291 resultados para Jornalista


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Edgard Barki, Mario Aquino Alves e Lauro Gonzalez conversam com a jornalista Anne Dias sobre inclusão social.


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Os professores Wesley Mendes, Rafael Alcadipani e Marco Antônio Teixeira conversam com a jornalista Anne Dias sobre os impactos da Copa do Mundo no Brasil


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Os professores Luiz Brito e Manoel Reis e Paulo Guedes conversam com a jornalista Anne Dias sobre logística


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O coronel Glauco Carvalho, o promotor de justiça Rodrigo Mansour Magalhães da Silveira e o professor Renato Sérgio de Lima conversam com a jornalista Anne Dias sobre segurança pública


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Os professores Francisco Fonseca, Maria Rita Loureiro e Eduardo Diniz conversam com a jornalista Anne Dias sobre transparência


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Ana Fontes, da Rede Mulher Empreendedora, e os professores Tales Andreassi e Gilberto Sarfati conversam com a jornalista Anne Dias sobre empreendedorismo


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Edgard Barki, Mario Aquino Alves e Lauro Gonzalez conversam com a jornalista Anne Dias sobre inclusão social


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Este anuário apresenta sínteses de pesquisas realizadas pelos professores pesquisadores da FGV-EAESP. Os trabalhos foram financiados pelo GVpesquisa, nossa área de apoio às atividades de pesquisa, em quatro categorias, sendo duas categorias de apoio individual e duas categorias de apoio coletivo, relacionadas a projetos de Linhas de Pesquisa e de Centros de Estudo. Este anuário traz também matérias sobre temas que têm ganhado destaque na FGV-EAESP, retratando iniciativas que unem as atividades de ensino e de pesquisa. Examinados em conjunto, estes textos oferecem uma visão panorâmica da diversidade e da riqueza das reflexões realizadas pelos pesquisadores da instituição. Permitem também identificar oportunidades para futuros desenvolvimentos, tanto teóricos como de aplicação prática. As sínteses das pesquisas foram preparadas pelos jornalistas Lucas Callegari e Adriana Wilner. As matérias foram escritas pela jornalista Verônica Couto. O projeto gráfico foi conduzido pela designer Cris Tassi e a coordenação geral do projeto coube a Daniela Mansour M. da Silveira, da equipe GVpesquisa. A preparação das sínteses contou com decisivo apoio dos próprios autores.


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Situado num edifício do séc. XIX, o Centro Cívico e Cultural de Santa Clara – Universo de Memórias João Carlos Abreu foi adquirido pelo Governo Regional em 2002, para acolher todos os bens doados à Região Autónoma da Madeira, por João Carlos Nunes Abreu. Este Centro Cívico e Cultural é responsável pela manutenção e exposição ao público do espólio doado, estando também vocacionado para acolher e desenvolver acções de carácter cultural. Dispõe de um jardim, de uma Casa de Chá e de um Auditório. Encenado como um “caleidoscópio”, o “Universo de Memórias João Carlos Abreu” é um repositório de memórias construídas ao longo da sua vida de jornalista, viajante, poeta, escritor, político, actor e artista, com passagem por diversos países. Institucionalmente falando, este é um espaço relativamente recente, criado “de raíz” para acolher, expor e divulgar colecções pertencentes a uma só pessoa. Desta forma, iniciaremos este estudo com uma abordagem aos factores que constituem a realidade da Instituição – política de funcionamento, colecções albergadas, aspectos relevantes da vida do doador e espaço físico. Na segunda parte, o nosso trabalho irá recair sobre a componente virtual da Instituição sob o ponto de vista da utilização das novas tecnologias. Abordaremos,sucintamente, o ciberespaço e o mundo da Internet e culminaremos o estudo com a elaboração do site oficial do Centro Cívico e Cultural de Santa Clara – Universo de Memórias João Carlos Abreu que permitirá potenciar o acesso à Instituição de forma mais ampla, fazendo com que esta ultrapasse as suas próprias fronteiras físicas. Pretende-se que este site seja, acima de tudo, dinâmico de maneira a envolver o visitante, fidelizando-o e consequentemente fazendo com que este queira passar da virtualidade à realidade visitando o espaço físico.


