921 resultados para Inheritance of regularity


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The problem of decaying states and resonances is examined within the framework of scattering theory in a rigged Hilbert space formalism. The stationary free,''in,'' and ''out'' eigenvectors of formal scattering theory, which have a rigorous setting in rigged Hilbert space, are considered to be analytic functions of the energy eigenvalue. The value of these analytic functions at any point of regularity, real or complex, is an eigenvector with eigenvalue equal to the position of the point. The poles of the eigenvector families give origin to other eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian: the singularities of the ''out'' eigenvector family are the same as those of the continued S matrix, so that resonances are seen as eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian with eigenvalue equal to their location in the complex energy plane. Cauchy theorem then provides for expansions in terms of ''complete'' sets of eigenvectors with complex eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian. Applying such expansions to the survival amplitude of a decaying state, one finds that resonances give discrete contributions with purely exponential time behavior; the background is of course present, but explicitly separated. The resolvent of the Hamiltonian, restricted to the nuclear space appearing in the rigged Hilbert space, can be continued across the absolutely continuous spectrum; the singularities of the continuation are the same as those of the ''out'' eigenvectors. The free, ''in'' and ''out'' eigenvectors with complex eigenvalues and those corresponding to resonances can be approximated by physical vectors in the Hilbert space, as plane waves can. The need for having some further physical information in addition to the specification of the total Hamiltonian is apparent in the proposed framework. The formalism is applied to the Lee–Friedrichs model and to the scattering of a spinless particle by a local central potential. Journal of Mathematical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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In three essays we examine user-generated product ratings with aggregation. While recommendation systems have been studied extensively, this simple type of recommendation system has been neglected, despite its prevalence in the field. We develop a novel theoretical model of user-generated ratings. This model improves upon previous work in three ways: it considers rational agents and allows them to abstain from rating when rating is costly; it incorporates rating aggregation (such as averaging ratings); and it considers the effect on rating strategies of multiple simultaneous raters. In the first essay we provide a partial characterization of equilibrium behavior. In the second essay we test this theoretical model in laboratory, and in the third we apply established behavioral models to the data generated in the lab. This study provides clues to the prevalence of extreme-valued ratings in field implementations. We show theoretically that in equilibrium, ratings distributions do not represent the value distributions of sincere ratings. Indeed, we show that if rating strategies follow a set of regularity conditions, then in equilibrium the rate at which players participate is increasing in the extremity of agents' valuations of the product. This theoretical prediction is realized in the lab. We also find that human subjects show a disproportionate predilection for sincere rating, and that when they do send insincere ratings, they are almost always in the direction of exaggeration. Both sincere and exaggerated ratings occur with great frequency despite the fact that such rating strategies are not in subjects' best interest. We therefore apply the behavioral concepts of quantal response equilibrium (QRE) and cursed equilibrium (CE) to the experimental data. Together, these theories explain the data significantly better than does a theory of rational, Bayesian behavior -- accurately predicting key comparative statics. However, the theories fail to predict the high rates of sincerity, and it is clear that a better theory is needed.


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Tesis leida en la Universidad de Aberdeen. 178 p.


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Por mais de uma década, discutiu-se nas ciências sociais comparadas a efetiva influência da atuação do Poder Judiciário na participação democrática dos cidadãos nas decisões e na conformação das políticas públicas. A esse fenômeno, que se denominou "judicialização da política", atribui-se toda a operacionalidade de uma constituição democrática, cidadã, aberta, capaz de concretizar os anseios de liberdade, às vezes apenas condizentes com valores de um liberalismo conservador. Nossa tese procura, com ajuda de pesquisa empírica, demonstrar a persistente influência dos ranços tradicionalistas de uma classe que, ao longo da curta vida emancipada de nosso país, construiu e permeou, com sua visão de mundo, as instituições políticas nacionais. A atuação corporativa e institucionalizada dessa classe de juristas adaptou-se bem às exigências da ampliação infraestrutural do Estado moderno e burocrático, em virtude de seu legado autoritário, e logrou restringir o alcance das liberdades e direitos civis de um Estado recém democratizado, apesar do discurso apologético às instituições da democracia participativa. É nesse contexto que tentamos narrar a evolução contínua e silenciosa da dejudicialização da política democrática de massas e a politização gradual da corporação dos juristas, que carregaram consigo as expectativas de ampliação da cidadania constitucional.


