180 resultados para INHOMOGENEITIES


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We numerically investigate the effects of inhomogeneities in the energy spectrum of aperiodic semiconductor superlattices, focusing our attention on Thue-Morse and Fibonacci sequences. In the absence of disorder, the corresponding electronic spectra are self-similar. The presence of a certain degree of randomness, due to imperfections occurring during the growth processes, gives rise to a progressive loss of quantum coherence, smearing out the finer details of the energy spectra predicted for perfect aperiodic superlattices and spurring the onset of electron localization. However, depending on the degree of disorder introduced, a critical size for the system exists, below which peculiar transport properties, related to the pre-fractal nature of the energy spectrum, may be measured.


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The phase diagram of soft spheres with size dispersion is studied by means of an optimized Monte Carlo algorithm which allows us to equilibrate below the kinetic glass transition for all size distributions. The system ubiquitously undergoes a first-order freezing transition. While for a small size dispersion the frozen phase has a crystalline structure, large density inhomogeneities appear in the highly disperse systems. Studying the interplay between the equilibrium phase diagram and the kinetic glass transition, we argue that the experimentally found terminal polydispersity of colloids is a purely kinetic phenomenon.


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In the course of our 870 μm APEX/LABOCA follow-up of the Herschel Lensing Survey we have detected a source in AS1063 (RXC J2248.7-4431) that has no counterparts in any of the Herschel PACS/SPIRE bands, it is a Herschel “drop-out” with S_870/S_500 ≥ 0.5. The 870 μm emission is extended and centered on the brightest cluster galaxy, suggesting either a multiply imaged background source or substructure in the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich increment due to inhomogeneities in the hot cluster gas of this merging cluster. We discuss both interpretations with emphasis on the putative lensed source. Based on the observed properties and on our lens model we find that this source may be the first submillimeter galaxy (SMG) with a moderate far-infrared (FIR) luminosity (L_FIR < 10^12 L_⊙) detected so far at z > 4. In deep HST observations we identified a multiply imaged z ~ 6 source and measured its spectroscopic redshift to be z = 6.107 with VLT/FORS. This source may be associated with the putative SMG, but it is most likely offset spatially by 10−30 kpc and they may be interacting galaxies. With a FIR luminosity in the range [5−15] × 10^11 L_⊙ corresponding to a star formation rate in the range [80−260] M_⊙ yr^-1, this SMG would be more representative of the z > 4 dusty galaxies than the extreme starbursts detected so far. With a total magnification of ~25 it would open a unique window to the normal dusty galaxies at the end of the epoch of reionization.


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Poly(hydroxyether of phenolphthalein) (PPH) was synthesized through the polycondensation of phenolphthalein with epichlorohydrin. It was characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The miscibility of the blends of PPH with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) was established on the basis of the thermal analysis results. DSC showed that the PPH/PEO blends prepared via casting from N,N-dimethylformamide possessed single, composition-dependent glass-transition temperatures. Therefore, the blends were miscible in the amorphous state for all compositions. FTIR studies indicated that there were competitive hydrogen-bonding interactions with the addition of PEO to the system, which were involved with (OHO)-O-. . .=C


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A new numerical model which incorporates Brillouin shift frequency variations arising from fibre inhomogeneities has been developed for stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fibres. This enables simulations of backscattered and transmitted power as functions of input power based only on known physical and material parameters as well as the polarisation factor and the measured Brillouin gain linewidth for the fibre. Agreement between modelled and experimental power characteristics for a CW input is excellent.


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The concept of random lasers making use of multiple scattering in amplifying disordered media to generate coherent light has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. Here, we demonstrate a fibre laser with a mirrorless open cavity that operates via Rayleigh scattering, amplified through the Raman effect. The fibre waveguide geometry provides transverse confinement and effectively one-dimensional random distributed feedback, leading to the generation of a stationary near-Gaussian beam with a narrow spectrum, and with efficiency and performance comparable to regular lasers. Rayleigh scattering due to inhomogeneities within the glass structure of the fibre is extremely weak, making the operation and properties of the proposed random distributed feedback lasers profoundly different from those of both traditional random lasers and conventional fibre lasers.


