832 resultados para Internet of Things (IoT)
This article offers a fresh view on the poetics of the pseudo-Vergilian poem Aetna, proposing a carefully planned and executed structure which is supported through a deliberate arrangement of key terms in the poem as well as a network of verbal cross-references
The natural disposition of mankind is to want Utopia. In literature from the very beginning, from our most primitive to our most sophisticated verses, from the pens of atheists to acolytes, the human spirit has always scratched out, searched, even longed, for Utopias. When Utopias can somehow be linked to a political entity, the subsequent delirium from would-be followers numbers millions.
The new digital technologies have led to widespread use of cloud computing, recognition of the potential of big data analytics, and significant progress in aspects of the Internet of Things, such as home automation, smart cities and grids and digital manufacturing. In addition to closing gaps in respect of the basic necessities of access and usage, now the conditions must be established for using the new platforms and finding ways to participate actively in the creation of content and even new applications and platforms. This message runs through the three chapters of this book. Chapter I presents the main features of the digital revolution, emphasizing that today’s world economy is a digital economy. Chapter II examines the region’s strengths and weaknesses with respect to digital access and consumption. Chapter III reviews the main policy debates and urges countries to take a more proactive approach towards, for example, regulation, network neutrality and combating cybercrime. The conclusion highlights two crucial elements: first, the need to take steps towards a single regional digital market that can compete in a world of global platforms by tapping the benefits of economies of scale and developing network economies; and second, the significance of the next stage of the digital agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean (eLAC2018), which will embody the latest updates to a cooperation strategy that has been in place for over a decade.
Programa de doctorado: Cibernética y telecomunicación
Lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie sempre più innovative e all’avanguardia ha portato ad un processo di costante rivisitazione e miglioramento di sistemi tecnologici già esistenti. L’esempio di Internet risulta, a questo proposito, interessante da analizzare: strumento quotidiano ormai diventato alla portata di tutti, il suo processo di rivisitazione ha portato allo sviluppo dell’Internet Of Things (IoT), neologismo utilizzato per descrivere l'estensione di Internet a tutto ciò che può essere trasformato in un sistema elettronico, controllato attraverso la rete mondiale che oggi può essere facilmente fruibile grazie all’utilizzo di Smartphone sempre più performanti. Lo scopo di questa grande trasformazione è quello di creare una rete ad-hoc (non necessariamente con un accesso diretto alla rete internet tramite protocolli wired o wireless standard) al fine di stabilire un maggior controllo ed una maggiore sicurezza, alla quale è possibile interfacciare oggetti dotati di opportuni sensori di diverso tipo, in maniera tale da condividere dati e ricevere comandi da un operatore esterno. Un possibile scenario applicativo della tecnologia IoT, è il campo dell'efficienza energetica e degli Smart Meter. La possibilità di modificare i vecchi contatori del gas e dell’acqua, tutt’oggi funzionanti grazie ad una tecnologia che possiamo definire obsoleta, trasformandoli in opportuni sistemi di metring che hanno la capacità di trasmettere alla centrale le letture o i dati del cliente, di eseguire operazioni di chiusura e di apertura del servizio, nonché operazioni sulla valutazione dei consumi, permetterebbe al cliente di avere sotto controllo i consumi giornalieri. Per costruire il sistema di comunicazione si è utilizzato il modem Semtech SX1276, che oltre ad essere low-power, possiede due caratteristiche rivoluzionarie e all’avanguardia: utilizza una modulazione del segnale da trasmettere innovativa e una grande capacità di rilevare segnali immersi in forti fonti di rumore ; la possibilità di utilizzare due frequenze di trasmissione diverse, 169 MHz e 868MHz.
This dissertation document deals with the development of a project, over a span of more than two years, carried out within the scope of the Arrowhead Framework and which bears my personal contribution in several sections. The final part of the project took place during a visiting period at the university of Luleå. The Arrowhead Project is an European project, belonging to the ARTEMIS association, which aims to foster new technologies and unify the access to them into an unique framework. Such technologies include the Internet of Things phe- nomenon, Smart Houses, Electrical Mobility and renewable energy production. An application is considered compliant with such framework when it respects the Service Oriented Architecture paradigm and it is able to interact with a set of defined components called Arrowhead Core Services. My personal contribution to this project is given by the development of several user-friendly API, published in the project's main repository, and the integration of a legacy system within the Arrowhead Framework. The implementation of this legacy system was initiated by me in 2012 and, after many improvements carried out by several developers in UniBO, it has been again significantly modified this year in order to achieve compatibility. The system consists of a simulation of an urban scenario where a certain amount of electrical vehicles are traveling along their specified routes. The vehicles are con-suming their battery and, thus, need to recharge at the charging stations. The electrical vehicles need to use a reservation mechanism to be able to recharge and avoid waiting lines, due to the long recharge process. The integration with the above mentioned framework consists in the publication of the services that the system provides to the end users through the instantiation of several Arrowhead Service Producers, together with a demo Arrowhead- compliant client application able to consume such services.