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A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C (VHC) é uma das mais comuns infecções ao redor do mundo. Aproximadamente, 20% dos pacientes infectados eliminam espontaneamente o vírus, porém a maioria dos indivíduos infectados desenvolve infecção crônica com amplo espectro de lesões hepáticas, desde inflamação leve até cirrose. A resposta imune do hospedeiro exerce grande influência sobre o desfecho da infecção pelo VHC. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a influência dos polimorfismos genéticos de citocinas na susceptibilidade ou persistência da infecção por VHC e no clareamento espontâneo em uma amostra de pacientes da população do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). Os polimorfismos genéticos das citocinas TNFA (-308), TGFB1 (codon 10 e 25), IL10 (-1082, -592), IL6 (-174) e IFNG (+874) foram analisados por PCR-SSP em 245 pacientes com hepatite C crônica (HCC), 41 pacientes que alcançaram o clareamento viral espontâneo e 189 indivíduos controle saudáveis. Além disso, os polimorfismos próximos ao gene da citocina IL28B (rs12979860, rs12980275 e rs8099917) foram analisados por PCR em tempo real em todos os grupos. O grau de fibrose e inflamação, a resposta ao tratamento e o genótipo do vírus também foram levados em consideração quanto ao desfecho da HCC Os genótipos IL28B rs12979860 CC e CT e rs12980275 AA e AG foram significativamente associados ao clareamento espontâneo e à resposta à terapia anti-viral. Da mesma forma, o alelo C (rs12979860) e o alelo A (rs12980275) foram significativamente maior no grupo Clareamento. O alelo C de IL6 (-174) foi associado com o Clareamento. Nenhuma associação entre as demais citocinas e o desfecho da HCC foi encontrada. O Genótipo TNFA (-308) GG parece estar associado com menor grau de inflamação. Além disso, a etnia auto declarada influencia a distribuição dos polimorfismos em IL6 (-174) e IL28B rs12979860 e rs8099917. Nossas observações indicam que os polimorfismos próximos ao gene da IL28B estão associados com o clareamento viral e resposta ao tratamento na população do Rio de Janeiro. Além disso, nossos resultados podem ser úteis para futuras investigações entre os polimorfismos de citocinas e a infecção por VHC numa população heterogênea como a Brasileira.


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Gynogenesis was induced using heterologous sperms in large-scale loach, Paramisgurnus dabryanus (Sauvage), in which a ZW/ZZ sex determination was previously proposed. Three microsatellite loci were used to monitor exclusive maternal inheritance of gynogenetic progenies. The results showed that high percentages of meiogynogens were produced at 4 min post-fertilization and mitogynogens were produced at 18 min post-fertilization by heat shocks, while meiotic gynogenesis was induced by cold shocks within a wide period and high heterozygosity was even observed in gynogens produced at 24 min post-fertilization. The sex ratios of the F, progenies in three gynogenetic families were significantly deviated from 1: 1 expectation with a female bias in two families and a male bias in one family (P < 0.05), and the other four gynogenetic families showed approximate 1:1 sex ratios. Moreover, the self-mating between gynogenetic F, progenies and mating between gynogenetic F, progenies and normal individuals produced all-female progenies or identical proportions of females and males. The data of sex ratios generally confirmed that the sex determination in large-scale loach was determined by the putative ZW/ZZ system, and the possible reasons causing the biased sex ratios are discussed.


