273 resultados para Jade.


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To be launched in March 2016, this study explores the transformative potential of ePortfolios in business education. Educators and higher education institutions are increasingly looking for innovative ways to enhance learning outcomes through technology. Given their potential to aid in the development of engaged, reflective lifelong learners, and develop and showcase employability skills, ePortfolios are increasingly being used around the globe.

This study shares the experience of, and lessons learned from, the implementation of ePortfolios in one general business management course and three accounting related courses at three higher education institutions. The recommendations and principles proposed provide benchmarks for best practice and practical guidance for embedding ePortfolios into business curricula.


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While research surrounding ePortfolios abounds, few studies make explicit the pedagogical underpinnings of their use. Some suggest that the decision to use new technologies, like ePortfolios, is often made in ignorance of pedagogic evidence. Developed over the course of a two-year national study on the implementation of ePortfolios, this paper argues the importance of a considered approach to ePortfolio use; one that is premised on carefully linking the purpose and context to the type of portfolio. The paper explores the potential of ePortfolios as they align with four specific pillars of learning: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be. It discusses the pedagogic underpinnings – that is, the why – of ePortfolios including: skills and competencies; transformative potential; reflection; identity; active learning; employability; and assessment. The succeeding section provides recommendations for practical ePortfolio use – that is, the how – and an original framework linking ePortfolio purpose to design is proposed.


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This project will enable academic leadership of Australian Business and Management education programs to design into the curriculum, and best use, ePortfolios and associated technologies in assessing students' learning of highly valued professionally-based capabilities. The project will investigate and support the best ways of broadly and deeply embedding ePortfolios across entire undergraduate business and management education curricula. ePortfolios for enabling and assessing student learning is seen as a key means for integrating student learning across the curriculum and, therefore, creating a holistic learning experience. The project will work with Program Leaders across the sector through liaison with the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC), Teaching and Learning Network to both draw in better practices and disseminate project findings as the project progresses through its key phases. These planned actions will lead to the progressive development of a Business Education ePortfolio Professional Learning Capabilities Assessment Framework.


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Os muiraquitãs foram considerados de proveniência asiática ou, também, como peças esculpidas pelas lendárias mulheres guerreiras, as Amazonas. São peças, hoje, muito raras, encontradas em alguns acervos de Museus. Estudos mineralógicos e químicos de 23 peças do acervo dos Museus de Gemas e do Encontro em Belém, Brasil, mostraram que os muiraquitãs podem ser constituídos, tanto de quartzo, como de albita, ou microclínio, pirofilita, variscita, anortita e tremolita (equivalente ao jade nefrítico), minerais frequentes em formações geológicas do Brasil. No entanto quatro peças são constituídas de jadeta, ou seja, em jade jadetico, raro e desconhecido na Amazônia e Brasil. A constatação da presença desse mineral reacende a discussão em torno da origem mineralógica dos muiraquitãs encontrados na Amazônia. Essa origem, antes da atual descoberta, era defendida como amazônica, devido à ausência de jade jadetico nas peças pesquisadas e pelo fato de jadeta não ter sido encontrada no Brasil, mas na América Central e na Ásia.


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This paper presents a multi-agent system for real-time operation of simulated microgrid using the Smart-Grid Test Bed at Washington State University. The multi-agent system (MAS) was developed in JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment Framework) which is a Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) compliant open source multi-agent platform. The proposed operational strategy is mainly focused on using an appropriate energy management and control strategies to improve the operation of an islanded microgrid, formed by photovoltaic (PV) solar energy, batteries and resistive and rotating machines loads. The focus is on resource management and to avoid impact on loads from abrupt variations or interruption that changes the operating conditions. The management and control of the PV system is performed in JADE, while the microgrid model is simulated in RSCAD/RTDS (Real-Time Digital Simulator). Finally, the outcome of simulation studies demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed multi-agent approach for real-time operation of a microgrid.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Solobacterium moorei is a volatile sulfide compound (VSC)-producing Gram-positive anaerobic bacterium that has been associated with halitosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of green tea extract and its major constituent epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) on growth and severalhalitosis-related properties of S. moorei.Methods: A microplate dilution assay was used to determine the antibacterial activity of green tea extract and EGCG against S. moorei. Their effects on bacterial cell membrane integrity were investigated by transmission electron microscopy and a fluorescence-based permeability assay. Biofilm formation was quantified by crystal violet staining. Adhesion of FITC-labeled S. moorei to oral epithelial cells was monitored by fluorometry. The modulation of beta-galactosidase gene expression in S. moorei was evaluated by quantitative RT-PCR.Results: The green tea extract as well as EGCG inhibited the growth of S. moorei, with MIC values of 500 and 250 mu g/ml, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy analysis and a permeabilization assay brought evidence that the bacterial cell membrane was the target of green tea polyphenols. Regarding the effects of green tea polyphenols on the S. moorei colonization properties, it was found that biofilm formation on EGCG-treated surfaces was significantly affected, and that green tea extract and EGCG can cause the eradication of pre-formed S. moorei biofilms. Moreover, both the green tea extract and EGCG were found to reduce the adherence of S. moorei to oral epithelial cells. The beta-galactosidase activity of S. moorei, which plays a key role in VSC production, was dose-dependently inhibited by green tea polyphenols. In addition, EGCG at 1/2 MIC significantly decreased the beta-galactosidase gene expression.Conclusion: Our study brought evidence to support that green tea polyphenols possess a number of properties that may contribute to reduce S. moorei-related halitosis. Therefore, these natural compounds may be of interest to be used to supplement oral healthcare products.


