179 resultados para Josephson, Junções


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We present here a new approach to scalable quantum computing - a 'qubus computer' - which realizes qubit measurement and quantum gates through interacting qubits with a quantum communication bus mode. The qubits could be 'static' matter qubits or 'flying' optical qubits, but the scheme we focus on here is particularly suited to matter qubits. There is no requirement for direct interaction between the qubits. Universal two-qubit quantum gates may be effected by schemes which involve measurement of the bus mode, or by schemes where the bus disentangles automatically and no measurement is needed. In effect, the approach integrates together qubit degrees of freedom for computation with quantum continuous variables for communication and interaction.


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The major contribution to decoherence of a double quantum dot or a Josephson-junction charge qubit comes from the electrostatic coupling to fluctuating background charges hybridized with the conduction electrons in the reservoir. However, estimations according to previously developed theories show that finding a sufficient number of effective fluctuators in a realistic experimental layout is quite improbable. We show that this paradox is resolved by allowing for a short-range Coulomb interaction of the fluctuators with the electrons in the reservoir. This dramatically enhances both the number of effective fluctuators and their contribution to decoherence, resulting in the most dangerous decoherence mechanism for charge qubits.


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We have found an exact expression for the decoherence rate of a Josephson charge qubit coupled to fluctuating background charges. At low temperatures T the decoherence rate Γ is linear in T while at high temperatures it saturates in agreement with a known classical solution which, however, reached at surprisingly high T. In contrast to the classical picture, impurity states spread in a wide interval of energies (> T) may essentially contribute to Γ.


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Despite record-setting performance demonstrated by superconducting Transition Edge Sensors (TESs) and growing utilization of the technology, a theoretical model of the physics governing TES devices superconducting phase transition has proven elusive. Earlier attempts to describe TESs assumed them to be uniform superconductors. Sadleir et al. 2010 shows that TESs are weak links and that the superconducting order parameter strength has significant spatial variation. Measurements are presented of the temperature T and magnetic field B dependence of the critical current Ic measured over 7 orders of magnitude on square Mo/Au bilayers ranging in length from 8 to 290 microns. We find our measurements have a natural explanation in terms of a spatially varying order parameter that is enhanced in proximity to the higher transition temperature superconducting leads (the longitudinal proximity effect) and suppressed in proximity to the added normal metal structures (the lateral inverse proximity effect). These in-plane proximity effects and scaling relations are observed over unprecedentedly long lengths (in excess of 1000 times the mean free path) and explained in terms of a Ginzburg-Landau model. Our low temperature Ic(B) measurements are found to agree with a general derivation of a superconducting strip with an edge or geometric barrier to vortex entry and we also derive two conditions that lead to Ic rectification. At high temperatures the Ic(B) exhibits distinct Josephson effect behavior over long length scales and following functional dependences not previously reported. We also investigate how film stress changes the transition, explain some transition features in terms of a nonequilibrium superconductivity effect, and show that our measurements of the resistive transition are not consistent with a percolating resistor network model.


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Pour augmenter sa compréhension du monde qui l’entoure, le physicien moderne ne cesse de travailler au développement d’outils théoriques ou expérimentaux pour l’aider à répondre à ses questions fondamentales. Une partie de ces chercheurs tente de répondre à une question bien définie, mais simultanément très vague : qu’est-ce que le bruit électro- nique? Guidés par cette idée, certains étudient des dispositifs comme la jonction tunnel ou la jonction Josephson, alors que d’autres travaillent à l’amélioration des méthodes de détection du bruit. Le présent mémoire de maîtrise traite donc de la conception d’un outil de détection bien particulier, le micro-bolomètre supraconducteur de niobium-titane-niobium. La théorie derrière le fonctionnement d’un tel dispositif est expliquée à l’aide d’une comparaison entre un bolomètre conventionnel et un bolomètre supraconducteur. Des concepts comme la sensibilité d’un détecteur, la conductance thermique et la méthode d’utilisation sont présentés. Les étapes du procédé de fabrication sont ensuite explicitées dans les moindres détails. Finalement, les propriétés électroniques d’un tel micro-bolomètre sont analysées à l’aide de la courbe caractéristique courant-tension, de la courbe de transition supraconductrice en température et de dfférentes mesures en réflectométrie. La puissance équivalente de bruit (NEP) mesurée est de l’ordre de 10[indice supérieur −17] W/√Hz et le temps caractéristique de détection est de 1.43 μs. Le dispositif présenté dans ce mémoire a un avantage important par rapport aux bolomètres supraconducteurs généralement utilisés : il ne nécessite pas de courant de polarisation continu pour le mettre en fonctionnement. Ceci peut résulter en divers avantages technologiques.


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123 p.


