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Une femme enceinte sent rapidement les attentes sociales que soulève son état et réalise promptement que des lignes directrices encadrent et régissent son expérience de la maternité. Lorsqu’il est question de toxicomanie et de criminalité, la réprobation sociale est vive puisqu’il est attendu qu’une mère n’adopte pas de tels comportements à défaut de quoi, elle sera sévèrement critiquée ou jugée comme inapte à exercer son rôle de mère. Les écrits scientifiques portant sur la maternité des femmes toxicomanes dressent un portrait plutôt positif de la maternité, tablant sur sa capacité à constituer un agent de changement dans leurs trajectoires de consommation en raison des responsabilités que la maternité incombe, mais également, par le rôle socialement attendu des femmes qui deviennent mères. Toutefois, bien que beaucoup de femmes toxicomanes judiciarisées soient des mères, peu de recherches ont été menées auprès des femmes toxicomanes judiciarisées et moins d’attention a été portée à l’effet que peut avoir la maternité sur leur propre trajectoire de consommation et de criminalité. Cette thèse qualitative a pour objet d’expliquer le rôle de la maternité dans la trajectoire de consommation et de criminalité de mères toxicomanes judiciarisées. De façon plus spécifique, il s’agit de saisir le sens que prend la maternité pour les femmes toxicomanes judiciarisées et de sonder la façon dont elles s’expliquent leur rôle de mère. La thèse vise également à comprendre, selon leur point de vue, quels sont les liens entre la maternité et leur toxicomanie et enfin, à expliquer leurs perceptions quant aux influences entre la maternité et la criminalité. Trente-huit entrevues semi-dirigées ont été menées auprès de mères détenues ainsi qu’auprès de mères recevant des services externes d’un programme de traitement dans un centre de réadaptation en toxicomanie. Une analyse phénoménologique a permis de saisir la complexité des liens entre la maternité, la toxicomanie et la criminalité des femmes rencontrées ainsi que le poids des attentes sociales sur leur expérience de la maternité. Deux conceptions de la maternité émergent du corpus : une conception idéalisée, où la maternité est vue comme valorisante, épanouissante et conforme aux attentes sociales, ainsi un modèle de «bonne mère déviante», modèle plus ajusté à leur réalité. Ces deux conceptions colorent la façon dont ces mères s’expliquent leur toxicomanie, la possibilité d’être une mère toxicomane ainsi que la perception qu’elles ont de leurs activités criminelles. Un processus de négociation de l’identité maternelle des mères a également été identifié. Au fil d’événements qui fragiliseront l’identité maternelle, une grossesse, la perte de la garde des enfants et une période d’incarcération, ces mères devront à chaque fois profiter du moment de déséquilibre pour susciter une réflexion sur leur style de vie déviant et devront se positionner quant aux deux conceptions de la maternité afin d’arriver à maintenir une identité de mère positive.


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This is a primarily meta-critical essay and is in direct dialogue with the argument presented in my essay on Gone with the Wind (published in 'Screen'). Here, however, the emphasis is much more on the challenge my definition of spectacle represents for important traditions of film analysis, particularly ‘mise-en-scène criticism’. I argue for the possibility of spectacle to form part of the ‘organic’ whole of a film’s texture and form, while noting the challenge the concept represents (by dint of certain ideological associations and its taint of commercialism) with ‘organicist’ traditions of interpretative film analysis.


