212 resultados para Kastner
Retinoid X receptors (RXRs) are involved in a number of signaling pathways as heterodimeric partners of numerous nuclear receptors. Hepatocytes express high levels of the RXRα isotype, as well as several of its putative heterodimeric partners. Germ-line disruption (knockout) of RXRα has been shown to be lethal in utero, thus precluding analysis of its function at later life stages. Hepatocyte-specific disruption of RXRα during liver organogenesis has recently revealed that the presence of hepatocytes is not mandatory for the mouse, at least under normal mouse facility conditions, even though a number of metabolic events are impaired [Wan, Y.-J., et al. (2000) Mol. Cell. Biol. 20, 4436–4444]. However, it is unknown whether RXRα plays a role in the control of hepatocyte proliferation and lifespan. Here, we report a detailed analysis of the liver of mice in which RXRα was selectively ablated in adult hepatocytes by using the tamoxifen-inducible chimeric Cre recombinase system. Our results show that the lifespan of adult hepatocytes lacking RXRα is shorter than that of their wild-type counterparts, whereas proliferative hepatocytes of regenerating liver exhibit an even shorter lifespan. These lifespan shortenings are accompanied by increased polyploidy and multinuclearity. We conclude that RXRα plays important cell-autonomous function(s) in the mechanism(s) involved in the lifespan of hepatocytes and liver regeneration.
The chemical and isotopic compositions of oceanic biogenic and authigenic minerals contain invaluable information on the evolution of seawater, hence on the history of interaction between tectonics, climate, ocean circulation, and the evolution of life. Important advances and greater understanding of (a) key minor and trace element cycles with various residence times, (b) isotopic sources and sinks and fractionation behaviors, and (c) potential diagenetic problems, as well as developments in high-precision instrumentation, recently have been achieved. These advances provided new compelling evidence that neither gradualism nor uniformitarianism can explain many of the new important discoveries obtained from the chemistry and isotopic compositions of oceanic minerals. Presently, the best-developed geochemical proxies in biogenic carbonates are 18O/16O and Sr/Ca ratios (possibly Mg/Ca) for temperature; 87Sr/86Sr for input sources, Cd/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios for phosphate and alkalinity concentrations, respectively, thus also for ocean circulation; 13C/12C for ocean productivity; B isotopes for seawater pH;, U, Th isotopes, and 14C for dating; and Sr and Mn concentrations for diagenesis. The oceanic authigenic minerals most widely used for chemical paleoceanography are barite, evaporite sulfates, and hydrogenous ferromanganese nodules. Marine barite is an effective alternative monitor of seawater 87Sr/86Sr, especially where carbonates are diagenetically altered or absent. It also provides a high-resolution record of seawater sulfate S isotopes, (evaporite sulfates only carry an episodic record), with new insights on factors affecting the S and C cycles and atmospheric oxygen. High-resolution studies of Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes of well-dated ferromanganese nodules contain invaluable records on climate driven changes in oceanic circulation.
The RXR gamma (RXR, retinoid X receptor) gene was disrupted in the mouse. Homozygous mutant mice developed normally and were indistinguishable from their RXR gamma +/- or wild-type littermates with respect to growth, fertility, viability, and apparent behavior in the animal facility. Moreover, RXR alpha -/-/RXR gamma -/- and RXR beta -/-/RXR gamma -/- mutant phenotypes were indistinguishable from those of RXR alpha -/- and RXR beta -/- mutants, respectively. Strikingly, RXR alpha +/-/RXR beta -/-/RXR gamma -/- triple mutants were viable. Thus, it appears that RXR gamma does not exert any essential function that cannot be performed by RXR alpha or RXR beta, and one copy of RXR alpha is sufficient to perform most of the functions of the RXRs.
Pore fluid and sediment Li concentrations and isotopic ratios provide important insights on the hydrology, sediment contribution to the arc volcanoes and fluid-sediment reactions at the dominantly non-accretionary Costa Rica subduction zone. Ocean Drilling Program Site 1039 in the trench axis provides a reference section of 400 m of the incoming sediments, and Site 1040, situated arcward from the trench, consists of a deformed sedimentary wedge and apron sediments, the décollement, and the partially dewatered underthrust sediment section. At the reference site, pore fluids show important isotopic variations (delta6Li=-21.7 to -37.8 per mil), reflecting the interplay of in situ alteration of volcanic material and ion exchange with clay minerals. In the basal section, a reversal of Li concentration and delta6Li toward seawater values is observed, providing supporting evidence for a lateral seawater flow system in the upper oceanic basement underlying this sediment section. At Site 1040, pore fluid of the lower deformed wedge sediments and within the décollement is enriched in Li and the isotopic compositions are relatively light, suggesting infiltration of a deep-seated fluid. The delta6Li value of -22 per mil of this Li-enriched fluid (261 µM), when compared with the delta6Li value of the subducted sediment section (-11 per mil), suggests that the deep source fluid originates from mineral fluid dehydration and transformation reactions at temperatures of 100 to 150°C, consistent with the temperature range of the up-dip seismogenic zone and of transformation of smectite to illite. The distribution of Li and its isotopes in the underthrust section are similar to those at the reference site, indicating near complete subduction of the incoming sediments and that early dewatering of the underthrust sediments occurs predominantly by lateral flow into the ocean. The hemipelagic clay-rich sediment section of the subducting plate carries most of the Li into this subduction zone, and the pelagic diatomaceous and nannofossil calcareous oozes contain little Li. The Li isotopes of both the clay-rich hemipelagic sediments and of the pelagic oozes are, however, similar, with delta6Li values of -9 to -12 per mil. The observations that (1) the delta6Li values of the underthrust sediments are distinctly lower than that of the mantle, and (2) the lavas of the Costa Rican volcanoes are enriched in Li and 7Li, provide an approximation of the contribution of the subducted sediments to the arc volcanoes. A first order mass balance calculation suggests that approximately half of the Li flux delivered by subducted sediments and altered oceanic crust into the Middle American Trench is recycled to the Costa Rican arc and at most a quarter of sedimentary Li is returned into the ocean through thrust faults, primarily the décollement thrust.
