887 resultados para Korean cinema


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O ensino da ética é necessário à formação dos alunos do curso de Medicina, pois o cuidado da saúde dos indivíduos e das populações pressupõe ações e decisões que devem ser permanentemente avaliadas de modo racional com respeito às suas reais e efetivas repercussões. As artes cinematográficas podem estimular a avaliação crítica e o entendimento efetivo das narrativas e necessidades únicas dos pacientes. O objetivo do presente estudo é mostrar que a análise estruturada de um filme comercial pode constituir uma atividade instrucional facilitadora para a concretização de objetivos educacionais relativos ao ensino da bioética e, em particular, dos problemas morais concernentes à eutanásia. Foi realizada uma interpretação macro e microanalítica do filme Mar Adentro e identificaram-se exemplos de situações e oportunidades de ensino-aprendizagem. O critério de seleção das cenas se pautou na capacidade de estas revelarem conteúdos e situações que possam estimular uma reflexão acerca dos dilemas morais/bioéticos relativos ao direito à vida. A exibição de um filme seguida da discussão de cenas pode ser utilizada como instrumento pedagógico significante para atingir objetivos educacionais humanísticos dos currículos dos cursos de Medicina.


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As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Medicina apontam a valorização do papel das Humanidades na formação médica, visando ao estabelecimento de uma relação médico-paciente pautada no cuidado e no respeito ao outro. Para atingir tais objetivos, é necessário que o estudante tenha oportunidade de apreender os conceitos de bioética ao longo de sua graduação, de forma que estes funcionem como ferramentas teóricas para tomadas de decisão ligadas às questões morais que porventura ocorram em sua vida profissional. Entre as possíveis estratégias metodológicas que despontam para o ensino-aprendizagem em bioética, o cinema emerge como uma eficaz alternativa, porque recria, nas telas, situações bem próximas da realidade. Estas podem provocar emoções e pensamentos capazes de deflagrar uma reflexão sobre questões morais e permitir a formação de juízos, habituando o aprendiz a utilizar o arco prática-teoria-prática na resolução de seus problemas. Este artigo apresenta ponderações acerca do uso pedagógico do cinema para tratar questões ligadas à bioética nos cursos de graduação em Medicina.


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Poliittinen tilanne Korean niemimaalla on ollut kireä Korean sodan päättymisestä saakka. Sota päättyi aseleposopimukseen, eikä rauhansopimusta sodan osapuolten Yhdysvaltain, Etelä- ja Pohjois-Korean välillä ole allekirjoitettu. Tämän seurauksena Pohjois-Korea on militarisoinut yhteiskuntaansa 1960-luvulta alkaen ja kehittänyt sotilaallista iskukykyään mahdollista uutta sotaa varten. Sotilaallisen iskukyvyn kehittämisen painopiste on ollut ballististen ohjusten ja ydinaseiden kehittämisessä. Tutkimuksen tehtävänä on selvittää päätutkimuskysymyksen avulla, millainen Pohjois-Korean ydinasedoktriini on Kylmän sodan ydinaseteorioiden näkökulmasta. Alatutkimuskysymysten avulla selvitetään, millainen on valtion iskukyky ydinasein, kyky suojautua ydinaseiskua vastaan sekä sen ydinaseen pelotevaikutus Kylmän sodan ydinaseteorioiden näkökulmasta. Lisäksi alatutkimuskysymysten avulla selvitetään, miksi Pohjois-Korea on kehittänyt ydinaseen. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena asiakirjatutkimuksena. Bernard Brodien, Herman Kahnin, Ferdinand Otto Mikschen ja Vasili Sokolovskin teorioita on käytetty Pohjois-Korean ydinaseen käyttömahdollisuuksien ja niistä syntyvän doktriinin analysointiin. Pohjois-Korean ydinaseen ominaisuuksia on tutkittu pääosin kansainväliseen politiikkaan sekä Pohjois-Korean Kansanarmeijaan keskittyneiden tutkimuslaitosten ja lehtien julkaisujen perusteella. Tutkimuksen perusteella Pohjois-Korean iskukyky ydinasein on rajallinen valtion ydinaseiden pienestä lukumäärästä sekä niiden kantoalustan, ballistisen ohjuksen, rajoitetusta kantamasta johtuen. Ydinaseidensa avulla Pohjois-Korea kykenee uhkaamaan konkreettisesti ainoastaan Etelä-Koreaa ja Japania. Vaikka ydinase lisää valtion sotilaallista iskukykyä, ovat valtion konventionaaliset joukot edelleen sen sotilaallisen iskukyvyn ydin. Ydinaseen merkittävin hyöty valtiolle on sen aiheuttama pelotevaikutus, jonka perustana on muiden valtioiden, erityisesti Yhdysvaltain, epävarmuus Pohjois-Korean ydinaseiden todellisesta iskukyvystä. Muiden valtioiden epävarmuutta Pohjois-Korea kykenee ylläpitämään militaristisen ja sulkeutuneen yhteiskuntansa avulla. Pohjois-Korealle tärkeintä on ydinaseen pelotevaikutuksen myötä valtion lisääntynyt poliittinen vaikutusvalta, ei sotilaallinen iskukyky. On epätodennäköistä, että valtio käyttää ydinasetta sotatilanteessa kuin äärimmäisessä hädässä, koska se poistaisi mahdollisuuden käyttää ydinasetta pelotteena ja neuvotteluvälineenä. Ydinaseen käyttö oikeuttaisi Yhdysvallat toteuttamaan vastaiskun ydinasein, mikä olisi tuhoisa Pohjois-Korealle.


