966 resultados para Impurities in electrolytic cell


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Kalciumjonen reglerar flera processer i celler såsom transkribering av gener, celldelning, cellernas rörlighet och celldöd. Därför har cellerna utvecklat många mekanismer för att reglera den intracellulära kalciumkoncentrationen. Kalciumkanaler spelar en viktig roll i denna regleringsprocess. TRPC-kanalerna (eng. canonical transient receptor potential) är en familj av jonkanaler med sju medlemmar (TRPC1-7) vars regleringsmekanismer och fysiologiska roller är varierande. TRPC2-kanalens fysiologiska signifikans, samt hur kanalen regleras, är dåligt karakteriserad. För första gången, rapporterar vi närvaron av TRPC2 kanalen i råttans sköldkörtelceller samt primära sköldkörtelceller från råtta. Hos gnagare har TRPC2 antagits vara exklusivt uttryckt i det vomeronasala organet. För att undersöka den fysiologiska betydelsen av kanalen, har vi utvecklat stabila celler med nedreglerat TRPC2 (shTRPC2) m.h.a. shRNA-teknik. Nedreglering av TRPC2 resulterade i stora skillnader i flera viktiga cellulära funktioner och i regleringen av sköldkörtelcellernas cellsignalering. Nedreglering av TRPC2 orsakade minskad agonist-beroende frigivning av kalcium från det endoplasmatiska nätverket, samt minskat agonist-beroende inflöde av extracellulärt kalcium, men ökade det basala kalciuminflödet. Uttrycket av PKCβ1 och PKCδ, SERCA-aktiviteten och kalciumhalten i det endoplasmatiska nätverket minskade i shTRPC2 celler. Kommunikation mellan kalcium- och cAMP-signalering påvisades vara TRPC2-beroende, vilket visades reglera uttrycket av TSH-receptorn. Vi undersökte också betydelsen av TRPC2 kanalen i reglering av sköldkörtelcellers proliferation, migration, vidhäftning och invasion; processer som alla var dämpade i shTRPC2 celler. Samamnfattningsvis påvisade dessa resultat en ny och viktig fysiologisk betydelse för TRPC2 kanalerna.


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The cytoskeleton is a key feature of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Itis comprised of three protein families, one of which is the intermediate filaments (IFs). Of these, the IFs are the largest and most diverse. The IFs are expressed throughout life, and are involved in the regulation of cell differentiation, homeostasis, ageing and pathogenesis. The IFs not only provide structural integrity to the cell, they are also involved in a range of cellular functions from organelle trafficking and cell migration to signalling transduction. The IFs are highly dynamic proteins, able to respond and adapt their network rapidly in response to intra- and extra- cellular cues. Consequently they interact with a whole host of cellular signalling proteins, regulating function, and activity, and cellular localisation. While the function of some of the better-known IFs such as the keratins is well studied, the understanding of the function of two IFs, nestin and vimentin, is poor. Nestin is well known as a marker of differentiation and is expressed in some cancers. In cancer, nestin is primarily described as is a promoter of cell motility, however, how it fulfils this role remains undefined. Vimentin too is expressed in cancer, and is known to promote cell motility and is used as a marker for epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). It is only in the last decade that studies have addressed the role that vimentin plays in cell motility and EMT. This work provides novel insight into how the IFs, nestin and vimentin regulate cell motility and invasion. In particular we show that nestin regulates the cellular localisation and organisation of two key facilitators of cell migration, focal adhesion kinase and integrins. We identify nestin as a regulator of extracellular matrix degradation and integrin-mediated cell invasion. Two further studies address the specific regulation of vimentin by phosphorylation. A detailed characterisation study identified key phosphorylation sites on vimentin, which are critical for proper organisation of the vimentin network. Furthermore, we show that the bioactive sphingolipids are vimentin network regulators. Specifically, the sphingolipids induced RhoA kinasedependent (ROCK) phosphorylation at vimentin S71, which lead to filament reorganisation and inhibition of cell migration. Together these studies shed new light into the regulation of nestin and vimentin during cell motility.


