN6 unit, thus their age is nearly that of Sansan and Manchones (however the presence of Peridyromys hamadryas and Lagopsis verus do suggest, amidst this biozone, a somewhat later age than Sansan's); it contributes with indirect correlation data with marine formations, as underlying oyster-bearing beds most probably are in correspondance to the apogee of the same transgression that deposed near Lisbon ”schlier" facies from VI-a division (Serravalian, Blow's zones 10-13, Globorotalia meyeri zone); the diversity of mammalian assemblages is surely related to an environement with varied biotopes, whose characterisation becomes easier if account is taken of the preceding papers on mollusks (G. Truc) and Cyprinid fishes (J. Gaudant), and also according to some unpublished paleobotanical data (J. Pais). A table with a synthesis of all paleontological data so far known is presented.
In Portugal, the Mesozoic lower part is principally composed of conglomeratic, arenitic and pelitic deposits, which are here and there associated with carbonates rocks and evaporites. The Germanic Triassic succession is not observed. The Muschelkalk facies do not exist. Carbonates formation, and some thick evaporites deposits (Keuper facies) are of early Jurassic in age. The thick red beds accumulations deposited in a continental environment are Triassic. In Coimbra area the oldest palynomorphs found are Camian-Norian. In South Portugal (Algarve), the triassic serie must be more complete with a lower Triassic rich in Stegocephales bone-beds.
A new species, Pokornyella lusitanica (Ostracoda), from the Lower Miocene (Aquitanian) of the Lisbon area, is described. Some palaeoecological data are presented.
This study on middle Miocene Charophytes from the Tagus' basin indicates the presence of two species, hitherto undescribed from these strata in Portugal. Correlation diagrams of height and width of gyrogonite demonstrate that the populations of Nitellopsis (Tectochara) etrusca from the localities Póvoa de Santarém and Pêro Filho are identical to that from La Grenatière (Hérault, France), The population of Lychnothamnus duplicicarinatus from Tremês is identical to that already known from Anwill (Switzerland). The age of this flora is therefore suggested as being the upper part of the middle Miocene. The results of Charophyte studies are in accordance with stratigraphical conclusions from previously conducted mammalian studies (Antunes and Mein). A table showing the distribution of species in the three portuguese localities is given.
The lignite-clays of Póvoa de Santarém dated as Upper «Vindobonian» (mammalian zone MN6), fielded abundant remains of animals and plants (spores, pollens, seeds, etc.). The forms identified are indicative of several environments. Plants, either aquatic or belonging to swampy areas are predominant (Nuphar sp., Sparganium sp., Stratiotes kaltennordheimensis, cf. Ranunculus sp.). There are also remains of plants characteristiques of a humid rather than a swampy soil such as Polypodiaceae, Myrica ceriferiformis, Toddalia maii, Spirematospermum wetzeleri. The genera Vitis and Ephedra, although rare, point fowards the existence of drier regions in the neighbourhood. The presence of polens such as Picea indicate the presence at some distance less warm upland forest areas.
En lisant cet extrait de journal qui ouvre le livre « Le Sacrifice humain en Grèce ancienne » de Pierre Bonnechère, on peut se rendre compte que l’homme a toujours éprouvé, face au sacrifice humain, une sorte de mélange entre horreur, mystère et attraction, une « fascination étrange » 1 qui a amené les intellectuels, les écrivains et les artistes du monde entier à chercher à comprendre comment et pourquoi, hier comme aujourd’hui, le sacrifice humain continue à être une composante des pratiques rituelles des différents cultes, religieux ou pas, puisqu’il existe toujours des réminiscences de ces pratiques.
Les yeux et les masques sont prévalents dans les oeuvres du peintre chinois contemporain Zeng Fanzhi (né en 1964), comme métaphore du jeu de pouvoir qui oppose les individus à l’appareil social et politique. Son oeuvre La Cène, d’après Leonard de Vinci, est un exemple frappant de cette préoccupation. Cet essai examine l’utilisation par l’artiste de cette représentation occidentale d’une crise morale (une trahison qui mène à la mort du Christ) pour exprimer la dystopie qui marque la Chine contemporaine. L’interprétation par Zeng de l’oeuvre de Vinci témoigne d’une compréhension profonde de sa signification à la Renaissance comme conflit entre le pouvoir terrestre et spirituel, auquel il surimpose la fonction du banquet dans la culture chinoise comme lieu de lutte politique. Un nihilisme détaché imprègne ce travail, à l’instar de l’interprétation métaphorique du banquet de Platon par Søren Kierkegaard, In Vino Veritas.