761 resultados para Jenny Saville


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Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2015


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No fa gaires anys de les primeres recerques acadèmiques liderades per Herbert Van de Sompel a la Universitat de Gant a Bèlgica, les quals van donar com a resultat la formulació de l'estàndard OpenURL i el desenvolupament del servidor d'enllaços per a les biblioteques SFX, posant el control dels enllaços en mans del bibliotecari. Aquest article considera breument les primeres iniciatives sobre els enllaços, explica el propòsit i l'estructura d'OpenURL i el paper dels components: les fonts, els objectius i el servidor d'enllaços, centrant-se en el servidor d'enllaços SFX.


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Traditionally, subcortical structures such as the cerebellum are supposed to exert a modulatory effect on epileptic seizures, rather than being the primary seizure generator. We report a 14-month old girl presenting, since birth, with seizures symptomatic of a right cerebellar dysplasia, manifested as paroxystic contralateral hemifacial spasm and ipsilateral facial weakness. Multimodal imaging was used to investigate both anatomical landmarks related to the cerebellar lesion and mechanisms underlying seizure generation. Electric source imaging (ESI) supported the hypothesis of a right cerebellar epileptogenic generator in concordance with nuclear imaging findings; subsequently validated by intra-operative intralesional recordings. Diffusion spectrum imaging-related tractography (DSI) showed severe cerebellar structural abnormalities confirmed by histological examination. We suggest that hemispheric cerebellar lesions in cases like this are likely to cause epilepsy via an effect on the facial nuclei through ipsilateral and contralateral aberrant connections.


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La següent investigació aborda el problema de la violència de gènere dins la parella en dones immigrants. El motiu que va despertar l´interés per abordar aquesta qüestió ha sigut l´increment de casos que actualment arriben al sistema sociosanitari i juridicopenal (Instituto de la mujer, 2007). L´objectiu és doble, per una banda, conèixer l´impacte que han tingut els dispositius sociolegals sobre les pròpies dones immigrants, i d´altre, conèixer com el fenomen de la violència de gènere-immigració ha influït i modificat les pràctiques dins de les institucions on es desenvolupen els dispositius sociolegals. Els plantejaments teòrics orienten envers a donar una perspectiva de gènere i d´estudis culturals en l´anàlisi del problema. La metodologia utilitzada ha sigut de tipus qualitatiu (entrevistes obertes a informants claus: professionals dels sistema sociolegal i dones immigrants que han patit o pateixen violència de gènere en la parella). Els resultats mostren unes dimensions que hem de considerar: (1) efectes protectors dels dispositius sociolegals i alhora efectes de desemparament, indefensió i estigmatització envers les dones, i (2) resistències per part de dones i professionals envers l´imaginari social que domina en el sistema, resistències que son mostrades mitjançant replantejaments sobre les diferències interculturals, intervencions relatives a les formes de vida particulars de les dones, la reconceptualització dels límits de la violència de gènere i la priorització de la recuperació de les dones. Dins de les propostes suggerides, es destaca la necessitat d´unes pràctiques sociolegals que es centrin en la “ètica de la cura” (Izquierdo, 2003) per sobre de la “ètica de la sanció penal”.


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La investigación aborda el problema de la violencia de género dentro de la pareja en mujeres inmigrantes. El objetivo es conocer el impacto de los dispositivos sociolegales sobre las propias mujeres inmigrantes, a la vez que se conoce como el fenómeno de la inmigración ha influido en las prácticas institucionales. Los resultados indican efectos de protección y a la vez efectos perversos en los dispositivos sociolegales que se cuidan de las mujeres inmigradas. Se hacen propuestas para una intervención más situada y reflexiva.


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In March 2015, over 80 people, representing food banks, churches, advice services, community organisations, statutory agencies and universities attended the ‘Enough is Enough’  launch event in City Church, Belfast to examine the rising demand for emergency food across the city.The ‘Enough is Enough’ project aims to harness the expertise of health and social care professionals, city councillors, advice workers, food banks, community and faith based organisations and strategic bodies across Belfast to collectively address the issue of food poverty. This scoping study lays the foundation for developing an action plan to tackle food poverty in Belfast in collaboration with the community, voluntary and statutory sectors.The Belfast Food Network (BFN) commissioned the project with funding from the Public Health Agency. The research was carried out by Jenny McCurry, who also wrote the report, on behalf of Advice NI.  The project was initiated and developed by Dr Elizabeth Mitchell, Institute of Public Health in Ireland, in her role as convener of the BFN Food Poverty Working Group (BFN/FPWG). Thanks are due to Kevin Higgins, Head of Policy, Advice NI, and Kerry Melville, Co-ordinator, BFN, for their involvement in the project.The BFN is a founding member of the pioneering Sustainable Food Cities Network (SFC). Therapidly growing BFN was established in March 2014 to work with partners to establish a successful Sustainable Food City in Belfast.ACCESS AUDIO AND VIDEO FROM THE EVENT


