952 resultados para Image Classification
In this study we propose an evaluation of the angular effects altering the spectral response of the land-cover over multi-angle remote sensing image acquisitions. The shift in the statistical distribution of the pixels observed in an in-track sequence of WorldView-2 images is analyzed by means of a kernel-based measure of distance between probability distributions. Afterwards, the portability of supervised classifiers across the sequence is investigated by looking at the evolution of the classification accuracy with respect to the changing observation angle. In this context, the efficiency of various physically and statistically based preprocessing methods in obtaining angle-invariant data spaces is compared and possible synergies are discussed.
Remote sensing image processing is nowadays a mature research area. The techniques developed in the field allow many real-life applications with great societal value. For instance, urban monitoring, fire detection or flood prediction can have a great impact on economical and environmental issues. To attain such objectives, the remote sensing community has turned into a multidisciplinary field of science that embraces physics, signal theory, computer science, electronics, and communications. From a machine learning and signal/image processing point of view, all the applications are tackled under specific formalisms, such as classification and clustering, regression and function approximation, image coding, restoration and enhancement, source unmixing, data fusion or feature selection and extraction. This paper serves as a survey of methods and applications, and reviews the last methodological advances in remote sensing image processing.
We propose a deep study on tissue modelization andclassification Techniques on T1-weighted MR images. Threeapproaches have been taken into account to perform thisvalidation study. Two of them are based on FiniteGaussian Mixture (FGM) model. The first one consists onlyin pure gaussian distributions (FGM-EM). The second oneuses a different model for partial volume (PV) (FGM-GA).The third one is based on a Hidden Markov Random Field(HMRF) model. All methods have been tested on a DigitalBrain Phantom image considered as the ground truth. Noiseand intensity non-uniformities have been added tosimulate real image conditions. Also the effect of ananisotropic filter is considered. Results demonstratethat methods relying in both intensity and spatialinformation are in general more robust to noise andinhomogeneities. However, in some cases there is nosignificant differences between all presented methods.
This paper presents a validation study on statistical nonsupervised brain tissue classification techniques in magnetic resonance (MR) images. Several image models assuming different hypotheses regarding the intensity distribution model, the spatial model and the number of classes are assessed. The methods are tested on simulated data for which the classification ground truth is known. Different noise and intensity nonuniformities are added to simulate real imaging conditions. No enhancement of the image quality is considered either before or during the classification process. This way, the accuracy of the methods and their robustness against image artifacts are tested. Classification is also performed on real data where a quantitative validation compares the methods' results with an estimated ground truth from manual segmentations by experts. Validity of the various classification methods in the labeling of the image as well as in the tissue volume is estimated with different local and global measures. Results demonstrate that methods relying on both intensity and spatial information are more robust to noise and field inhomogeneities. We also demonstrate that partial volume is not perfectly modeled, even though methods that account for mixture classes outperform methods that only consider pure Gaussian classes. Finally, we show that simulated data results can also be extended to real data.
In this work, a new one-class classification ensemble strategy called approximate polytope ensemble is presented. The main contribution of the paper is threefold. First, the geometrical concept of convex hull is used to define the boundary of the target class defining the problem. Expansions and contractions of this geometrical structure are introduced in order to avoid over-fitting. Second, the decision whether a point belongs to the convex hull model in high dimensional spaces is approximated by means of random projections and an ensemble decision process. Finally, a tiling strategy is proposed in order to model non-convex structures. Experimental results show that the proposed strategy is significantly better than state of the art one-class classification methods on over 200 datasets.
Inference of Markov random field images segmentation models is usually performed using iterative methods which adapt the well-known expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm for independent mixture models. However, some of these adaptations are ad hoc and may turn out numerically unstable. In this paper, we review three EM-like variants for Markov random field segmentation and compare their convergence properties both at the theoretical and practical levels. We specifically advocate a numerical scheme involving asynchronous voxel updating, for which general convergence results can be established. Our experiments on brain tissue classification in magnetic resonance images provide evidence that this algorithm may achieve significantly faster convergence than its competitors while yielding at least as good segmentation results.
