985 resultados para Investment property


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Structural and surface property changes of macadamia nut-shell (MNS) char upon activation and high temperature treatment (HTT) were studied by high-resolution nitrogen adsorption, diffuse reflectance infra-red Fourier transform spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and temperature-programmed desorption. It is found that activation of MNS char can be divided into the low extent activation which may involve the reactions of internal oxygen-containing groups and leads to the formation of comparatively uniform micropores, and the high extent activation which induces reactions between carbon and activating gas and produces a large amount of micropores. The surface functional groups (SFGs) basically increase with the increase of activation extent, but high extent activation preferentially increases the amount of -C-O and -C=O. HTT in air for a short tithe at a high temperature (1173 K) greatly increases the micropore volume and the amounts of SFGs. By appropriately choosing the activation and HTT conditions, it is possible to control both the textural structure and the type and amounts of SFG. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Australia's rangelands are experiencing a post-productivist transition at a tempo comparable to Western Europe's, but in contexts that ensure marked divergence in impulses, actors, processes and outcomes. In Australia's most marginal lands, a flimsy mode of pastoral occupance is being displaced by renewed indigenous occupance, conservation and tourism, with significant changes in land ownership, property rights, investment sources and power relations, but also with structural problems arising from fugitive income streams. The sharp delineation between structurally coherent commodity-oriented regions and emerging amenity-oriented regions can provisionally be mapped at a national scale. A comparison of Australia with Western Europe indicates that three distinct but interconnected driving forces are propelling the rural transition, namely: agricultural overcapacity; the emergence of amenity-oriented uses; and changing societal values.


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Little is known about risk management in the public sector This study reports on a survey of senior officers in Australian Commonwealth companies and statutory authorities concerning their practice and attitudes towards the use of derivative instruments for risk management. Using a variety of tests, the most important issue identified by respondents concerning the use of derivatives is for budgeting purposes. Of note, respondents rank commonly cited reasons advanced in the private sector such as reduced bankruptcy costs and taxation, as being relatively unimportant, which is consistent with arguments advanced in the paper The results also indicate that there are significant differences in the level of importance in some issues regarding derivatives use across public sector organisations, particularly those differentiated by a documented risk management plan. The study also documents for the first time the extent of derivatives use in the Australian public sector.


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Smart State is a Queensland Government initiative that recognises the central role of knowledge-based economic growth. In this context, the management of intellectual property (IP) within Queensland and Australian government research and development agencies has changed dramatically over recent years. Increasing expectations have been placed on utilising public sector IP to both underpin economic development and augment taxes by generating new revenues. Public sector research and development (R&D) management has come under greater scrutiny to commercialise and/or corporatise their activities. In a study of IP management issues in the Queensland Public Sector we developed a framework to facilitate a holistic audit of IP management in government agencies. In this paper we describe this framework as it pertains to one large public sector Agriculture R&D Agency, the Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI). The four overlapping domains of the framework are: IP Generation; IP Rights; IP Uptake; and Corporate IP Support. The audit within QDPI, conducted in 2000 near the outset of Smart State, highlighted some well developed IP management practices within QDPI's traditional areas of focus of innovation (IP Generation) and IP ownership and licensing (IP Rights). However, further management practice developments are required to improve the domains of IP Uptake and Corporate IP Support.


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In the paper we present two continuous selection theorems in hyperconvex metric spaces and apply these to study xed point and coincidence point problems as well as variational inequality problems in hyperconvex metric spaces.


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Analysis of the equity premium puzzle has focused on private-sector capital markets. However, the existence of an anomalous equity premium raises important issues in the evaluation of public-sector investment projects. These issues are explored below. We begin by formalizing the argument that an equity premium may arise from uninsurable systematic risk in labour income, and show that, other things being equal, increases in public ownership of equity will improve welfare, up to the point where the equity premium is eliminated. Finally, we consider policy implications and the optimal extent of public ownership.


