874 resultados para IT Services


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The National Implementation Framework describes how the recommendations from the Value for Money (VFM) and Policy Review of the Disability Services Programme will be translated into concrete actions. It assigns responsibilities for those actions, and specifies timelines for their completion. It also identifies priorities and key performance indicators. The Framework describes how these reforms can be achieved in a planned, timely and cost effective manner. Click here to download (PDF 876KB)


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This report sets out a revised costing methodology and an estimate of the gap which currently exists between private and semi-private bed charges and the average economic cost. While the Steering Group considers the costing methodology proposed as an improvement on the approach taken in previous years and a good overall approximation of the difference on average between economic costs and current charges, it recognises that the current charging regime does not take sufficient account of the variation between different categories of patient. Download document here Note to Readers


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This poster is part of an extension of the cleanyourhands campaign, aimed at preventing the spread of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in community healthcare settings including primary care and dental services, residential and nursing homes (including independent sector homes), hospices and independent clinics/hospitals. It is designed to heighten awareness in patient/relative waiting areas of how healthcare staff can help protect patients from avoidable infections by cleaning their hands. Due to licensing restrictions, this poster is not available for download. Limited numbers are available from local HSC Trusts (Belfast HSCT and South Eastern HSCT on 028 9056 5862; Southern HSCT on 028 3741 2887; Northern HSCT on 028 2563 5575; Western HSCT on 028 7186 5127).


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The third annual report from the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Healthy Promoting Hospitals (HPH) and Healthy Services network highlights a rich selection of the innovative developments and team-working achievements across services in Northern Ireland. The report provides a platform to showcase the five Health and Social Care Trusts and Cooperation and Working Together (CAWT)’s commitment to health and wellbeing to the population and shows how hospitals can have an impact on the determinants of health as they are explained in the context of people’s daily lives. The Public Health Agency continues to support the network both locally and nationally as this report gives hospitals and other health services a chance to be recognised as health enhancing organisations. The HPH and Healthy Services concept recognises that a hospital is much more than a place where people go for treatment and cure from sickness. It identifies the huge opportunities for the promotion of good health among the many thousands of people, patients and staff who have daily contact with hospitals and also with the wider community which the hospitals serve. In recent years much progress has been made in addressing health improvement in the hospital setting by looking at the broader cultural, social and environmental issues which can support health and wellbeing. The Northern Ireland HPH network continues to embrace change across services and to drive action to ensure that health improvement is embedded in the new health and social care systems.


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AbstractDigitalization gives to the Internet the power by allowing several virtual representations of reality, including that of identity. We leave an increasingly digital footprint in cyberspace and this situation puts our identity at high risks. Privacy is a right and fundamental social value that could play a key role as a medium to secure digital identities. Identity functionality is increasingly delivered as sets of services, rather than monolithic applications. So, an identity layer in which identity and privacy management services are loosely coupled, publicly hosted and available to on-demand calls could be more realistic and an acceptable situation. Identity and privacy should be interoperable and distributed through the adoption of service-orientation and implementation based on open standards (technical interoperability). Ihe objective of this project is to provide a way to implement interoperable user-centric digital identity-related privacy to respond to the need of distributed nature of federated identity systems. It is recognized that technical initiatives, emerging standards and protocols are not enough to guarantee resolution for the concerns surrounding a multi-facets and complex issue of identity and privacy. For this reason they should be apprehended within a global perspective through an integrated and a multidisciplinary approach. The approach dictates that privacy law, policies, regulations and technologies are to be crafted together from the start, rather than attaching it to digital identity after the fact. Thus, we draw Digital Identity-Related Privacy (DigldeRP) requirements from global, domestic and business-specific privacy policies. The requirements take shape of business interoperability. We suggest a layered implementation framework (DigldeRP framework) in accordance to model-driven architecture (MDA) approach that would help organizations' security team to turn business interoperability into technical interoperability in the form of a set of services that could accommodate Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Privacy-as-a-set-of- services (PaaSS) system. DigldeRP Framework will serve as a basis for vital understanding between business management and technical managers on digital identity related privacy initiatives. The layered DigldeRP framework presents five practical layers as an ordered sequence as a basis of DigldeRP project roadmap, however, in practice, there is an iterative process to assure that each layer supports effectively and enforces requirements of the adjacent ones. Each layer is composed by a set of blocks, which determine a roadmap that security team could follow to successfully implement PaaSS. Several blocks' descriptions are based on OMG SoaML modeling language and BPMN processes description. We identified, designed and implemented seven services that form PaaSS and described their consumption. PaaSS Java QEE project), WSDL, and XSD codes are given and explained.