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Metamamterials are 1D, 2D or 3D arrays of articial atoms. The articial atoms, called "meta-atoms", can be any component with tailorable electromagnetic properties, such as resonators, LC circuits, nano particles, and so on. By designing the properties of individual meta-atoms and the interaction created by putting them in a lattice, one can create a metamaterial with intriguing properties not found in nature. My Ph. D. work examines the meta-atoms based on radio frequency superconducting quantum interference devices (rf-SQUIDs); their tunability with dc magnetic field, rf magnetic field, and temperature are studied. The rf-SQUIDs are superconducting split ring resonators in which the usual capacitance is supplemented with a Josephson junction, which introduces strong nonlinearity in the rf properties. At relatively low rf magnetic field, a magnetic field tunability of the resonant frequency of up to 80 THz/Gauss by dc magnetic field is observed, and a total frequency tunability of 100% is achieved. The macroscopic quantum superconducting metamaterial also shows manipulative self-induced broadband transparency due to a qualitatively novel nonlinear mechanism that is different from conventional electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) or its classical analogs. A near complete disappearance of resonant absorption under a range of applied rf flux is observed experimentally and explained theoretically. The transparency comes from the intrinsic bi-stability and can be tuned on/ off easily by altering rf and dc magnetic fields, temperature and history. Hysteretic in situ 100% tunability of transparency paves the way for auto-cloaking metamaterials, intensity dependent filters, and fast-tunable power limiters. An rf-SQUID metamaterial is shown to have qualitatively the same behavior as a single rf-SQUID with regards to dc flux, rf flux and temperature tuning. The two-tone response of self-resonant rf-SQUID meta-atoms and metamaterials is then studied here via intermodulation (IM) measurement over a broad range of tone frequencies and tone powers. A sharp onset followed by a surprising strongly suppressed IM region near the resonance is observed. This behavior can be understood employing methods in nonlinear dynamics; the sharp onset, and the gap of IM, are due to sudden state jumps during a beat of the two-tone sum input signal. The theory predicts that the IM can be manipulated with tone power, center frequency, frequency difference between the two tones, and temperature. This quantitative understanding potentially allows for the design of rf-SQUID metamaterials with either very low or very high IM response.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2012.


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Metal-Ceramic (M/C) Zirconia-stainless steel interfaces have been processed through brazing techniques due to the excellent combination of properties such as high temperature stability, high corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties. However, some M/C interfaces show some defects, like porosity and cracks results in the degradation of the interfaces, leading even to its total rupture. Most of time, those defects are associated with an improper brazing parameters selection to the M/C system. In this work, ZrO2 Y-TZP and ZrO2 Mg - PSZ were joint with the stainless steel grade 304 by brazing using a eutectic silver-copper (Ag28Cu) interlayer alloy with different thermal cycles. Ceramic surfaces were previous mechanically metallized with titanium to improve adhesion of the system. The effect of temperature on the M/C interface was studied. SEM-EDS and 3 point flexural bend test were performed to evaluate morphology, chemical composition and mechanical resistance of the M/C interfaces. Lower thermal cycle temperatures produced better results of mechanical resistance, and more regular/ homogeneous reaction layers between braze alloy and metal-ceramic surfaces. Also was proved the AgCu braze alloy activation in situ by titanium


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The thermoelectric energy conversion can be performed directly on generators without moving parts, using the principle of SEEBECK effect, obtained in junctions of drivers' thermocouples and most recently in semiconductor junctions type p-n which have increased efficiency of conversion. When termogenerators are exposed to the temperature difference (thermal gradient) eletromotriz a force is generated inducing the appearance of an electric current in the circuit. Thus, it is possible to convert the heat of combustion of a gas through a burner in power, being a thermoelectric generator. The development of infrared burners, using porous ceramic plate, is possible to improve the efficiency of heating, and reduce harmful emissions such as CO, CO2, NOx, etc.. In recent years the meliorate of thermoelectric modules semiconductor (TEG's) has stimulated the development of devices generating and recovery of thermal irreversibility of thermal machines and processes, improving energy efficiency and exergy these systems, especially processes that enable the cogeneration of energy. This work is based on the construction and evaluation of a prototype in a pilot scale, for energy generation to specific applications. The unit uses a fuel gas (LPG) as a primary energy source. The prototype consists of a porous plate burner infrared, an adapter to the module generator, a set of semiconductor modules purchased from Hi-Z Inc. and a heat exchanger to be used as cold source. The prototype was mounted on a test bench, using a system of acquisition of temperature, a system of application of load and instrumentation to assess its functioning and performance. The prototype had an efficiency of chemical conversion of 0.31% for electrical and heat recovery for cogeneration of about 33.2%, resulting in an overall efficiency of 33.51%. The efficiency of energy exergy next shows that the use of primary energy to useful fuel was satisfactory, although the proposed mechanism has also has a low performance due to underuse of the area heated by the small number of modules, as well as a thermal gradient below the ideal informed by the manufacturer, and other factors. The test methodology adopted proved to be suitable for evaluating the prototype