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Os fundos de investimento imobiliário combinam características tanto do mercado imobiliário, fonte de seus rendimentos, quanto do mercado de capitais, ambiente em que são negociados. O impacto de cada um desses mercados subjacentes no comportamento, desempenho e risco dessa classe de ativos não é, no entanto, ainda claramente definida, sendo um dos grandes temas em análise, tanto na literatura acadêmica, quanto na indústria de fundos internacionais. Em face da significativa expansão dessa alternativa de investimento no mercado brasileiro, no presente estudo foram analisadas as variáveis que influenciam os retornos dos fundos imobiliários brasileiros para uma amostra de fundos listados em Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo, período de 2008-2013. Seguindo a metodologia de Clayton e Mackinnon (2003), os fatores explicativos dos retornos foram decompostos em quatro componentes principais, sendo três fatores de retorno de mercado (mercado de ações, mercado de renda fixa e mercado imobiliário) e risco idiossincrático. De acordo com a estatística descritiva, os fundos imobiliários da amostra apresentaram maior retorno em relação aos demais mercados, exceto em comparação com o mercado imobiliário, porém com menor risco. As análises de correlação, regressão e decomposição da variância indicam que o mercado de ações e o mercado imobiliário direto são, em geral, significativos no modelo, porém explicam apenas cerca de 15% da volatilidade dos retornos dos fundos da amostra. À luz da Moderna Teoria do Portfólio, esses resultados indicam que a inclusão de fundos imobiliários pode ter potencial diversificador numa carteira multi-ativo, seja aumentando o retorno total de uma carteira formada de ações e títulos de renda fixa, sem acréscimo em risco; ou mantendo o retorno dessa carteira, com diminuição da volatilidade, ampliando assim a fronteira eficiente da carteira. Esse efeito questiona o tradicional equilibrium fund de carteiras de investimentos formadas apenas de ações e renda fixa e aponta os fundos imobiliários como uma alternativa de investimento diversificadora, enquanto classe de ativo única. A análise de subamostras por tipologia indica, porém, que o papel diversificador dos fundos imobiliários está atrelado ao tipo de empreendimento que lastreia esse fundo, uma vez que os fatores explicativos e seus impactos nos retornos diferem de uma tipologia para outra. Esse resultado tem importantes implicações no critério de seleção a ser adotado tanto por investidores para seleção de ativos para uma carteira otimizada, como para gestores de fundos imobiliários na formatação e gestão desses produtos. Conclui-se também que os retornos dos fundos, de certo modo, refletem seu caráter híbrido, mas o modelo decomposto em 4 componentes não é suficiente para explicar os retornos dos fundos imobiliários, uma vez que o modelo estendido, demonstrou que outras variáveis, inclusive parâmetros desses próprios mercados, além de variáveis macroeconômicas e as características de cada fundo (eg. market-to-book, tamanho), podem ser responsáveis por explicar considerável parte da variância dos retornos dos FIIs.


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It approaches the growth of the city of Colatina-ES, the county seat that has urban economy and urban population, and territory with most of the rural area. Rural areas, however, contribute little to the city s economy and are largely environmentally degraded, idle and waiting for recovery. The objective is to understand the growth of the city of Colatina, and the factors and consequences of this growth. Land division projects, investments and interventions in urban and rural areas were collected for the analysis. As a median-sized city characterized by central and regional polarity, but outside of the main investments in the state, Colatina seeks to take advantage of its situation of commercial warehouse city and road junction to stay alive in the regional economy. The citys economy is based on trade and services, but seeks to attract investment to the industry and logistics. The expansion of the city since the early formation follows the road system, which creates a dispersed spatiality. The characteristics of the urban growth of Colatina are the result of economic development strategies, interests in the property market and a government that abstains from urban control. These factors lead a sprawl urbanization that presents itself costly and not sustainable for urban and rural areas because it creates segregation, higher infrastructure costs, low-density and monofunctional urban spaces, pollution, and worsening of environmental depletion. The challenges for sustainable growth of the city of Colatina depends on a municipal and regional planning, which qualifies and diversifies its urban areas, avoids unnecessary expansion of the urban perimeter, retrieves its environmental degraded areas and leverages the agricultural activities in a productive and less aggressive way to the environment


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Globalization creates new opportunities for firms to invest abroad and many economies are making active efforts to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in order to promote economic growth. Decisions to invest abroad depend on a complex set of factors, but the least corrupt countries may attract more foreign direct investment because they provide a more favorable climate for investors. In this paper we investigate the impact of corruption on FDI inflows in 73 countries, over the period 1998-2008. Our results suggest that countries where corruption is lower, the FDI inflows are greater, and so controlling corruption may be an important strategy for increase FDI inflows.


