630 resultados para Ignasi de Loiola
Se dan a conocer algunas terracotas inéditas o dispersamente publicadas, con el fm de reflexionar sobre el deficiente estado de la coroplastia ibérica en el nordeste peninsular, Para ello, nos centramos en una parte de las mismas, las representaciones femeninas de aspecto ibérico; un grupo de figuritas que poseen una serie de afmidades, a pesar de haberse hallado en lugares distantes y en condiciones diversas, lo que se ha traducido a veces en fechaciones arcaizantes, hecho que, asimismo, debería cuestionarse. Las cronologías que se deducen, a tenor de los pocos hallazgos precisables, entran ya, en algunos casos, en momentos muy romanizados y no son ajenas al debate sobre el componente autóctono en ésta parte de la Hispania romana y su dimensión religiosa.
Revisió d'una estela iberica, descoberta l'any 1915, motivada per la troballa d'un manuscrit inedit d' A. Romaní (1926) i per la contrastació d'aquest amb les indicacions publicades per J. Oudiol (1916) i J. Danés (1932). La recuperació i relectura d'aquestes vclles fonts permeten precisar millor algunes qüestions, com ellloc on fou localitzada o les vicissituds sofertes per la llosa, matisos no contemplats en l'estudi de J. Maluquer de Motes (1982). Es prossegueix amb una analisi detallada deIs fragments conservats al Museu Episcopal de Vic i, per primera vegada, s'inclou un dibuix directe acompanyat d'una reconstrucció hipotetica del seu aspecte en el moment d'aparició. També es dóna notícia de la localització a Tona d'un segon relleu. Tanquen l'estudi diverses consideracions respecte a la tecnica emprada, la morfologia, el programa iconic, la filiació i la possible cronologia. L'estela mostra lligams directes amb monuments afins ubicats al nord de l'Ebre i, en sentit ampli, amb el grup del Baix Aragó, fet que obliga a reconsiderar la problematica deIs suposats «ausetans de l'Ebre».
Pocs conceptes se'ns presenten avui amb connotacions de relativitat tan amplies com el de frontera. És per aixo que m'ha semblat adequat encapgalar aquest article fent referencia a les fronteres de la integració escolar: voldria suggerir al lector la idea de la integració escolar (a partir d'ara IE) com un procés que afecta internament els sistemes educatius on es planteja i que, a més, es troba en expansió i, per tant, intentant superar unes fronteres que el limiten, a vegades d'una manera imprecisa i d'altres d'una manera ben contundent.
El present article aborda l'anàlisi dels components inclusius dels centres educatius que es plantegen una educació de qualitat per a tot l'alumnat, posant especial atenció en l'alumnat de grups socialment vulnerables. Es basa en les dades qualitatives d¿una part del projecte integrat INCLUD-ED, que estudià 20 casos de centres educatius d'èxit en diferents països de la Unió Europea. Tots els centres atenien alumnat de baix nivell socioeconòmic i havien demostrat tenir més èxit escolar que el conjunt de centres situats en contextos similars. L'article revisa altres investigacions afins i exposa els resultats agrupats en quatre tòpics: l'agrupament de l'alumnat; les expectatives; el suport; i la participació de les famílies i la comunitat. Les conclusions se sotmeten a discussió.
La mejor manera de entender la inclusión educativa es viéndola como un proceso. En efecto, no hace mucho más de una década que empezó a hablarse de la escuelanclusiva como de una forma de superación de determinadas concepciones dentegración educativa en las que poníamos (debemos hablar en primera persona, por supuesto) demasiado énfasis en el carácter diferencial de las necesidades de determinados alumnos y en el carácterndividualizado de los apoyos requeridos.