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A obra de Alfredo de Freitas Branco (Visconde do Porto da Cruz) cruza diferentes fases da sua vida, reflectindo, por isso, vários aspectos relacionados com as suas vivências. Sendo autor de uma vasta obra, fazem parte da sua bibliografia textos de diferentes temáticas e de estilos literários diversos, entre os quais, romances, novelas, contos, teatro, biografias, memórias, política, etnografia e estudos da natureza. Neste estudo, procuramos em linhas gerais, apresentar o seu percurso político e ideológico, no qual se inclui o Integralismo Lusitano, de modo a compreendermos o seu pensamento e compromisso com a sociedade do seu tempo. Fazemos uma breve abordagem à sua criação literária, marcada pela conjuntura histórica da época e destacamos a sua intensa actividade, como jornalista, fundador de revistas e de jornais, conferencista e membro de várias Associações culturais. Analisamos o seu percurso de vida, verificando que sempre se mostrou empenhado em dar a conhecer as suas raízes culturais e interessado em tudo o que representava o progresso do arquipélago, quer propondo ideias inovadoras, quer promovendo a Madeira, no território continental e no estrangeiro. O cerne deste trabalho foi investigar a sua obra, numa vertente cultural, observando o importante contributo no estudo, promoção e preservação da nossa memória cultural de madeirenses, através das recolhas que fez sobre múltiplos aspectos da cultura popular do meio insular, das diversas manifestações culturais do povo, nos seus usos e costumes, das danças, às músicas, ao traje, à alimentação, à medicina popular, às suas crenças e superstições. Observámos ainda os seus estudos do nosso património material, nos seus diversos monumentos; das artes visuais e da promoção dos artistas e intelectuais madeirenses que se evidenciaram na época. Este estudo propõe, também, algumas estratégias para dar a conhecer à comunidade uma parte da obra do Visconde do Porto da Cruz e despertar o interesse no estudo da mesma, a qual permanece ainda na penumbra.


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This doctoral thesis addresses the environmental issues and its vinculum with the tourism through the protected natural areas, in particular the conservation units, which consists in territorial areas created and demarcated by the government in order to protect ecosystems that have a high ecological and scenic-landscaped representativeness designed to the contemplation and controlled public visitation. In regard to its use for the touristic activities, are conceived while socio-environmental and symbolic materiality built around an imagery view of a nature-show, designed to attract visitors, aiming ensure the maintenance and reproduction of the capital in an entrepreneurial and preservationist way in the Metropolitan Region of Natal. It s a study about the Dunes State Park Jornalista José Maria Alves and the Jenipabu Environmental Protected Area, both created with the purpose of favor the implantation and empowerment of the touristic area through the State intervention as the main articulator agent of a new process of urbanization that uses the city marketing and the ideological discuss of environmental sustainability to recreate the imaginary of lost paradise and incorporate into the daily universe of tourists visiting the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The unveiling of this empirical reality made possible the construction and defense of the terms environmental entrepreneurship and compensatory preservationism, to explain how the formatting and idealization of this paradisiacal scenarios produce the commoditization of nature in an efficient and competitive way


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The criminal responsibility of the media is analyzed when the criteria for production of news and events involving public safety are produced without considering the technical, legal and ethical practice of journalism in the media factors. Freedom of speech, expression of thought, necessary for professional qualifications and constitutional limits, reaching criminal constitutional principles and the possibilities of criminal liability for offenses practiced in the media are present as key factors legal dialogue in this work. The judgment of the Supreme Court on the unconstitutionality of Law nº. 5.250/67 called Media Law caused a gap in the national legal system, forcing the use of the criminal code to address issues that involve crimes produced in media professional performance. The presumption of innocence is ignored by the professional media during a police investigation where the information published does not respect, including constitutional guarantees: the right to privacy, honor and image. The right to information and the duty to inform media are worked in its constitutional aspect, considering that the same information should be produced is guided by the quality and guiding principles of truth. The constitutional concept of media is presented as information with the appropriate language of the news media, produced and disseminated through the vehicles of mass media, whether in print or digital platform. The presented model of the legal right to information is outlined from a constitutional hermeneutics, increasing the production of news as a result of the occupation of journalist in different news platforms, guaranteeing the quality of this prolific law. Under the Freedom of professional activity of the journalist, the constitutional limits are addressed in line with the reality of (non) regulation of their profession, considering the constitutional abuses committed in the exercise of that activity linked to communication fences. Jusphilosophic field reaches the limits of the duty of truth in journalism as a tool for spreading news, respect the audience and compatibility with the constitutional state. Using the conceptual and doctrinal aspects, this criminal offense is parsed from the journalistic practice and the publication of news involving public safety, with the hypothetical field consummation of that crime through the eventual intention. As a form of judgment against these crimes produced in honor media presents the court of the jury as a legitimate form of democratic decision