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An optical fiber is treated as a natural one-dimensional random system where lasing is possible due to a combination of Rayleigh scattering by refractive index inhomogeneities and distributed amplification through the Raman effect. We present such a random fiber laser that is tunable over a broad wavelength range with uniquely flat output power and high efficiency, which outperforms traditional lasers of the same category. Outstanding characteristics defined by deep underlying physics and the simplicity of the scheme make the demonstrated laser a very attractive light source both for fundamental science and practical applications.


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The concept of random lasers exploiting multiple scattering of photons in an amplifying disordered medium in order to generate coherent light without a traditional laser resonator has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. This research area lies at the interface of the fundamental theory of disordered systems and laser science. The idea was originally proposed in the context of astrophysics in the 1960s by V.S. Letokhov, who studied scattering with "negative absorption" of the interstellar molecular clouds. Research on random lasers has since developed into a mature experimental and theoretical field. A simple design of such lasers would be promising for potential applications. However, in traditional random lasers the properties of the output radiation are typically characterized by complex features in the spatial, spectral and time domains, making them less attractive than standard laser systems in terms of practical applications. Recently, an interesting and novel type of one-dimensional random laser that operates in a conventional telecommunication fibre without any pre-designed resonator mirrors-random distributed feedback fibre laser-was demonstrated. The positive feedback required for laser generation in random fibre lasers is provided by the Rayleigh scattering from the inhomogeneities of the refractive index that are naturally present in silica glass. In the proposed laser concept, the randomly backscattered light is amplified through the Raman effect, providing distributed gain over distances up to 100km. Although an effective reflection due to the Rayleigh scattering is extremely small (~0.1%), the lasing threshold may be exceeded when a sufficiently large distributed Raman gain is provided. Such a random distributed feedback fibre laser has a number of interesting and attractive features. The fibre waveguide geometry provides transverse confinement, and effectively one-dimensional random distributed feedback leads to the generation of a stationary near-Gaussian beam with a narrow spectrum. A random distributed feedback fibre laser has efficiency and performance that are comparable to and even exceed those of similar conventional fibre lasers. The key features of the generated radiation of random distributed feedback fibre lasers include: a stationary narrow-band continuous modeless spectrum that is free of mode competition, nonlinear power broadening, and an output beam with a Gaussian profile in the fundamental transverse mode (generated both in single mode and multi-mode fibres).This review presents the current status of research in the field of random fibre lasers and shows their potential and perspectives. We start with an introductory overview of conventional distributed feedback lasers and traditional random lasers to set the stage for discussion of random fibre lasers. We then present a theoretical analysis and experimental studies of various random fibre laser configurations, including widely tunable, multi-wavelength, narrow-band generation, and random fibre lasers operating in different spectral bands in the 1-1.6μm range. Then we discuss existing and future applications of random fibre lasers, including telecommunication and distributed long reach sensor systems. A theoretical description of random lasers is very challenging and is strongly linked with the theory of disordered systems and kinetic theory. We outline two key models governing the generation of random fibre lasers: the average power balance model and the nonlinear Schrödinger equation based model. Recently invented random distributed feedback fibre lasers represent a new and exciting field of research that brings together such diverse areas of science as laser physics, the theory of disordered systems, fibre optics and nonlinear science. Stable random generation in optical fibre opens up new possibilities for research on wave transport and localization in disordered media. We hope that this review will provide background information for research in various fields and will stimulate cross-disciplinary collaborations on random fibre lasers. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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As shown recently, a long telecommunication fibre may be treated as a natural one-dimensional random system, where lasing is possible due to a combination of random distributed feedback via Rayleigh scattering by natural refractive index inhomogeneities and distributed amplification through the Raman effect. Here we present a new type of a random fibre laser with a narrow (∼1 nm) spectrum tunable over a broad wavelength range (1535-1570 nm) with a uniquely flat (∼0.1 dB) and high (>2 W) output power and prominent (>40 %) differential efficiency, which outperforms traditional fibre lasers of the same category, e.g. a conventional Raman laser with a linear cavity formed in the same fibre by adding point reflectors. Analytical model is proposed that explains quantitatively the higher efficiency and the flatter tuning curve of the random fiber laser compared to conventional one. The other important features of the random fibre laser like "modeless" spectrum of specific shape and corresponding intensity fluctuations as well as the techniques of controlling its output characteristics are discussed. Outstanding characteristics defined by new underlying physics and the simplicity of the scheme implemented in standard telecom fibre make the demonstrated tunable random fibre laser a very attractive light source both for fundamental science and practical applications such as optical communication, sensing and secure transmission. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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Researchers conducted investigations to demonstrate the advantages of random distributed feedback fiber laser. Random lasers had advantages, such as simple technology that did not require a precise microcavity and low production cost. The properties of their output radiation were special in comparison to those of conventional lasers and they were characterized by complex features in the spatial, spectral, and time domains. The researchers demonstrated a new type of one-dimensional laser with random distributed feedback based on Rayleigh scattering (RS) that was presented in any transparent glass medium due to natural inhomogeneities of refractive index. The cylindrical fiber waveguide geometry provided transverse confinement, while the cavity was open in the longitudinal direction and did not include any regular point-action reflectors.


