259 resultados para IPO Withdrawals


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Avaliou-se a resistência de genótipos de tomateiro selvagens [Lycopersicon pennellii (LA 716), L. hirsutum var. glabratum (PI 126449, PI 134417), L. hirsutum (PI 127826, PI 127827), L. peruvianum (CGO 6707), L. peruvianum var. dentatum (WYR 2020, LA 111), L. peruvianum var. glandulosum (LA 1113-1, LA 1113-2)] e comerciais [(L. esculentum) Gem Pride, Santa Clara, e híbridos Bruna VFN, Carmem, Fortaleza, Débora Plus VFN] ao ácaro rajado (Tetranychus urticae). O número médio de ovos, fases imaturas (larvas, protoninfas e deutoninfas) e adultos por folíolo foi contado; o índice de preferência para oviposição (IPO) foi calculado. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso, com 6 repetições. Os genótipos LA 716, PI 126449, PI 134417, PI 127827, PI 127826 e Gem Pride apresentaram não-preferência para oviposição do ácaro rajado, sendo deterrentes quanto à classificação do IPO, enquanto os genótipos LA 111, WYR 2020, LA 1113-2 e LA1113-1 foram os mais preferidos para a oviposição e foram considerados como estimulantes pelo IPO.


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Infância is undoubtedly memory, high qual ity l iterature, reputable, as the story moves between f ict ion and reality. Personal and social history, wi th such a sense of reality, causing the reader to prof it f rom the honesty and the sinceri ty producing, in this work, remarkable results in a constancy of cl ippings, f rame -by-f rame. Memory and obl ivion are this work guidance. We aim to denounce the relat ionship between the chi ld and violence, and as it is a memorialist ic text , we see the importance of f ict ion for this type of narrat ive to be sustained. I aim thereby show the tone of this report humanizing memories, its deep and decisive meaning, through the memories concepts by Le Gof f , by Seligmann-Silva and by Ecléa Bosi. I t is also through the theories of Jeanne Marie Ganegbin that I just ify the concept of remembering and forget t ing, and also it is also according the concepts of Eliane Zagury that I give support to the importance of autobiography as a a mean of expressing the reported memor ies. Final ly, in Infância, there is no room for fantasy. The lyricism that overwhelms, throughout each chapter, commands the author's imaginat ion. The need to invent gives way to the need to test ify, to denounce. And this t ransit ion occurs gradually, slow as Gra c il ia n o s c h i ld li f e , d u e to such humiliat ion and submission


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La philosophie de Gaston Bachelard se fonde sur une tension ontologique, qui comprend tant la Science que la poétique, et au cours de cette recherche, se développe par la compréhension de la possibilité d envisager une ontologie de la couleur, expression de Bachelard ci tée en «Le Droit de Rêver». Nous suivons, donc, face au dialogue ent re la science et la poésie tout en établissant des paramèt res afin d élucider, d un côté, la couleur conceptuelle de la science qui ne matise pas seulement les objets par le biais de l expérience chimico-physique, mais établit aussi dans la relat ion ent re l observateur et l objet une compréhension de l existence de la couleur invisible, celle qui habite l imagination créatrice et apparaît comme un type d ontologie de la couleur. Dans ce sens, la couleur est une image qui naît dans la conscience de l homme, comme un produit direct de l âme dans son actualité même. Ainsi, la couleur serait dans l imagination créative une image autogène desti tuée de substantialité


