916 resultados para Intelligent systems. Pipeline networks. Fuzzy logic


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Die wesentliche Aufgabe des Controllings besteht darin, dem Management aufbereitete Informationen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die zu verarbeitenden Informationen liegen allerdings nicht immer in der gewünschten Genauigkeit vor. Trotz dieser Unschärfe muss eine Beschreibung stattfinden, um eine Entscheidungsfindung zu realsieren. Eine Möglichkeit ist der hier vorgestellte wissensbasierte Ansatz der Fuzzy Logic. Anhand von drei Controllinginstrumenten wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Anwendungspotential der Fuzzy Logic im Controlling bewertet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This paper proposes a novel application of fuzzy logic to web data mining for two basic problems of a website: popularity and satisfaction. Popularity means that people will visit the website while satisfaction refers to the usefulness of the site. We will illustrate that the popularity of a website is a fuzzy logic problem. It is an important characteristic of a website in order to survive in Internet commerce. The satisfaction of a website is also a fuzzy logic problem that represents the degree of success in the application of information technology to the business. We propose a framework of fuzzy logic for the representation of these two problems based on web data mining techniques to fuzzify the attributes of a website.


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* This work is partially supported by CICYT (Spain) under project TIN 2005-08943-C02-001 and by UPM-CAM (Spain) under project R05/11240.


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The paper deals with a problem of intelligent system’s design for complex environments. There is discussed a possibility to integrate several technologies into one basic structure. One possible structure is proposed in order to form a basis for intelligent system that would be able to operate in complex environments. The basic elements of the proposed structure have found their implemented in software system. This software system is shortly presented in the paper. The most important results of experiments are outlined and discussed at the end of the paper. Some possible directions of further research are sketched.


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In this paper a novel method for an application of digital image processing, Edge Detection is developed. The contemporary Fuzzy logic, a key concept of artificial intelligence helps to implement the fuzzy relative pixel value algorithms and helps to find and highlight all the edges associated with an image by checking the relative pixel values and thus provides an algorithm to abridge the concepts of digital image processing and artificial intelligence. Exhaustive scanning of an image using the windowing technique takes place which is subjected to a set of fuzzy conditions for the comparison of pixel values with adjacent pixels to check the pixel magnitude gradient in the window. After the testing of fuzzy conditions the appropriate values are allocated to the pixels in the window under testing to provide an image highlighted with all the associated edges.


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Los mercados asociados a los servicios de voz móvil a móvil, brindados por operadoras del Sistema Móvil Avanzado en Latinoamérica, han estado sujetos a procesos regulatorios motivados por la dominancia en el mercado de un operador, buscando obtener óptimas condiciones de competencia. Específicamente en Ecuador, la Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (Organismo Técnico de Control de Telecomunicaciones) desarrolló un modelo para identificar acciones de regulación que puedan proporcionar al mercado efectos sostenibles de competencia en el largo plazo. Este artículo trata sobre la aplicación de la ingeniería de control para desarrollar un modelo integral del mercado, empleando redes neuronales para la predicción de trarifas de cada operador y un modelo de lógica difusa para predecir la demanda. Adicionalmente, se presenta un modelo de inferencia de lógica difusa para reproducir las estrategias de mercadeo de los operadores y la influencia sobre las tarifas. Dichos modelos permitirían la toma adecuada de decisiones y fueron validados con datos reales.


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A lógica fuzzy admite infinitos valores lógicos intermediários entre o falso e o verdadeiro. Com esse princípio, foi elaborado neste trabalho um sistema baseado em regras fuzzy, que indicam o índice de massa corporal de animais ruminantes com objetivo de obter o melhor momento para o abate. O sistema fuzzy desenvolvido teve como entradas as variáveis massa e altura, e a saída um novo índice de massa corporal, denominado Índice de Massa Corporal Fuzzy (IMC Fuzzy), que poderá servir como um sistema de detecção do momento de abate de bovinos, comparando-os entre si através das variáveis linguísticas )Muito BaixaM, ,BaixaB, ,MédiaM, ,AltaA e Muito AltaM. Para a demonstração e aplicação da utilização deste sistema fuzzy, foi feita uma análise de 147 vacas da raça Nelore, determinando os valores do IMC Fuzzy para cada animal e indicando a situação de massa corpórea de todo o rebanho. A validação realizada do sistema foi baseado em uma análise estatística, utilizando o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson 0,923, representando alta correlação positiva e indicando que o método proposto está adequado. Desta forma, o presente método possibilita a avaliação do rebanho, comparando cada animal do rebanho com seus pares do grupo, fornecendo desta forma um método quantitativo de tomada de decisão para o pecuarista. Também é possível concluir que o presente trabalho estabeleceu um método computacional baseado na lógica fuzzy capaz de imitar parte do raciocínio humano e interpretar o índice de massa corporal de qualquer tipo de espécie bovina e em qualquer região do País.