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Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to gain a deeper understanding of older people's view of health and care while dependent on community care. Furthermore to describe and compare formal caregivers' perceptions of quality of care, working conditions, competence, general health, and factors associated with quality of care from the caregivers' perspective. Method: Qualitative interviews were conducted with 19 older people in community care who were asked to describe what health and ill health((I), good and bad care meant for them (II). Data were analyzed using content analysis (I) and a phenomenological analysis (II). The formal caregivers; 70 nursing assistants (NAs) 163 enrolled nurses (ENs) and 198 registered nurses (RNs), answered a questionnaire consisting of five instruments: quality of care from the patient's perspective modified to formal caregivers, creative climate questionnaire, stress of conscience, health index, sense of coherence and items on education and competence (III). Statistical analyses were performed containing descriptive statistics, and comparisons between the occupational groups were made using Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U-test and Pearson's Chi-square test (III). Pearson's  product moment correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed studying the associations between organizational climate, stress of conscience, competence, general health and sense of coherence with quality of care (IV). Results: The older people's health and well-being were related to their own ability to adapt to and compensate for their disabilities and was described as negative and positive poles of autonomy vs. dependence, togetherness vs. being an onlooker, security vs. insecurity and tranquility vs. disturbance (I).  The meaning of good care (II) was that the formal caregivers respected the older people as unique individuals, having the opportunity to live their lives as usual and receiving a safe and secure care. Good care could be experienced when the formal caregivers had adequate knowledge and competence in caring for older people, adequate time and continuity in the care organization (II). Formal caregivers reported higher perceived quality of care in the dimensions medical-technical competence and physical-technical conditions than in identity-oriented approach and socio-cultural atmosphere (III). In the organizational climate three of the dimensions were close to the value of a creative climate and in seven near a stagnant climate. The formal caregivers reported low rate of stress of conscience. The RNs reported to a higher degree than the NAs/ENs a need to gain more knowledge, but the NAs and the ENs more often received training during working hours. The RNs reported lower emotional well-being than the NAs/ENs (III). The formal caregivers' occupation, organizational climate and stress of conscience were associated with perceived quality of care (IV). Implications: The formal caregivers should have an awareness of the importance of kindness and respect, supporting the older people to retain control over their lives. The nursing managers should employ highly competent and adequate numbers of skilled formal caregivers, organize formal caregivers having round the clock continuity. Improvements of organizational climate and stress of conscience are of importance for good quality of care.


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Successful ageing involves maintaining well-being and actively engaging with life through the making and sustaining of relationships within community. Membership of community music groups by older people can enhance quality of life, give a sense of fulfillment, offer the possibility for personal growth and create a platform through which they share and celebrate cultural identity and diversity. This study explores community and cultural engagement by members of the Coro Furlan, an Italian male community choir in Melbourne, Australia. This case study is part of a current wider research project, Well-being and ageing: community, diversity and the arts in Victoria (Australia), begun in 2008, which explores how the arts foster well-being in ageing communities. In this case study, members of the Coro Furlan volunteered to participate in a focus group interview in 2009. The transcript was analysed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis which seeks to explore the lived world of participants. Analysis of the data identified three broad themes: a sense of community, the maintenance of cultural identity and sustaining a sense of well-being through shared music making. The findings demonstrate the strength of the bonds formed by choir membership with high levels of commitment reflected in their ten ‘Commandments’ that were first documented in Italian in the 1970s. The choir members consider themselves to be the custodians of Friulian choral music in Australia, as well as performers of music from Italy and other countries. Singing in this choir has offered the predominantly older members an opportunity to value, learn, and share music in formal and informal settings. This paper identifies how music engagement can facilitate successful ageing through commitment to community, singing and following the ten ‘Commandments’ of the Coro Furlan.


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This qualitative study describes parents’ responses to a targeted and brief educational seminar (known as ‘Parenting Challenging Adolescents’), and provides recommendations for brief parenting interventions designed to engage adolescents in mental health treatment. The 2-h intervention was designed to assist parents who were concerned about their adolescents and in the identification of mental disorders. Participants were invited to attend the seminars conducted in a community setting on the basis of local advertising and promotion of the event with community health services and schools. Any parent of a young person aged 12–25 interested in the seminar material was eligible to attend. Sixteen parents completed measures of parent and youth mental health and family satisfaction and were also interviewed using semi-structured telephone interviews 4 weeks after the seminar. Interpretational phenomenological analysis of interviews suggested that most parents valued the chance to connect with others in similar situations and appreciated knowing about local services available for mental health disorders. Many parents also reported positive changes to communication and family dynamics following the seminar. Another common theme was an increased knowledge of mental disorders and appropriate treatments, along with the desire to receive more specific, targeted information. Overall the findings suggest that even a single session of educational material designed for parents may be useful, engaging and potentially encourage improved service usage for adolescents with mental disorders.


