825 resultados para Intégration.
Le début du Merlin et sa mise en image témoignent de l’influence paradoxale du matériau biblique et apocryphe sur la littérature arthurienne, dite "profane". A travers les représentations de la descente aux enfers et le récit de l'effort avorté de conception d'un antéchrist, le roman se joue du texte sacré et de la tradition auxquels il emprunte sa matière. Dans le contexte médiéval, cette réécriture correspond moins à une entreprise de désacralisation et de transgression qu’à la libre continuation du mouvement de réflexion et de création suscité par la matière biblique.
This article suggests a theoretical and methodological framework for a systematic contrastive discourse analysis across languages and discourse communities through keywords, constituting a lexical approach to discourse analysis which is considered to be particularly fruitful for comparative analysis. We use a corpus assisted methodology, presuming meaning to be constituted, revealed and constrained by collocation environment. We compare the use of the keyword intégration and Integration in French and German public discourses about migration on the basis of newspaper corpora built from two French and German newspapers from 1998 to 2011. We look at the frequency of these keywords over the given time span, group collocates into thematic categories and discuss indicators of discursive salience by comparing the development of collocation profiles over time in both corpora as well as the occurrence of neologisms and compounds based on intégration/Integration.
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