Seismic methods used in the study of snow avalanches may be employed to detect and characterize landslides and other mass movements, using standard spectrogram/sonogram analysis. For snow avalanches, the spectrogram for a station that is approached by a sliding mass exhibits a triangular time/frequency signature due to an increase over time in the higher-frequency constituents. Recognition of this characteristic footprint in a spectrogram suggests a useful metric for identifying other mass-movement events such as landslides. The 1 June 2005 slide at Laguna Beach, California is examined using data obtained from the Caltech/USGS Regional Seismic Network. This event exhibits the same general spectrogram features observed in studies of Alpine snow avalanches. We propose that these features are due to the systematic relative increase in high-frequency energy transmitted to a seismometer in the path of a mass slide owing to a reduction of distance from the source signal. This phenomenon is related to the path of the waves whose high frequencies are less attenuated as they traverse shorter source-receiver paths. Entrainment of material in the course of the slide may also contribute to the triangular time/frequency signature as a consequence of the increase in the energy involved in the process; in this case the contribution would be a source effect. By applying this commonly observed characteristic to routine monitoring algorithms, along with custom adjustments for local site effects, we seek to contribute to the improvement in automatic detection and monitoring methods of landslides and other mass movements.
In October 1998, Hurricane Mitch triggered numerous landslides (mainly debris flows) in Honduras and Nicaragua, resulting in a high death toll and in considerable damage to property. The potential application of relatively simple and affordable spatial prediction models for landslide hazard mapping in developing countries was studied. Our attention was focused on a region in NW Nicaragua, one of the most severely hit places during the Mitch event. A landslide map was obtained at 1:10 000 scale in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment from the interpretation of aerial photographs and detailed field work. In this map the terrain failure zones were distinguished from the areas within the reach of the mobilized materials. A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with 20 m×20 m of pixel size was also employed in the study area. A comparative analysis of the terrain failures caused by Hurricane Mitch and a selection of 4 terrain factors extracted from the DEM which, contributed to the terrain instability, was carried out. Land propensity to failure was determined with the aid of a bivariate analysis and GIS tools in a terrain failure susceptibility map. In order to estimate the areas that could be affected by the path or deposition of the mobilized materials, we considered the fact that under intense rainfall events debris flows tend to travel long distances following the maximum slope and merging with the drainage network. Using the TauDEM extension for ArcGIS software we generated automatically flow lines following the maximum slope in the DEM starting from the areas prone to failure in the terrain failure susceptibility map. The areas crossed by the flow lines from each terrain failure susceptibility class correspond to the runout susceptibility classes represented in a runout susceptibility map. The study of terrain failure and runout susceptibility enabled us to obtain a spatial prediction for landslides, which could contribute to landslide risk mitigation.
After a rockfall event, a usual post event survey includes qualitative volume estimation, trajectory mapping and determination of departing zones. However, quantitative measurements are not usually made. Additional relevant quantitative information could be useful in determining the spatial occurrence of rockfall events and help us in quantifying their size. Seismic measurements could be suitable for detection purposes since they are non invasive methods and are relatively inexpensive. Moreover, seismic techniques could provide important information on rockfall size and location of impacts. On 14 February 2007 the Avalanche Group of the University of Barcelona obtained the seismic data generated by an artificially triggered rockfall event at the Montserrat massif (near Barcelona, Spain) carried out in order to purge a slope. Two 3 component seismic stations were deployed in the area about 200 m from the explosion point that triggered the rockfall. Seismic signals and video images were simultaneously obtained. The initial volume of the rockfall was estimated to be 75 m3 by laser scanner data analysis. After the explosion, dozens of boulders ranging from 10¿4 to 5 m3 in volume impacted on the ground at different locations. The blocks fell down onto a terrace, 120 m below the release zone. The impact generated a small continuous mass movement composed of a mixture of rocks, sand and dust that ran down the slope and impacted on the road 60 m below. Time, time-frequency evolution and particle motion analysis of the seismic records and seismic energy estimation were performed. The results are as follows: 1 ¿ A rockfall event generates seismic signals with specific characteristics in the time domain; 2 ¿ the seismic signals generated by the mass movement show a time-frequency evolution different from that of other seismogenic sources (e.g. earthquakes, explosions or a single rock impact). This feature could be used for detection purposes; 3 ¿ particle motion plot analysis shows that the procedure to locate the rock impact using two stations is feasible; 4 ¿ The feasibility and validity of seismic methods for the detection of rockfall events, their localization and size determination are comfirmed.