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It is generally accepted that mitochondria are able to proliferate even in postmitotic cells due to their natural turnover and also to satisfy increased cell energy requirements. However, no detailed studies are available, particularly with respect to specific cell types. Since [3H]-thymidine is incorporated not only into nuclear (n) DNA but also into the DNA of cytoplasmic mitochondria, an autoradiographic approach was developed at the light microscopy level in order to study basic questions of mitochondrial (mt) proliferation in organs of rodents in situ via the cytoplasmic incorporation of [3H]-thymidine injected into the animals 1 h before sacrifice. Experiments carried out on mice after X-irradiation showed that cytoplasmic labeling was not due to a process such as unscheduled nuclear DNA synthesis (nUDS). Furthermore, half-lives of mitochondria between 8-23 days were deduced specifically in relation to cell types. The phase of mtDNA synthesis was about 75 min. Finally, mt proliferation was measured in brain cells of mice as a function of age. While all neurons showed a decreasing extent of mtDNA synthesis during old age, nUDS decreased only in distinct cell types of the cortex and hippocampus. We conclude that the leading theories explaining the phenomenon of aging are closely related, i.e., aging is due to a decreasing capacity of nDNA repair, which leads to unrepaired nDNA damage, or to an accumulation of mitochondria with damaged mtDNA, which leads to a deficit of cellular energy production


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The control of CD4 gene expression is essential for proper T lymphocyte development. Signals transmitted from the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) during the thymic selection processes are believed to be linked to the regulation of CD4 gene expression during specific stages of T cell development. Thus, a study of the factors that control CD4 gene expression may lead to further insight into the molecular mechanisms that drive thymic selection. In this review, we discuss the work conducted to date to identify and characterize the cis-acting transcriptional control elements in the CD4 locus and the DNA-binding factors that mediate their function. From these studies, it is becoming clear that the molecular mechanisms controlling CD4 gene expression are very complex and differ at each stage of development. Thus, the control of CD4 expression is subject to many different influences as the thymocyte develops.


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ßS-Globin haplotypes were studied in 80 (160 ßS chromosomes) sickle cell disease patients from Salvador, Brazil, a city with a large population of African origin resulting from the slave trade from Western Africa, mainly from the Bay of Benin. Hematological and hemoglobin analyses were carried out by standard methods. The ßS-haplotypes were determined by PCR and dot-blot techniques. A total of 77 (48.1%) chromosomes were characterized as Central African Republic (CAR) haplotype, 73 (45.6%) as Benin (BEN), 1 (0.63%) as Senegal (SEN), and 9 (5.63%) as atypical (Atp). Genotype was CAR/CAR in 17 (21.3%) patients, BEN/BEN in 17 (21.3%), CAR/BEN in 37 (46.3%), BEN/SEN in 1 (1.25%), BEN/Atp in 1 (1.25%), CAR/Atp in 6 (7.5%), and Atp/Atp in 1 (1.25%). Hemoglobin concentrations and hematocrit values did not differ among genotype groups but were significantly higher in 25 patients presenting percent fetal hemoglobin (%HbF) > or = 10% (P = 0.002 and 0.003, respectively). The median HbF concentration was 7.54 ± 4.342% for the CAR/CAR genotype, 9.88 ± 3.558% for the BEN/BEN genotype, 8.146 ± 4.631% for the CAR/BEN genotype, and 4.180 ± 2.250% for the CAR/Atp genotype (P = 0.02), although 1 CAR/CAR individual presented an HbF concentration as high as 15%. In view of the ethnic and geographical origin of this population, we did not expect a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for CAR/CAR and BEN/BEN homozygous haplotypes and a high proportion of heterozygous CAR/BEN haplotypes since the State of Bahia historically received more slaves from Western Africa than from Central Africa.


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T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is a biologically heterogeneous disease with respect to phenotype, gene expression profile and activation of particular intracellular signaling pathways. Despite very significant improvements, current therapeutic regimens still fail to cure a portion of the patients and frequently implicate the use of aggressive protocols with long-term side effects. In this review, we focused on how deregulation of critical signaling pathways, in particular Notch, PI3K/Akt, MAPK, Jak/STAT and TGF-ß, may contribute to T-ALL. Identifying the alterations that affect intracellular pathways that regulate cell cycle and apoptosis is essential to understanding the biology of this malignancy, to define more effective markers for the correct stratification of patients into appropriate therapeutic regimens and to identify novel targets for the development of specific, less detrimental therapies for T-ALL.