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Teemanumero 1/2012: Arkisto.


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Kiina on voimakkaasti kasvava suurvalta, mikä uhkaa maailman voimakkainta suurvaltaa Yhdysvaltoja. Pohjois-Korea on keskeinen valtio Korean niemimaalla, jonka ydinaseohjel-man muodostamaan ongelmaan kulminoituvat sekä Kiinan että Yhdysvaltojen intressit. Ydinaseohjelma ei itsessään ole varsinainen uhka Kiinalle, vaan niitä ovat ydinaseohjelman aiheuttamat seuraukset, jotka näkyvät muun muassa Yhdysvaltojen ja Etelä-Korean välisen sotilasliiton varautumisessa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka Pohjois-Korean ydinaseohjelma uhkaa Kiinan suurvalta-asemaa Korean niemimaalla. Hegemoninen realismi on tutkimuksen teoreettinen näkökulma. Tiivistetysti hegemoninen realismi kuvaa maailmanpolitiikkaa suurvaltojen valtapyrkimyksien kautta. Tämä tutkimuk-sen tarkastelee aihetta Kiinan suurvalta-aseman näkökulmasta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on laadullinen tutkimus. Lähdeaineistoa analysoidaan sisällönanalyysillä tutkimuksen teoreetti-sesta näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen primäärilähteet ovat Yhdysvaltojen hallituksen ja Yhdys-valtalaisen strategian tutkimuslaitoksen tuottamia. Tutkimuksen pääluvut käsittelevät Pohjois-Korean ydinaseohjelmaa, Kiinan suurvalta-asemaa Korean niemimaalla sekä Pohjois-Korean ydinaseohjelman muodostamia uhkateki-jöitä Kiinalle. Pohjois-Korea säilyttää Kimin perhedynastian ja parantaa ulkopoliittista ase-maansa ydinaseohjelmansa avulla. Pohjois-Korean nostamat jännitteet vaikeuttavat Kiinan, Etelä-Korean sekä Yhdysvaltojen välistä yhteistyötä. Kiinan suurvalta-asema Korean niemi-maalla riippuu pääasiassa Pohjois-Koreasta ja Yhdysvalloista. Kiinan hegemoniastrategian pohjana on Pohjois-Korean tukeminen. Vakaampi Pohjois-Korea vahvistaisi Kiinan suurval-ta-asemaa Korean niemimaalla. Pohjois-Korean ydinaseohjelman jatkuminen ja epävakaa toiminta uhkaavat Kiinan suurvalta-asemaa erityisesti Yhdysvaltojen toimesta. Yhdysvalloil-la on voimakkaat intressit saada Pohjois-Korea luopumaan ydinaseohjelmastaan. Pohjois-Korean kokema uhka Yhdysvaltojen asevoimista ja Kiinan tuen muuttumisesta, voivat saada Pohjois-Korean aiheuttamaan konfliktin. Pohjois-Korean luottamus ydinaseohjelmaansa kasvaa Kiinan ja Yhdysvaltojen valtakamp-pailun voimistuessa, mikä lisää jännitteitä Korean niemimaalla. Hegemonisen realismin nä-kökulmasta Pohjois-Korean lisääntyvä epävakaus johtaa Yhdysvaltojen valta-aseman vahvis-tumiseen Korean niemimaalla. Pohjois-Korean ydinaseohjelman uhka Kiinan suurvalta-asemalle kasvaa, koska ydinaseohjelma lisää konfliktin riskiä ja hankaloittaa Kiinan kansain-välistä suurvalta-asemaa Pohjois-Korean tukijana. Konflikti Korean niemimaalla voi johtaa sotaan Pohjois-Korean ja sotilasliiton välillä, mikä heikentäisi Kiinan suurvalta-asemaa ja vahvistaisi Yhdysvaltojen johtoasemaa Kiinan suhteen.