In this paper, mixed spectral-structural kernel machines are proposed for the classification of very-high resolution images. The simultaneous use of multispectral and structural features (computed using morphological filters) allows a significant increase in classification accuracy of remote sensing images. Subsequently, weighted summation kernel support vector machines are proposed and applied in order to take into account the multiscale nature of the scene considered. Such classifiers use the Mercer property of kernel matrices to compute a new kernel matrix accounting simultaneously for two scale parameters. Tests on a Zurich QuickBird image show the relevance of the proposed method : using the mixed spectral-structural features, the classification accuracy increases of about 5%, achieving a Kappa index of 0.97. The multikernel approach proposed provide an overall accuracy of 98.90% with related Kappa index of 0.985.
The main objective of this study was todo a statistical analysis of ecological type from optical satellite data, using Tipping's sparse Bayesian algorithm. This thesis uses "the Relevence Vector Machine" algorithm in ecological classification betweenforestland and wetland. Further this bi-classification technique was used to do classification of many other different species of trees and produces hierarchical classification of entire subclasses given as a target class. Also, we carried out an attempt to use airborne image of same forest area. Combining it with image analysis, using different image processing operation, we tried to extract good features and later used them to perform classification of forestland and wetland.
The purpose of this thesis is to present a new approach to the lossy compression of multispectral images. Proposed algorithm is based on combination of quantization and clustering. Clustering was investigated for compression of the spatial dimension and the vector quantization was applied for spectral dimension compression. Presenting algo¬rithms proposes to compress multispectral images in two stages. During the first stage we define the classes' etalons, another words to each uniform areas are located inside the image the number of class is given. And if there are the pixels are not yet assigned to some of the clusters then it doing during the second; pass and assign to the closest eta¬lons. Finally a compressed image is represented with a flat index image pointing to a codebook with etalons. The decompression stage is instant too. The proposed method described in this paper has been tested on different satellite multispectral images from different resources. The numerical results and illustrative examples of the method are represented too.
Tärkeä tehtävä ympäristön tarkkailussa on arvioida ympäristön nykyinen tila ja ihmisen siihen aiheuttamat muutokset sekä analysoida ja etsiä näiden yhtenäiset suhteet. Ympäristön muuttumista voidaan hallita keräämällä ja analysoimalla tietoa. Tässä diplomityössä on tutkittu vesikasvillisuudessa hai vainuja muutoksia käyttäen etäältä hankittua mittausdataa ja kuvan analysointimenetelmiä. Ympäristön tarkkailuun on käytetty Suomen suurimmasta järvestä Saimaasta vuosina 1996 ja 1999 otettuja ilmakuvia. Ensimmäinen kuva-analyysin vaihe on geometrinen korjaus, jonka tarkoituksena on kohdistaa ja suhteuttaa otetut kuvat samaan koordinaattijärjestelmään. Toinen vaihe on kohdistaa vastaavat paikalliset alueet ja tunnistaa kasvillisuuden muuttuminen. Kasvillisuuden tunnistamiseen on käytetty erilaisia lähestymistapoja sisältäen valvottuja ja valvomattomia tunnistustapoja. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin aitoa, kohinoista mittausdataa, minkä perusteella tehdyt kokeet antoivat hyviä tuloksia tutkimuksen onnistumisesta.
Study design: A retrospective study of image guided cervical implant placement precision. Objective: To describe a simple and precise classification of cervical critical screw placement. Summary of Background Data: "Critical" screw placement is defined as implant insertion into a bone corridor which is surrounded circumferentially by neurovascular structures. While the use of image guidance has improved accuracy, there is currently no classification which provides sufficient precision to assess the navigation success of critical cervical screw placement. Methods: Based on postoperative clinical evaluation and CT imaging, the orthogonal view evaluation method (OVEM) is used to classify screw accuracy into grade I (no cortical breach), grade la (screw thread cortical breach), grade II (internal diameter cortical breach) and grade III (major cortical breach causing neural or vascular injury). Grades II and III are considered to be navigation failures, after accounting for bone corridor / screw mismatch (minimal diameter of targeted bone corridor being smaller than an outer screw diameter). Results: A total of 276 screws from 91 patients were classified into grade I (64.9%), grade la (18.1%), and grade II (17.0%). No grade III screw was observed. The overall rate of navigation failure was 13%. Multiple logistic regression indicated that navigational failure was significantly associated with the level of instrumentation and the navigation system used. Navigational failure was rare (1.6%) when the margin around the screw in the bone corridor was larger than 1.5 mm. Conclusions: OVEM evaluation appears to be a useful tool to assess the precision of critical screw placement in the cervical spine. The OVEM validity and reliability need to be addressed. Further correlation with clinical outcomes will be addressed in future studies.