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In this paper, a hybrid training model for interval type-2 fuzzy logic system is proposed. The hybrid training model uses extreme learning machine to tune the consequent part parameters and genetic algorithm to optimize the antecedent part parameters. The proposed hybrid learning model of interval type-2 fuzzy logic system is tested on the prediction of Mackey-Glass time series data sets with different levels of noise. The results are compared with the existing models in literature; extreme learning machine and Kalman filter based learning of consequent part parameters with randomly generated antecedent part parameters. It is observed that the interval type-2 fuzzy logic system provides improved performance with the proposed hybrid learning model.


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This paper proposes a modification to the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to select the most informative genes that serve as inputs to an interval type-2 fuzzy logic system (IT2FLS) for cancer classification. Unlike the conventional AHP, the modified AHP allows us to process quantitative factors that are ranking outcomes of individual gene selection methods including t-test, entropy, receiver operating characteristic curve, Wilcoxon test, and signal-to-noise ratio. The IT2FLS is introduced for the classification task due to its great ability for handling nonlinear, noisy, and outlier data, which are common problems in cancer microarray gene expression profiles. An unsupervised learning strategy using the fuzzy c-means clustering is employed to initialize parameters of the IT2FLS. Other classifiers such as multilayer perceptron network, support vector machine, and fuzzy ARTMAP are also implemented for comparisons. Experiments are carried out on three well-known microarray datasets: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leukemia cancer, and prostate. Rather than the traditional cross validation, leave-one-out cross-validation strategy is applied for the experiments. Results demonstrate the performance dominance of the IT2FLS against the competing classifiers. More noticeably, the modified AHP improves the classification performance not only of the IT2FLS but of all other classifiers as well. Accordingly, the proposed combination between the modified AHP and IT2FLS is a powerful tool for cancer classification and can be implemented as a real clinical decision support system that is useful for medical practitioners.


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We modelled the distributions of two toads (Bufo bufo and Epidalea calamita) in the Iberian Peninsula using the favourability function, which makes predictions directly comparable for different species and allows fuzzy logic operations to relate different models. The fuzzy intersection between individual models, representing favourability for the presence of both species simultaneously, was compared with another favourability model built on the presences shared by both species. The fuzzy union between individual models, representing favourability for the presence of any of the two species, was compared with another favourabilitymodel based on the presences of either or both of them. The fuzzy intersections between favourability for each species and the complementary of favourability for the other (corresponding to the logical operation “A and not B”) were compared with models of exclusive presence of one species versus the exclusive presence of the other. The results of modelling combined species data were highly similar to those of fuzzy logic operations between individual models, proving fuzzy logic and the favourability function valuable for comparative distribution modelling. We highlight several advantages of fuzzy logic over other forms of combining distribution models, including the possibility to combine multiple species models for management and conservation planning.


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Um problema que as empresas distribuidoras de energia elétrica convivem são as quedas repentinas no fornecimento, causando inúmeros prejuízos tanto para essas empresas quanto para seus consumidores. Essa dissertação apresentará uma ferramenta que utilizará conhecimentos de sistemas de informações geográficas junto com o uso de inferência nebulosa para orientar a disposição de veículos híbridos (elétricos e à combustão) que podem operar como mini-usinas elétricas no abastecimento de localidades que esteja necessitando de energia em um determinado momento. Para isso, será levantada uma base de dados com características dos veículos híbridos e locais necessitados, dados esses que alimentarão um sistema nebuloso agregado à ferramenta MapServer e a um SIG (Sistema de Informações Geográficas) para, dessa forma, mostrar como saída do sistema qual veículo estará mais apto naquele instante para abastecer o local da demanda de energia.