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Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is an aggressive disease, representing 15% of all cases of lung cancer, has high metastatic potential and low prognosis that urgently demands the development of novel therapeutic approaches. One of the proposed approaches has been the down-regulation of BCL2, with poorly clarified and controversial therapeutic value regarding SCLC. The use of anti-BCL2 small interfering RNA (siRNA) in SCLC has never been reported. The aim of the present study was to select and test the in vitro efficacy of anti-BCL2 siRNA sequences against the protein and mRNA levels of SCLC cells, and their effects on cytotoxicity and chemosensitization. Two anti-BCL2 siRNAs and the anti-BCL2 G3139 oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) were evaluated in SCLC cells by the simultaneous determination of Bcl-2 and viability using a flow cytometry method recently developed by us in addition to Western blot, real-time reverse-transcription PCR, and cell growth after single and combined treatment with cisplatin. In contrast to previous reports about the use of ODN, a heterogeneous and up to 80% sequence-specific Bcl-2 protein knockdown was observed in the SW2, H2171 and H69 SCLC cell lines, although without significant sequence-specific reduction of cell viability, cell growth, or sensitization to cisplatin. Our results question previous data generated with antisense ODN and supporting the present concept of the therapeutic interest in BCL2 silencing per se in SCLC, and support the growing notion of the necessity of a multitargeting molecular approach for the treatment of cancer.


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The objective of this study was to investigate renal function in a cohort of 98 patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) followed up at a tertiary hospital in Brazil. Clinical and laboratory characteristics at the time of the most recent medical examination were analyzed. Renal function was evaluated by the estimation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by the criteria of the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI). We compared patients with normal GFR to patients with decreased GFR (<60 mL·min-1·(1.73 m²)-1) and hyperfiltration (>120 mL·min-1·(1.73 m²)-1). Comparison between patients according to the use of hydroxyurea and comparison of clinical and laboratory parameters according to GFR were also carried out. Average patient age was 33.8 ± 13.3 years (range 19-67 years), and 57 (58.1%) patients were females. The comparison of patients according to GFR showed that patients with decreased GFR (<60 mL·min-1·(1.73 m²)-1) were older, had lower levels of hematocrit, hemoglobin and platelets and higher levels of urea and creatinine. Independent risk factors for decreased GFR were advanced age (OR = 21.6, P < 0.0001) and anemia (OR = 39.6, P < 0.0001). Patients with glomerular hyperfiltration tended to be younger, had higher levels of hematocrit, hemoglobin and platelets and lower levels of urea and creatinine, with less frequent urinary abnormalities. Hydroxyurea, at the dosage of 500-1000 mg/day, was being administered to 28.5% of the patients, and there was no significant difference regarding renal function between the two groups. Further studies are required to establish the best therapeutic approach to renal abnormalities in SCD.


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Morphine is a potent analgesic opioid used extensively for pain treatment. During the last decade, global consumption grew more than 4-fold. However, molecular mechanisms elicited by morphine are not totally understood. Thus, a growing literature indicates that there are additional actions to the analgesic effect. Previous studies about morphine and oxidative stress are controversial and used concentrations outside the range of clinical practice. Therefore, in this study, we hypothesized that a therapeutic concentration of morphine (1 μM) would show a protective effect in a traditional model of oxidative stress. We exposed the C6 glioma cell line to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and/or morphine for 24 h and evaluated cell viability, lipid peroxidation, and levels of sulfhydryl groups (an indicator of the redox state of the cell). Morphine did not prevent the decrease in cell viability provoked by H2O2 but partially prevented lipid peroxidation caused by 0.0025% H2O2 (a concentration allowing more than 90% cell viability). Interestingly, this opioid did not alter the increased levels of sulfhydryl groups produced by exposure to 0.0025% H2O2, opening the possibility that alternative molecular mechanisms (a direct scavenging activity or the inhibition of NAPDH oxidase) may explain the protective effect registered in the lipid peroxidation assay. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that morphine in usual analgesic doses may contribute to minimizing oxidative stress in cells of glial origin. This study supports the importance of employing concentrations similar to those used in clinical practice for a better approximation between experimental models and the clinical setting.