Investigations of borehole waters sampled in Hole 504B during Leg 92 revealed changes in major-ion composition similar to changes observed previously (during Leg 83). The uniformity of chloride concentrations with increasing depth suggests efficient downhole mixing processes along density gradients caused by large temperature gradients. Chemical and mineralogical studies of suspended drilling mud (bentonite) suggest that this material has undergone substantial alteration and that CaSO4 (anhydrite/gypsum) has precipitated in the deeper parts of the hole. Rare earth element studies suggest contributions of both the bentonites and the basalts to the REE distributions. Studies of the isotopic composition (87Sr/86Sr) of dissolved strontium indicate a strong contribution of basaltic nonradiogenic strontium, although differences between the Leg 83 and Leg 92 data indicate an influence of bentonite during Leg 92. The oxygen isotope composition of the water does not change appreciably downhole. This uniformity can be understood in terms of high water-rock ratios and suggests that the chemical changes observed are due either to alteration processes involving bentonites and basaltic material from the walls of the hole or to exchange with formation fluids from the surrounding basement, which may have altered in composition at relatively high water-rock ratios.
Particles of red brown to yellow brown semiopaque oxides (RSO) dominate the insoluble residue fraction of the sediments at Site 597. Unlike the X-ray amorphous particles in the Bauer Deep sediments, these particles are composed of mainly goethite; the amount of X-ray amorphous ferric hydroxide and poorly crystalline ferromanganese oxyhydroxides is generally small relative to the amount of goethite. A qualitative goethite crystallinity index was established. The variations observed in the crystallinity of goethite with increasing depth and changes in lithology suggest that aging and long-term exposure to seawater in a high water/sediment regime influence and increase the rate of recrystallization of the Fe-oxyhydroxides of the RSO particles. The percentage of organic carbon is low in these sediments; it varies primarily between 0.2 and 0.4 wt.%. Phillipsite is present throughout the sediment column and is more concentrated in the youngest clay layer and in the oldest basal sediments.
Two sealed borehole hydrologic observatories (CORKs) were installed in two active hydrogeochemical systems at the Costa Rica subduction zone to investigate the relationship between tectonics, fluid flow, and fluid composition. The observatories were deployed during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 205 at Site 1253, ~ 0.2 km seaward of the trench, in the upper igneous basement, and at Site 1255, ~ 0.5 km landward of the trench, in the décollement. Downhole instrumentation was designed to monitor formation fluid flow rates, composition, pressure, and temperature. The two-year records collected by this interdisciplinary effort constitute the first co-registered hydrological, chemical, and physical dataset from a subduction zone, providing critical information on the average and transient state of the subduction thrust and upper igneous basement. The continuous records at ODP Site 1253 show that the uppermost igneous basement is highly permeable hosting an average fluid flow rate of 0.3 m/yr, and indicate that the fluid sampled in the basement is a mixture between seawater (~ 50%) and a subduction zone fluid originating within the forearc (~ 50%). These results suggest that the uppermost basement serves as an efficient pathway for fluid expelled from the forearc that should be considered in models of subduction zone hydrogeology and deformation. Three transients in fluid flow rates were observed along the décollement at ODP Site 1255, two of which coincided with stepwise increases in formation pressure. These two transients are the result of aseismic slip dislocations that propagated up-dip from the seismogenic zone over the course of ~ 2 weeks terminating before reaching ODP Site 1255 and the trench. The nature and temporal behavior of strain and the associated hydrological response during these slow slip events may be an analog for the response of the seaward part of the subduction prism during or soon after large subduction zone earthquakes.
"Mit Bewilligung des Verfassers abgedruckt."
[Geb. 2 Juni 86 Hèurben i. B.; Wohnort: Mèunchen; Staatsangeb.: Bayern; Vorbildung: Melanchthon-Gymn. Nèurnberg Reife Juli 04; Studium: Mèunchen 12 S.; Rig. 26. Jan. 12.]
"Herausgegen vom Dr. K. W. G. Kastner."