823 resultados para Internet and VPN.
O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender como a comunicação, através da Internet, é utilizada e construída, consideradas as questões da inclusão e integração de pessoas com deficiência auditiva. Analisam-se os conceitos sobre comunicação, inclusão e integração; a deficiência auditiva e seu significado para os indivíduos; a questão dos sites que tratam do assunto na Internet e o tipo de abordagem comunicacional utilizada dentro deste universo. A mensagem do transmissor (via Internet) - decodificada pelo receptor (deficiente auditivo) fornece ao receptor uma integração no mundo midiático capaz de fornecer uma inclusão adequada e uso facilitado da Internet pelo deficiente auditivo (receptor/a). A análise das respostas dos questionários aplicados aos usuários e aos transmissores de informações dos sites e as teorias utilizadas mostrarão se há dificuldades na construção de novas mensagens no campo da Internet e na sua utilização pelos receptores. O caminho da inclusão e integração comunicacional passará pela transformação dessas mensagens e por projetos e ações a serem desenvolvidos na construção dos sites na Internet.
O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender como a comunicação, através da Internet, é utilizada e construída, consideradas as questões da inclusão e integração de pessoas com deficiência auditiva. Analisam-se os conceitos sobre comunicação, inclusão e integração; a deficiência auditiva e seu significado para os indivíduos; a questão dos sites que tratam do assunto na Internet e o tipo de abordagem comunicacional utilizada dentro deste universo. A mensagem do transmissor (via Internet) - decodificada pelo receptor (deficiente auditivo) fornece ao receptor uma integração no mundo midiático capaz de fornecer uma inclusão adequada e uso facilitado da Internet pelo deficiente auditivo (receptor/a). A análise das respostas dos questionários aplicados aos usuários e aos transmissores de informações dos sites e as teorias utilizadas mostrarão se há dificuldades na construção de novas mensagens no campo da Internet e na sua utilização pelos receptores. O caminho da inclusão e integração comunicacional passará pela transformação dessas mensagens e por projetos e ações a serem desenvolvidos na construção dos sites na Internet.
The Plasmodium falciparum Genome Database (http://PlasmoDB.org) integrates sequence information, automated analyses and annotation data emerging from the P.falciparum genome sequencing consortium. To date, raw sequence coverage is available for >90% of the genome, and two chromosomes have been finished and annotated. Data in PlasmoDB are organized by chromosome (1–14), and can be accessed using a variety of tools for graphical and text-based browsing or downloaded in various file formats. The GUS (Genomics Unified Schema) implementation of PlasmoDB provides a multi-species genomic relational database, incorporating data from human and mouse, as well as P.falciparum. The relational schema uses a highly structured format to accommodate diverse data sets related to genomic sequence and gene expression. Tools have been designed to facilitate complex biological queries, including many that are specific to Plasmodium parasites and malaria as a disease. Additional projects seek to integrate genomic information with the rich data sets now becoming available for RNA transcription, protein expression, metabolic pathways, genetic and physical mapping, antigenic and population diversity, and phylogenetic relationships with other apicomplexan parasites. The overall goal of PlasmoDB is to facilitate Internet- and CD-ROM-based access to both finished and unfinished sequence information by the global malaria research community.
Online gambling is a fast growing service activity in the world - its economic significance is clearly shown by the high level of innovation by gambling operators all over the world, as well as by the increasing amount of tax revenues generated in those States that allow this activity. Nevertheless, states face many difficulties in controlling and regulating online gambling, given the specific nature of the Internet, and the never-ending quest by gamblers for new gaming websites that offer superior odds, a wider gaming variety, and greater bets combination. In this working paper, Dr Salvatore Casabona examines the legality of online gambling in the context of the European Union (EU), and discusses the Union's regulatory approach to online gambling, the lack of harmonisation and the issue of member state sovereignty at the crossroad of European Law on online gambling, and the potential for a new regulatory paradigm to emerge.
In the last decade, along with economic and technological growth, Russia has seen a dynamic development of the internet. Today the net is an everyday tool of work, information and entertainment for 40% of Russians – the most educated, active and affluent part of the society. The spread of the internet (known in Russia as the Runet) has, in turn, brought about significant political and social consequences. With the political and social sphere in Russia strictly controlled by the government, most of this activity has moved to cyberspace. The internet has become an alternative to the state-controlled media, a site for the free exchange of views and a home to numerous social initiatives. In this way, it has become a school of citizenship for Russians, and a kind of ‘test tube’ that has spawned social and political activity. This activity went beyond cyberspace in the election period in 2011/2012, and turned into massive street protests. The potential of the internet has also been used by the Russian government, both to shape public opinion (via loyal online media) and to monitor civil initiatives, especially opposition ones. The state has many instruments of technical control and supervision of the internet and its users’ activity. This control was used in the election period 2011/2012, when selected sites were blocked and pressure exerted on independent websites. These actions were a warning sign from the government, aimed at discouraging internet users from any opposition activity. However, it does not seem feasible that any restriction of such activity can be effective. The scale of this activity is now enormous, and attempts to censor the net and resorting to repression against internet users on a wider scale would only fuel resentment towards the government.
Introduction: Self-help computer-based programs are easily accessible and cost-effective interventions with a great recruitment potential. However, each program is different and results of meta-analyses may not apply to each new program; therefore, evaluations of new programs are warranted. The aim of this study was to assess the marginal efficacy of a computer-based, individually tailored program (the Coach) over and above the use of a comprehensive Internet smoking cessation website. Methods: A two-group randomized controlled trial was conducted. The control group only accessed the website, whereas the intervention group received the Coach in addition. Follow-up was conducted by e-mail after three and six months (self-administrated questionnaires). Of 1120 participants, 579 (51.7%) responded after three months and 436 (38.9%) after six months. The primary outcome was self-reported smoking abstinence over four weeks. Results: Counting dropouts as smokers, there were no statistically significant differences between intervention and control groups in smoking cessation rates after three months (20.2% vs. 17.5%, p¼0.25, odds ratio (OR)¼1.20) and six months (17% vs. 15.5%, p¼0.52, OR¼1.12). Excluding dropouts from the analysis, there were statistically significant differences after three months (42% vs. 31.6%, p¼0.01, OR¼1.57), but not after six months (46.1% vs. 37.8%, p¼0.081, OR¼1.41). The program also significantly increased motivation to quit after three months and self-efficacy after three and six months. Discussion: An individually tailored program delivered via the Internet and by e-mail in addition to a smoking cessation website did not significantly increase smoking cessation rates, but it increased motivation to quit and self-efficacy.
Second language acquisition is a field that has fascinated linguists for numerous years and is a topic that is very much connected to how English teachers in Sweden try to teach the English language to the students in their classrooms. In 2009 Sundqvist examined what possible effects extramural English could have on learners' oral proficiency and their vocabulary. In her study she found out that extramural English “is an independent variable and a possible path to progress in English” (Sundqvist, 2009, p. i). In 2014, three Swedish secondary- and upper secondary school teachers started a project for the Erasmus+. These three teachers tried to create better teaching conditions and to come up with new methods for teaching English. During their investigation they noticed that students who had only been in Sweden for four years or less, seemed to get less exposed to English in their spare time than native Swedish students, which created a disadvantage for them. Since the time when these two studies were carried out, the number of immigrants has increased drastically, which creates the need for further investigation within this area of second language acquisition. In this study, I therefore investigate how much and in what way students come in contact with the English language outside of school. I also examine if there are any differences between native Swedish students versus non-native Swedish students and if so, how this might affect the students and their grades in English. The study was conducted through the use of questionnaires and through observations of different teaching situations, including the participating teachers' methods and the participating students' reactions. The results show that there are differences between native- and non-native students when it comes to extramural English activities. The results also show that these differences seem to affect the students' grades in English, in favour of the native Swedish students. The native students tend to spend more time on extramural English activities, especially in connection to the Internet and computer games, than the non-native students. These results indicate that something needs to be done in order to compensate for the non-native students' disadvantage.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The Internet enables access to information, services, support and participation in leisure opportunities. Some populations, including people with disabilities, lack access to these opportunities through the Internet. Barriers may include finances, physical access, lack of resources and inaccessible websites. Limited access to Internet training is an additional barrier for people with communication impairments. People with Parkinson's disease (PD) may have difficulty accessing usual Internet training due to high-level language, cognitive and physical limitations. Aphasia-friendly Internet training materials were trialed with this population to investigate if participants could learn to use the Internet and would benefit from Internet training. The tutors' experience was also investigated using qualitative measures. Seven people with PD were matched with volunteer tutors. These pairs met for six Internet training lessons using training materials available as a free download from: http://dexter.shrs.uq.edu.au/cdaru/aphasiagroups/. Pre and post-test Internet skills assessments and attitudinal questionnaires were conducted. Significant differences between pre and post-test scores were found. Participants reached varying levels of independence on Internet tasks. Favorable outcomes were reported by participants, and tutors reported a positive experience. Further investigation is recommended to determine the efficacy of this approach compared with other training avenues and with other communication-impaired populations. Practical and theoretical implications for speech pathology practice are discussed.
In this article, recent developments in the creation of web content, such as blogs and wikis, are surveyed with a focus on their role in technological and social innovation. The innovations associated with blogs and wikis are important in themselves, and the process of creative collaboration they represent is becoming central to technological progress in general. The internet and the world wide web, which have driven much of the economic growth of the past decade, were produced in this way. Standard assumptions about the competitive nature of innovation are undersupported in the new environment. If governments want to encourage the maximum amount of innovation in social production, they need to de-emphasize competition and emphasize creativity and cooperation.
Internet of Things (IoT) can be defined as a “network of networks” composed by billions of uniquely identified physical Smart Objects (SO), organized in an Internet-like structure. Smart Objects can be items equipped with sensors, consumer devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, or wearable devices), and enterprise assets that are connected both to the Internet and to each others. The birth of the IoT, with its communications paradigms, can be considered as an enabling factor for the creation of the so-called Smart Cities. A Smart City uses Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to enhance quality, performance and interactivity of urban services, ranging from traffic management and pollution monitoring to government services and energy management. This thesis is focused on multi-hop data dissemination within IoT and Smart Cities scenarios. The proposed multi-hop techniques, mostly based on probabilistic forwarding, have been used for different purposes: from the improvement of the performance of unicast protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to the efficient data dissemination within Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs).
