806 resultados para Irvin, Dale T
OBJETIVO: avaliar as variáveis clínicas e epidemiológicas de risco para câncer de endométrio em mulheres com pólipos endometriais na pós-menopausa, bem como a presença do polimorfismo do receptor da progesterona (PROGINS). MÉTODOS: estudo caso-controle desenhado com 160 mulheres na pós-menopausa com pólipos endometriais, comparado a Grupo Controle de 400 mulheres na pós-menopausa. A genotipagem do polimorfismo PROGINS foi determinada pala reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). Aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos foram comparados entre as mulheres com pólipos endometriais benignos e 118 dos controles normais. Estas variáveis foram também comparadas entre mulheres com pólipos benignos e pólipos malignos. RESULTADOS: a comparação entre o grupo de pólipos benignos e o Grupo Controle mostrou diferença significativa (p<0,05) para as varáveis: idade, raça não-branca, anos da menopausa, paridade, hipertensão arterial, uso de tamoxifeno e antecedente de câncer de mama, todas mais prevalentes no grupo de pólipos endometriais. Após o ajuste para a idade, permaneceram com diferença significativa a paridade (OR=1,1), hipertensão arterial (OR=2,2) e o antecedente de câncer de mama (OR=14,4). Houve seis casos de pólipos malignos (3,7%). A frequência de sangramento para pólipos benignos e malignos foi de 23,4 e 100%, respectivamente, sendo o pólipo grande encontrado em 54,5% dos casos benignos e em 100% dos malignos. A frequência de hipertensão arterial foi de 54,5% para pólipos benignos e 83,3% para pólipos malignos. As frequências do polimorfismo PROGINS T1/T1, T1/T2 e T2/T2 foram 79,9%, 19,5% e 0,6% respectivamente para pólipos benignos e 78,8%, 20,8% e 0,5% para o Grupo Controle. CONCLUSÕES: os pólipos endometriais se mostraram mais frequentes em mulheres de idade avançada, hipertensas e com antecedente de câncer de mama. A presença do polimorfismo PROGINS não mostrou associação significativa com pólipos endometriais. A incidência de pólipos malignos foi baixa, estando fortemente associada à presença de sangramento, tamanho grande do pólipo e hipertensão arterial.
PURPOSE: To evaluate genes differentially expressed in ovaries from lean (wild type) and obese (ob/ob) female mice and cyclic AMP production in both groups.METHODS: The expression on messenger RNA levels of 84 genes concerning obesity was analyzed through the PCR array, and cyclic AMP was quantified by the enzyme immunoassay method.RESULTS: The most downregulated genes in the Obesity Group included adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide type 1, somatostatin, apolipoprotein A4, pancreatic colipase, and interleukin-1 beta. The mean decrease in expression levels of these genes was around 96, 40, 9, 4.2 and 3.6-fold, respectively. On the other hand, the most upregulated genes in the Obesity Group were receptor (calcitonin) activity-modifying protein 3, peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha, calcitonin receptor, and corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1. The increase means in the expression levels of such genes were 2.3, 2.7, 4.8 and 6.3-fold, respectively. The ovarian cyclic AMP production was significantly higher in ob/ob female mice (2,229±52 fMol) compared to the Control Group (1,814±45 fMol).CONCLUSIONS: Obese and anovulatory female mice have reduced reproductive hormone levels and altered ovogenesis. Several genes have their expression levels altered when leptin is absent, especially adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide type 1.
Purpose To correlate the expression of high-risk HPV E6 mRNA with pap smear, colposcopy, and biopsy results in women with high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL). Methods A cross-sectional study was performed on women referred for primary care services after cytological diagnosis of HSIL. We evaluated the expression of E6/E7 mRNA of HPV types 16,18,31,33, and 45 and correlated the results with those of Pap smear, colposcopy, and biopsy. For amplification/detection of mRNA E6 / E7 we used NucliSENSEasyQ kit to detect HPV mRNA by polymerase chain reaction with primers/ probes for HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, and 45. Results Out of 128 valid tests, the results of 30 (23.4%) tests were negative and 98 (70%) tests were positive. Only one type of HPV was detected in 87.7% of the E6/E7 mRNA positive cases. HPV16 was detected in 61.2% of the cases, followed by HPV33 (26.5%), HPV31 (17.3%), HPV18 (10%), and HPV45 (4.08%). Pap smear tests revealed that the E6/E7 test was positive in 107 (83.8%) women with atypical squamous cells - high grade (ASC-H), HSIL, or higher. The E6/E7 test was positive in 69 (57.5%) specimens presenting negative cytology results. When analyzing the association with colposcopy results, the frequency of positive E6/E7 results increased with the severity of the injury, ranging from 57.1% in women without colposcopy-detected injury to 86.5% in those with higher levels of colposcopy findings. Of the 111 women who underwent biopsy and E6/E7 testing, the E6/E7 test was positive in 84.7% of the women who presented with lesions of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2 or higher. Finally, 41.2% of women with a negative biopsy presented a positive E6/E7 test. Conclusions E6/E7mRNA expression was higher in women with HSIL and CIN grade 2 or higher.
