861 resultados para Impression


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RESUMO: Objectivo: Este estudo teve por objectivo descrever a prática clínica e os resultados da intervenção da fisioterapia, às 6, 12 e 24 semanas, em indivíduos após ligamentoplastia do LCA. Introdução: O sucesso da ligamentoplastia do LCA está directamente relacionado com a reabilitação após a realização da mesma, permitindo ao utente o retorno a um estilo de vida activo. Apesar de se saber que um programa de reabilitação estruturado e baseado na evidência tem um papel fulcral nos resultados após cirurgia, e de existir consenso sobre a efectividade destes programas após a cirurgia, o mesmo não se pode afirmar acerca de quais os melhores componentes que devem fazer parte desse programa. Tendo em conta a heterogeneidade encontrada na literatura, no que diz respeito à nomenclatura utilizada, às diferenças de duração dos protocolos e às variações significativas nas recomendações dos cuidados de reabilitação, torna-se primordial a realização duma caracterização da prática clínica da fisioterapia em indivíduos submetidos a ligamentoplastia em Portugal, e consequentemente, descrever quais os resultados obtidos ao nível da incapacidade funcional, intensidade de dor e percepção global de melhoria. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo de série de casos, com uma amostra de conveniência, do tipo não probabilístico, constituída por 14 utentes referidos para 4 clínicas de fisioterapia e para 3 hospitais, e que cumpriam os critérios de inclusão e exclusão estabelecidos. Os utentes foram avaliados em 4 momentos pré-definidos: na 1ª sessão de fisioterapia e às 6, 12 e 24 semanas após cirurgia. Os resultados obtidos após intervenção da fisioterapia foram descritos ao nível da incapacidade funcional, da intensidade da dor e da percepção global de melhoria. Paralelamente realizou-se uma caracterização da prática clínica relativamente às modalidades utilizadas, número de sessões de tratamento e duração do episódio de cuidados. Resultados: Observou-se uma tendência de melhoria ao longo das 24 semanas em todas as dimensões da Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) e na Escala Numérica da Dor (END), assim como na percepção de melhoria pelo utente, medida através da Patient Global Impression of Change Scale (PGIC). Às 6 semanas, as melhorias nas variáveis de resultados foram superiores às encontradas às 12 e 24 semanas, ao nível da incapacidade funcional (à excepção das dimensões KOOS – actividades desportivas e de lazer e KOOS - qualidade de vida) e dor. Relativamente à intervenção da fisioterapia observou-se uma grande heterogeneidade nas modalidades e procedimentos utilizados. Em média realizaram-se 58,14 (±14,15) sessões, sendo que 71 foi o número de sessões mais utilizado. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que apesar da heterogeneidade da prática clínica, a intervenção da fisioterapia proporciona melhorias ao nível da capacidade funcional e da dor, em indivíduos submetidos a ligamentoplastia do LCA e que essas melhorias são percepcionadas pelos participantes como clinicamente importantes. ---------ABSTRACT: Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the clinical practice and the results of physical therapy intervention, at 6, 12 and 24 weeks, in subjects after ACL reconstruction. Introduction: The success of ACL reconstruction is directly related with the rehabilitation after the surgery, allowing the patient to an active lifestyle return. Despite knowing that a rehabilitation program based on evidence and well designed has a key role in the results after surgery, the same cannot be said about what the best components that should make part of this program. Taking into account the heterogeneity found in the literature, whether at the level of the nomenclature used, whether at level of the differences in duration of the protocols, as well as the existence of recommendations of rehabilitative care that present significant variations at the international level, it becomes paramount to achieving a characterization of the clinical practice of physical therapy in subjects after ACL reconstruction in Portugal, and consequently describe the results obtained regarding to functional disability and pain intensity. Methodology: A case series design with a convenience sample of 14 patients referred to 7 different outpatients physical therapy settings, that fulfilled the pre- established inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patients were evaluated in four pre-defined moments: in the first session of physiotherapy and at 6, 12 and 24 weeks after surgery. The results obtained after physiotherapy intervention were described at the level of functional disability, pain and global perception of change. Subsequently, it was proceeded the characterization the practice of physical therapy regarding to the modalities used, the number of treatment sessions and duration of the episode of care. Results: It was found that there was a trend of improvement, clinically important, over the 24 weeks in all dimensions of Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) and in the Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS). At 6 weeks, improvements were superior to those found at 12 and 24 weeks, at the level of functional disability (with the exception of the KOOS-sports and recreation function and KOOS-knee related quality of life dimensions) and pain. As regards the intervention of physical therapy found that the heterogeneity encountered both at the level of clinical practice as evidence,are difficult to compare. On average 58,14 (±14,15) sessions were held, with 71 was the most commonly used sessions numbers. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that in spite of the heterogeneity of clinical practice, physical therapy intervention provides improvements in terms of functional disability and pain in subjects after ACL reconstruction.