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It has been shown that ouabain (OUA) can activate the Na,K-ATPase complex and mediate intracellular signaling in the central nervous system (CNS). Inflammatory stimulus increases glutamatergic transmission, especially at N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, which are usually coupled to the activation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) activation modulates the expression of genes involved in development, plasticity, and inflammation. The present work investigated the effects of OUA on NF-kappa B binding activity in rat hippocampus and the influence of this OUA-Na,K-ATPase signaling cascade in NMDA-mediated NF-kappa B activation. The findings presented here are the first report indicating that intrahippocampal administration of OUA, in a concentration that did not alter Na,K-ATPase or NOS activity, induced an activation of NF-kappa B, leading to increases in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf), inducible NOS (iNos), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (Tnf-alpha), and B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 (Bcl2) mRNA levels. This response was not linked to any significant signs of neurodegeneration as showed via Fluoro-Jade B and Nissl stain. Intrahippocampal administration of NMDA induced NF alpha B activation and increased NOS and alpha 2/3-Na,K-ATPase activities. NMDA treatment further increased OUA-induced NF-kappa B activation, which was partially blocked by MK-801, an antagonist of NMDA receptor. These results suggest that OUA-induced NF-kappa B activation is at least in part dependent on Na,K-ATPase modulatory action of NMDA receptor in hippocampus. The interaction of these signaling pathways could be associated with biological mechanisms that may underlie the basal homeostatic state linked to the inflammatory signaling cascade in the brain. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Systemic injection of pilocarpine in rodents induces status epilepticus (SE) and reproduces the main characteristics of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Different mechanisms are activated by SE contributing to cell death and immune system activation. We used BALB/c nude mice, a mutant that is severely immunocompromised, to characterize seizure pattern, neurochemical changes, cell death and c-Fos activation secondarily to pilocarpine-induced SE. The behavioral seizures were less severe in BALB/c nude than in BALB/c wild type mice. However, nude mice presented more tonic clonic episodes and higher mortality rate during SE. The c-Fos expression was most prominent in the caudate-putamen, CA3 (p < 0.05), dentate gyrus, entorhinal cortex (p < 0.001), basolateral nucleus of amygdala (p < 0.01) and piriform cortex (p < 0.05) of BALB/c nude mice than of BALB/c. Besides, nude mice subjected to SE presented high number of Fluorojade-B (FJB) stained cells in the piriform cortex, amygdala (p < 0.05) and hilus (p < 0.05) in comparison with BALB/c mice. A significant increase in the level of glutamate and GABA was found in the hippocampus and cortex of BALB/c mice presenting SE in comparison to controls. However, the level of glutamate was higher in the brains of BALB nude mice than in the brains of BALB/c wild type mice, while the levels of GABA were unchanged. These results indicate that the brains of immunodeficient nude mice are more vulnerable to the deleterious effects of pilocarpine-induced SE as they present intense activation, increased glutamate levels and more cell death. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Glucose metabolism and insulin signaling disruptions in the brain have been proposed as a likely etiology of Alzheimer's disease. The aim of the present study was to investigate the time course of cognitive impairments induced by intracerebroventricular injection of streptozotocin (STZ) in rats and correlate them with the ensuing neurodegenerative process. Early and late effects of STZ were evaluated by using the reference and working memory versions of the Morris' water maze task and the evaluation of neurodegenerative markers by immunoblotting and the Fluoro-jade C histochemistry. The results revealed different types of behavioral and neurodegenerative responses, with distinct time courses. We observed an early disruption on the working memory as early as 3 h after STZ injections, which was followed by degenerative processes in the hippocampus at 1 and 15 days after STZ injections. Memory disruption increases over time and culminates with significant changes in amyloid-beta peptide and hyperphosphorylated Tau protein levels in distinct brain structures. These findings add information on the Alzheimer's disease-like STZ animal model and on the mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative processes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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La tesi si propone di sviluppare un modello, l'architettura e la tecnologia per il sistema di denominazione del Middleware Coordinato TuCSoN, compresi gli agenti, i nodi e le risorse. Identità universali che rappresentano queste entità, sia per la mobilità fisica sia per quella virtuale, per un Management System (AMS, NMS, RMS) distribuito; tale modulo si occupa anche di ACC e trasduttori, prevedendo questioni come la tolleranza ai guasti, la persistenza, la coerenza, insieme con il coordinamento disincarnata in rete, come accade con le tecnologie Cloud. All’interno dell’elaborato, per prima cosa si è fatta una introduzione andando a descrivere tutto ciò che è contenuto nell’elaborato in modo da dare una visione iniziale globale del lavoro eseguito. Di seguito (1° capitolo) si è descritta tutta la parte relativa alle conoscenze di base che bisogna avere per la comprensione dell’elaborato; tali conoscenze sono relative a TuCSoN (il middleware coordinato con cui il modulo progettato dovrà interfacciarsi) e Cassandra (sistema server distribuito su cui si appoggia la parte di mantenimento e salvataggio dati del modulo). In seguito (2° capitolo) si è descritto JADE, un middleware da cui si è partiti con lo studio per la progettazione del modello e dell’architettura del modulo. Successivamente (3° capitolo) si è andati a spiegare la struttura e il modello del modulo considerato andando ad esaminare tutti i dettagli relativi alle entità interne e di tutti i legami fra esse. In questa parte si è anche dettagliata tutta la parte relativa alla distribuzione sulla rete del modulo e dei suoi componenti. In seguito (4° capitolo) è stata dettagliata e spiegata tutta la parte relativa al sistema di denominazione del modulo, quindi la sintassi e l’insieme di procedure che l’entità consumatrice esterna deve effettuare per ottenere un “nome universale” e quindi anche tutti i passaggi interni del modulo per fornire l’identificatore all’entità consumatrice. Nel capitolo successivo (5° capitolo) si sono descritti tutti i casi di studio relativi alle interazioni con le entità esterne, alle entità interne in caso in cui il modulo sia o meno distribuito sulla rete, e i casi di studio relativi alle politiche, paradigmi e procedure per la tolleranza ai guasti ed agli errori in modo da dettagliare i metodi di riparazione ad essi. Successivamente (6° capitolo) sono stati descritti i possibili sviluppi futuri relativi a nuove forme di interazione fra le entità che utilizzano questo modulo ed alle possibili migliorie e sviluppi tecnologici di questo modulo. Infine sono state descritte le conclusioni relative al modulo progettato con tutti i dettagli in modo da fornire una visione globale di quanto inserito e descritto nell’elaborato.