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株高是农作物的重要农艺性状之一,适度矮化有利于农作物的耐肥、抗倒、高产等。20世纪50年代,以日本的赤小麦为矮源的半矮秆小麦的培育和推广,使得世界粮食产量显著增长,被誉为“绿色革命”。迄今为止,已报到的麦类矮秆、半矮秆基因已达70多个,但由于某些矮源极度矮化或者矮化的同时伴随不利的农艺性状,使得真正运用于育种实践的矮源较少。因此,发掘和鉴定新的控制麦类作物株高的基因,开展株高基因定位、克隆及作用机理等方面的研究,对实现麦类作物株高的定向改良,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。簇毛麦(Dasypyrum villosum,2n=14,VV)是禾本科簇毛麦属一年生二倍体异花授粉植物,为栽培小麦的近缘属。本课题组在不同来源的簇毛麦杂交后代中发现了一株自然突变产生的矮秆突变体。观察分析了该突变体的生物学特性,对矮秆性状进行了遗传分析,对茎节细胞长度、花粉的活力进行了细胞学观察,考察了该突变体内源赤霉素含量及不同浓度外施赤霉素对突变体的作用,分析了赤霉素生物合成途径中的内根贝壳杉烯氧化酶(KO)和赤霉素20氧化酶(GA20ox)的转录水平,对赤霉素20氧化酶和赤霉素3-β羟化酶(GA3ox)进行了克隆和序列分析,并对GA20ox进行了原核表达和表达的组织特异性研究。主要研究结果如下:1. 该突变体与对照植株在苗期无差异,在拔节后期才表现出植株矮小,相对对照植株,节间伸长明显受到抑制,叶鞘长度基本不变。在成熟期,对照植株的平均株高为110cm,而突变株的平均株高为32cm,仅为对照植株的1/3 左右。除了株高变矮以外,在成熟后期,突变株还表现一定程度的早衰和雄性不育。I2-KI染色法观察花粉活力结果表明,对照植株花粉90%以上都是有活力的,而突变植株的花粉仅20%左右有活力。2. 突变株与对照植株的杂交F1代均表现正常株高,表明该突变性状为隐性突变。F1代植株相互授粉得到的168株F2代植株中,株高出现分离,正常株高(株高高于80cm)与矮秆植株(株高矮于40cm)的株数比为130:38,经卡方检验,其分离比符合3:1的分离比,因此推测该突变体属于单基因的隐性突变。3. 用ELISA方法检测突变株和对照植株的幼嫩种子中内源性生物活性赤霉素(GA1+3)含量,结果表明突变株的赤霉素含量为36 ng/ml,而对照植株的赤霉素含量为900 ng/ml。对突变株外施赤霉素,发现矮秆突变株的株高和花粉育性均可得到恢复。这些结果表明该突变株为赤霉素缺陷型突变。4. 用荧光定量PCR方法比较突变株与对照植株中内根贝壳杉烯氧化酶和赤霉素20氧化酶的转录水平,结果表明突变株的KO转录水平比对照植株分别提高了6倍(苗期)和16倍(成熟期),突变株的GA20ox转录水平与对照植株在苗期无明显差异,在成熟期突变株较对照植株则提高了10倍左右。这些结果表明该矮秆突变体与赤霉素的生物合成途径密切相关,而且极有可能在赤霉素的生物合成途径早期就发生了改变。5. 以簇毛麦总基因组为模板,同源克隆了GenBank登录号为EU142950,RT-PCR分离克隆了簇毛麦的GA3ox基因cDNA全长序列,分析结果表明该cDNA全长1206bp,含完整编码区1104bp,推测该序列编码蛋白含368个氨基酸残基,分子量为40.063KD,等电点为6.27。预测的氨基酸序列含有双加氧酶的活性结构,在酶活性中心2个Fe离子结合的氨基酸残基非常保守。该序列与小麦、大麦和水稻的GA3ox基因一致性分别为98%、96%、86%。基因组序列与cDNA序列在外显子部分一致,在478-715bp和879-1019bp处分别含238bp和140bp的内含子。6. 通过RT-PCR技术克隆了簇毛麦的GA20ox基因全长,命名为DvGA20ox,GenBank登录号为EU142949。该基因全长1080个碱基,编码359个氨基酸,具有典型的植物GA20ox基因结构。该基因编码的蛋白质与小麦、大麦、黑麦草等GA20ox蛋白的同源性分别为98%,97% 和91%。该序列重组到原核表达载体pET-32a(+)上,将获得的重组子pET-32a(+)-DvGA20ox转化大肠杆菌BL21pLysS后用IPTG进行诱导表达。SDS-PAGE分析表明,DvGA20ox基因在大肠杆菌中获得了高效表达,融合蛋白分子量为55kDa。定量PCR分析表明,该基因在簇毛麦不同器官中的表达差异明显:叶片中表达水平最高,根部表达水平次之,茎部和穗中表达较弱。在外施赤霉素后,该基因的表达水平在两小时以后急剧下降,表明该基因的表达受自身的反馈调节。本研究结果认为,(1)该簇毛麦矮秆突变体为单基因的隐性突变;(2)该矮秆突变体为赤霉素敏感突变,内源赤霉素含量检测表明突变体的内源性赤霉素含量仅为对照植株的1/30;(3)荧光定量PCR结果表明突变株的赤霉素生物合成途径的关键酶基因表达水平比对照植株高,而且突变植株的赤霉素生物合成改变很可能发生在赤霉素生物合成途径的早期;(4)GA20ox有表达的组织特异性,且受到自身产物的反馈调节。 Plant height is an impotrant agronomic trait of triticeae crops.Semi-dwarf cropcultivars, including those of wheat, maize and rice, have significantly increased grainproduction that has been known as “green revolution”. The new dwarf varieties couldraise the harvest Index at the expense of straw biomass, and, at the sametime, improvelodging resistance and responsiveness to nitrogen fertilizer. Moreover, dwarf traits ofplant are crucial for elucidating mechanisms for plant growth and development aswell. In many plant species, various dwarf mutants have been isolated and theirmodles of inheritance and physiology also have been widely investigated.The causesfor their dwarf phenotypes were found to be associated with plant hormones,especially, gibberellins GAs.Dasypyrum villosum Candargy (syn.Haynaldia villosa) is a cross-pollinating,diploid (2n = 2x = 14) annual species that belongs to the tribe Triticeae. It is native toSouthern Europe and West Asia, especially the Caucasuses, and grows underconditions unfavorable to most cultivated crops. The genome of D. villosum,designated V by Sears, is considered an important donor of genes to wheat for improving powdery mildew resistance, take-all, eyespot, and plant and seed storageprotein content. A spontaneous dwarf mutant was found in D. villosum populations.The biological character and modles of inheritance of this dwarf mutant are studied.The cell length of stem cell is observed. The influence of extraneous gibberellin tothe dwarf mutant is also examined; the transcript level of key enzyme of gibberellinbiosynthesis pathway in mutant and control plants is compared. GA3ox and GA20oxare cloned and its expression pattern is researched.1. The