Ipomoea sericophylla and Ipomoea riedelii cause a glycoprotein storage disease in goats. This paper reports the experimental poisoning in goats by dried I. sericophylla and I. riedelii containing 0.05% and 0.01% swainsonine, respectively. Three groups with four animals each were used. Group 1 received daily doses of 2g/kg body weight (bw) of dried I. sericophylla (150mg of swainsonine/kg). Goats from this group had clinical signs 36-38 days after the start of ingestion. Group 2 received dried I. riedelii daily doses of 2g/kg of I. riedelii (30mg of swainsonine/kg) for 70 days. No clinical signs were observed, therefore the swainsonine dose was increased to 60mg/kg for another 70 days. Goats from Group 2 had clinical signs 26-65 days after increase in swainsonine dose to 60mg/kg. Group 3 was used as control. In these experiments the minimum toxic dose was 60mg/kg which represents 0.0004% of the dry matter in goats ingesting 1.5% bw of the dry matter. For goats ingesting 2%-2.5% bw of dry matter this dose would be 0.00024%-0.0003% of the dry matter. After the end of the experiment two goats were euthanized and another six were observed for recovery of clinical signs. Four goats that continued to consume swainsonine containing plant for 39-89 days after the first clinical signs had non reversible signs, while two goats that ingested the plant for only 15 and 20 days after the first clinical signs recovered completely. These and previous results indicate that irreversible lesions due to neuronal loss occur in goats that continue to ingest the plants for about 30 days after the first clinical signs. Clinical signs and histological lesions were similar to those reported previously for goats poisoned by swainsonine containing plants. No significant alterations were found in packed cell volume, red and white blood cell counts, hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentrations, mean corpuscular volume, and serum levels of glucose, total protein, and albumin, and the serum activities of gamma glutamyl transferase and aspartate aminotransferase. Swainsonine concentration of 0.05% in I. sericophylla and 0.01% in I. riedelii are different from samples of these plants used in previous experiments, which contained 0.14% and 0.5% swainsonine, respectively, demonstrating a wide variation in the toxicity of different samples.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi reproduzir a intoxicação por Ipomoea verbascoidea em caprinos e descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e histopatológicos da intoxicação espontânea por essa planta no Estado de Pernambuco. Para isso, realizou-se o acompanhamento da epidemiologia da doença em sete municípios do semiárido pernambucano. Três caprinos espontaneamente intoxicados foram examinados e, em seguida eutanasiados e necropsiados (Grupo I). Para reproduzir experimentalmente a doença, as folhas secas de I. verbascoidea contendo 0,02% de swainsonina, foram fornecidas na dose de 4g/kg (0,8mg de swainsonina/kg) a dois grupos de três animais. Os caprinos do Grupo II receberam a planta diariamente por 40 dias e foram eutanasiados no 41º dia de experimento. Os caprinos do Grupo III receberam a planta diariamente por 55 dias e foram eutanasiados no 120º dia de experimento. Outros três caprinos constituíram o grupo controle (Grupo IV). Nos grupos experimentais, as lesões encefálicas foram avaliadas por histopatologia e adicionalmente avaliaram-se as lesões cerebelares por morfometria, mediante mensuração da espessura da camada molecular, do número de neurônios de Purkinje e da área dos corpos celulares dessas células. Os principais sinais clínicos e lesões microscópicas foram semelhantes aos previamente reportados em animais intoxicados por plantas que contem swainsonina. Nos caprinos do GII e GIII, os primeiros sinais clínicos foram observados entre o 22º e 29º dia de experimento; clinicamente a doença desenvolvida por esses animais foi semelhante aos casos espontâneos. Nenhum dos caprinos do GIII se recuperou dos sinais neurológicos. Esse resultado evidencia que o consumo da planta por 26-28 dias após a observação dos primeiros sinais clínicos é suficiente para provocar lesões irreversíveis. Pela análise morfométrica, a camada molecular do cerebelo dos caprinos do Grupo I e III eram mais delgadas que às dos caprinos do grupo controle, e os neurônios de Purkinje estavam atróficos. Sugere-se que essas alterações sejam responsáveis pelo quadro clínico neurológico observado nos caprinos que deixam de ingerir a planta e apresentam seqüelas da intoxicação.
Descrevem-se dois surtos de intoxicação por Senecio madagascariensis Poir. diagnosticados em bovinos em outubro de 2013 na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul. A morbidade foi de 3,2% e de 6,1% respectivamente e a letalidade foi de 100%. Um terceiro caso da intoxicação ocorreu em uma propriedade na qual de 54 bovinos um morreu com sinais clínicos da intoxicação. Em todos os casos, os bovinos estavam em áreas altamente infestas por S. madagascariensis que se encontrava em floração. Os sinais clínicos caracterizaram-se por diarreia, tenesmo, opistótono e emagrecimento progressivo e a morte ocorreu entre 10 e 15 dias após o início dos sinais clínicos. Nas necropsias as lesões eram de edema do mesentério, das paredes do abomaso e do rúmen, e das paredes da vesícula biliar, além de fígado firme e com aspecto marmorizado. Histologicamente havia no fígado proliferação de tecido conjuntivo fibroso, principalmente nos espaços porta, megalocitose e hiperplasia de ductos biliares. A observação de grande quantidade de S. madagascariensis em várias propriedades nos municípios de Arroio Grande, Pedro Osório e Capão do Leão a partir do ano 2013 sugere que esta planta está em pleno processo de adaptação e disseminação nesta região e que outros surtos podem ocorrer nos próximos anos. Os surtos relatados aparentemente resultaram do consumo da planta durante o outono/inverno de 2013, quando a mesma estava já em floração. A quantificação dos alcaloides revelou a presença de 500 µg/g e 4000µg/g de planta seca de alcaloides pirrolizidínicos em duas das três propriedades com casos de seneciose. Acredita-se que a grande quantidade de planta existente nas áreas onde os animais estavam e a quantidade de alcaloides presentes na mesma foram fatores que determinaram a ocorrência dos surtos.