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L'obiettivo della tesi è esplorare i più avanzati dispositivi, sensori e processori per la computazione spaziale, correlarli con i modelli di spatial computing, e derivarne un'architettura concettuale di middleware distribuito che possa supportare le più avanzate applicazioni in mobilità.


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Intra-arterial (IA) injection represents an experimental avenue for minimally invasive delivery of stem cells to the injured brain. It has however been reported that IA injection of stem cells carries the risk of reduction in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and microstrokes. Here we evaluate the safety of IA neural progenitor cell (NPC) delivery to the brain. Cerebral blood flow of rats was monitored during IA injection of single cell suspensions of NPCs after stroke. Animals received 1 × 10(6) NPCs either injected via a microneedle (microneedle group) into the patent common carotid artery (CCA) or via a catheter into the proximally ligated CCA (catheter group). Controls included saline-only injections and cell injections into non-stroked sham animals. Cerebral blood flow in the microneedle group remained at baseline, whereas in the catheter group a persistent (15 minutes) decrease to 78% of baseline occurred (P<0.001). In non-stroked controls, NPCs injected via the catheter method resulted in higher levels of Iba-1-positive inflammatory cells (P=0.003), higher numbers of degenerating neurons as seen in Fluoro-Jade C staining (P<0.0001) and ischemic changes on diffusion weighted imaging. With an appropriate technique, reduction in CBF and microstrokes do not occur with IA transplantation of NPCs.


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Current guidelines suggest that primary prophylaxis for Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PcP) can be safely stopped in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients who are receiving combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) and who have a CD4 cell count >200 cells/microL. There are few data regarding the incidence of PcP or safety of stopping prophylaxis in virologically suppressed patients with CD4 cell counts of 101-200 cells/microL.


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Using data from a large European collaborative study, we aimed to identify the circumstances in which treated HIV-infected individuals will experience similar mortality rates to those of the general population.