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RESUMO:Introdução: O conhecimento acerca da prática da Fisioterapia, bem como a influência das características dos indivíduos com Osteoartrose do joelho (OA) no prognóstico dos resultados alcançados com a Fisioterapia, tem sido alvo de estudo em vários países. No entanto em Portugal, estudos desta natureza são escassos ou inexistentes. Objetivo: Este trabalho teve dois principais objetivos: Por um lado pretendeu caracterizar a prática da Fisioterapia e determinar os seus resultados em indivíduos com OA do joelho ao nível da intensidade da dor, incapacidade funcional e perceção global de melhoria; Por outro, identificar fatores preditivos para os resultados de sucesso após a intervenção da Fisioterapia. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo de coorte prospetivo com 77 participantes que foram avaliados antes e após a intervenção (8 semanas), com um follow-up de 3 meses. Procedeu-se à caracterização da prática da Fisioterapia quanto às modalidades utilizadas, número de sessões de tratamento e duração do episódio de cuidados. Os resultados obtidos foram medidos após intervenção (8 semanas) e num follow-up (3 meses), através da Escala Numérica da Dor (END), da versão Portuguesa do Questionário Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS-PT), e da versão Portuguesa da Patient Global Impression of Change Scale (PGIC-PT). As características sociodemográficas e clínicas foram incluídas como potenciais fatores de prognóstico com base no critério de pontuação ≥5 na PGIC-PT e a análise dos dados foi realizada através do método de regressão logística multivariado no sentido de identificar as associações entre as variáveis na baseline e as variáveis de resultado (p<0.05). Resultados: Os resultados obtidos revelaram que existe uma grande diversidade de modalidades e procedimentos terapêuticos realizados pelos fisioterapeutas no tratamento da OA do joelho (em média 4 modalidades por utente), sendo os exercícios, a eletroterapia e a terapia manual, as intervenções mais frequentemente realizadas. Os resultados da intervenção revelaram uma redução significativa da intensidade da dor e da incapacidade funcional (medida pelas diferentes dimensões da KOOS-PT) às 8 semanas e aos 3 meses (p=0,001). A probabilidade de obter bons resultados na percepção de melhoria para realizar actividades da vida diária, está significativamente associada com a pontuação na dimensão KOOS AVD (OR=1,106, 95% IC 1,056-1,159) e com a intensidade da dor, (OR=0,543, 95% IC 0,300-0,983), na baseline. A probabilidade de obter bons resultados na percepção de melhoria relativa à dor, está significativamente associada com a pontuação na dimensão KOOS DOR (OR=1,116, 95% IC 1,030-1,209), e dimensão KOOS ADL (OR=1,123, 95% IC 1,014-1,243), na baseline. Conclusões: Os resultados do presente estudo revelam que a intervenção em Fisioterapia em casos de OA do joelho, apesar de utilizar uma grande diversidade de modalidades terapêuticas, proporciona uma redução significativa dos níveis de dor e incapacidade funcional em utentes com OA do joelho. Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem ainda que o sucesso da intervenção pode ser predito a partir de variáveis clinicas na baseline.------------ABSTRACT:Introduction: The knowledge about the practice of physical therapy, as well as the influence of the characteristics of subjects with knee osteoarthritis (OA) in the prognosis of the results achieved with physiotherapy, have been studied in several countries. However in Portugal, such studies are scarce or nonexistent. Objective: This study had two main aims: on one hand sought to characterize the practice of physical therapy and determine their outcomes in subjects with OA of the knee joint at the level of pain intensity, functional disability and global perception of improvement; Secondly, to identify predictive factors for successful outcomes after the intervention of physiotherapy. Methods: This was a prospective cohort study with 77 participants who were evaluated before and after the intervention (8 weeks), with a follow-up of 3 months. Proceeded to characterize the practice of physical therapy as modalities used, number of treatment sessions and duration of the period of care. The results were measured after intervention (8 weeks) and a follow-up (3 months) by a Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), the Portuguese version of the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Questionnaire Outcome Score (KOOS-PT) and the Patient Global Impression of Change Scale- Portuguese Version (PGIC-PT). The sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were included as potential prognostic factors based on scoring criteria≥5 na PGIC-PT and data analysis was performed using the method of multivariate logistic regression to identify associations between variables at baseline and outcome variables (p<0.05). Results: The results revealed that there is a great diversity of modalities and therapeutic procedures performed by physiotherapists in the treatment of knee OA (average 4 per user modes), with exercises, electrotherapy and manual therapy interventions most frequently performed. The results of intervention showed a significant reduction in the severity of pain and functional disability (measured by the different dimensions of the KOOS-PT) at 8 weeks and at 3 months (p = 0.001). The probability of getting good results in the perception of improvement to perform activities of daily living, is significantly associated with scores on the dimension KOOS ADL (OR=1,106, 95% CI 1,056-1,159) and the intensity of pain (OR = 0.543, 95% CI 0.300 to 0.983) at baseline. The probability of getting good results in the perception of improvement of the pain is significantly associated with scores on the KOOS PAIN (OR = 1.116, 95% CI 1.030 to 1.209) and KOOS ADL (OR = 1.123, 95% CI 1.014 to 1.243) at the baseline. Conclusions: The results of this study show that Physiotherapy treatment in cases of knee OA, provide a significant reduction of pain and disability among users with knee OA, despite the wide variety of therapeutic modalities. The results of this study also suggest that the success of the intervention can be predicted from clinical variables at baseline.