Desde sua criação a internet tem recebido por parte dos anunciantes réplicas propagandas desenvolvidas para outras mídias, porém com o passar dos anos a internet ganhou espaço e recebeu a atenção dos anunciantes desejosos por utilizar suas forças à favor da venda de seus produtos. Contudo conhece-se muito pouco a respeito das características de linguagem específicas da internet, e a literatura existente e pouca e inconclusiva. Com base nesse quadro o trabalho comparou vídeos publicitários desenvolvidos especificamente para a internet com outros desenvolvidos originalmente para a televisão e publicados na internet a fim de identificar pontos de paridade e convergência entre eles no que se refere à linguagem. O trabalho baseou-se nas teorias da Cibercultura e da Sociedade em Rede e nos estudos de Marshall McLuhan e em uma análise comparativa dos vídeos a fim de entender a linguagem técnica, discursiva e visual dos mesmos. A pesquisa apontou diferenças entre os dois grupos de investigados, sobretudo no que se refere à interatividade, potencial de viralização e maximização de visualização. O estudo identificou também que no que se refere à linguagem técnico-discursiva os vídeos apresentaram pouca diferenciação embora tenha-se comprovado que os vídeos desenvolvidos para a internet são mais recentes o que evidencia um início do processo de adaptação da linguagem publicitária ao meio internet.
O trabalho desenvolvido analisa a Comunicação Social no contexto da internet e delineia novas metodologias de estudo para a área na filtragem de significados no âmbito científico dos fluxos de informação das redes sociais, mídias de notícias ou qualquer outro dispositivo que permita armazenamento e acesso a informação estruturada e não estruturada. No intento de uma reflexão sobre os caminhos, que estes fluxos de informação se desenvolvem e principalmente no volume produzido, o projeto dimensiona os campos de significados que tal relação se configura nas teorias e práticas de pesquisa. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é contextualizar a área da Comunicação Social dentro de uma realidade mutável e dinâmica que é o ambiente da internet e fazer paralelos perante as aplicações já sucedidas por outras áreas. Com o método de estudo de caso foram analisados três casos sob duas chaves conceituais a Web Sphere Analysis e a Web Science refletindo os sistemas de informação contrapostos no quesito discursivo e estrutural. Assim se busca observar qual ganho a Comunicação Social tem no modo de visualizar seus objetos de estudo no ambiente das internet por essas perspectivas. O resultado da pesquisa mostra que é um desafio para o pesquisador da Comunicação Social buscar novas aprendizagens, mas a retroalimentação de informação no ambiente colaborativo que a internet apresenta é um caminho fértil para pesquisa, pois a modelagem de dados ganha corpus analítico quando o conjunto de ferramentas promovido e impulsionado pela tecnologia permite isolar conteúdos e possibilita aprofundamento dos significados e suas relações.
O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender como a comunicação, através da Internet, é utilizada e construída, consideradas as questões da inclusão e integração de pessoas com deficiência auditiva. Analisam-se os conceitos sobre comunicação, inclusão e integração; a deficiência auditiva e seu significado para os indivíduos; a questão dos sites que tratam do assunto na Internet e o tipo de abordagem comunicacional utilizada dentro deste universo. A mensagem do transmissor (via Internet) - decodificada pelo receptor (deficiente auditivo) fornece ao receptor uma integração no mundo midiático capaz de fornecer uma inclusão adequada e uso facilitado da Internet pelo deficiente auditivo (receptor/a). A análise das respostas dos questionários aplicados aos usuários e aos transmissores de informações dos sites e as teorias utilizadas mostrarão se há dificuldades na construção de novas mensagens no campo da Internet e na sua utilização pelos receptores. O caminho da inclusão e integração comunicacional passará pela transformação dessas mensagens e por projetos e ações a serem desenvolvidos na construção dos sites na Internet.
Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que buscou investigar a percepção de fatores de risco e de proteção à saúde em adolescentes usuários de redes sociais na internet, caracterizar as experiências emocionais dos adolescentes, usuários das redes sociais da internet e discutir a contribuição das experiências das amizades virtuais para o vínculo afetivo no âmbito presencial. Esse trabalho foi realizado com 13 adolescentes, entre 16 e 18 anos, estudantes do Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial de São Paulo (SENAC São Paulo), no período de fevereiro a Julho de 2011, foi utilizado como instrumento para obtenção dos dados o Grupo Focal e o conteúdo foi registrado por meio de um gravador de voz e transcrito posteriormente. A análise dos dados foi realizada através da Grounded Theory. Durante esse estudo foi possível investigar os fatores de risco e de proteção à saúde em adolescentes usuários das redes sociais na internet, destacamos alguns mecanismos importantes de proteção, como o bloqueio de suas informações pessoais a desconhecidos para se protegerem de riscos decorrentes de uso indevido do material postado na rede.