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Agenda for collaboration or an agency agenda? Professionals’ experiences of colla­boration according to a coordinated individual plan (CIP) An increasing number of children and adolescents develop complex needs that require simultaneous action by different professionals. Several reports state that efforts for these children and adolescents have become increasingly specialized and fragmented. Since 2010, there are statutory requirements for collaboration according to a coordinated individual plan (SIP) between health care and social services. Pre-school and school can after regional agreement be involved in the co-ordination as equal partner. Collaboration in line with CIP is expected to offset the fragmentation for benefit of the service users’ ability to monitor and comprehend interventions. The aim was to investigate professionals’ experiences of CIP. The study consists of qualitative analysis of 12 focus group interviews with a total of 71 staff with different professions in health care, education and social services about their experiences of CIP. The results indicate that the participants act according to their core mission: nurturing, teaching and investigation. Two main categories with four sub-categories each appeared in the analysis. The main category, hindering factors, contains the categories: different mandates and requirements, requirements for presence initiative, questioning and censure, and timelines and prioritization. The main category of facilitating factors contains the categories: similar interpretation of common agreement, mutual respect and shared learning, common terminology and documentation, and willingness to collaborate. The analysis indicate that CIP was perceived as alternating between, on the one hand, a pro-active and service-focused tool, and on the other hand, a competing and compelling professional instrument.


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Notre travail se consacre à l’étude de l’existence de solution T-anti-périodique de l’équation de Liénard dans le cas impulsif. Dans notre thèse, cette équation sera appliquée à l’équation du pendule simple, de Josephson dans la super-conductivité et enfin à l’équation de Van der Pol pour modéliser un circuit de triode à tube vide. On considérera [florin] et J des actions extérieures sur le système où [florin] est une force Lebesgue intégrable (respectivement Henstock-Kurzweil intégrable au second chapitre) et J (parfois noté I) une stimulation impulsive. En appliquant le théorème du point fixe de Banach, on obtient des théorèmes d’existence de solution au sens de fonctions généralisées soumise à un ensemble de conditions données par les bornes à priori. Ensuite, par le même théorème, la suite d’itérations G[indice supérieur n] ([théta][indice inférieur 0]) converge uniformément vers la solution [théta] à la vitesse de convergence bornée avec la première dérivée […] est de variation totale finie sur [0; 2T] et la dérivée seconde généralisée […] Lebesgue intégrable sur [0; 2T] dans le cas non impulsif. Finalement, sous les mêmes hypothèses avec [florin] Henstock-Kurzweil (HK) intégrable, nous obtiendrons des conditions qui garantissent l’existence d’une solution T-antipériodique [théta] absolument continue sur R de l’équation de Liénard, qui admet à la fois une dérivée première […] de variation bornée et la seconde dérivée généralisée […] qui est HK--intégrable dans le cas non impulsif. Comme au premier chapitre nous considérerons également le cas des instants d’impulsion [gamma][indice inférieur kappa] indépendants d’état avec [florin] HK--intégrable. À chaque fois nous donnons quelques exemples d’illustration pour appuyer nos résultats. [Certains symboles non conformes]


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Introducción: Contar con un diagnóstico de las condiciones en seguridad y salud en el trabajo en el país permite crear estrategias para minimizar los problemas de la población trabajadora. En Colombia existe el observatorio del Instituto Nacional de Salud, sin embargo, no cuenta, en ninguno de sus tópicos, con información y análisis sobre la salud y seguridad de la población trabajadora. Objetivo: Determinar las condiciones de salud de la población atendida en la IPS SALUD OCUPACIONAL DE LOS ANDES LDTA en la ciudad de Bogotá, durante el año 2015. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una prueba piloto del observatorio de salud y seguridad en el trabajo mediante un estudio de corte transversal, donde se tomó una base de datos de pacientes evaluados en la IPS SALUD OCUPACIONAL DE LOS ANDES LDTA, de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. que contiene información de exámenes médicos ocupacionales realizados en el 2015 en la plataforma ISISMAWEB con una muestra representativa de 1923 registros. Se incluyeron variables sociodemográficas y laborales, los paraclínicos registrados como alterados más prevalentes, los diagnósticos y dictámenes emitidos en la población estudiada y las recomendaciones personales dadas por el sistema de gestión de la empresa. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y para el estudio de las interacciones se empleó el Chi-cuadrado. Resultados: El 62,1% de la población fueron hombres con edad promedio de 34.8 años (DE 10,521). El 41.5% tuvieron estudios secundarios. La evaluación médica más realizada fue el examen de ingreso en el 30.5% de los casos. El cargo operadores de instalaciones y máquinas y ensambladores represento el 27.9% y en última medida los profesionales de nivel medio en operaciones financieras y administrativas con el 0.5%. El diagnostico CIE 10 emitido más frecuente fue con el 15,8% el código Z100 (Examen de salud ocupacional), seguido del Trastorno de la refracción no especificado (H527) con el 9,0%. En cuanto a las recomendaciones generales la que más se repitió fue examen periódico con un 30%. La recomendación preventiva más frecuente fue osteomuscular con el 36,5%. Las recomendaciones SVE de mayor prevalencia fueron ergonómicas con un 40,7%. Se encontraron asociaciones (p<0.05) entre las variables escolaridad, género y estrato. Conclusiones: Se deben optimizar los mecanismos de recolección del dato para ser más viable su evaluación y asociación. Hay un subregístro importante de segundos diagnósticos asociado al no registro de los paraclínicos. Este estudio plantea un modelo a seguir para poder desarrollar el observatorio nacional de salud y seguridad en el trabajo.