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RESUMO: Introdução: A osteoartrose do joelho em particular constitui uma das maiores causas de incapacidades no dia-a-dia, morbilidade e aumento dos custos de saúde na população, na medida em que é uma condição que quando sintomática progride para um padrão que incluí dor articular, perda de força, incapacidade para a marcha e redução da aptidão física. A sua prevalência aumenta com a idade, 7% entre pessoas dos 65-70 anos, e 11,2% para aqueles com 80 anos ou mais, pouco variando entre os estudos existentes. Um recente estudo da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) refere que a osteoartrose é a quarta causa mais importante de incapacidade entre as mulheres e a oitava entre os homens. Objetivo do estudo: Descrever a intervenção da fisioterapia em contexto de prática clínica convencionada e os resultados obtidos em indivíduos com OA, ao nível da intensidade da dor, capacidade funcional e perceção global de melhoria. Desenho Metodológico: Trata-se de um Estudo de coorte prospetivo onde foram incluídos indivíduos de ambos os géneros, entre os 60 e os 80 anos, com osteoartrose do joelho referenciada clinicamente. Após o consentimento informado, os pacientes foram, avaliados em quatro momentos: num primeiro momento (T0), antes de iniciarem o tratamento; (T1) após 4 semanas do início do tratamento; (T2) coincidente com o final do tratamento; e (T3) 3 meses após o início do tratamento. Foi utilizado um Questionário de Caracterização Sócio-Demográfica e Clínica, a Escala numérica da dor – END, o questionário KOOS (Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score) e a versão portuguesa da Patient Global Impression Change (PGIC-PT). A base de seleção dos indivíduos foi realizada numa clínica convencionada do Algarve. Resultados: Foi observado um aumento significativo em todos os outcomes avaliados pelo KOOS, END e PGIC num período até 3 meses após a intervenção. Na avaliação da END em T3 o valor da média foi de 1,63(±0,71). Para o KOOS nas subescalas Sintomas foi de 87,60(±5,86), Dor 85,71(±3,99), AVD 78,23(±3,48), ADL 67,71(±7,16), QV 80,71(±9,14), para a PGIC-AVD 5,29(±0,57), PGIC-DOR 5,97(±0,61). Os resultados obtidos pelo teste de Friedman, revelaram um valor de p<0,005. Assim, a melhoria da incapacidade funcional reportada pelos participantes neste grupo é estatisticamente diferente, e de forma significativa nos diferentes momentos de recolha de dados, durante e após o tratamento (X2 (3)=208,862, p<0,005)/ (X2(3)=205,041, p<0,005). Por fim os valores do somatório dos participantes, que estão inseridos em no grupo dos “Bons Resultados”( ≥5) foi de 27,14% em T0 passando para 100,00% em T3, enquanto que o grupo dos “Maus Resultados”(<5) foi de 72,86% em T0 e 100% em T3. Conclusão: Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que a intervenção da Fisioterapia efetuadas em clínicas convencionadas nos casos da Osteoartrose do joelho são efetivas na redução significativa dos níveis de dor e incapacidade funcional e na Perceção global de melhoria em pacientes com Osteoartrose do joelho. ---------- ABSTRACT: Introduction: Osteoarthritis of the knee in particular is a major cause of disabilities in their day-to-day morbidity and increased healthcare costs in the population, in that it is a disease that when symptomatic progresses to a pattern that included joint pain, strength loss, inability to walk and reduction of physical fitness. It is referred as a risk factor for falls and fractures. Its prevalence increases with age, 7% of people between 65-70 years, and 11.2% for those aged 80 or more, ranging from some existing studies. A recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that osteoarthritis is the fourth leading cause of disability among women and eighth among men. Objective: To describe the characteristics and the outcomes of the physiotherapy practice in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Methodology: A prospective cohort study, with 70 individuals, aged between 60 and 80 years with the diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis and referred to physiotherapy treatment, was carried out. After informed consent, patients were evaluated in four different moments: at baseline (T0), before starting treatment; 4 weeks after starting their treatment (T1); 8 weeks after starting their treatment (T2); and in a 3 months follow-up (T3). Patients were assessed for their socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, pain intensity (using the numeric pain rating scale- NRS), disability (using the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score), and for their global impression of change (using the Portuguese version of the Patient Glogal Impression of Change scale). Results: The findings of this study indicate a significant increase in all outcomes assessed (pain, disability and global impression of change), during and after the physiotherapy treatment. At T3, the average value for the NRS was 1.63 (± 0.71). For KOOS in the symptoms subscales was 87.60 (± 5.86), pain 85.71 (± 3.99), ADL 78.23 (± 3.48), ADL 67.71 (± 7.16), QV 80.71 (± 9.14) for the PGIC-AVD 5.29 (± 0.57), PGIC-PAIN 5.97 (± 0.61). The results obtained though the Friedman test revealed a p-value <0.005. Thus, the improvement of functional capacity reported by participants in the group was statistically different at the different moments of data collection, during and after treatment (X 2 (3) = 208.862, p <0.005) / (X 2 (3) = 205.041, p <0.005). Conclusion: The results of this study show that the physiotherapy treatments made on agreed clinics in cases of osteoarthritis of the knee, are effective in significant reduction in the levels of pain and disability and in perception of overall improvement perception in patients with osteoarthritis of the Knee.


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RESUMO: Introdução: O conhecimento acerca da influência das características dos indivíduos com dor cervical crónica (DCC) no prognóstico dos resultados alcançados com a Fisioterapia é ainda inconsistente, sendo escassos os estudos desenvolvidos neste âmbito. Objetivo: Este relatório pretende determinar se um modelo baseado em fatores de prognóstico é capaz de prever os resultados de sucesso da Fisioterapia, a curto prazo, em utentes com DCC, ao nível da incapacidade funcional, intensidade da dor e perceção global de melhoria. Metodologia: Trata-se de estudo de coorte prospetivo com 112 participantes. Os utentes foram avaliados na primeira semana de tratamento e sete semanas após o início da intervenção. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Neck Disability Index–Versão Portuguesa (NDI-PT) e a Escala Numérica da Dor (END) nos dois momentos de avaliação, um Questionário de Caracterização Sociodemográfica e Clínica da Amostra na baseline e a Patient Global Impression Change Scale–Versão Portuguesa (PGIC-PT) no follow-up. As características sociodemográficas e clínicas foram incluídas como potenciais fatores de prognóstico e estes foram definidos com base nas diferenças mínimas clinicamente importantes (DMCI) dos instrumentos NDIPT (DMCI≥6) e END (DMCI≥2) e no critério de pontuação ≥5 na PGIC-PT. A análise dos dados foi realizada através do método de regressão logística (backward conditional procedure) para identificar as associações entre os indicadores e as variáveis de resultado (p<0.05). Resultados: Dos 112 participantes incluídos no estudo, 108 completaram o follow-up (média de idade: 51.76±10.19). No modelo multivariado relativo à incapacidade funcional, os resultados de sucesso encontram-se associados a elevados níveis de incapacidade na baseline (OR=1.123; 95% IC 1.056–1.194) e a duração da dor inferior a 12 meses (OR=2.704; 95% IC 1.138–6.424). Este modelo explica 30.0% da variância da melhoria da funcionalidade e classifica corretamente 74.1% dos utentes (sensibilidade: 75.9%; especificidade: 72.0%). O modelo relativo à intensidade da dor identificou apenas a associação do outcome com níveis elevados de intensidade da dor na baseline (OR=1.321; 95% IC 1.047–1.668), explicando 7.5% da variância da redução da mesma e classificando corretamente 68.2% dos utentes (sensibilidade: 94.4%; especificidade: 16.7%). O modelo final referente à perceção global de melhoria apresentou uma associação com a intensidade da dor na baseline (OR=0.621; 95% IC 0.465–0.829), com a presença de cefaleias e/ou tonturas (OR=2.538; 95% IC 0.987–6.526) e com a duração da dor superior a 12 meses (OR=0.279; 95% IC 0.109–0.719). Este modelo explica 27.5% da variância dos resultados de sucesso para este outcome e classifica corretamente 73.1% dos utentes (sensibilidade: 81.8%; especificidade: 59.5%). Conclusões: Utentes com DCC com elevada incapacidade na baseline e queixas de dor há menos de 12 meses apresentam maior probabilidade de obter melhorias ao nível da incapacidade funcional. Elevados níveis de intensidade da dor na baseline predizem resultados de sucesso na redução da dor após sete semanas de tratamento. Utentes com DCC com baixos níveis de dor na baseline, com cefaleias e/ou tonturas e com queixas de dor há mais de 12 meses apresentam maior probabilidade de obter uma melhor perceção de melhoria.--------------- ABSTRACT:Introduction: The influence of the characteristics of individuals with chronic neck pain (CNP) on the prognosis of physiotherapy outcomes is still inconsistent, there being few studies developed in this context. Aim: This study seeks to determine whether a model based on prognostic factors can predict the short-term physiotherapy successful outcomes in CNP patients, regarding functional disability, pain intensity and perceived recovery. Methodology: This is a prospective cohort study with 112 participants. Patients were assessed during the first week of treatment and seven weeks after the start of the intervention. The instruments used were the Neck Disability Index–Portuguese Version (NDI-PT) and the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) at both moments of assessment, a Sample Sociodemographic and Clinical Characterization Questionnaire at baseline and Patient Global Impression Change Scale–Portuguese Version (PGIC-PT) at the follow-up. The sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were included as potential predictors of successful outcomes, and these were defined on the basis of minimal clinically important differences (MCID) of NDI-PT (MCID≥6) and END (MCID≥2) and the criteria score ≥5 on the PGIC-PT. Data analysis was performed using logistic regression (backward conditional procedure) to identify associations between predictors and outcomes (p<0.05). Results: Of the 112 participants included in the study, 108 completed the follow-up (mean age: 51.76±10.19). In the multivariate model of functional disability, the successful outcomes are associated with high levels of disability at baseline (OR = 1.123; 95% CI 1.056-1.194), and pain duration shorter than 12 months (OR=2.704; 95% CI 1.138–6.424). This model explains 30.0% of the variance of improved functional capacity and correctly classifies 74.1% of the patients (sensitivity: 75.9%, specificity: 72.0%). The model for pain intensity solely identified an outcome association with high pain intensity at baseline (OR=1.321; 95% CI 1.047-1.668), explaining 7.5% of the variance of pain reduction and correctly classifying 68.2% of the patients (sensitivity: 94.4%, specificity: 16.7%). The final model of perceived recovery showed an association with pain intensity at baseline (OR=0.621; 95% CI 0465-0829), with the presence of headache and/or dizziness (OR=2.538; 95% CI 0.987-6.526) and the duration of pain over 12 months (OR=0.279; 95% CI 0.109-0.719). This model explains 27.5% of the variance of successful outcomes and correctly classifies 73.1% of the patients (sensitivity: 81.8%, specificity: 59.5%). Conclusions: Patients with CNP with high disability at baseline and complaints of pain for less than 12 months are more likely to obtain improvements in functional disability. High levels of pain intensity at baseline predict successful outcomes in pain reduction after seven weeks of treatment. Patients with CNP with low levels of pain at baseline, with headache and/or dizziness and with pain complaints for more than 12 months are more likely to get a better perceived recovery.


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RESUMO:Introdução: O conhecimento acerca da influência das características dos indivíduos com dor cervical crónica (DCC) no prognóstico dos resultados alcançados com a Fisioterapia é ainda inconsistente, sendo escassos os estudos desenvolvidos neste âmbito. Objetivo: Este relatório pretende determinar se um modelo baseado em fatores de prognóstico é capaz de prever os resultados de sucesso da Fisioterapia, a curto prazo, em utentes com DCC, ao nível da incapacidade funcional, intensidade da dor e perceção global de melhoria. Metodologia: Trata-se de estudo de coorte prospetivo com 112 participantes. Os utentes foram avaliados na primeira semana de tratamento e sete semanas após o início da intervenção. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Neck Disability Index–Versão Portuguesa (NDI-PT) e a Escala Numérica da Dor (END) nos dois momentos de avaliação, um Questionário de Caracterização Sociodemográfica e Clínica da Amostra na baseline e a Patient Global Impression Change Scale–Versão Portuguesa (PGIC-PT) no follow-up. As características sociodemográficas e clínicas foram incluídas como potenciais fatores de prognóstico e estes foram definidos com base nas diferenças mínimas clinicamente importantes (DMCI) dos instrumentos NDIPT (DMCI≥6) e END (DMCI≥2) e no critério de pontuação ≥5 na PGIC-PT. A análise dos dados foi realizada através do método de regressão logística (backward conditional procedure) para identificar as associações entre os indicadores e as variáveis de resultado (p<0.05). Resultados: Dos 112 participantes incluídos no estudo, 108 completaram o follow-up (média de idade: 51.76±10.19). No modelo multivariado relativo à incapacidade funcional, os resultados de sucesso encontram-se associados a elevados níveis de incapacidade na baseline (OR=1.123; 95% IC 1.056–1.194) e a duração da dor inferior a 12 meses (OR=2.704; 95% IC 1.138–6.424). Este modelo explica 30.0% da variância da melhoria da funcionalidade e classifica corretamente 74.1% dos utentes (sensibilidade: 75.9%; especificidade: 72.0%). O modelo relativo à intensidade da dor identificou apenas a associação do outcome com níveis elevados de intensidade da dor na baseline (OR=1.321; 95% IC 1.047–1.668), explicando 7.5% da variância da redução da mesma e classificando corretamente 68.2% dos utentes (sensibilidade: 94.4%; especificidade: 16.7%). O modelo final referente à perceção global de melhoria apresentou uma associação com a intensidade da dor na baseline (OR=0.621; 95% IC 0.465–0.829), com a presença de cefaleias e/ou tonturas (OR=2.538; 95% IC 0.987–6.526) e com a duração da dor superior a 12 meses (OR=0.279; 95% IC 0.109–0.719). Este modelo explica 27.5% da variância dos resultados de sucesso para este outcome e classifica corretamente 73.1% dos utentes (sensibilidade: 81.8%; especificidade: 59.5%). Conclusões: Utentes com DCC com elevada incapacidade na baseline e queixas de dor há menos de 12 meses apresentam maior probabilidade de obter melhorias ao nível da incapacidade funcional. Elevados níveis de intensidade da dor na baseline predizem resultados de sucesso na redução da dor após sete semanas de tratamento. Utentes com DCC com baixos níveis de dor na baseline, com cefaleias e/ou tonturas e com queixas de dor há mais de 12 meses apresentam maior probabilidade de obter uma melhor perceção de melhoria.-----------ABSTRACT: Introduction: The influence of the characteristics of individuals with chronic neck pain (CNP) on the prognosis of physiotherapy outcomes is still inconsistent, there being few studies developed in this context. Aim: This study seeks to determine whether a model based on prognostic factors can predict the short-term physiotherapy successful outcomes in CNP patients, regarding functional disability, pain intensity and perceived recovery. Methodology: This is a prospective cohort study with 112 participants. Patients were assessed during the first week of treatment and seven weeks after the start of the intervention. The instruments used were the Neck Disability Index–Portuguese Version (NDI-PT) and the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) at both moments of assessment, a Sample Sociodemographic and Clinical Characterization Questionnaire at baseline and Patient Global Impression Change Scale–Portuguese Version (PGIC-PT) at the follow-up. The sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were included as potential predictors of successful outcomes, and these were defined on the basis of minimal clinically important differences (MCID) of NDI-PT (MCID≥6) and END (MCID≥2) and the criteria score ≥5 on the PGIC-PT. Data analysis was performed using logistic regression (backward conditional procedure) to identify associations between predictors and outcomes (p<0.05). Results: Of the 112 participants included in the study, 108 completed the follow-up (mean age: 51.76±10.19). In the multivariate model of functional disability, the successful outcomes are associated with high levels of disability at baseline (OR = 1.123; 95% CI 1.056-1.194), and pain duration shorter than 12 months (OR=2.704; 95% CI 1.138–6.424). This model explains 30.0% of the variance of improved functional capacity and correctly classifies 74.1% of the patients (sensitivity: 75.9%, specificity: 72.0%). The model for pain intensity solely identified an outcome association with high pain intensity at baseline (OR=1.321; 95% CI 1.047- 1.668), explaining 7.5% of the variance of pain reduction and correctly classifying 68.2% of the patients (sensitivity: 94.4%, specificity: 16.7%). The final model of perceived recovery showed an association with pain intensity at baseline (OR=0.621; 95% CI 0465-0829), with the presence of headache and/or dizziness (OR=2.538; 95% CI 0.987-6.526) and the duration of pain over 12 months (OR=0.279; 95% CI 0.109- 0.719). This model explains 27.5% of the variance of successful outcomes and correctly classifies 73.1% of the patients (sensitivity: 81.8%, specificity: 59.5%). Conclusions: Patients with CNP with high disability at baseline and complaints of pain for less than 12 months are more likely to obtain improvements in functional disability. High levels of pain intensity at baseline predict successful outcomes in pain reduction after seven weeks of treatment. Patients with CNP with low levels of pain at baseline, with headache and/or dizziness and with pain complaints for more than 12 months are more likely to get a better perceived recovery.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence rates of infections among intensive care unit patients, the predominant infecting organisms, and their resistance patterns. To identify the related factors for intensive care unit-acquired infection and mortality rates. DESIGN: A 1-day point-prevalence study. SETTING:A total of 19 intensive care units at the Hospital das Clínicas - University of São Paulo, School of Medicine (HC-FMUSP), a teaching and tertiary hospital, were eligible to participate in the study. PATIENTS: All patients over 16 years old occupying an intensive care unit bed over a 24-hour period. The 19 intensive care unit s provided 126 patient case reports. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rates of infection, antimicrobial use, microbiological isolates resistance patterns, potential related factors for intensive care unit-acquired infection, and death rates. RESULTS: A total of 126 patients were studied. Eighty-seven patients (69%) received antimicrobials on the day of study, 72 (57%) for treatment, and 15 (12%) for prophylaxis. Community-acquired infection occurred in 15 patients (20.8%), non- intensive care unit nosocomial infection in 24 (33.3%), and intensive care unit-acquired infection in 22 patients (30.6%). Eleven patients (15.3%) had no defined type. The most frequently reported infections were respiratory (58.5%). The most frequently isolated bacteria were Enterobacteriaceae (33.8%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (26.4%), and Staphylococcus aureus (16.9%; [100% resistant to methicillin]). Multivariate regression analysis revealed 3 risk factors for intensive care unit-acquired infection: age > 60 years (p = 0.007), use of a nasogastric tube (p = 0.017), and postoperative status (p = 0.017). At the end of 4 weeks, overall mortality was 28.8%. Patients with infection had a mortality rate of 34.7%. There was no difference between mortality rates for infected and noninfected patients (p=0.088). CONCLUSION: The rate of nosocomial infection is high in intensive care unit patients, especially for respiratory infections. The predominant bacteria were Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus (resistant organisms). Factors such as nasogastric intubation, postoperative status, and age ³60 years were significantly associated with infection. This study documents the clinical impression that prevalence rates of intensive care unit-acquired infections are high and suggests that preventive measures are important for reducing the occurrence of infection in critically ill patients.