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This present work has the aim of reconstruct the biographical profile and the practices of the professor and journalist Julia Medeiros in the county of Caico, State of Rio Grande do Norte, in the 1920 s and 1930 s, justified by the visibility of this professor during the construction of the lettered society from the mentioned State and the participation in potiguar press. How were the women and educator s representations in the 1920 s and 1930 s ? With the aim to get answers, I use as sources, the Public Archive of Rio Grande do Norte and the Geographical and Historical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, the newspaper of that time, as the available issues of Jornal das Moças (1923-1932), magazines, letters, pictures, and interviews with relatives, ex-students and friends of this intellectual woman. It was noticed that she stood out as a professor at School Group of Senador Guerra and as a journalist, sending opinions about everyday life. With this analysis, it configures, in part, her time and the history of education in Rio Grande do Norte, with the participation of teachers. Despite of her importance during the construction of education and citizenship of women, Julia Medeiros lived the two sides of the same coin: visibilty and anonymity


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The present work has the intention to analyze the contribution of the writer and journalist Palmyra Guimarães Wanderley to the education, throughout her writings in the period between 1914 to 1920. I search through her journalist writings produced in the feminine magazine Via Láctea (1914-1915) her idealization, and as in the newspaper A República e Diário de Natal, in the decade of 1920 establishing relationships with education, mostly because of her production in the pages of the paper articles regarding feminine education and women condition. At the same time I sketch the biographic profile of Palmyra Wanderley relating her to the historical moment that she lived. To achieve the proposed goals I begin with a documental research within the available archives and use other sources like pictures and interviews with her relatives. The results of the research show that the worry of Palmira Wanderley with the education in our state, goes beyond her published writings in magazines and newspapers. She has been ahead of Escola de Comércio Feminino and Aliança Feminina, she has also done a conference in the House of the Young Single Ladies' Protection (Casa de Proteção às Moças Solteiras), institution of the Aliança s responsibility that offered shelter, food, formal and religious education to the workers of the Fabric Factory of Natal (Fábrica Tecidos de Natal). Her involvement evidences her contribution to the historiography of the education in Rio Grande do Norte, specially the history of women education ensuring her presence in the day by day history


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This research aiming at show an interpretative description about the form and function of Scientific Publication (SP) discursive genre, in two magazines of national circulation. We analyzed subjects published from 2004 to 2006, in the magazines Revista do Professor and Revista Nova Escola. We see at SP subjects reported discourses, into its two main presentation forms of other voices: direct discourse and indirect discourse. We have established some aims, first, we analyzing different forms to mark the discursive heterogeneity, by the reason the writer conceptualize an image of his/her interlocutor. The second one, we intend to look at the differences between marked heterogeneity according to the writer production, journalists and researchers, and finally, we investigate more or less occurrence of cited discourse, in what is concerned with different perspectives at communities that produce this kind of text. As theoretical background to our discussions we followed socio-historical perspective, its language and subject discourse conceptualizations. We did it mainly based on Bakhtin s works (1929; 1995; 2003). We were also based on theoretical discussions about discursive heterogeneity by Authier-Revuz (1990; 1998; 2004) and Maingueneau (1993; 2001). At analyzing the social dimensions of our data, we identified as relevant elements in the construction of the subjects (stories) the image that the writer (reporter) did/construct about his/her interlocutor as well as the use of different strategies, for example: the text produced by the journalists frequently use of direct discourse forms, while texts produced by researchers are almost fulfilled by indirect discourse. Beside this, texts are different in their social voices that are in their discourse. In the case of text produced by journalist are predominant the discursive scene of the school agents: teachers, students, parents, among others. Otherwise, in the texts produced by researchers already-said utterances, that in their majority of times, come from scientific discourse