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Introduction: Open access publishing is becoming increasingly popular within the biomedical sciences. SciELO, the Scientific Electronic Library Online, is a digital library covering a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals many of which provide open access to full-text articles. This library includes a number of dental journals some of which may include reports of clinical trials in English, Portuguese and/or Spanish. Thus, SciELO could play an important role as a source of evidence for dental healthcare interventions especially if it yields a sizeable number of high quality reports. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify reports of clinical trials by handsearching of dental journals that are accessible through SciELO, and to assess the overall quality of these reports. Material and methods: Electronic versions of six Brazilian dental Journals indexed in SciELO were handsearched at www.scielo.br in September 2008. Reports of clinical trials were identified and classified as controlled clinical trials (CCTs - prospective, experimental studies comparing 2 or more healthcare interventions in human beings) or randomized controlled trials (RCTs - a random allocation method is clearly reported), according to Cochrane eligibility criteria. Criteria to assess methodological quality included: method of randomization, concealment of treatment allocation, blinded outcome assessment, handling of withdrawals and losses and whether an intention-to-treat analysis had been carried out. Results: The search retrieved 33 CCTs and 43 RCTs. A majority of the reports provided no description of either the method of randomization (75.3%) or concealment of the allocation sequence (84.2%). Participants and outcome assessors were reported as blinded in only 31.2% of the reports. Withdrawals and losses were only clearly described in 6.5% of the reports and none mentioned an intention-to-treat analysis or any similar procedure. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that a substantial number of reports of trials and systematic reviews are available in the dental journals listed in SciELO, and that these could provide valuable evidence for clinical decision making. However, it is clear that the quality of a number of these reports is of some concern and that improvement in the conduct and reporting of these trials could be achieved if authors adhered to internationally accepted guidelines, e. g. the CONSORT statement.


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The effect of dietary vitamin (VS) and mineral (MS) mix withdrawal between 42 and 49 d of age on broiler chicken performance was evaluated. The diets were formulated based on corn and soybean meal, and the experiments were conducted in floor pens using wood shavings as litter. Trial I evaluated withdrawal of VS and MS mix at 42, 45, and 49 d. The results of this trial showed that VS and MS mix withdrawal at 42 d of age did not impair feed intake (FI) or weight gain (WG), but feed conversion (FC) was improved (P = 0.043) when both mixes were maintained in the diets until 49 d of age. Trial 2 assessed the withdrawal of VS or MS mix at 42 d of age. FI and WG were not affected by withdrawal, but FC was poorer (P = 0.035) for the broilers fed the diet without VS. The relative liver weight was reduced by VS or MS mix withdrawal (P = 0.014 and P = 0.001, respectively). Carcass, breast, and leg yields were not affected by VS or MS mix withdrawals in either trial. The findings of the study suggested that VS mix withdrawal during the final period of broiler chicken growth was more deleterious than the withdrawal of MS mix, because it affected FC ratio. VS or MS withdrawal during this period did not affect carcass yield.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O acompanhamento do desenvolvimento de bebês implica na consideração de fatores de risco para os mesmos e na utilização de instrumentos que possibilitem a identificação de defasagens, comportamentais, visando à elaboração de intervenções pontuais junto a pais e outros cuidadores. O presente estudo prendendeu descrever variáveis distais e proximais do desenvolvimento de uma amostra de bebês, a partir de suas características peculiares, bem como das dos seus familiares e avaliar o repertório comportamental dos bebês, correlacionando-o com variáveis de risco como prematuridade, baixo peso ao nascer e filhos de mães adolescentes, comparando-o com bebês sem condição de risco identificada. Pretendeu, também, identificar comportamentos típicos nas áres do desenvolvimento avaliadas pelo inventário portage operacionalizado, mês a mês, durante o primeiro ano de vida, utilizando os critérios de estabilização, normalização e aparecimento destes comportamentos entre os meninos e meninas. Participaram do estudo 217 bebês que foram avaliados no decorrer do primeiro ano de vida, sendo que 33% eram prematuros, 28% filhos de mães adolescentes, 11% com baixo peso nascidos a termo, 3% sindrômicos ou filhos de mães portadoras de HIV+ e 25% do Grupo Controle, sem condições de risco identificado no nascimento. Os dados foram coletados a partir da entrevista inicial e da avaliação mensal do inventário. Os dados foram coletados a partir da entrevista inicial e da aplicação mensal do inventário portage operacionalizado (IPO), em um Centro de Psicologia Aplicada de uma universidade pública. Os desempenhos dos bebês no IPO e as condições de risco identificadas foram submetidas ao tratamento por meio do Statistic Package Social for Science (SPSS, versão 12.0). para a identificação de comportamentos típicos utilizaram-se os critérios de Estabilização... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)