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We carried out a comparative morphological study to evaluate the taxonomic value of seed and seedling traits of Entada polystachya and E. simplicata (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae, Mimoseae). Seeds of both species were collected from wild populations in Roraima State, Brazil. Our results show consistent quantitative and qualitative differences between these species regarding their seeds and seedlings. Testa fracture lines, funiculus impression, lens characters, radicle shape and length, and cotyledon lobes length, seedling morphology group, number of pinnae at first node, and hypocotyl length permit a straightforward distinction of E. polystachya from E. simplicata, supporting a recent treatment of the latter taxon as a distinct species, endemic to Roraima State, northern Amazonia, Brazil.


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Observers can adjust the spectrum of illumination on paintings for optimal viewing experience. But can they adjust the colors of paintings for the best visual impression? In an experiment carried out on a calibrated color moni- tor images of four abstract paintings obtained from hyperspectral data were shown to observers that were unfamiliar with the paintings. The color volume of the images could be manipulated by rotating the volume around the axis through the average (a*, b*) point for each painting in CIELAB color space. The task of the observers was to adjust the angle of rotation to produce the best subjective impression from the paintings. It was found that the distribution of angles selected for data pooled across paintings and observers could be de- scribed by a Gaussian function centered at 10o, i.e. very close to the original colors of the paintings. This result suggest that painters are able to predict well what compositions of colors observers prefer.


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Purpose: To determine the relationship of goblet cell density (GCD) with tear function and ocular surface physiology. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in 35 asymptomatic subjects with mean age 23.8±3.6 years. Tear film assessment, conjunctiva and cornea examination were done in each subject. Conjunctival impression cytology was performed by applying Nitrocellulose Millipore MFTM-Membrane filter over the superior bulbar conjunctiva. The filter paper was than fixed with 96% ethanol and stained with Periodic Acid Schiff, Hematoxylin and Eosin. GCD was determined by optical microscopy. Relation between GCD and Schirmer score, tear break-up time (TBUT), bulbar redness, limbal redness and corneal staining was determined. Results: The mean GCD was 151±122 cells/mm2. GCD was found higher in eyes with higher Schirmer score but it was not significant (p = 0.75). There was a significant relationship ofGCDwith TBUT (p = 0.042). GCD was not correlated with bulbar redness (p = 0.126), and limbal redness (p = 0.054) as well as corneal staining (p = 0.079). No relationship of GCD with age and gender of the subjects (p > 0.05) was observed. Conclusion: GCD was found correlated with TBUT but no significant correlation was found with the aqueous portion of the tear, limbal as well as bulbar redness and corneal staining.


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OBJECTIVE: To study the long-term follow-up of patients with bipolar disorder (BPD). METHOD: Eleven outpatients with BPD type I were followed up naturalistically for five years at a university teaching hospital. The Clinical Global Impression Scale (BPD version) was used to evaluate the occurrence of affective episodes, and the Strauss-Carpenter Outcome Scale was used to evaluate social and occupational functioning. RESULTS: The majority of patients were symptomatic most of the time, with predominantly depressive episodes. Overall, patients remained euthymic a mean of 47.7% of the time. Despite a low rate of hospitalization, social and occupational functioning was poor in the majority of patients. A poor disease course with respect to work-related functioning was associated with fewer months of euthymia with a longer duration of depressive episodes. The total number of months of euthymia negatively correlated with the patient's age and disease duration. CONCLUSION: Despite the small sample size, the present findings appear to corroborate previous studies on the evolution of BPD. Most of the patients had a poor disease course, with long symptomatic periods, particularly depressive episodes, and significantly impaired social and occupational functioning.


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Material: Studies were made mainly with Ascaris megalocephála Cloq. univalens and bivalens, and also with Tityus bahiensis Perty. 1) Somatic pairing of heterochromatic regions. The heterochromatic ends of the somatic chromosomes in Ascaris show a very strong tendency for unspecifical somatic pairing which may occur between parts of different chromosomes (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18,), between the two ends of the same chromosome either directly (Figs. 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18) or inversely (Fig. 8, in the arrow) and also within a same chromosomal arm (Fig. 6). 2) During the early first cleavage division the chomosomes are an isodiametric cylinder (Figs. 6, 9, 11, 13, 14). But in later metaphase the ends become club shaped (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10) which is interpreted as the beginning of migration of chromatic substance from the central euchromatic region towards the heterochromatic regions. This migration becomes more and accentuated in anaphase (Figs. 19, 22, 23) and in the vegetative cells where euchromatic region looses more and more staing power, especially in the intersititial zones between the individual small spherical chromosomes into which the euchromatic region desintegrates. The emigrated chromatin material is finally eliminated with the heterochromatic chromosome ends (Fig. 23 and 24). 3) It seems a general rule that during mitotic anaphase all chromosomes with diffuse or multiple spindle fiber attachement (Ascaris, Tityus, Luzula, Steatococcus, Homoptera and Heteroptera in general) move to the poles in the form of an U with precedence of the chromosomal ends. In Ascaris, the heterocromatic regions are pulled passively towards the poles and only the euchromatic central portion may be U-shaped (Fig. 19, 22, 25). While in the other species this U-shape is perfect since the beginning of anaphase, giving the impression that movement towards the poles begins at both ends of a chromosome simultaneously, this is not the case in Ascaris. There the euchromatic region is at first U-shaped, passing then to form a straight or zig-zag line and becoming again U-shaped during late anaphase. This is explained by the fact that the ends of the euchromatic regions have to pull the weight of the passive heterochromatic portions. 4) While it is generally accepted that, during first meio-tic division untill second anaphase, all attachement regions remain either undivided or at least united closely, this is not the case in chromosomes with diffused or multiple attachment. Here one clearly sees in all cases so far studied four parallel chromatids at first metaphase. In Luzula and Tityus (for Tityus all figs. 26 to 31) this division is allready quite clear in paraphase (pro-metaphase) and it cannot be said wether in other species the division in sister chromatids is allready present, but not visible at this stage. During first anaphase the sister chromatids of Titbits remain more or less in contact, while in Luzula and especially in Ascaris they are quite separated. Thus one can count in late anaphase or telophase of Ascaris megalocephala bivalens, nearly allways, four separate chromosomes near each pole, or a total of eight chromatids per division figure (Figs. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41).