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O artigo parte de uma simples constatação: é bastante insatisfatória, no presente estágio da pesquisa, a colocação do problema das relações entre imagens e palavras no universo fílmico. Trata-se, no entanto, de uma questão decisiva para a estética do cinema. Em geral, as análises feitas valorizam apenas a função das imagens na gênese e no desenvolvimento das significações. A hipótese de trabalho que se apresenta aqui, vem propor, ao contrário, uma abordagem do complexo sígnico constituído pela fusão indissolúvel dos dois recursos expressivos, que forma assim um meio de comunicação específico, original e absolutamente novo. Esse caráter inédito exige uma investigação minuciosa e urgente, conjugando-se perspectivas filosóficas, semióticas e propriamente cinematográficas.


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Este artigo pretende analisar as relações entre mito, violência e cinema. Queremos saber que suportes a narrativa fílmica oferece para que o público, ao ver um filme, possa criar e recriar sentidos, indo além dos valores reiterados pela estrutura fílmica. A escola seria um dos espaços para que a literatura, as artes em geral, e o cinema em particular, germinassem as possibilidades de alunos e professores transformarem-se em "sujeitos imaginantes", produtores e não apenas reprodutores de sentidos.


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This thesis is intended to contribute to critical discussion of the American male hero in mainstream American war and action films post September 11, 2001 . The thesis investigates how these heroes' behaviour echoes a patriotic, conservative construction of the modern American as created through speeches given by George W. Bush in the wake of the events of September 11, 2001 . The thesis examines the hero in six primary sources: the war films We Were Soldiers, Behind Enemy Lines and The Great Raid and the action films Collateral Damage, Man on Fire and The Punisher. By analyzing the ideological subtext, political content, visual strategies and generic implications of the films, as well as the binary constructions of a selection of Bush speeches, and by reviewing historical representations of American male heroes on film produced in the wake of political events, the thesis concludes that the six films mobilize the USA's conservative viewpoint towards war and military action, and in concert with the speeches, contribute to an ongoing militarization of visual culture. Both systems echo a dangerous ideological fantasy of American history, life and patriotism.


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This study examined the attitudes of South Korean teachers of English in Jeollanamdo toward Konglish, particularly in relation to English education. The literature search shows that Konglish is a typical local variety, evolved from the borrowing and redefining of English words that became part of everyday South Korean speech. Konglish is not unique in this regard. Japlish in Japan and Chinglish in China developed for similar reasons and display the distinctive characteristics of those languages. However, Konglish is usually defined as poor and incorrect. Teachers in the study expressed embarrassment, shyness, guilt, and anger about Konglish. On the other hand, they also valued it as something uniquely theirs. Teachers believed that students should not be taught that Konglish is bad English. However, students should be taught that it is poor or incorrect. With few exceptions, they correct Konglish in their classes. Teachers exhibited considerable inner conflict. They defined Konglish as valid when used in Korea with Koreans. However, some preferred that their students not use it, even with their friends. This may cause students to judge Konglish as unacceptable or inferior. The teachers believed that students should learn to distinguish between Konglish and "Standard English," and that they should learn about the contexts in which each is appropriate or preferred. The conclusion, therefore, is that South Korean teachers see the value of teaching about varieties of English. The recommendations are that intelligibility, broader communication skills, and information about International English be included in the curriculum in South Korea.