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The time series analysis has played an increasingly important role in weather and climate studies. The success of these studies depends crucially on the knowledge of the quality of climate data such as, for instance, air temperature and rainfall data. For this reason, one of the main challenges for the researchers in this field is to obtain homogeneous series. A time series of climate data is considered homogeneous when the values of the observed data can change only due to climatic factors, i.e., without any interference from external non-climatic factors. Such non-climatic factors may produce undesirable effects in the time series, as unrealistic homogeneity breaks, trends and jumps. In the present work it was investigated climatic time series for the city of Natal, RN, namely air temperature and rainfall time series, for the period spanning from 1961 to 2012. The main purpose was to carry out an analysis in order to check the occurrence of homogeneity breaks or trends in the series under investigation. To this purpose, it was applied some basic statistical procedures, such as normality and independence tests. The occurrence of trends was investigated by linear regression analysis, as well as by the Spearman and Mann-Kendall tests. The homogeneity was investigated by the SNHT, as well as by the Easterling-Peterson and Mann-Whitney-Pettit tests. Analyzes with respect to normality showed divergence in their results. The von Neumann ratio test showed that in the case of the air temperature series the data are not independent and identically distributed (iid), whereas for the rainfall series the data are iid. According to the applied testings, both series display trends. The mean air temperature series displays an increasing trend, whereas the rainfall series shows an decreasing trend. Finally, the homogeneity tests revealed that all series under investigations present inhomogeneities, although they breaks depend on the applied test. In summary, the results showed that the chosen techniques may be applied in order to verify how well the studied time series are characterized. Therefore, these results should be used as a guide for further investigations about the statistical climatology of Natal or even of any other place.


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Previous studies about the strength of the lithosphere in the Iberia centre fail to resolve the depth of earthquakes because of the rheological uncertainties. Therefore, new contributions are considered (the crustal structure from a density model) and several parameters (tectonic regime, mantle rheology, strain rate) are checked in this paper to properly examine the role of lithospheric strength in the intraplate seismicity and the Cenozoic evolution. The strength distribution with depth, the integrated strength, the effective elastic thickness and the seismogenic thickness have been calculated by a finite element modelling of the lithosphere across the Central System mountain range and the bordering Duero and Madrid sedimentary basins. Only a dry mantle under strike-slip/extension and a strain rate of 10-15 s-1, or under extension and 10-16 s-1, causes a strong lithosphere. The integrated strength and the elastic thickness are lower in the mountain chain than in the basins. These anisotropies have been maintained since the Cenozoic and determine the mountain uplift and the biharmonic folding of the Iberian lithosphere during the Alpine deformations. The seismogenic thickness bounds the seismic activity in the upper–middle crust, and the decreasing crustal strength from the Duero Basin towards the Madrid Basin is related to a parallel increase in Plio–Quaternary deformations and seismicity. However, elasto–plastic modelling shows that current African–Eurasian convergence is resolved elastically or ductilely, which accounts for the low seismicity recorded in this region.