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1 - This paper is a joined publication of the Dept. of Genetics, Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", University of São Paulo, and Secção de Citricultura e Frutas Tropicais, Instituto Agronômico, de Campinas, and deal with the number of seed per fruit and the polyembryony in Citrus, with special reference to the pummelos (C. grandis). 2 - For C. pectinifera, hibrid limon x acid lime, C. histrix and Citrus sp. the mean of seeds per fruit is 5,8 - 17,3 - 30,2 -94,6; for 14 pummelos the average was 100 and the range of variation 11 to 185 seeds per fruit. For the four above mentioned Citrus the cotyledons were classified into 3 types: big (near 8 mm.), medium (near 6 mm) and small (near 4 mm) and for the pummelos there was only one size of cotyledons, about 10 mm (table 1). 3 - The polyembryony was determined by two processes: a) counting of the embryos in the mature seed; b) counting after germination in flats or seed-beds. The rasults obtained are in table 2; the process a gave larger results than process b.The following pummelos are monoembryonics: melancia, inerme, Kaune Paune, sunshine, vermelha, Singapura, periforme, Zamboa, doce, Indochina, Lau-Tau, Shantenyau and Siamesa. Sometime it was found a branching of the main stem that gave a impression of polyembryonic seeds. 4 - It was shown by the x2 test that the distribution of embryo numbers fits the Poisson's series (table 2) in both processes. 5 - It is discussed in table 2 the variability of polyembryony for the following cases: a) between plants, within years. The teste for the differences of mean of polyembryony between 3 plants of C. pectinifera is statistically significant in 1948 and 1949; b) between yields of the same plant, within year. The same case of C. pectinifera may be used for this purpose; c) between process, within year. It is shown in table 3, for C. pectinifera and the hibrid "limon x acid lime" that there is a statistically signicicant between both process above mentioned.


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Hansen's Bacillus: By electron microscopy this bacillus shows membrane and halo, this being more visible when sorrounding the globi or bundles of bacilli; shows, also, free granules of various sizes which were before considered as dust of the dyes; shows external granules bound with the membrane and some times branching. By phases contrast microscopy examining leproma suspensions and subcataneous lymph at 400 x we saw many free granules with intense rotatory movement; granulated bacilli with screw, skip or stroke motion, producing slow progressive motion. All such elementes are surrounded by a halo, corresponding to the classical gloea. By a patient and delayed examination we were able to see that the internal granules are motile and help the progression of the bacilli, giving the impression that the cytoplasm is liquid. By a lasting observation we could see the larger granules form prolapse, like a pseudopode and abandon the bacilli and going in very rapid rotatory movement. There are branched bacilli; there are pedunculated fred granules like comets. The addition of a drop of formol at the preparation stops all movements. Stefansky's Bacillus: Repeated examination by RCA electron microscope, type EMU-25 of fresh suspensions of rat lepromas, led us to confirm the close relationship between human and murine leprosy agents. We examined also material from carabo (Lepra bubalorum) from Java, but due to fixation, the material was unsuitable for comparative studies. The Stefansky's bacilli showed also emmbranes and halos, internal or external granules (smaller than those of Hansen's bacillus). The bacilli shaded by chromium look thicker and shorter than those of Hansen. Due to electron bombardment both, Hansen's and Stefansky's baccilli suffer considerable alterations in their structure, showing black barrs of chromatin condensation at their extremities as also in their centers. By phase microscopy the Stefansky's bacilli showed elements with 1, 2 (bipolar), 3 or more internal small granules, developing identical movements as those of Hansen. The globi seem to be non-motile but the free bacilli appearing around the globi show intense movement. At 1000 x the examination is less satisfactory than at 400 x. The addition of formol solution in the preparation suppresses all movements, even the brownian, but the material becomes more suitable for the study of static morphology of the bacilli. CONCLUSION - The electron and phases contrast microscopy of leprous material from different types and phases of the disease may explain some of the unknown aspects of the biology and morphology of the bacilli.