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This thesis examines the impact of the Soviet Union's collapse on the Russian Symbolic as represented through popular cinema of the post-Soviet period. The disintegration of the USSR in 1991 became one of the most traumatic experiences for many Russian people. The trauma of the collapse of the Soviet Union penetrated the everyday reality of the Russian Symbolic, leaving the traces-symptoms in different cultural fonns like literature, arts, television and cinema. Because popular culture usually reacts very quickly to any social, political and economical shifts in society, it is an excellent barometer for deeper changes in society. Focusing on postSoviet popular cinema, this thesis analyzes the symptoms of cultural and individual trauma occasioned by the momentous changes of the 1990's. This study is grounded in post-analytic theory of Jacques Lacan and its interpretation by Slavoj Zizek, which emphases the traumatic encounter with the Real as a "hard core" of our reality. According to this paradigm, a new chain of signifiers is structured around the traumatic breach in the Symbolic, initiating a process of fantasy construction to deal with consequences of trauma and, thus, to support our Symbolic order. This thesis examines three major fantasy constructions - drinking, traveling to a "happy land" and family reunion and money - in popular films by Alexander Rogozhkin, Yurij Mamin, Georgij Shengelia, Dmitrij Astrakhan, Valerij Todorovskij, Alexej Balabanov, Sergej Bodrov Jr. and Petr Buslov. According to Zizek, enjoyment underlies any fantasy constructions, and that is why after the intrusion of the Real every individual and culture should go through the process of fantasizing about some substitutes which can help to minimize the traumatic effect and which can lead to a partial enjoyment. By analyzing the fantasies about drinking, "happy land", reconstruction of the family bonds and money in Russian popular cinema since 1991, this thesis demonstrates how the traumatic engagement with the Real affected the everyday lives of Russian people, and how individuals tried to fill the gap, the lack, in the post-Soviet Symbolic and "return" the lost feeling of unity and plenitude.


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This thesis, entitled, "Where's Albania? Staking Out the Politics of the Real and Reality in Documentary Cinema," charts the documentary tradition's path from its first incarnations, as filmed travelogue or ethnographic study, for example, right through to its development as a form acting as an objective observer, reflexive commentator, and finally, as a postmodern hybrid. This thesis begins by locating the documentary tradition's origins in realism. Foregrounding documentary cinema as a realist style is important in that it is a contention that spans this entire study. After working through the numerous modes of documentary as outlined by Bill Nichols, I suggest the documentary is often best understood as a hybrid form drawing on numerous modes and conventions. This argument permits my study to make a shift into postmodern theory, wherein I examine postmodernism's relationship to the documentary both as being influenced by it, but also as subsequently forcing documentary cinema to look back at itself and reevaluate the claims it has made in the past, and how postmodernism has drawn these claims to the surface of debate. My thesis concludes with a study of the mockumentary. This analysis confirms the link between postmodernism and documentary, but perhaps more importantly, this analysis investigates postmodemism's critique of the image and representation in general, two elements historically linked to documentary cinema's success as "truth teller."


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This thesis explores the representation of Swinging London in three examples of 1960s British cinema: Blowup (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966), Smashing Time (Desmond Davis, 1967) and Performance (Donald Cammell and Nicolas Roeg, 1970). It suggests that the films chronologically signify the evolution, commodification and dissolution of the Swinging London era. The thesis explores how the concept of Swinging London is both critiqued and perpetuated in each film through the use of visual tropes: the reconstruction of London as a cinematic space; the Pop photographer; the dolly; representations of music performance and fashion; the appropriation of signs and symbols associated with the visual culture of Swinging London. Using fashion, music performance, consumerism and cultural symbolism as visual narratives, each film also explores the construction of youth identity through the representation of manufactured and mediated images. Ultimately, these films reinforce Swinging London as a visual economy that circulates media images as commodities within a system of exchange. With this in view, the signs and symbols that comprise the visual culture of Swinging London are as central and significant to the cultural era as their material reality. While they attempt to destabilize prevailing representations of the era through the reproduction and exchange of such symbols, Blowup, Smashing Time, and Performance nevertheless contribute to the nostalgia for Swinging London in larger cultural memory.


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Book Review of 'Pirate Cinema' written by Cory Doctorow.