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Cook it! was originally introduced to Northern Ireland in 1995 by the Health Promotion Agency for Northern Ireland (HPA) in a collaborative project with the Eastern Health and Social Services Board, the Northern Health and Social Services Board and the North and West Belfast Health and Social Services Trust. Having run for five years, this initial phase of the programme was evaluated in 2000. Cook it! was found to be a valuable approach to community based nutrition education. However, a number of recommendations were made as to how it could be improved. In conjunction with a number of community dietitians the HPA therefore revised and updated the programme, which included a redesigned resource manual with improved session outlines and recipe sheets. The Public Health Agency was established in 2009 under a major reform ofhealth structuresin Northern Ireland. The four key functions of the PHA are: health and social wellbeing improvement; health protection; public health support to commissioning and policy development; HSC research and development.


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All laboratories play a key role in protecting public health by analysing the microbiological and chemical content of food so that it is safe to eat. On the island of Ireland there are many laboratories & institutions involved in food safety monitoring, surveillance, analysis and research. Some operate directly or are under the aegis of government departments, local and health authorities. Others are privately owned or within third level institutes of higher education and campus companies, and other laboratory establishments are funded or run by various national agencies. These laboratories produce high quality scientific information that benefits public health through routine testing and research encompassing a broad range of foods.


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This book examines the role of technical standards in the regulation of services at the international level. It brings together scholarship in international political economy, French regulation theory, and economic sociology in order to discuss the following questions: Which services are most likely to be internationalised and what actors are the most concerned by the phenomenon? What is the relationship between the internationalisation of services and their institutional environment? What is more particularly the role of technical standards in delivering and using services? The introductory chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of cutting edge research on these questions. It argues that technical standards shape new forms of collective action and transnational authority. The chapter suggests some hypotheses for a new research agenda.


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Evidence Review 4 - Adult learning services Briefing 4 - Adult learning services This pair of documents, commissioned by Public Health England, and written by the UCL Institute of Health Equity, address the role of participation in learning as an adult in improving health. There is evidence that involvement in adult learning has both direct and indirect links with health, for example because it increases employability. There is some evidence that those who are lower down the social gradient benefit most, in health terms, from adult learning. However, there is a gradient both in participation in adult learning and skill level, whereby the more someone would benefit from adult learning, the less likely they are to participate, and the lower their literacy and numeracy skills are likely to be. This is due to a range of barriers, including prohibitively high costs, lack of personal confidence, or lack of availability and access. These papers also show that there are a number of actions local authorities can take to increase access to adult learning, improve quality of provision and increase the extent to which it is delivered and targeted proportionate to need. The full evidence review and a shorter summary briefing are available to download above. This document is part of a series. An overview document which provides an introduction to this and other documents in the series, and links to the other topic areas, is available on the ‘Local Action on health inequalities’ project page. A video of Michael Marmot introducing the work is also available on our videos page.