dwarf mutant showed no difference with control plants at seedlingstage.At mature stage, the average height of control plants were 110cm and the dwarfplants were 33cm. The height of the mutant plant was only one third of the normalplants due to the shortened internodes. Cytology observation showed that theelongation of stem epidermal and the parenchyma cells were reduced. The dwarfmutant also shows partly male sterile. Pollen viability test indicates that more than80% of the pollen of the mutant is not viable.2. The inheritance modle of this dwarf mutant is studied. All The F1 plantsshowed normal phenotype indicating that the dwarfism is controlled by recessivealleles. Among the 168 F2 plants, there are 130 normal plants and 30 dwarf plants, thesegregation proportion accord with Mendel’s 3:1 segregation. We therefore proposethat this dwarf phenotype is controlled by a single recessive gene.3. Quantitative analyses of endogenous GA1+3 in the young seeds indicated thatthe content of GA1+3 was 36ng/ml in mutant plants and 900ng/ml in normal plants.The endogenous bioactive GA1+3 in mutant plants are only about 1/30 of that innormal plants. In addition, exogenously supplied GA3 could considerably restore themutant plant to normal phenotype. These results showed that this mutant wasdefective in the GA biosynthesis.4. More than ten enzymes are involved in GA biosynthesis. KO catalyzes thefirst cytochrome P450-mediated step in the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway and themutant of KO lead to a gibberellin-responsive dwarf mutant. GA20ox catalyze therate-limited steps so that their transcript level will influence the endogenous GAbiosynthesis and modifies plant architecture. The relative expression levels of genesencoding KO and GA20ox were quantified by real time PCR to assess whether thechanges in GA content correlated with the expression of GA metabolism genes andwhere the mutant occurred during the GA biosynthesis pathway. In mutant plants,the transcript levels of KO increased about 6-fold and 16-fold at the seedling stage and elongating stage respectively comparing with the normal plants. For theseedlings, there was no notable difference in the expression of GA20ox betweenmutant and normal plants. At the elongating stage, GA20ox transcript increased 10times in mutant plants, suggesting that the GA biosynthesis pathway in mutant plantshad changed from the early steps rather than the late steps.5. A full length cDNA of D. villosum gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase homology(designated as DvGA3ox) was isolated and consisted of 1206bp containing an openreading frame of 1104bp encoding 368 predicted amino acid residues. Identityanalysis showed that the gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase nucleotide sequence shared 98%,96% and 86% homology with that of wheat, barley and rice. The predicted peptidecontained the active-site Fe of known gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase and the regionhomologous to wheat, barley and Arabidopsis. The genomic clone of gibberellin3β-hydroxylase has two introns.6. The full-length cDNA of D. villosum gibberellin 20 oxidase (designated asDvGA20ox) was isolated and consisted of 1080-bp and encoded 359 amino acidresidues with a calculated mol wt of 42.46 KD. Comparative and bio-informaticsanalyses revealed that DvGA20ox had close similarity with GA20ox from otherspecies and contained a conserved LPWKET and NYYPXCQKP regions. Tissueexpression pattern analysis revealed DvGA20ox expressed in all the tissues that wereexamined and the highest expression of DvGA20ox in expanding leaves followed byroots. Heterologous expression of this cDNA clone in Escherichia coli gave a fusionprotein that about 55KD. Transcript levels of DvGA20ox dramatically reduced twohours after application of biologically active GA3, suggesting that the biosynthesis ofthis enzymes might be under feedback control.


