999 resultados para Juan José Millás


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La recerca és un estudi comparatiu, descriptiu i transversal que pretén conèixer alguns trets diferencials de la població adolescent infractora en relació al sentiment de culpa, les dimensions de la personalitat, el nivell d’ira, les estratègies d’afrontament i la gestió dels esdeveniments vitals. La metodologia i el material utilitzat en la recerca són entrevistes personalitzades (en el cas del grup d’infractors), o bé de petits grups (en la resta). Es van administrar cinc qüestionaris (SC-35, EPQ-R, STAXI, ACS i AVIA) a una mostra conformada per 128 adolescents (39 estudiants de batxillerat, 47 estudiants de cicles formatius i 42 infractors, tots ells de 16 a 18 anys i residents a la província de Barcelona), procedint a l’anàlisi posterior de les dades obtingudes, mitjançant el paquet estadístic SPSS 14.0. Les principals conclusions mostren que els joves infractors presenten nivells més elevats de sentiments de culpa, de neuroticisme, de psicoticisme i d’ira. Així mateix, tendeixen a reprimir l’ira o, pel contrari, a expressar-la verbalment i físicament. Acostumen a emprar estratègies d’afrontament passives o de caràcter evitatiu i computen major nombre tant d’esdeveniments vitals negatius com d’esdeveniments vitals positius. Finalment, tendeixen a positivar esdeveniments vitals negatius dels àmbits relacional i de salut, mentre que tendeixen a negativitzar esdeveniments vitals positius de l’àmbit familiar.


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Nitroarylidenemalononitriles and their cyanoacetamide derivatives with remarkable anti-epimastigote properties, were synthesized attempting to obtain new 3,5-diamino-4-(5'-nitroarylidene)-4H-thiadiazine 1,1-dioxide derivatives, which in previous reports had shown anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity. Tests to evaluate the cytotoxicity of compounds were performed on J774 macrophages. 5-nitro-2-thienyl-malononitrile (5NO2TM), was the only product which maintained a high anti-epimastigote activity at concentrations in which it was no longer cytotoxic, thus it was assayed against intracellular amastigotes. Its anti-amastigote activity was similar to that of nifurtimox. Afterwards in vivo toxicity and anti-chagasic activity were determined. A reduction in parasitemia was observed.


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Aplicación que permite controlar los alimentos y calorías que consumimos. Se ha usado Silverlight y Windows phone 7.


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Desenvolupament d'un esquema criptogràfic per gestionar de forma segura els historials mèdics dels pacients através d'una xarxa de comunicacions. L'aplicació proporciona les propietatsbàsiques de seguretat que hem esmentat, a més de la propietat de no-repudique permet assegurar que una informació referent a una visita ha estat introduïda per un metge autoritzat i concret.


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En aquest document s'hi descriuen totes les etapes necessàries per el desenvolupament de l'aplicació: anàlisi i especificació de requisits, disseny i implementació. Detallant a cada fase les tasques i decisions presses, Aixa com els resultats obtinguts.


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L'objectiu final d'aquest projecte és el seguiment del procés d'enginyeria per al desenvolupament d'una botiga virtual on s'apliquin els conceptes de J2EE, que són les sigles de Java 2 Enterprise Edition.


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Triatoma dimidiata is an important vector of Chagas disease in Guatemala. To help understand the biology and population dynamics of the insect, we estimated the number of full sibling families living in one house. Forty one families with an average size of 2.17 individuals were detected using random amplification of polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction genetic markers. This result suggests high levels of migration of the vector, polyandry, and a significant capability for spreading the disease.


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Estudi comparatiu amb benchmark del rendiment en dues plataformes multicore multithreading de diferents modalitats de paral·lelització de multiplicacions de matrius de nombres enters i de nombres en coma flotant mitjançant el model de memòria compartida OpenMP versió 2.5 i OpenMP versió 3.0.


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales/ Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)


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El propòsit d'aquesta comunicació és resumir les diferents iniciatives dutes a terme a la Universitat d'Alacant per a la promoció de l'accés obert a la recerca i la docència generades pels seus membres, així com els diferents incentius destinats a afavorir l'autoarxivament en el seu Repositori institucional, RUA. Fins al moment a la Universitat d'Alacant s'ha optat per realitzar diferents convocatòries amb incentius econòmics, dirigides tant a personal investigador com a docent, en què s'especifica l'obligatorietat d'arxivar en el Repositori els materials generats arran d'aquestes convocatòries. Resumirem els resultats obtinguts fins al moment, indicant els pros i els contres d'aquest sistema d'incentius, i assenyalarem els nous reptes que se'ns presenten a curt i mitjà termini, amb especial referència a la proposició d'un nou model de política a adoptar per l'arxiu i difusió de la producció científica i docent generada a la nostra Universitat.