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To investigate the range and utilisation of community based drug prevention services using the Belfast Youth Development Study data, along with in depth interviews and documentary analysis. It is hoped the research will inform local policy.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The Group makes 12 recommendations for actions covering the two key themes of strategic and organisational responses, and service design and delivery. It calls for: * A joint strategic response at national level to be developed * A joint strategic response at a local level to be developed (responsibility sitting with Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) * Recognition of the importance of investing to save over the long term * A joint operational response at local level to be developed * More flexible approaches in rural and island areas * Service development and commissioning to be based on evidence of good practice * An individual’s priorities to be the starting point for the design and delivery of services and support * Ongoing evaluation of services in this field to be managed through the ADP planning and monitoring processes * Targeted service user participation and involvement to be supported * Training across homelessness, housing, alcohol and drug fields to be supported in statutory and commissioned services * The stigmatisation of these populations to be addressed at a local and national level.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This report presents the results of the second national audit which examines the organisation of services provided to older people for falls prevention and bone health. Falls and fractures are a common and serious problem affecting older people, with high levels of personal and financial cost. National guidelines, supported by the research evidence, require the provision of integrated services for falls and fracture prevention and treatment. Effective commissioning is needed to produce such high quality services.��This audit was commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) as part of the second cycle of audits on services for the prevention of falls and fractures in older people. It follows the first organisational audit, performed in 2005, and the clinical audit of 2007. All were audited against specific standards from the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) and guidance from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). Since the first audit, indicators have been added or updated in line with new guidance including that on falls prevention of inpatients following the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) report on slips, trips and falls in hospital (2007). For the first time, the audit also looks specifically at falls and fracture prevention in mental healthcare and a sample of care homes.


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This contribution explores the role of international standards in the rules governing the internationalisation of the service economy. It analyses on a cross-institutional basis patterns of authority in the institutional setting of service standards in the European and Amercian context. The entry into force of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 1995 gave international standards a major role in harmonising the technical specifications of goods and services traded on the global market Despite the careful wording of the WTO, a whole range of international bodies still have the capacity to define generic as well as detailed technical specifications affecting how swelling offshore services are expected to be traded on worldwide basis. The analysis relies on global political economy approaches to identify constitutive patterns of authority mediating between the political and the economic spheres on a transnational space. It extends to the area of service standards the assumption that the process of globalisation is not opposing states and markets, but a joint expression of both of them including new patterns and agents of structural change through formal and informal power and regulatory practices. The paper argues that service standards reflect the significant development of a form of transnational hybrid authority, that blurs the distinction between private and public actors, whose scope spread all along from physical measures to societal values, and which reinforces the deterritorialisation of regulatory practices in contemporary capitalism. It provides evidence of this argument by analysing the current European strategy regarding service standardization in response to several programming mandate of the European Commission and the American views on the future development of service standards.


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Workforce planning identifies the composition of the workforce required to deliver health service goals. It encompasses a range of human resource activities aimed at the short, medium and long-term. Workforce planning that is integrated with service and financial planning offers the best opportunity for linking human resource decisions to the strategic goals for the health services. Systems and structures are required to support and develop workforce planning activities


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This brand new market briefing adds to the growing national debate on the future of dementia care services, making use of a unique and extensive L&B survey (2008) of over 6,000 care homes in the UK which provide care for people with dementia. It builds on the findings of the Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia UK report (2007) and the national strategy for dementia Living Well with Dementia (2009) to identify market opportunities and provide essential guidance and information with regard to planning and developing new and existing services.Key issues, facts and figures highlighted in the report include:Dementia care is a multi-billion pound market in the UK and this market is set to grow considerably.��Dementia care in care homes dominates the sector in terms of current market value.��The use of dementia home care – though significantly smaller than the equivalent market in care homes – is set to rise markedly in the future.A significant proportion of residents for whom dementia is a known cause of admission are receiving care in settings which are not dedicated to dementia care.The new national dementia strategy for England, Living Well with Dementia should provide the strongest impetus yet for growth in the market for specialist dementia care.Growing awareness surrounding inappropriate use of anti-psychotic drugs on people with dementia in care homes may have a major operational impact on some homes if controls are increased and could substantially increase costs.Despite evidence of increasing dementia specialisation, there are, as yet, no organisations to emerge with full service dementia expertise and integrated care pathways.The supply of dedicated dementia services varies dramatically by region and locality, reflecting local and regional priorities and commissioning strategies.The design and layout of care homes for people with dementia is key and there is an increasing consensus around what constitutes best practice and ‘dementia friendly design’ .Care home fees for dementia are generally higher than fees for frail elderly residents.The report is essential reading for senior executives and managers within any organisation committed to, or considering involvement in, the dementia care sector, including for-profit, 'third sector' and public sector agencies.For further information, please contact:��Market ReportsTel.��020 7833 9123 orEmail��info@laingbuisson.co.uk��Download Full Brochure including Order Form��Download Contents and Tables�� Featured item on home page:��no��