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The electrical conductivity of solid-state matter is a fundamental physical property and can be precisely derived from the resistance measured via the four-point probe technique excluding contributions from parasitic contact resistances. Over time, this method has become an interdisciplinary characterization tool in materials science, semiconductor industries, geology, physics, etc, and is employed for both fundamental and application-driven research. However, the correct derivation of the conductivity is a demanding task which faces several difficulties, e.g. the homogeneity of the sample or the isotropy of the phases. In addition, these sample-specific characteristics are intimately related to technical constraints such as the probe geometry and size of the sample. In particular, the latter is of importance for nanostructures which can now be probed technically on very small length scales. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the four-point probe technique, introduced by Frank Wenner, in this review we revisit and discuss various correction factors which are mandatory for an accurate derivation of the resistivity from the measured resistance. Among others, sample thickness, dimensionality, anisotropy, and the relative size and geometry of the sample with respect to the contact assembly are considered. We are also able to derive the correction factors for 2D anisotropic systems on circular finite areas with variable probe spacings. All these aspects are illustrated by state-of-the-art experiments carried out using a four-tip STM/SEM system. We are aware that this review article can only cover some of the most important topics. Regarding further aspects, e.g. technical realizations, the influence of inhomogeneities or different transport regimes, etc, we refer to other review articles in this field.


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We point out that in the early universe, for temperatures in the approximate interval 150-80 MeV (after the quark-gluon plasma), pions carried a large share of the entropy and supported the largest inhomogeneities. Its thermal conductivity (previously calculated) allows the characterization of entropy production due to equilibration (damping) of thermal fluctuations. Simple model distributions of thermal fluctuations are considered and the associated entropy production evaluated.


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This work introduces two novel approaches for the application of luminescence dating techniques to Quaternary volcanic eruptions: crystalline xenoliths from lava flows are demonstrated to be basically suitable for luminescence dating, and a set of phreatic explosion deposits from the Late Quaternary Vakinankaratra volcanic field in central Madagascar is successfully dated with infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL). Using a numerical model approach and experimental verification, the potential for thermal resetting of luminescence signals of xenoliths in lava flows is demonstrated. As microdosimetry is an important aspect when using sample material extracted from crystalline whole rocks, autoradiography using image plates is introduced to the field of luminescence dating as a method for detection and assessment of spatially resolved radiation inhomogeneities. Determinations of fading rates of feldspar samples have been observed to result in aberrant g-values if the pause between preheat and measurement in the delayed measurements was kept short. A systematic investigation reveals that the phenomenon is caused by the presence of three signal components with differing individual fading behaviour. As this is restricted to short pauses, it is possible to determine a minimal required delay between preheating and measurement after which the aberrant behaviour disappears. This is applied in the measuring of 12 samples from phreatic explosion deposits from the Antsirabe – Betafo region in the Late Quaternary Vakinankaratra volcanic field. The samples were taken from stratigraphically correlatable sections and appear to represent at least three phreatic events, one of which created the Lac Andraikiba maar near Antsirabe. The obtained ages indicate that the eruptive activity in the region started in the Late Pleistocene between 113.9 and 99.6 ka. A second layer in the Betafo area is dated at approximately 73 ka and the Lac Andraikiba deposits give an age between 63.9 and 50.7 ka. The youngest phreatic layer is dated between 33.7 and 20.7 ka. These ages are the first recorded direct ages of such volcanic deposits, as well as the first and only direct ages for the Late Quaternary volcanism in the Vakinankaratra volcanic field. This illustrates the huge potential of this new method for volcanology and geochronology, as it enables direct numerical dating of a type of volcanic deposit which has not been successfully directly dated by any other method so far.