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Aquaporin-1 (AQP1) is a water channel that is highly expressed in tissues with rapid O(2) transport. It has been reported that this protein contributes to gas permeation (CO(2), NO and O(2)) through the plasma membrane. We show that hypoxia increases Aqp1 mRNA and protein levels in tissues, namely mouse brain and lung, and in cultured cells, the 9L glioma cell line. Stopped-flow light-scattering experiments confirmed an increase in the water permeability of 9L cells exposed to hypoxia, supporting the view that hypoxic Aqp1 up-regulation has a functional role. To investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying this regulatory process, transcriptional regulation was studied by transient transfections of mouse endothelial cells with a 1297 bp 5' proximal Aqp1 promoter-luciferase construct. Incubation in hypoxia produced a dose- and time-dependent induction of luciferase activity that was also obtained after treatments with hypoxia mimetics (DMOG and CoCl(2)) and by overexpressing stabilized mutated forms of HIF-1α. Single mutations or full deletions of the three putative HIF binding domains present in the Aqp1 promoter partially reduced its responsiveness to hypoxia, and transfection with Hif-1α siRNA decreased the in vitro hypoxia induction of Aqp1 mRNA and protein levels. Our results indicate that HIF-1α participates in the hypoxic induction of AQP1. However, we also demonstrate that the activation of Aqp1 promoter by hypoxia is complex and multifactorial and suggest that besides HIF-1α other transcription factors might contribute to this regulatory process. These data provide a conceptual framework to support future research on the involvement of AQP1 in a range of pathophysiological conditions, including edema, tumor growth, and respiratory diseases.


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Compositional data analysis motivated the introduction of a complete Euclidean structure in the simplex of D parts. This was based on the early work of J. Aitchison (1986) and completed recently when Aitchinson distance in the simplex was associated with an inner product and orthonormal bases were identified (Aitchison and others, 2002; Egozcue and others, 2003). A partition of the support of a random variable generates a composition by assigning the probability of each interval to a part of the composition. One can imagine that the partition can be refined and the probability density would represent a kind of continuous composition of probabilities in a simplex of infinitely many parts. This intuitive idea would lead to a Hilbert-space of probability densitiesby generalizing the Aitchison geometry for compositions in the simplex into the set probability densities


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En pág. de derechos: Dirección General de Salud Pública y Participación. Equipo de trabajo: Mª Luisa Barrero García, Luz Mª Fernández-Regatillo Ruiz, Juan José Gómez López, Covadonga Monte Vázquez, Antonio Pons Tubio, Consuelo Rello Yubero. Rosa Rodríguez Gómez Carmen Rojas Fuentes José Román Oliver Mª Luisa Solana Neira


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The use of orthonormal coordinates in the simplex and, particularly, balance coordinates, has suggested the use of a dendrogram for the exploratory analysis of compositional data. The dendrogram is based on a sequential binary partition of a compositional vector into groups of parts. At each step of a partition, one group of parts isdivided into two new groups, and a balancing axis in the simplex between both groupsis defined. The set of balancing axes constitutes an orthonormal basis, and the projections of the sample on them are orthogonal coordinates. They can be represented in adendrogram-like graph showing: (a) the way of grouping parts of the compositional vector; (b) the explanatory role of each subcomposition generated in the partition process;(c) the decomposition of the total variance into balance components associated witheach binary partition; (d) a box-plot of each balance. This representation is useful tohelp the interpretation of balance coordinates; to identify which are the most explanatory coordinates; and to describe the whole sample in a single diagram independentlyof the number of parts of the sample


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Impact of immune microenvironment in prognosis of solid tumors has been extensively studied in the last few years. Specifically in colorectal carcinoma, increased knowledge of the immune events around these tumors and their relation with clinical outcomes have led to consider immune microenvironment as one of the most important prognostic factors in this disease. In this review we will summarize and update the current knowledge with respect to this intriguing and complex new hallmark of cancer, paying special attention to infiltration by T-infiltrating lymphocytes and their subtypes in colorectal cancer, as well as its eventual clinical translation in terms of long-term prognosis. Finally, we suggest some possible investigational approaches based on combinatorial strategies to trigger and boost immune reaction against tumor cells.