914 resultados para Human herpesvirus 1


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Eukaryotic-especially human-membrane protein overproduction remains a major challenge in biochemistry. Heterologously overproduced and purified proteins provide a starting point for further biochemical, biophysical and structural studies, and the lack of sufficient quantities of functional membrane proteins is frequently a bottleneck hindering this. Here, we report exceptionally high production levels of a correctly folded and crystallisable recombinant human integral membrane protein in its active form; human aquaporin 1 (hAQP1) has been heterologously produced in the membranes of the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. After solubilisation and a two step purification procedure, at least 90 mg hAQP1 per liter of culture is obtained. Water channel activity of this purified hAQP1 was verified by reconstitution into proteoliposomes and performing stopped-flow vesicle shrinkage measurements. Mass spectrometry confirmed the identity of hAQP1 in crude membrane preparations, and also from purified protein reconstituted into proteoliposomes. Furthermore, crystallisation screens yielded diffraction quality crystals of untagged recombinant hAQP1. This study illustrates the power of the yeast P. pastoris as a host to produce exceptionally high yields of a functionally active, human integral membrane protein for subsequent functional and structural characterization. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Although the incretin hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a potent stimulator of insulin release, its rapid degradation in vivo by the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) greatly limits its potential for treatment of type 2 diabetes. Here, we report two novel Ala8-substituted analogues of GLP-1, (Abu8)GLP-1 and (Val8)GLP-1 which were completely resistant to inactivation by DPP IV or human plasma. (Abu8)GLP-1 and (Val8)GLP-1 exhibited moderate affinities (IC50: 4.76 and 81.1 nM, respectively) for the human GLP-1 receptor compared with native GLP-1 (IC50: 0.37 nM). (Abu8)GLP-1 and (Val8)GLP-1 dose-dependently stimulated cAMP in insulin-secreting BRIN BD11 cells with reduced potency compared with native GLP-1 (1.5- and 3.5-fold, respectively). Consistent with other mechanisms of action, the analogues showed similar, or in the case of (Val8)GLP-1 slightly impaired insulin releasing activity in BRIN BD11 cells. Using adult obese (ob/ob) mice, (Abu8 )GLP-1 had similar glucose-lowering potency to native GLP-1 whereas the action of (Val8)GLP-1 was enhanced by 37%. The in vivo insulin-releasing activities were similar. These data indicate that substitution of Ala8 in GLP-1 with Abu or Val confers resistance to DPP IV inactivation and that (Val8)GLP-1 is a particularly potent N-terminally modified GLP-1 analogue of possible use in type 2 diabetes.


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Background: Langerhans cell histiocytosis is a rare proliferative histiocytic disease of unknown etiology. Histologically, it is characterized by granuloma-like proliferation of Langerhans-type dendritic cells derived from bone marrow. Many investigators have suggested the possible role of viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus, human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6), herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2, and Cytomegalovirus in the pathogenesis of Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Objectives: In this study, we have investigated the presence of Cytomegalovirus in Langerhans cell histiocytosis in Iranian children. Patients and Methods: In this retrospective study, we have investigated the presence of Cytomegalovirus DNA expression, using paraffin-embedded tissue samples of 30 patients with Langerhans cell histiocytosis and 30 age and site-matched controls by qualitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. Results: No significant difference in prevalence of Cytomegalovirus presence between patients and controls was found. Cytomegalovirus was found by qualitative PCR in only 2 (6.66%) out of 30 patients and in 1 (3.3%) of 30 control samples with a P value of 1 (1.00 > 0.05) using chi-square test with OR: 2.07; 95% CI of OR: 0.18 - 24.15. Conclusions: Our findings do not support the hypothesis of a possible role for Cytomegalovirus in the pathogenesis of Langerhans cell histiocytosis.


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DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair via the homologous recombination pathway is a multi-stage process, which results in repair of the DSB without loss of genetic information or fidelity. One essential step in this process is the generation of extended single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) regions at the break site. This ssDNA serves to induce cell cycle checkpoints and is required for Rad51 mediated strand invasion of the sister chromatid. Here, we show that human Exonuclease 1 (Exo1) is required for the normal repair of DSBs by HR. Cells depleted of Exo1 show chromosomal instability and hypersensitivity to ionising radiation (IR) exposure. We find that Exo1 accumulates rapidly at DSBs and is required for the recruitment of RPA and Rad51 to sites of DSBs, suggesting a role for Exo1 in ssDNA generation. Interestingly, the phosphorylation of Exo1 by ATM appears to regulate the activity of Exo1 following resection, allowing optimal Rad51 loading and the completion of HR repair. These data establish a role for Exo1 in resection of DSBs in human cells, highlighting the critical requirement of Exo1 for DSB repair via HR and thus the maintenance of genomic stability.