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This report is the eigth in the series, "Indications of Public Health in the English Regions" commissioned by the Chief Medical Officer and has been produced jointly by the Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO) and the North East PHO. This report presents a wide range of data on the factors which can give rise to poor mental health, the mental health status of populations, provision of interventions of care for mental illness, service user experience and traditional outcomes such as suicide. In 2006, the United Kingdom rated third highest across 25 EU member states for the number of drinks consumed in one sitting. This Regional Indications report is produced alongside the new national strategy Safe. Sensible. Social: The next steps in the National Alcohol Strategy.


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Many disorders are associated with altered serum protein concentrations, including malnutrition, cancer, and cardiovascular, kidney, and inflammatory diseases. Although these protein concentrations are highly heritable, relatively little is known about their underlying genetic determinants. Through transethnic meta-analysis of European-ancestry and Japanese genome-wide association studies, we identified six loci at genome-wide significance (p < 5 × 10(-8)) for serum albumin (HPN-SCN1B, GCKR-FNDC4, SERPINF2-WDR81, TNFRSF11A-ZCCHC2, FRMD5-WDR76, and RPS11-FCGRT, in up to 53,190 European-ancestry and 9,380 Japanese individuals) and three loci for total protein (TNFRS13B, 6q21.3, and ELL2, in up to 25,539 European-ancestry and 10,168 Japanese individuals). We observed little evidence of heterogeneity in allelic effects at these loci between groups of European and Japanese ancestry but obtained substantial improvements in the resolution of fine mapping of potential causal variants by leveraging transethnic differences in the distribution of linkage disequilibrium. We demonstrated a functional role for the most strongly associated serum albumin locus, HPN, for which Hpn knockout mice manifest low plasma albumin concentrations. Other loci associated with serum albumin harbor genes related to ribosome function, protein translation, and proteasomal degradation, whereas those associated with serum total protein include genes related to immune function. Our results highlight the advantages of transethnic meta-analysis for the discovery and fine mapping of complex trait loci and have provided initial insights into the underlying genetic architecture of serum protein concentrations and their association with human disease.


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El treball pretén aportar un coneixement de caràcter psicosocial sobre els contextos on els professionals del sistema jurídic-penal ofereixen atenció a les víctimes de violència de gènere, concretament, les unitats i oficines habilitades per recollir la denúncia o atestat dins de les comissaries dels Mossos d’esquadra i els jutjats d´instrucció de la dona. L´àmbit territorial va ser Barcelona i Girona. Es va obtenir informació sobre judicis realitzats a l´Audiència provincial, així com documents legals en relació al tema. S’ha analitzat les necessitats i dificultats juntament amb la identificació dels recursos psicosocials que aporten tant aquests professionals com les dones que han patit o estan patit un procés de maltractament per part de la parella. La pretensió es oferir una mirada particular per suggerir transformacions que facilitin el procés d´atenció en aquests contextos, sovint difícil i, que comporta conseqüències emocionals per part de les víctimes i dels mateixos agents que les atenen. S’ha partit de les narracions de les víctimes i dels agents jurídics, com pràctiques socials a partir de les quals podem detectar valors, posicions, normes, emocions i efectes de gènere que permetrà dirigir la intervenció. Com a eines d´anàlisi s’ha fet ús els repertoris interpretatius els quals han permès analitzar les construccions socials i els seus efectes al voltant del maltracte, de les identitats de les víctimes i els victimaris.


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Between June 1988 and September 1994, 100 girls and 32 boys 2 months to 15.5 years old (average 4.9 years) with 204 refluxing ureteral units were treated by endoscopic subureteral collagen injection. The collagen injected was of bovine origin and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (Zyplast*). Followup ranged from 3 to 75 months (mean 33). Reflux was absent in 62.7% of cases 3 months after 1 endoscopic subureteral injection. Improvement to reflux grades I and II, generally not requiring further treatment, occurred in a further 15.2% of cases. A total of 66 ureters was injected twice. The overall cure rate after 1 or 2 injections was 79.4% 3 months after injection. There was no correlation between the risk of recurrent reflux and initial degree of reflux. Late recurrence of reflux following a reflux-free period occurred in 11.3% of the 204 units during the observation period, which varied from 3 months to 6 1/4 years. Reflux was absent after 1 or 2 injections, including late recurrence, in 70.6% of cases and in an additional 13.2% recurrent reflux was grade I or II, not necessitating any further treatment. Considering these results, subureteral collagen injection remains an adequate method of treatment for vesicoureteral reflux in children.