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BACKGROUND: Building capacity in a changing health care system is a challenge for advanced nursing education programs. Master-level nursing education is increasingly becoming the required education level for specialist nurses, and additional studies are needed to learn more about students' experiences and learning transitions while undertaking such education. This study aimed to explore nursing students' experience of their learning transitions while undertaking advanced nursing education and to describe how they translated the new knowledge and competence they gained into clinical practice. METHODS: We used a qualitative research design with narrative self-reported reflections. 34 nurses (95 % women) from both urban and rural areas working with children, with adults in outpatient and inpatient endocrinology clinics in hospitals or with adults, including older people, attending primary health care services participated in the study. We collected data at two time points 15 months apart. Time one was the first week of the advanced nursing education, and time two was the completion of the education program. We used Malterud's modification of Giorgi's phenomenological analysis, otherwise known as systematic text condensation, to analyze the data. RESULTS: Two core themes captured the participants' experiences. The first theme was "assessing the situation of people with diabetes from a different perspective", with the subthemes "an expanded perspective of practice and higher level of reflection", "applying critical thinking in practice" and "changing patient-nurse relationships in diabetes care". The second core theme was "a change in participants' perception of their professional position", with the subthemes "a greater knowledge base enhancing professional confidence" and "a more equal position within the professional team". CONCLUSIONS: The study provides in-depth information about transition into advanced nursing education and can inform curriculum developers, nurse educators, policy-makers and nursing managers about how nursing education broadened participants' perspectives of nursing and enhanced their confidence and professional position.


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A presente pesquisa consiste em identificar os impactos causados no Sistema de Informações Gerenciais com a mudança de método de Custeio Variável para Unidade de Esforço de Produção (UEP), mediante a realização de um Estudo de Caso sobre a empresa Bistex Alimentos LTDA. A coleta de dados, viabilizada pela análise documental e pela aplicação de entrevista com dois diretores, tornou possível a análise de dados interpretativa dos indicadores de desempenho presentes nas principais alterações após o processo de migração, na forma de um estudo comparativo, levantando controles usados na organização antes e depois da troca de método. Autores como Johnson e Kaplan (1993), que abordam a contabilidade gerencial, Allora (1996), que introduz os custos e controle gerencial de produção, e Wernke (2008), que aborda a aplicação do Método UEP, deram consistência à aplicabilidade operacional desta proposta. Os principais resultados podem ser identificados no ordenamento de informações, fundamental pelo uso da UEP, o que causa alterações na cultura organizacional da empresa. O estudo demonstra que a implementação do método UEP trouxe alterações nos controles da organização, entretanto, ainda falta uma visão holística e a integração com a gestão estratégica


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This thesis reflects upon the question of how does philosophy think a particular today, which is not only a legitimate philosophical task but a determinative characteristic of philosophy in general. Today's thought follows two paths: first, an hermeneutical-phenomenological analysis of Martin Heidegger's thought with regards to his own contemporaneity; and secondly, through the analysis of the contemporary phenomenon of Information Technology which in the present work is to be considered a privileged sign of our times and distinctive of the mindfulness of philosophy. Therefore, the starting point is an investigation of Heidegger's thinking on his own era to whom facticity is a way of accessing the fundamental question of philosophy. This thesis is led by three guiding words which hold onto a perspective of unity in Heidegger s lifetime of work: 1. Technicity, 2. History, 3. Language, to thereby develop a characterization of human existence as 1. Technopolitical, 2. Technoscientific, and 3. Technological. Finally, in keeping with this triangular characterization of the human, a philosophical comprehension of our times will be established and drawn by Information Technology illustrating three of its' factual signs that are understood to be the 'Remains of Being' today: The Emptying of Speech (Language); The Emptying of Science (History); The Emptying of The Object (Technicity). Through these nowadays phenomenon, it is possible to maintain a grip on the fundamental question, precisely when the task of philosophy seems to have peremptorily lost its meaning and come to its logical end and to show how philosophizing in the information era is as possible as it is necessary.


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Este estudo objetivou compreender o significado do trabalho em equipe dos profissionais de reabilitação em anomalias craniofaciais. Realizou-se análise fenomenológica por contemplar a compreensão e interpretação do sentido considerando o sujeito. Entrevistou-se 12 profissionais de diferentes áreas, norteadas pela questão: O que significa para você trabalhar em equipe na reabilitação de anomalias craniofaciais? Resgatando-se os temas: Capacitação para o trabalho, Dificuldade para trabalho em equipe, Relação com paciente e família, Condições de trabalho e A inserção do profissional na equipe. A análise visou refletir o fenômeno engendrando convergências e divergências destacando a explicitação das diferenças e aprendizado contínuo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS