995 resultados para Indian fisheries


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Various problems associated with the quality of the fishery products like spoilage, discolouration, microbiological problems, etc., are outlined. The reasons and remedial measures are discussed. The importance of proper handling, processing and hygiene is stressed.


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The diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, protozoa and metazoa as well as by other biotic and abiotic agents reported in the penaeid prawns of India are reviewed.


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The presence of even very minute quantities of pollutants may become harmful either due to their direct effect on zooplankton or indirectly due to the transfer of the pollutants to other trophic levels through zooplankton. The recent trend in marine pollution studies is therefore to find out the effects of very minute quantities of these pollutants on marine zooplankton and the methods of their accumulation and transfer to the organisms of higher trophic level including man. A review of laboratory and field studies concerning the effects of pollutants such as hydrocarbons, crude oil, heavy metals, pesticides and heated waste water on the survival, breeding, movement, faecal pellet production, growth and development on marine zooplankton is presented.


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Hermaphroditism, a phenomenon in which one and the same individual produces sperms, the male gamate the ovum, the female gamate, is generally common in plants and lower animals and hence is considered as a primitive character. However, it is rare in higher invertebrates such as insects, spiders, prawns and also in the lower vertebrates to which fishes belong. Prawns and fishes have highly evolved reproductive systems and occur as separate individuals of males and females. Both these groups do have some species which are regurarly hermaphrodites and others which are teratologically hermaphrodites.


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Phytoplankton population (3.37-56.09 x 10 super(4) cells/1) and pigments (chil. a 1.10-26.8 mg/m super(3)) in the waters off Porbandar indicated wide variations. Higher cell counts and lower diversity of species were encountered in the nearshore waters as compared to the waters of the seaward side. The concentration of dissolved oxygen was correlated with the phytoplankton population and pigments. 71 species belonging to 28 genera of algae were recorded. Species of Nitzschia were dominant almost at all stations. Species of Chaetoceros were very common along the middle and western transects.


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Unknown larval stages of Tylosurus strongylurus and Sphyraena jello have been traced from Vellar Estuary, Porto Novo (lat. 11 degree 29'N; long. 79 degree 46' E). Descriptions of different stages (7-17.5 mm T. strongylurus, and 18 and 22.5 mm S. jello) are given. A thorough ichthyoplankton survey for 2 years (Nov. 1977-Oct. 1979) in the estuary revealed that these larvae were very rare in the estuary and were caught on the occasion (Nov. 1978) only.


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The early embryonic and larval stages of Opisthopterus tardoore are described and discussed. The developing 3 eggs of stages up to 21hrs after collection and larvae up to 118hrs after hatching were reared in the laboratory. Seasonal occurrence of the eggs in the Vellar estuary, Porto Novo (lat. 11 29'N; 79 degree 46'E) was recorded for a period of 2 years (Nov. 1977 to Oct. 1979). Variation in myotomic counts in the larvae is critically reviewed with earlier works.


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The comparative toxicity was evaluated using four detergents, viz, linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS), branched alkylbenzene sulfonate (BAS), sodium sulfonate (SS) and alfa-olefin sulfonate (AOS) on an estuarine fish, Ambassis commersonii, abundant in Kali estuarine system. Standard toxicity bioassay method was followed as per APHA (1980). AOS concentration in "Mega" soap was determined by the standard MBAS method described in APHA (1980). The results indicate that LAS was the most toxic detergent to fish relative to the other types and the other of toxicity was LAS > AOS > SS > BAS. A significant correlation was seen between observed and calculated mortalities for all the detergents. Some behavioural responses of fishes to all detergents were also observed.


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Sediment samples (28) collected during the ORV Sagar Kanya cruise-29, were analysed for humic acid (HA) concentration from the North-Central Arabian Sea. Generally oceanic samples had more HA concentration than the continental shelf (< 200 m depth) samples. The photo-acoustic infrared spectra of shelf sediment HA indicated the presence of more C-H saturated aliphatic chains, while oceanic HA had few peaks for the above groups. Both the IR spectra indicated the absence of aromatic C = C, carbonyl, ketonic groups. Clayey-silt sediment generally had higher concentration of HA compared to sandy-silt type of sediment.


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A review is made of the environmental features of Karwar coastal waters, describing the currents, waves, inshore water hydrology and bottom features of the bay. The intertidal and the estuarine environment are described, considering various environmental stress factors. Future prospects regarding man's effects on the environment, such as development projects, are discussed briefly.


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The annual instantaneous total mortality coefficient (Z) for the prawn Metapenaeus dobsoni has been estimated to range from 0.8 to 5.14 by the cumulative catch curve method. Different methods used in the study resulted in wide ranging values of natural mortality (M) (0.6 to 2.303), but the yield per recruit model when superimposed with the absolute yield values revealed the right order to be > 2. The biologically optimum yield of about 18 thousand tons is obtained for an effort of 2,702 trawlers per day for 215 fishing days when the annual exploitation ratio (E) is about 52%.


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Spatio-temporal variations in the physicochemical and biological parameters in the Morlaix estuary on the Brittany coast of France were studied. Hydrographically, the estuary can be classified into 3 segments: the upper estuary where stratification always persists, the lower estuary where vertical homogeneity is permanent, and a middle estuary where there is a regular oscillation of stratification and homogeneity during every tidal cycle, stratification being associated with slack waters and homogeneity, with ebb and flood. Nitrogen pollution in the estuary is very intense.


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The BOD levels and saprotrophication of 2 stations in an estuarine habitat at Kakinada India, was studied during one full tidal cycle. Both the stations were found to be heavily polluted by sewage with BOD values ranging between 10.8 and 12.8 ppm at the commercial canal (station 1) and between 4.8 and 8.8 ppm at the mangrove creek (station 2). Tides did not seem to have much influence on the dilution of the pollutants. Based on planktonic indicator species observed and saprobity index which worked out to be 2.75, both the sampling areas are considered as heavily polluted alpha-mesosaprobic zones.


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Change in the proximate composition and energy value of Tellina angulata from Bombay were studied for a period of 15 months. Irrespective of sex protein as percentage at dry weight ranged from 39.04 to 75.72, carbohydrate 4.83 to 24. 89, lipid 7.41 to 19.81, carbon 21.99 to 39.89 and ash 4.01 to 27.56. Sexwise protein and lipid were maximum in male and carbohydrate in female. Seasonal variation in the proximate composition of the species was well defined.


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The biological characteristics off Mithapur, India, indicated fairly high productivity in terms of macrobenthos and phytoplankton pigment concentration. The area sustained low standing stock of zooplankton. The overall biological productivity of plankton and macrobenthos indicated 30-90% reduction from the premonsoon to postmonsoon period. This decline in the standing stock of plankton and benthos was coinciding with the peak fishing season of the area.