The paper analyses and compares infrasonic and seismic data from snow avalanches monitored at the Vallée de la Sionne test site in Switzerland from 2009 to 2010. Using a combination of seismic and infrasound sensors, it is possible not only to detect a snow avalanche but also to distinguish between the different flow regimes and to analyse duration, average speed (for sections of the avalanche path) and avalanche size. Different sensitiveness of the seismic and infrasound sensors to the avalanche regimes is shown. Furthermore, the high amplitudes observed in the infrasound signal for one avalanche were modelled assuming that the suspension layer of the avalanche acts as a moving turbulent sound source. Our results show reproducibility for similar avalanches on the same avalanche path.
El objetivo del presente trabajo es la adquisición de conocimientos previos acerca de la evolución mineralógica y de la distribución de elementos pesados en 1os sedimentos actuales del rio Llobregat (Barcelona, España). El análisis mineralógico se ha realizado por difracción de rayos X. Las concentraciones de Ba, Pb, Cr, Cu, Ni, Rb, Sr y Zn han sido determinadas por medio de espectrometria de fluorescencia de rayos X. Los resultados obtenidos permiten apreciar un marcado aumento del contenido en elementos pesados hacia el curso bajo el rio atribuible al mayor grado de contaminación. Pb y Cu presentan una notable relación en su comportamiento geoquímico mientras que otros elementos contaminantes como Zn y Cr, con notable aumento en la desembocadura del rio, siguen una distinta dinámica de reparto.
The alliance Agropyro-Rumicion in the eastern half of the IberianPyrenees. This alliance, related to eurosiberian landscapes, is represented in the studied area by three associations, all them inhabiting wet and ruderalized soils: Mentho-Juncetum (very frequent and chiefly formed by Juncus inflexus and Mentha longifolia), Festuco-Caricetum (more sporadic and grassland-shaped) and Rorippo-Agrostietum (only recorded from the upper part of the river Ter, dominated by the rare Rorippa sylvestris and more or less related to the alliance Bidention in some way).
We indicate nomenclatural types (lectotypes and isolectotypes) for 10 taxa of the genus Cistus, Halimium and Helianthemum described from Andalusia and northern Morocco by botanists of the first half of the 20th century such as Font Quer, Pau, Cuatrecasas and Sennen. These types are conserved in the Spanish herbaria mentioned above, and some of them belong to the exsiccatae"Iter maroccanum" and"Plantes d"Espagne". Keywords: Nomenclatural types, Cistaceae, Andalusia, northern Morocco.
irregular. With reference to the 10 km UTM network, the number of relevés per cell ranges between 0 and 527, with a mean of 36, the most exhaustively prospected areas lying in the Pyrenean range. On the other hand, 44 cells spread ± regularly over the Catalan territory have not available relevés yet, the larger spot lying in the Lluçanés area (C Catalonia). As a general rule. communities seem to be rather adequately prospected and no great discordances between syntaxa have been observed. However. further studies may be required for several alliances such as Berberidion, Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii, Taeniathero-Aegilopion, Alkanno-Malcolmion, Thero-Suaedion, Posidonion or Rupion maritimae. Key words: Phytocoenology, Relevés Database, Geographical prospection, Syntaxonomical prospection, Catalonia.
This work offers an approach to the vegetation of the Pyrenean area mentioned above according to three successive and related levels -vascularflora, plant communities and plant landscape. The study area stretches over 147.5 square km (projected surface), nearly 70% belonging to Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park. Altitudes rise from 720 m a.s.l. (Southern part) and 1100 m a.s.l. (Northern part) to 2536 m a.s.l. at the top ofla Tosa d'Alp. Limestone, the most common substrate, constitutes the highest mountain ranges in the area and also the roughest relief. Slate, carbonated slate, marl, sandstone and different kinds of conglomerate are also present. The bioclimate of lower parts is axeromeric sub-mediterranean type in the Gaussen scale, with a marked continental factor in the Northern sector (Cerdanya district). High parts have high mountain climates -cold axeric, subalpine and alpine types.