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Heavy metals, such as methylmercury, are key environmental pollutants that easily reach human beings by bioaccumulation through the food chain. Several reports have demonstrated that endocrine organs, and especially the pituitary gland, are potential targets for mercury accumulation; however, the effects on the regulation of hormonal release are unclear. It has been suggested that serum prolactin could represent a biomarker of heavy metal exposure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of methylmercury on prolactin release and the role of the nitrergic system using prolactin secretory cells (the mammosomatotroph cell line, GH3B6). Exposure to methylmercury (0-100 μM) was cytotoxic in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, with an LC50 higher than described for cells of neuronal origin, suggesting GH3B6 cells have a relative resistance. Methylmercury (at exposures as low as 1 μM for 2 h) also decreased prolactin release. Interestingly, inhibition of nitric oxide synthase by N-nitro-L-arginine completely prevented the decrease in prolactin release without acute neurotoxic effects of methylmercury. These data indicate that the decrease in prolactin production occurs via activation of the nitrergic system and is an early effect of methylmercury in cells of pituitary origin.


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High temperature superconductors were discovered in 1986, but despite considerable research efforts, both experimental and theoretical, these materials remain poorly understood. Because their electronic structure is both inhomogeneous and highly correlated, a full understanding will require knowledge of quasiparticle properties both in real space and momentum space. In this thesis, we will present a theoretical analysis of the scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) data in BSCCO. We introduce the Bogoliubov-De Gennes Hamiltonian and solve it numerically on a two-dimensional 20 x 20 lattice under a magnetic field perpendicular to the surface. We consider a vortex at the center of our model. We introduce a Zn impurity in our lattice as a microscopic probe of the physical properties of BSCCO. By direct numerical diagonalization of the lattice BogoliubovDe Gennes Hamiltonian for different positions of the impurity, we can calculate the interaction between the vortex and the impurity in a d-wave superconductor.