Changes in the angle of illumination incident upon a 3D surface texture can significantly alter its appearance, implying variations in the image texture. These texture variations produce displacements of class members in the feature space, increasing the failure rates of texture classifiers. To avoid this problem, a model-based texture recognition system which classifies textures seen from different distances and under different illumination directions is presented in this paper. The system works on the basis of a surface model obtained by means of 4-source colour photometric stereo, used to generate 2D image textures under different illumination directions. The recognition system combines coocurrence matrices for feature extraction with a Nearest Neighbour classifier. Moreover, the recognition allows one to guess the approximate direction of the illumination used to capture the test image
We propose a probabilistic object classifier for outdoor scene analysis as a first step in solving the problem of scene context generation. The method begins with a top-down control, which uses the previously learned models (appearance and absolute location) to obtain an initial pixel-level classification. This information provides us the core of objects, which is used to acquire a more accurate object model. Therefore, their growing by specific active regions allows us to obtain an accurate recognition of known regions. Next, a stage of general segmentation provides the segmentation of unknown regions by a bottom-strategy. Finally, the last stage tries to perform a region fusion of known and unknown segmented objects. The result is both a segmentation of the image and a recognition of each segment as a given object class or as an unknown segmented object. Furthermore, experimental results are shown and evaluated to prove the validity of our proposal
Diabetes is a rapidly increasing worldwide problem which is characterised by defective metabolism of glucose that causes long-term dysfunction and failure of various organs. The most common complication of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy (DR), which is one of the primary causes of blindness and visual impairment in adults. The rapid increase of diabetes pushes the limits of the current DR screening capabilities for which the digital imaging of the eye fundus (retinal imaging), and automatic or semi-automatic image analysis algorithms provide a potential solution. In this work, the use of colour in the detection of diabetic retinopathy is statistically studied using a supervised algorithm based on one-class classification and Gaussian mixture model estimation. The presented algorithm distinguishes a certain diabetic lesion type from all other possible objects in eye fundus images by only estimating the probability density function of that certain lesion type. For the training and ground truth estimation, the algorithm combines manual annotations of several experts for which the best practices were experimentally selected. By assessing the algorithm’s performance while conducting experiments with the colour space selection, both illuminance and colour correction, and background class information, the use of colour in the detection of diabetic retinopathy was quantitatively evaluated. Another contribution of this work is the benchmarking framework for eye fundus image analysis algorithms needed for the development of the automatic DR detection algorithms. The benchmarking framework provides guidelines on how to construct a benchmarking database that comprises true patient images, ground truth, and an evaluation protocol. The evaluation is based on the standard receiver operating characteristics analysis and it follows the medical practice in the decision making providing protocols for image- and pixel-based evaluations. During the work, two public medical image databases with ground truth were published: DIARETDB0 and DIARETDB1. The framework, DR databases and the final algorithm, are made public in the web to set the baseline results for automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy. Although deviating from the general context of the thesis, a simple and effective optic disc localisation method is presented. The optic disc localisation is discussed, since normal eye fundus structures are fundamental in the characterisation of DR.
This study aimed to propose methods to identify croplands cultivated with winter cereals in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Thus, temporal profiles of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from MODIS sensor, from April to December of the 2000 to 2008, were analyzed. Firstly, crop masks were elaborated by subtracting the minimum NDVI image (April to May) from the maximum NDVI image (June to October). Then, an unsupervised classification of NDVI images was carried out (Isodata), considering the crop mask areas. According to the results, crop masks allowed the identification of pixels with greatest green biomass variation. This variation might be associated or not with winter cereals areas established to grain production. The unsupervised classification generated classes in which NDVI temporal profiles were associated with water bodies, pastures, winter cereals for grain production and for soil cover. Temporal NDVI profiles of the class winter cereals for grain production were in agree with crop patterns in the region (developmental stage, management standard and sowing dates). Therefore, unsupervised classification based on crop masks allows distinguishing and monitoring winter cereal crops, which were similar in terms of morphology and phenology.