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Une classification simplifiee du genre Colaniella LIKHAREV est proposee: Colaniella ex gr. parva, Colaniella ex gr. lepida, Colaniella ex gr. minima. Elle correspond a la division du taxon en trois groupes morphologiques. La repartition geographique de ce taxon est inventoriée de meme que les environnements sedimentaires et les microfaunes associees. Les nouvelles decouvertes de C. ex gr. parva dans Ie Permien superieur des coupes de Mesagros (ile d'Egine, Grece), d'Emarat (N Elbourz, Iran) et du Wadi Wasil dans les montagnes centrales d'Oman sont decrites en detail. L'importance des Colanielles dans la biostratigraphie du Permien superieur tethysien est analysee et clarifiee au vu des travaux recents et Ie problème des migrations est abordé. A simplified taxonomic classification in 3 groups of the genus Colaniella LIKHAREV is proposed: Colaniella ex gr. parva, Colaniella ex gr. lepida, Colaniella ex gr. minima. The repartition of the eight main Colaniella biofacies is given and the paleogeographic distribution of this genus is presented on a late Permian map configuration. New late Permian localities with Colaniella ex gr. parva have been found: Aegina island (Greece), Emmarat in the northern Alborz (Iran) and Wadi Wasit in the central Oman Mountains. The stratigraphic range of Colaniella ex gr. parva is much longer than previously accepted even by specialists. This range begins in the early Midian (Abadehian) and ends in the late Changhsingian (Dorashamian), very close to the range of the genus. For environmental reasons and slow eastward migration we have apparent shorter ranges in the Eastern part of the Tethyan domain.


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Opinnäytetyömme ensimmäisenä tarkoituksena on kuvata imeväisikäisen potilaan hoidossa tarvittavaa osaamista. Toisena tarkoituksena on luoda kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla arviointiväline eli mittari, jonka avulla arvioidaan perustason sairaankuljettajien osaamista imeväisikäisten kohdalla. Työmme on ensimmäinen osa KUOSCE- hanketta, joka on Keski- Uudenmaan pelastuslaitoksen ja Helsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadian monivuotinen yhteistyöhanke. Hankkeen tarkoituksena on luoda osaamisen kehittymisen malli ensihoidon koulutusohjelman ja Keski- Uudenmaan pelastuslaitoksen käyttöön. Olemme kirjallisuuskatsauksessa kuvanneet imeväisikäisen potilaan kehitystä ja hoidossa tarvittavaa osaamista. Hoidon osaamisessa keskityimme siihen, mitä perustason sairaankuljettajan tulee osata hoitaessaan imeväisikäistä potilasta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa olemme kuvanneet myös OSCE - menetelmää, sillä arviointivälineemme on kehitetty sen pohjalta. Arviointivälineen kehittämiseksi olemme saaneet ehdotuksia Keski-Uudenmaan pelastuslaitoksen työelämänohjaajilta. Vaikka imeväisikäinen potilas on erittäin harvinainen potilasryhmä, päädyimme silti työelämänohjaajien kanssa siihen lopputulokseen, että kyseisen ryhmän ensihoidon osaamista on tarpeellista testata. Arviointivälineemme on lähetetty työelämän asiantuntijoille, jotta he voisivat arvioida sen osaamisalueiden selkeyttä, yksiselitteisyyttä, arvioitavuutta ja tärkeyttä. Näistä arvioista saimme yhden tarkistettuna takaisin. Arviointivälineen toimivuutta ja käyttökelpoisuutta testasimme viimeisen vuoden ensihoitajaopiskelijoilla (n=15). Esitestauksessa ei ollut tarkoitus arvioida testattavien parien työskentelyä, vaan arviointivälineen luotettavuutta ja käyttökelpoisuutta. Esitestauksen jälkeen jouduimme vielä muokkaamaan arviointivälinettä sillä huomasimme, että siinä eivät kaikki väittämät edenneet loogisesti. Itse arviointivälineen sisältöön emme juurikaan puuttuneet enää esitestauksen jälkeen. Jatkossa aiomme toisessa opinnäyetyössämme testata arviointivälinettä pienellä ryhmällä Keski-Uudenmaan perustason sairaankuljettajia.