1969-71 Brock Generals Hockey team. Members from left to right - Back row: Tom Kearney (Trainer), Al Kellogg (Coach), John Hull, Craig Morrison, Gregg Law, Frank Mucci, Dale Andreas, Eric Stevens, Serge Girrard, John Clarey, Wayne Kenyon, Reg Egilsson, Dusty Papke, Randy Oiling (Manager). Front row: Ron Powel, Barry Hopkins, Bruce Wormald, Miller Hicks, Fred Carter, Mike Nicholson, Dick Overholt, Chris Shott. Missing: John O'Brien, Barry Elliot.
Chapman College Homecoming, Orange, California, 1978. Left to right: Irvin "Ernie" Chapman, Agnes Burghardt, and Edy Chapman.
Chapman College Alumni Trustees pose for a portrait on the campus in Orange, California in the late 1980s. Left to right: James Roosevelt, A. Andrew Johnson, George Argyros, Harmon Wilkinson, Irvin C. Chapman and Myron Cole.
Family portrait taken at Charles C. Chapman's birthday celebration, Fullerton, California,July 2, 1932. The group poses outside his residence on the lawn. Top row [left to right]: Arthur Irvin, Charles Wickett, Irvin Chapman, Sam Collins, Paul Williams, Grant Chapman,, Sidney Chapman, Clay McCarn, Earl Chapman's son David McDougal, Earl Chapman's son William McDougal, Earl Chapman, Harry Chapman, William Wickett Sr. Second row [left to right]: Mr. VanMeter, Mrs. Sinclair, C. C. Sinclair, John Franklin, Way Bagley, Marjorie Collins, Emma Williams, Ruth Chapman, Vesta Chapman, Inez Bagley, Grace Chapman, Bertha Chapman, Clough Chapman, Frank and Bertha Chapman's daughter Agnes McDougal [Streech], Georgiana Chapman, Thela Clough, Mrs. Earl [Ann] Chapman, Bessie Reynolds, Fred Chapman, E. B. [Bert] Reynolds. Seated [left to right]: Mrs. VanMeter, Hattie Clark, Louie Messlar, Charlie Thamer, Louella Thamer, Dolla Harris, Stanley Chapman Sr. holding Mary Anne, Ethel Wickett, Charles C. Chapman, Clara Chapman, Colum C. Chapman, Aunt Annie Colum, Deryth Chapman, Anna Marie Chapman, Floy Chapman, Edith Chapman. Front row [left to right]: Sam E. Collins, Bill Wickett Jr., Joyce Chapman, Marilyn Chapman, Elizabeth Chapman, Mary McCarn, Nina Chapman Lescher, Jodeane Collins, Bob Gibb, Jean Chapman. In front is a floral arrangement with drawing of a Western Union telegram "To Chas. C. Chapman, July 2, 1932, N. Fullerton, Cal., 'Wishing you a happy birthday, Nina."
The 50th reunion of the Class of 1933, Chapman College, Orange, California, May 19, 1983. First row, left to right: Ruth (Mercer) Dorrance, Toribio Castillo, Melva (Carlmark) Haskell, Felix Pascua, Henry Searle, and Lois (Huntley) Todd. Back row, left to right: Ruta (Pelley) Upham, Paul Dear, John Parker, Howard Metzger, Irvin C. "Ernie" Chapman and Tom West.
Ontario Editorial Bureau (O.E.B.)
The Cedar Dale Scythe Works was the second manufacturing company that A.S. Whiting had established in Oshawa, the first being the Oshawa Manufacturing Co. in 1852. The Oshawa Manufacturing Co. was eventually taken over by the Joseph Hall Works in 1857. In 1862, the Cedar Dale Works was built after being in a rented space in the Hall Works for two years, building scythes and hoes. With the building of the firm, the village of Cedar Dale was established. In 1867, the firm became Whiting and Cowan when John Cowan bought into the company. After the death of Whiting in 1867, his son-in-law, R.S. Hamlin headed the company. By 1872, it became the A.S. Whiting Manufacturing Co. when Cowan withdrew from the business. Before Whiting’s death, the company had been profitable but due to new machinery being developed, hand tools were becoming obsolete and the business only lasted for a few more years (source: Oshawa Community Museum and Archives Web site).