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As powerful tools to study the lithosphere dynamics, the effective elastic thickness (Te) as well as the envelope of yielding stress of lithosphere have been attracted great attention of geoscientists in the past thirty years. The oceanic lithosphere, contrary to the continental lithosphere, has more fruits for its simple structures and evolution process. In continent, the lithosphere commonly is complex and variable in the rheological, thermal structures, and has a complicated history. Therefore, the application of the effective elastic thickness in continent is still a subject to learn in a long time. Te, with the definition of the thickness of an elastic plate in theory flexured by the equal benging of the real stress in the lithosphere plate (Turcotte, 1982), marks the depth of transition between elastic and fluid behaviors of rocks subjected to stress exceeding 100 MPa over the geological timescales (McNutt, 1990). There are three methods often adapted: admittance or isostatic response function, coherence and forwarding. In principle, the models of Te consist of thermal-rheological, non-linear Maxwell, non-linear work hardening and rheological layered models. There is a tentative knowledge of Te that it is affected by the following factors: crustal thickness, crust-mantle decoupling, plate bending, boundary conditions of plate (end forces and bending moments), stress state, sedimentary layer, faulting effect, variation in the mountain belts' strike, foreland basin, inheritance of tectonic evolution, convection of mantle, seismic depth and lithosphere strength. In this thesis, the author introduces the geological sketch of the Dabie collisional orogenic belt and the Hefei Basin. The Dabie Mts. is famous for the ultra-high pressure metamorphism. The crustal materials subducted down to the depth of at least 100 km and exhumed. So that the front subjects arise such as the deeply subduction of continent, and the post-collisional crust-mantle interaction. In a geological journey at June of 1999, the author found the rarely variolitic basaltic andesite in the Dabie Mts. It occurs in Susong Group, near Zhifenghe Countryside, Susong County, Anhui Province. It is just to the south of the boundary between the high-grade Susong melange and the ultra-high grade South Dabie melange. It has a noticeable knobby or pitted appearance in the surface. The size of the varioles is about 1-4 mm. In hand-specimen and under microscope, there are distinct contacts between the varioles and the matrice. The mineralogy of the varioles is primarily radiate plagioclase, with little pyroxene, hornblende and quartz. The pyroxene, hornblende and quartz are in the interstices between plagioclase. The matrix is consisted of glass, and micro-crystals of chlorite, epidote and zoisite. It is clearly subjected and extensive alteration. The andesite has an uncommon chemical composition. The SiO_2 content is about 56.8%, TiO_2 = 0.9%, MgO = 6.4%, (Fe_2O_3)_(Total) = 6.7% ~ 7.6%, 100 Mg/(Mg+Fe) = 64.1 ~ 66.2. Mg# is significantly high. The andesite has higher abundances of large-lithophile trace elements (e.g. K, Ba, Sr, LREE), e.g. La/Nd = 5.56-6.07, low abundances of high-strength-field elements (HFSE, e.g. Ta, Nb, P, Ti), particularly Ta and Nb strongly depleted. These are consistent with the characteristics of subducted-related magmas (Pearcce, 1982; Sun and McDonaugh, 1989). In the spider diagram of trace elements, from Ce to right hand, the abundances of elements decrease quickly, showing a characteristic of the continental margins (Pearce, 1982). There has a strongly enrichment of light-rare-earth elements, with a significant diffraction of REEs (the mean value of (La/Yb)_N is 32.84). No Eu anomaly, but there are anomaly high (La/Yb)_N = 