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Most human genes undergo alternative splicing and loss of splicing fidelity is associated with disease. Epigenetic silencing of hMLH 1 via promoter cytosine methylation is causally linked to a subset of sporadic non-polyposis colon cancer and is reversible by 5-aza-2' -deoxycytidine treatment. Here I investigated changes in hMLHI mRNA splicing profiles in normal fibroblasts and colon cancer-derived human cell lines. I established the types and frequencies of hMLHI mRNA transcripts generated under baseline conditions, after hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress, and in acutely 5-aza-2' -deoxycytidine-treated and stably derepressed cancer cell lines. I found that hMLHI is extensively spliced under all conditions including baseline (50% splice variants), the splice variant distribution changes in response to oxidative stress, and certain splice variants are sensitive to 5- aza-2' -deoxycytidine treatment: Splice variant diversity and frequency of exon 17 skipping correlates with the level of hMLHI promoter methylation suggesting a link between promoter methylation and mRNA splicing.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Eph kinases are the largest family of cell surface receptor tyrosine kinases. The ligands of Ephs, ephrins (EFNs), are also cell surface molecules. Ephs interact with EFNs and the receptors and ligands transmit signals in both directions, i.e., from Ephs to EFNs and from EFNs to Ephs. Ephs and EFNs are widely involved in various developmental, physiological pathophysiological processes. Our group and others have reported the roles of Ephs/EFNs in the immune system. To further investigate the function of EphBs/EFNBs in T cell development and responses, we generated EFNB1, EFNB2, EphB4 conditional gene knockout (KO) mice and EFNB1/2 double KO mice. In the projects using EFNB1 and EFNB2 knockout mice, we specifically deleted EFNB1 or EFNB2 in T cells. The mice had normal size and cellularity of the thymus and spleen as well as normal T cell subpopulations in these organs. The bone marrow progenitors from KO mice and WT mice repopulated the host lymphoid organs to similar extents. The activation and proliferation of KO T cells was comparable to that of control mice. Naïve KO CD4 cells differentiated into Th1, Th2, Th17 and Treg cells similar to naïve control CD4 cells. In EFNB2 KO mice, we observed a significant relative increase of CD4CD8 double negative thymocytes in the thymus. Flowcytometry analysis revealed that there was a moderate increase in the DN3 subpopulation in the thymus. This suggests that EFNB2 is involved in thymocyte development. Our results indicate that the functions of EFNB1 and EFNB2 in the T cell compartment could be compensated by each other or by other members of the EFN family, and that such redundancy safeguards the pivotal roles of EFNB1 and EFNB2 in T cell development and function. In the project using EFNB1/B2 double knockout (dKO) model, we revealed a novel regulatory function of EFNb1 and EFNb2 in stabilizing IL-7Rα expression on the T cell surface. IL-7 plays important roles in thymocyte development, T cell homeostasis and survival. IL-7Rα undergoes internalization upon IL-7 binding. In the dKO mice, we observed reduced IL-7Rα expression in thymocytes and T cells. Moreover, the IL-7Rα internalization was accelerated in dKO CD4 cells upon IL-7 stimulation. In T cell lymphoma cell line, EL4, over-expression of either EFNB1 or EFNB2 retarded the internalization of IL-7Rα. We further demonstrated compromised IL-7 signaling and homeostatic proliferation of dKO T cells. Mechanism study using fluorescence resonance energy transfer and immunoprecipitation demonstrated that physical interaction of EFNB1 and EFNB2 with IL-7Rα was likely responsible for the retarded IL-7Rα internalization. In the last project, using medullary thymic epithelial cell (mTEC)-specific EphB4 knockout mice, we investigated T cell development and function after EphB4 deletion in mTEC. EphB4 KO mice demonstrated normal thymic weight and cellularity. T cell development and function were not influenced by the EphB4 deletion. Lastly, the KO mice developed normal delayed type hypersensitivity. Overall, our results suggest that comprehensive cross interaction between Eph and EFN family members could compensate function of a given deleted member in the T cell development, and only simultaneous deletion of multiple EFNBs will reveal their true function in the immune system. In fact, such redundancy signifies vital roles of Ephs and EFNs in the immune system.


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L’anémie falciforme est une maladie monogénique causée par une mutation dans le locus de la β-globine. Malgré le fait que l’anémie falciforme soit une maladie monogénique, cette maladie présente une grande hétérogénéité clinique. On présume que des facteurs environnementaux et génétiques contribuent à cette hétérogénéité. Il a été observé qu’un haut taux d’hémoglobine fœtale (HbF) diminuait la sévérité et la mortalité des patients atteints de l’anémie falciforme. Le but de mon projet était d’identifier des variations génétiques modifiant la sévérité clinique de l’anémie falciforme. Dans un premier temps, nous avons effectué la cartographie-fine de trois régions précédemment associées avec le taux d’hémoglobine fœtale. Nous avons ensuite effectué des études d’association pan-génomiques avec deux complications cliniques de l’anémie falciforme ainsi qu’avec le taux d’hémoglobine fœtale. Hormis les régions déjà identifiées comme étant associées au taux d’hémoglobine fœtale, aucun locus n’a atteint le niveau significatif de la puce de génotypage. Pour identifier des groupes de gènes modérément associés au taux d’hémoglobine fœtale qui seraient impliqués dans de mêmes voies biologiques, nous avons effectué une étude des processus biologiques. Finalement, nous avons effectué l’analyse de 19 exomes de patients Jamaïcains ayant des complications cliniques mineures de l’anémie falciforme. Compte tenu de la taille des cohortes de réplication disponibles, nous n’avons pas les moyens de valider statistiquement les variations identifiées par notre étude. Cependant, nos résultats fournissent de bons gènes candidats pour des études fonctionnelles et pour les réplications futures. Nos résultats suggèrent aussi que le β-hydroxybutyrate en concentration endogène pourraient influencer le taux d’hémoglobine fœtale. De plus, nous montrons que la cartographie-fine des régions associées par des études pan-génomiques peut identifier des signaux d’association additionnels et augmenter la variation héritable expliquée par cette région.