927 resultados para Juvenile justice system


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M. Sc.) en criminologie


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maîtrise ès science (M.Sc.) en criminologie option intervention clinique


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Le but premier des services de protection de la jeunesse est de mettre fin à une situation de compromission et d’éviter que celle-ci ne se reproduise. Cependant, une meilleure connaissance des facteurs de risque d’incidence LSJPA chez les jeunes pris en charge en raison de leurs comportements problématiques permettrait de mieux identifier et ainsi, d’adapter les interventions chez ceux se révélant être les plus à risque de délinquance juvénile. La présente étude propose donc de décrire l’ampleur et le risque d’incidence c’est-à-dire, l’application d’une sanction ou d’une mesure en vertu de la LSJPA chez ces jeunes et de déterminer, parmi les facteurs associés au jeune et ceux inhérents à l’intervention, quels en sont les meilleurs prédicteurs. Pour ce faire, des données clinico-administratives des 16 centres jeunesse du Québec ont été utilisées. Ainsi, tous les enfants et adolescents dont le dossier a été fermé à la suite d’une première intervention en protection de la jeunesse en raison de troubles de comportement entre le 1er janvier 2005 et le 31 décembre 2009 ont été observés (N = 6 630). Des analyses de survie (modèle Kaplan-Meier) ainsi que des régressions de Cox ont été effectuées. Les résultats indiquent qu’un jeune pris en charge en raison de troubles de comportement a 39,7% de risque de migrer vers les services judiciaires pour adolescents dans les cinq années qui suivent la fermeture de son dossier. Sans grande surprise, les garçons présentent un plus grand risque que leurs homologues féminins. Il appert également que le risque d’incidence varie en fonction du sexe et de la présence de maltraitance lors de la prise en charge initiale. De plus, les facteurs associés à l’usager lui-même semblent avoir un impact plus important sur l’incidence que ceux associés à la prise en charge. Aussi, la récurrence dans les services de protection en raison de troubles de comportement mais également en raison de nouveaux éléments liés à la maltraitance sont au nombre des éléments à surveiller avec beaucoup d’attention puisqu’ils sont fortement liés à une migration vers la LSJPA. Les implications cliniques sont discutées et une ouverture sur de futurs travaux est faite.


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Parallel legal systems can and do exist within a single sovereign nation, and rural Guatemala offers one example. Such parallel systems are generally viewed as failures of legal penetration which compromise the rule of law. The question addressed in this paper is whether the de facto existence of parallel systems in Guatemala benefits the indigenous population, or whether the ultimate goal of attaining access to justice requires a complete overhaul of the official legal system. Ultimately, the author concludes that while the official justice system needs a lot of work in order to expand access to justice, especially for the rural poor, the existence of a parallel legal system can be a vehicle for, rather than a hindrance to, expanding such access.


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The focus of the present study is on issues related to Legal—Economics. The economic approach to legal issues is based on the belief held by both legal professionals and economists that law and economics are complementary disciplines and that collaboration is highly beneficial.The principles of economic analysis can help our understanding of the law. Economic approach has important effects on the costs and benefits that prospective litigants may expect from litigation and their decisions to litigate or to settle out of court. Economic consideration is also helpful to understand I 1 the significance of litigation costs, the practical problems of legal administration and the provision of legal servicesz. The economic approach to law is mainly based on the belief held by some economists that the core of economics, the theory of choice is in principle- applicable to all human and institutional behaviour.


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La presente investigación diagnóstica busca analizar el papel de las sanciones implementadas por el Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal para Adolescentes (SRPA) a la luz de la justicia restaurativa. A partir de la revisión bibliográfica sobre justicia restaurativa y su relación con la justicia juvenil, lo establecido en el Código de Infancia y Adolescencia (ley 1098 de 2006) y el CONPES 3629 que plantea las disposiciones de política del Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal para Adolescentes, y finalmente, del trabajo de campo realizado con adolescentes privados de la libertad, más una entrevista realizada a un experto, se describe y explica que tanto las sanciones se acercan al paradigma de la justicia restaurativa, la cual se fija en dicho código como una de las finalidades del sistema alternativo para adolescentes. Finalmente, se hacen algunas recomendaciones para la solución de las fallas encontradas en este aspecto del SRPA.


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This article considers whether the system of reprimands and final warnings in the youth justice system in England and Wales constitutes age discrimination for the purposes of human rights law. Whilst much youth justice discourse has addressed the use of diversionary measures that steer children away from formal justice processes, little attention has been paid to measures which negatively discriminate against children, in comparison to adults, without reasonable justification. The discussion contextualizes the issue within discourses on the sociology of childhood and youth justice, and considers why there is a general reluctance to recognize children as ‘victims’ of age discrimination.