28.63-36.74, (La/Y)_N = 70.33 - 82.84. The elements Y and Yb depleted greatly, Y < 20 ppm, Y_N = 2.74-2.84, Yb_N = 2.18 - 2.35. From the La-(La/Sm) diagram, the andesite is derived from partial melting. But the epsilone value of Nd is -18.7 ~ -19.2, so that the material source may be the mantle materials affected by the crustal materials. The Nd model age is 1.9 Ga indicating that the basaltic andesite was resulted from the post-collisional crust-mantle interaction between the subducted Yangze carton and the mantle of Sino-Korea carton. To obtain the Te of the lithosphere beneath the Dabie Mts. and the Hefei Basin, the author applies the coherence method in this thesis. The author makes two topography-gravity profiles (profiles 7~(th) and 9~(th)) across the Dabie Mts. and the Hefei Basin, and calculates the auto-coherence, across coherence, power spectrum, across power spectrum of the topography and gravity of the two profiles. From the relationships between the coherence and the wave-number of profiles. From the relationships between the coherence and the wave-number of profiles 7~(th) and 9~(th), it is obtained that the characteristic wavelengths respectively are 157 km and 126 km. Consequently the values of effective elastic thickness are 6.5 km and 4.8 km, respectively. However, the Te values merely are the minimum value of the lithosphere because the coherencemethod in a relative small region will generate a systemic underestimation. Why there is a so low Te value? In order to check the strength of the lithosphere beneath the Dabie Mts., the authore tries to outline the yielding-stress envelope of the lithosphere. It is suggested that the elastic layers in the crust and upper mantle are 18 km and 35 km, respectively. Since there exist a low viscosity layer about 3-5 km thickness, so it is reasonable that the decoupling between the crust and mantle occurred. So the effective thickness of the lithosphere can be estimated from the two elastic layers. Te is about 34 km. This is the maximum strength of the lithosphere. We can make an approximately estimation about the strength of the lithosphere beneath the Dabie Mts.: Te is about 20-30 km. The author believes that the following factors should be responsible for the low Te value: (1) the Dabie Mts. has elevated strongly since K_3-J_1. The north part of the Dabie Mts. elevates faster than the south part today; (2) there occur large active striking faults in this area. And in the east, the huge Tan-Lu striking fault anyway tends to decrease the lithosphere strength; (3) the lithosphere beneath the Dabie Mts. is heter-homogeneous in spatio-temporal; (4) the study area just locates in the adjacent region between the eastern China where the lithosphere thickness is significantly reduced and the normal western China. These factors will decrease the lithosphere strength.


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In order to clarify the role of Pl2 resistance gene in differentiation the pathogenicity in Plasmopara halstedii (sunflower downy mildew), analyses were carried out in four pathotypes: isolates of races 304 and 314 that do not overcome Pl2 gene, and isolates of races 704 and 714 that can overcome Pl2 gene. Based on the reaction for the P. halstedii isolates to sunflower hybrids varying only in Pl resistance genes, isolates of races 704 and 714 were more virulent than isolates of races 304 and 314. Index of aggressiveness was calculated for pathogen isolates and revealed the presence of significant differences between isolates of races 304 and 314 (more aggressive) and isolates of races 704 and 714 (less aggressive). There were morphological and genetic variations for the four P. halstedii isolates without a correlation with pathogenic diversity. The importance of the Pl2 resistance gene to differentiate the pathogenicity in sunflower downy mildew was discussed.