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The molecular mechanism between atherosclerosis formation and periodontal pathogens is not clear although positive correlation between periodontal infections and cardiovascular diseases has been reported. Objective: To determine if atherosclerosis related genes were affected in foam cells during and after its formation by P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation. Methods: Macrophages from human THP-1 monocytes were treated with oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL) to induce the formation of foam cells. P. gingivalis LPS was added to cultures of either oxLDL-induced macrophages or foam cells. The expression of atherosclerosis related genes was assayed by quantitative real time PCR and the protein production of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor(GM-CSF), monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), IL-1β, IL-10 and IL-12 was determined by ELISA. Nuclear translocation of NF-κB P65 was detected by immunocytochemistry and western blot was used to evaluate IKB-α degradation to confirm the NF-κB pathway activation. Results: P. gingivalis LPS stimulated atherosclerosis related gene expression in foam cells and increased oxLDL induced expression of chemokines, adhesion molecules, growth factors, apoptotic genes, and nuclear receptors in macrophages. Transcription of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-12 was elevated in response to LPS in both macrophages and foam cells, whereas the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 was not affected. Increased NF-κB pathway activation was also observed in LPS and oxLDL co-stimulated macrophages. Conclusion: P. gingivalis LPS appears to be an important factor in the development of atherosclerosis by stimulation of atherosclerosis related gene expression in both macrophages and foam cells via activation of the NF-κB pathway.


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Loss of the short arm of chromosome 1 is frequently observed in many tumor types, including melanoma. We recently localized a third melanoma susceptibility locus to chromosome band 1p22. Critical recombinants in linked families localized the gene to a 15-Mb region between D1S430 and D1S2664. To map the locus more finely we have performed studies to assess allelic loss across the region in a panel of melanomas from 1p22-linked families, sporadic melanomas, and melanoma cell lines. Eighty percent of familial melanomas exhibited loss of heterozygosity (LOH) within the region, with a smallest region of overlapping deletions (SRO) of 9 Mb between D1S207 and D1S435. This high frequency of LOH makes it very likely that the susceptibility locus is a tumor suppressor. In sporadic tumors, four SROs were defined. SRO1 and SRO2 map within the critical recombinant and familial tumor region, indicating that one or the other is likely to harbor the susceptibility gene. However, SRO3 may also be significant because it overlaps with the markers with the highest 2-point LOD score (D1S2776), part of the linkage recombinant region, and the critical region defined in mesothelioma. The candidate genes PRKCL2 and GTF2B, within SRO2, and TGFBR3, CDC7, and EVI5, in a broad region encompassing SRO3, were screened in 1p22-linked melanoma kindreds, but no coding mutations were detected. Allelic loss in melanoma cell lines was significantly less frequent than in fresh tumors, indicating that this gene may not be involved late in progression, such as in overriding cellular senescence, necessary for the propagation of melanoma cells in culture.


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Persistent, lipophilic organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), dieldrin, chlordanes, hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and mirex are known to accumulate in human samples [1, 2]. Persistent OCPs are among the chemicals that are covered under the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants [3]. Exceptions to this include relatively less lipophillic compounds like HCH (KOW<10^5). In Australia, OCPs such as DDT and HCHs were introduced in the 1940s. This followed a period of widespread use until the 1970s when recognition of risks related to OCPs resulted in reduced use and their ultimate ban in the 1980s. Mirex, however, remained in very restricted use in Northern Australia for treatment of one species of termites (the Giant Termite (Mastotermes darwinensis)) but this use was phased out in 2007.


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Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type 1 (CMT1) is an autosomal dominant disorder of peripheral nerve. The gene for CMT1 was originally localized to chromosome 1 by linkage to the Duffy blood group, but it has since been shown that not all CMT1 pedigrees show this linkage. We report here the results of linkage studies using five chromosome 1 markers - Duffy (Fy), antithrombin III (AT3), renin (REN), β-nerve growth factor (NGFB), and salivary amylase (AMY1) - in 16 CMT1 pedigrees. The total lod scores exclude close linkage of CMT1 to any of these markers. However, individual families show probable linkage of CMT1 to Duffy, AT3, and/or AMY1. No linkage was indicated with REN or NGFB. These results indicate that possible location of a CMT1 gene between the AMY1 and AT3 loci at p21 and q23, respectively, on chromosome 1 and support the theory that there is at least one other CMT1 gene.


