952 resultados para L62 - Automobiles


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El projecte pretén estudiar i quantificar les restriccions creades al fluid en circular pels conductes d’admissió i escapament de la culata del motor del vehicle Àliga. L’estudi consta de quatre etapes: estudi de les restriccions actuals dels sistemes d’admissió i escapament; anàlisi dels resultats de la culata de sèrie i proposta de millores aplicables al model real; càlcul de les restriccions creades pels models millorats, i finalment, estudi comparatiu dels resultats obtinguts, interpretant els resultats dels principals paràmetres a analitzar


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El projecte és l’inici de la creació d’un nou prototip per a poder competir la temporada 2008 a la cursa de vehicles de baix consum Shell Eco-Marathon. El principal objectiu és aconseguir un xassís que redueixi, en la mesura del possible, el pes del prototip a la vegada que asseguri una millor rigidesa i millori l’ergonomia de tot el conjunt. Es dissenyarà tota la part estructural de la carrosseria, que serà sotmesa a càlcul mitjançant la tècnica dels elements finits i posteriorment es realitzarà una guia de producció per tal de guiar els membres de l’equip que en realitzin la producció


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L’objecte d’aquest projecte és dissenyar un Renault R26 de Fórmula 1 a escala 1/5 capaç de córrer i realitzar les accions pròpies d’un cotxe, de forma teledirigida. La carrosseria, el tipus de suspensions i xassís seran el més semblant possible al cotxe real i estarà propulsat amb un motor de combustió interna de 2 temps


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Recent advancement in wireless communication technologies and automobiles have enabled the evolution of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) which addresses various vehicular traffic issues like traffic congestion, information dissemination, accident etc. Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) a distinctive class of Mobile ad-hoc Network (MANET) is an integral component of ITS in which moving vehicles are connected and communicate wirelessly. Wireless communication technologies play a vital role in supporting both Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication in VANET. This paper surveys some of the key vehicular wireless access technology standards such as 802.11p, P1609 protocols, Cellular System, CALM, MBWA, WiMAX, Microwave, Bluetooth and ZigBee which served as a base for supporting both Safety and Non Safety applications. It also analyses and compares the wireless standards using various parameters such as bandwidth, ease of use, upfront cost, maintenance, accessibility, signal coverage, signal interference and security. Finally, it discusses some of the issues associated with the interoperability among those protocols.


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The rise in international markets of new, productive Japanese car manufacturers provoked intense world competition, which created serious doubts about the economic sustainability of an industry mostly dominated until the 1970s by European and North-American multinational companies. Ultimately, this crisis provoked a deep transformation of the industry, with consequences that had a permanent impact on European companies in the sector. American and later European manufacturers were successful in lobbying governments to provide protection. Using a rich source of data from the UK, I show that the ‘new trade policy’, voluntary export restraint (VER), placed on Japanese exports of new cars from 1977 to December 1999, was binding. This case study illustrates the strategies used by Japanese manufacturers to gain access to the European market through the UK market via strategic alliances and later through transplant production, against which continental European nation states were unable to fully insulate themselves. It is also shown that the policy had a profound effect on the nature of Japanese products, as Japanese firms responded to the quantity restraints by radically altering the product characteristics of their automobiles and shifting towards larger autos and new goods, to maximise their profits subject to the binding constraint.


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Computer modeling and simulation provide a foundation upon which industrial processes and systems can be transformed and innovation dramatically accelerated. Computer modeling and simulation is also an indispensable tool of the information age, used extensively in design, analysis, operations, decision-making, optimization, and education and training. Manufacturing, production and design relies upon simulation to develop efficient production systems and factories that produce quality products. Simulation in industry has yet to meet its full potential. The development of models is very time consuming, particularly for geometries of complex engineering systems such as manufacturing plants, automobiles, aircraft and ships. Computer simulation allows scientists and engineers to understand and predict three-dimensional and time-dependent phenomena in science and engineering discipline. This talk will focus on challenges associated with modeling and simulation in the manufacturing sector and through a number of case studies highlight the benefits gained through the use of such technologies.


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The development of a new automotive wheel requires extensive testing and possible design changes. The wheel investigated had three major changes during development. These three designs were subjected to a stress analysis, by experimental methods, to allow a comparison to be made between each design. The experimental program tested the wheels under conditions designed to simulate the loading of the front wheels whilst cornering. A loading frame was built for this purpose and all testing was performed statically by multiple loading for different directions of bending moment. Brittle lacquer coatings were used on each wheel to highlight high strain areas and indicate optimum locations for the placement of strain gauges. The strain gauges were then used to evaluate the strains. Wheel stud loads were also monitored via strain gauges applied to two of the wheel studs. All data was stored on magnetic tapes and the stress analysis performed by means of a minicomputer. The results of the stress analysis showed quantitatively the improvement in design from the first to the third wheel design. The analysis of the stud loads and their variation during loading indicated the optimum wheel mounting face geometry to ensure nut loosening would not occur in service.


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This research details methods to improve upon current worst-case message response time analysis of CAN networks. Also, through the development of a CAN network model, and using modern simulation software, methods were shown to provide more realistic analyses of both sporadic and periodic messages on CAN networks prior to implementation.


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The thesis focusses on improving the material behaviour models used in vehicle crash simulations by identifying the mechanical properties most important to crash events, reformulating the material models used in crash simulations, and developing new tests to obtain crash-relevant material.


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A metal/polymer laminate is a new light weight sheet material suitable to replace conventional steel or aluminium sheet in future car designs. In this study the effect of material composition and process conditions on the forming behaviour of metal/polymer laminates in sheet metal forming was investigated by experimental, analytical and numerical methods.


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This study presents an innovative finite element delamination model which successfully reproduced the experimental failure behaviour observed in axial crush testing. Tests were conducted on tubes manufactured by a novel composite curing process, resulting in the ability to cure tubular profiles in 7 minutes - 95% quicker than traditional autoclave curing.


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With the introduction of ultra high strength materials and new forming techniques the feasibility process to produce a manufacturable component is extremely difficult. The aim of this thesis was to develop a set of 'design windows' and 'guidelines' for designers and stamping engineers to reference in the initial design phase.


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This thesis investigated the cracking and distortion of water jackets in engine blocks. The Taguchi method was utilized to improve production process and in doing so, reducing the scrap of water jacket cores by over 60%. Further, by altering core material and pouring temperature, casting distortion was improved.


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This thesis investigated the surface finish of rapidly cured composites for automotive body panels. Findings showed that curing composites with rapid heating rates increased surface roughness, although it improved paint adhesion to the substrate. This thesis also highlighted the need for surface barriers to reduce fibre print through during aging.