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In this paper we investigate whether the determinants of international equity investment differ between investors with different degrees of sophistication. For this purpose, we analyse and compare the determinants of international equity investment of institutional and noninstitutional investors from 20 OECD countries (US not included) in the period 2001-2009. The results show that there are significant differences in the determinants of international equity investment between institutional and noninstitutional investors. In particular, noninstitutional investors tend to exhibit a more pronounced preference for equities of geographical nearby, contiguous and more transparent countries than institutional investors. The preference for more developed equity markets and the contrarian behaviour are also significantly more pronounced for noninstitutional than for institutional investors. These results support the argument that international equity investment of less sophisticated investors is more affected by information costs and familiarity than that of more sophisticated investors. Moreover, business cycles exert an influence on international equity investment decisions of both institutional and noninstitutional investors.


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The purpose of this research is fourfold. First, to investigate whether the determinants of international equity investment differ between investors with different degrees of information, experience and sophistication. For this purpose, the determinants of international equity investment of institutional and noninstitutional investors from 20 OECD countries, in the period 2001-2009, were analysed and compared. The results show that there are significant differences in the determinants of international equity investment between institutional and noninstitutional investors. Particularly, noninstitutional investors exhibit a more pronounced preference for equities of geographical nearby, contiguous and more transparent countries than institutional investors, suggesting that the effect of information costs and familiarity on international equity investment is stronger for less informed, experienced and sophisticated investors. Moreover, the preference for more developed equity markets and the contrarian behaviour are more severe for noninstitutional investors. Hence, the heterogeneity of institutional and noninstitutional investors in international equity investment is not negligible and therefore should be taken into account. Second, to investigate whether the determinants of international bond investment differ between investors with different degrees of information, experience and sophistication. For this purpose, the determinants of international bond investment of institutional and noninstitutional investors from 20 OECD countries, in the period 2001-2009, were analysed and compared. The results show that there are few significant differences in the determinants of international bond investment between institutional and noninstitutional investors. Particularly, the preference for bonds of more transparent countries and the return chasing behaviour are more pronounced for noninstitutional investors, whereas the preference for bonds with lower risk diversification potential is more pronounced for institutional investors. Hence, not only the results for international bond investment do not allow to support (or reject) the argument that information costs and familiarity are more important for less informed, experienced and sophisticated investors, but also they are contrary to the idea that financial variables, namely return and risk diversification, are more important for more informed, experienced and sophisticated investors. Third, to investigate whether the determinants of international equity investment differ from the determinants of international bond investment. For this purpose, the determinants of both international equity and bond investment of institutional and noninstitutional investors from 20 OECD countries, in the period 2001-2009, were analysed and compared. The results show that, although the effect of information costs on international equity investment tends to be stronger than on international bond investment, the differences between assets are not usually statistically significant, especially when the influence of financial variables is taken into account. Hence, it is not possible to conclude that international equity investment is much more information intensive than international bond investment, as suggested by Gehrig (1993) and Portes, Rey and Oh (2001), among others. Fourth, to investigate whether the flight to quality phenomenon is also observable in international investment and whether the flight to quality phenomenon is more pronounced for more sophisticated than for less sophisticated investors. For this purpose, a two-factor and three-factor ANOVA models, respectively, were applied to the international equity and bond investment of institutional and noninstitutional investors from 20 OECD countries in the period 2001-2009. The results suggest that the flight to quality phenomenon is also observable in international investment, as a change from business cycle of expansion to recession causes investors to significantly decrease the average weight invested in more risky assets (equities) and increase the average weight invested in less risky assets (bonds). The results also show that the variation on the average weight assigned to each type of asset, due to changes in business cycles, is significantly stronger for institutional investors than for noninstitutional investors, thereby suggesting that the flight to quality phenomenon is more pronounced for more sophisticated than for less sophisticated investors.


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