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Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Encenação.


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This thesis will introduce a new strongly typed programming language utilizing Self types, named Win--*Foy, along with a suitable user interface designed specifically to highlight language features. The need for such a programming language is based on deficiencies found in programming languages that support both Self types and subtyping. Subtyping is a concept that is taken for granted by most software engineers programming in object-oriented languages. Subtyping supports subsumption but it does not support the inheritance of binary methods. Binary methods contain an argument of type Self, the same type as the object itself, in a contravariant position, i.e. as a parameter. There are several arguments in favour of introducing Self types into a programming language (11. This rationale led to the development of a relation that has become known as matching [4, 5). The matching relation does not support subsumption, however, it does support the inheritance of binary methods. Two forms of matching have been proposed (lJ. Specifically, these relations are known as higher-order matching and I-bound matching. Previous research on these relations indicates that the higher-order matching relation is both reflexive and transitive whereas the f-bound matching is reflexive but not transitive (7]. The higher-order matching relation provides significant flexibility regarding inheritance of methods that utilize or return values of the same type. This flexibility, in certain situations, can restrict the programmer from defining specific classes and methods which are based on constant values [21J. For this reason, the type This is used as a second reference to the type of the object that cannot, contrary to Self, be specialized in subclasses. F-bound matching allows a programmer to define a function that will work for all types of A', a subtype of an upper bound function of type A, with the result type being dependent on A'. The use of parametric polymorphism in f-bound matching provides a connection to subtyping in object-oriented languages. This thesis will contain two main sections. Firstly, significant details concerning deficiencies of the subtype relation and the need to introduce higher-order and f-bound matching relations into programming languages will be explored. Secondly, a new programming language named Win--*Foy Functional Object-Oriented Programming Language has been created, along with a suitable user interface, in order to facilitate experimentation by programmers regarding the matching relation. The construction of the programming language and the user interface will be explained in detail.


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Les règles actuelles limitant le recours à la force dans les relations internationales ont, pour la plupart, des origines historiques anciennes. Elles ont été façonnées par l'héritage que nous ont laissé de nombreux auteurs et de nombreuses doctrines comme la doctrine médiévale de la guerre juste. Depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'aux développements les plus récents du droit international, en passant par le Moyen Age et les temps modernes, cette étude s'attache a mettre en lumière les sources des règles contemporaines pour aider le lecteur à mieux comprendre, aujourd'hui, le droit international relatif au recours à la force et aussi, à être mieux équipé pour juger du caractère juste ou injuste d'une guerre. Les notions de légalité et de légitimité de la guerre ont été choisies pour passer en revue les règles en vigueur les plus révélatrices.


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Ce mémoire propose un portrait global et une critique de l'état du droit canadien relatif au statut juridique des municipalités. L'adage voulant que les municipalités constituent des créatures des législatures ne possédant aucun statut constitutionnel est un héritage du droit américain (théorie du Dillon 's rule) de la fin du 1ge siècle. Or, plusieurs États américains ont introduit très tôt le principe du home rule (autonomie locale) dans leurs constitutions. Le Canada n'a pas fait de même et les institutions municipales ne sont toujours pas protégées dans la Constitution écrite. On constate toutefois une évolution de la législation et de la jurisprudence vers une augmentation de l'autonomie municipale. Notre hypothèse est que l'existence d'institutions municipales représentées par des élus et pourvues de pouvoirs autonomes dans les matières d'intérêt purement municipal fait partie de la Constitution non écrite. Les exceptions non écrites au pouvoir d'une province de modifier sa constitution interne, ainsi que les principes structurels de la démocratie et de la protection des minorités sont étudiés. Un statut protégé pour les municipalités est conforme au droit international et plusieurs États, dont la Californie et l’Italie, ont constitutionnalisé les pouvoirs locaux. Enfin, nous proposons diverses avenues inspirées du droit international et du droit comparé afin que le Canada, ou le Québec, reconnaisse expressément que l'existence de la troisième branche de gouvernement est protégée et que la Législature ne peut porter atteinte au caractère démocratique des municipalités, ni à leurs pouvoirs municipaux généraux.