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There are many different ways in which law and truth may be said to be related. It is perhaps in the criminal trial that connections between them are of most significance. An orthodox way of describing a criminal trial is that the criminal procedure is seeking to establish the truth concerning some past event, and that success of the procedure is measured by how close its outcome converges with that truth. Criminal justice presents the community with challenging dilemmas in this regard, such as those arising from the notion of double jeopardy. This paper discusses the Rawlsian notions of 'imperfect', 'perfect' and 'pure' procedural justice, and suggests against Rawls that it is pure procedural justice that best represents what we want from a criminal justice system. Good procedure makes good criminal law. A comparison is made with the writings of Habermas and Posner, and given that pure procedural justice eschews transcendental truths, some brief comments are made on the convergence of that position with the realm of the fictional.


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In Australia, as in other countries that have experienced colonisation, indigenous people are massively overrepresented in all stages of the criminal justice system. If criminal justice agencies are to provide culturally responsive and effective services to this group, it is important that they employ significant numbers of indigenous staff across all levels of their organisations. Despite the positive intentions of many justice agencies to increase the proportion of indigenous staff members they employ, the numbers remain low. In this article, we explore some of the possible reasons for this by reporting the results of focus groups conducted with existing indigenous justice agency employees. The employees raised a number of issues relevant to recruitment and retention. These are discussed in terms of their potential value in improving justice agency indigenous recruitment and retention strategies.


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The Australian Institute of Criminology's recent work on adult male offenders has found that the most serious and persistent adult offenders had been detained as a juvenile. In terms of crime reduction, interventions that focus on reducing the likelihood of juveniles escalating to adult offenders will have significant benefits for the whole of the Australian community. Research conducted in juvenile justice settings around the world consistently shows that young people who come to the attention of criminal justice agencies have multiple problems and experience high levels of need across all areas of functioning. In meeting these needs, correctional agencies have been increasingly influenced by the model of rehabilitation known as the 'what works' approach. This paper outlines a case management framework for rehabilitating juvenile offenders that includes three of the most important 'what works' principles, namely the risk principle, the needs principle and the responsivity principle. In the longer term, the implementation of the framework will need to be evaluated to determine what works and what doesn't with rehabilitating juveniles.


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Restorative justice is a social justice movement that aims to deal with consequences of crime through repairing and restoring relationships of three key stakeholders: victims, offenders, and communities. Unfortunately, it is often unclear where offender rehabilitation fits within the constructs of repair and reintegration that drive this justice paradigm. An analysis of the relationship between restorative justice theory and offender rehabilitation principles reveals tensions between the two normative frameworks and a lack of appreciation that correctional treatment programs have a legitimate role alongside restorative practices. First, we outline the basic tenets of the Risk–Need–Responsivity Model and the Good Lives Model in order to provide a brief overview of two recent models of offender rehabilitation. We then consider the claims made by restorative justice proponents about correctional rehabilitation programs and their role in the criminal justice system. We conclude that restorative justice and rehabilitation models are distinct, although overlapping, normative frameworks and have different domains of application in the criminal justice system, and that it is a mistake to attempt to blend them in any robust sense.


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The role of criminological theory should be to inform practice. Program developers should start with a recognized theory about the causes of crime and then design interventions that target factors identified in that theory. Unfortunately, the link between theory and practice is not always apparent. In this paper, a number of prominent developmental theories of crime are considered. These theories are significant in that they provide a strong basis for understanding young offending, and how both the criminal justice system and service providers should approach the task of working constructively with those who appear before the court. This is followed by a review of programs that have been designed to address the risk factors identified in these developmental theories.


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Objective: This paper aims to offer an overview of the mental health needs of Indigenous men and women in the criminal justice system and how Indigenous cultural perspectives on mental health might infl uence forensic mental health service provision.
Conclusion: There is a need for both mental health and criminal justice agencies to collaborate more closely in developing new models of service provision that incorporate Indigenous perspectives on social and emotional wellbeing, recognize culturally specifi c mental health risk and protective factors in relation to prevention, early intervention and treatment, and take advantage of the opportunities for treatment that arise in the context of criminal justice system intervention.


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Youth justice services are increasingly expected to demonstrate that the services and programs they provide lead to measurable outcomes. This paper considers how client outcomes other than recidivism, which are considered important to youth justice service providers, might be conceptualized and reliably assessed. We conclude that there is a need to develop methods of assessment that are consistent with the principles of evidence-based assessment and we make a number of suggestions for the development of practice in this area.


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Informal sentencing procedures in remote Indigenous communities of Australia have been occurring for some time, but it was in the late 1990s that formalization of the practice began in urban areas with the advent of Indigenous sentencing and circle courts. These circle courts emerged primarily to address the over-representation and incarceration of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system. The first Indigenous urban court was assembled in Port Adelaide, South Australia in June 1999 and was named the Nunga Court. Courts emerging since in other states are based on the Nunga Court model, although they have been adapted to suit local conditions. The practice of circle sentencing was introduced in New South Wales (NSW) in Nowra in February 2002.