Grazie al continuo affinamento dell'elettronica di consumo e delle tecnologie di telecomunicazione, ad oggi sempre più "cose" sono dotate di capacità sensoriali, computazionali e comunicative, si parla così di Internet delle cose e di oggetti "smart". Lo scopo di questo elaborato è quello di approfondire e illustrare questo nuovo paradigma nell'ambito dell'automotive, evidenziandone caratteristiche, potenzialità e limiti. Ci riferiremo quindi più specificatamente al concetto di Internet dei veicoli per una gestione ottimale della mobilità su strada. Parleremo di questa tecnologia non solo per il supporto che può dare alla guida manuale, ma anche in funzione del concetto di guida autonoma, di come quest'ultima beneficerà di un'interconnessione capillare di tutti gli utenti, i veicoli e le infrastrutture presenti sulla strada, il tutto in un'ottica cooperativa. Illustreremo quali sono le principali sfide per raggiungere uno scenario del genere e quali potrebbero essere le implicazioni più rilevanti.
This thesis investigates the boundaries between body and object in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, seven children’s literature novels published between 1997 and 2007. Lord Voldemort, Rowling’s villain, creates Horcruxes—objects that contain fragments of his soul—in order to ensure his immortality. As vessels for human soul, these objects rupture the boundaries between body and object and become “things.” Using contemporary thing theorists including John Plotz and materialists Jean Baudrillard and Walter Benjamin, I look at Voldemort’s Horcruxes as transgressive, liminal, unclassifiable entities in the first chapter. If objects can occupy the juncture between body and object, then bodies can as well. Dementors and Inferi, dark creatures that Rowling introduces throughout the series, live devoid of soul. Voldemort, too, becomes a thing as he splits his soul and creates Horcruxes. These soulless bodies are uncanny entities, provoking fear, revulsion, nausea, and the loss of language. In the second chapter, I use Sigmund Freud’s theorization of the uncanny as well as literary critic Kelly Hurley to investigate how Dementors, Inferi, and Voldemort exist as body-turned-object things at the juncture between life and death. As Voldemort increasingly invests his immaterial soul into material objects, he physically and spiritually degenerates, transforming from the young, handsome Tom Marvolo Riddle into the snake-like villain that murdered Harry’s parents and countless others. During his quest to find and destroy Voldemort’s Horcruxes, Harry encounters a different type of object, the Deathly Hallows. Although similarly accessing boundaries between body/object, life/death, and materiality/immateriality, the three Deathly Hallows do not transgress these boundaries. Through the Deathly Hallows, Rowling provides an alternative to thingification: objects that enable boundaries to fluctuate, but not breakdown. In the third chapter, I return to thing theorists, Baudrillard, and Benjamin to study how the Deathly Hallows resist thingification by not transgressing the boundaries between body and object.
In den letzten Jahren wurde die Vision einer Welt smarter Alltagsgegenstände unter den Begriffen wie Ubiquitous Computing, Pervasive Computing und Ambient Intelligence in der Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommen. Die smarten Gegenstände sollen mit digitaler Logik, Sensorik und der Möglichkeit zur Vernetzung ausgestattet werden. Somit bilden sie ein „Internet der Dinge“, in dem der Computer als eigenständiges Gerät verschwindet und in den Objekten der physischen Welt aufgeht. Während auf der einen Seite die Vision des „Internet der Dinge“ durch die weiter anhaltenden Fortschritte in der Informatik, Mikroelektronik, Kommunikationstechnik und Materialwissenschaft zumindest aus technischer Sicht wahrscheinlich mittelfristig realisiert werden kann, müssen auf der anderen Seite die damit zusammenhängenden ökonomischen, rechtlichen und sozialen Fragen geklärt werden. Zur Weiterentwicklung und Realisierung der Vision des „Internet der Dinge“ wurde erstmals vom AutoID-Center das EPC-Konzept entwickelt, welches auf globale netzbasierte Informationsstandards setzt und heute von EPCglobal weiterentwickelt und umgesetzt wird. Der EPC erlaubt es, umfassende Produktinformationen über das Internet zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die RFID-Technologie stellt dabei die wichtigste Grundlage des „Internet der Dinge“ dar, da sie die Brücke zwischen der physischen Welt der Produkte und der virtuellen Welt der digitalen Daten schlägt. Die Objekte, die mit RFID-Transpondern ausgestattet sind, können miteinander kommunizieren und beispielsweise ihren Weg durch die Prozesskette finden. So können sie dann mit Hilfe der auf den RFID-Transpondern gespeicherten Informationen Förderanlagen oder sonstige Maschinen ohne menschliches Eingreifen selbstständig steuern.