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Results of Duffy (Fy) linkage confirm genetic heterogeneity in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1 (CMT1). Of 11 families informative for Fy, four showed probable linkage with CMT1, seven showed probable non-linkage and two showed definite non-linkage. These results suggest that Fy linked CMT1 may be less common than previously thought. These results combined with those of another DNA probe for the antithrombin III gene confirm that there are at least two gene loci for CMT1, termed 1A and 1B.


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Plasmin is the primary enzyme responsible for dissolution of fibrin in the circulatory system. Plasminogen, the zymogen of plasmin is expressed ubiquitously in the human body [1], with the predominant source being the liver [2, 3]. Plasminogen is produced as an 810 amino acid protein with a 19 amino acid leader peptide, which is cleaved during secretion to produce the mature 791 amino acid one-chain zymogen. This is converted to plasmin by cleavage of the Arg561 - Val562 scissile bond [4], resulting in an active protease consisting of two disulfide linked chains. The amino-terminal heavy chain (residues Glu1-Arg561) is comprised of a plasminogen/apple/nematode (PAN) domain [5] and five kringle domains of approximately equal size [6] while the light chain (residues Val562-Asn791) contains a serine protease domain homologous to trypsin with a catalytic triad comprising His603, Asp646 and Ser741 [7]. Both plasmin and plasminogen occur in two forms, full length and a Lys77-Lys78 activated variant produced through self catalysis (Figure 1). The former exists in a tight conformation through binding of Lys50 and/or Lys62 to kringle domain 5 [8, 9] while Lys78-plasminogen assumes a more relaxed conformation rendering it more susceptible to plasmin conversion [10, 11].


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Most persistent organic pollutants (POPs) like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a range of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are readily absorbed (via the ingestion and inhalation) and accumulate in fatty tissue, including adipose tissue and human milk [1]. Health effects related to exposure to these chemicals may include neurological effects, altered functioning of the nervous system and/or endocrine disruption [2-4]. The burden of environmental disease is recognized as much higher for children than adults, especially in young children under 5 years of age worldwide [5]. There is increased concern regarding the environmental impact on the health of children who have been disproportionately affected by environmental problems. For example they may be subjected to relatively higher exposure, have greater physiological susceptibility and/or suffer more extreme consequences due to growth [6-9]. It is therefore worthwhile to assess the correlation between burden of disease and exposure to xenobiotic chemical pollutants like POPs. Such assessment may provide guidance for legislative changes regarding chemical bans and give reliable advice to parents including lactating mothers.


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We have recently shown that Matrigel-filled chambers containing fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) and placed around an epigastric pedicle in the mouse were highly adipogenic. Contact of this construct with pre-existing tissue or a free adipose graft was required. To further investigate the mechanisms underpinning formation of new adipose tissue, we seeded these chambers with human adipose biopsies and human adipose-derived cell populations in severe combined immunodeficient mice and assessed the origin of the resultant adipose tissue after 6 weeks using species-specific probes. The tissues were negative for human-specific vimentin labeling, suggesting that the fat originates from the murine host rather than the human graft. This was supported by the strong presence of mouse-specific Cot-1 deoxyribonucleic acid labeling, and the absence of human Cot-1 labeling in the new fat. Even chambers seeded with FGF2/Matrigel containing cultured human stromal-vascular fraction (SVF) labeled strongly only for human vimentin in cells that did not have a mature adipocyte phenotype; the newly formed fat tissue was negative for human vimentin. These findings indicate that grafts placed in the chamber have an inductive function for neo-adipogenesis, rather than supplying adipocyte-precursor cells to generate the new fat tissue, and preliminary observations implicate the SVF in producing inductive factors. This surprising finding opens the door for refinement of current adipose tissue-engineering approaches.


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Worldwide the population is ageing and data concerning how people want to age actively is limited. The paper is a description of an inductive interpretive-descriptive study of how a sample of older retired teachers in Fiji viewed ageing and their lives as older people. The objectives were to determine and describe perceptions of ageing held by a sample of retired teachers. The methodology consisted of responses to an open ended questionnaire similar to a phenomenographic approach and the analysis was interpretive – descriptive. A purposive sample of 30 retired teachers between the ages of 55 and 60 responded to the questionnaire. The results indicate that most of the respondents were positive about lifelong learning and in particular learning new things; that they were involved in a range of post retirement activities for personal and financial reasons; that there were some barriers and facilitators to their activities; that they generally accepted ageing and being older; and that more should be done by Government and other agencies to provide for a better life for older people in Fiji. These results should be considered in future planning for ageing populations in Fiji, the Pacific region and in other developing countries.


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Though difficult, the study of gene-environment interactions in multifactorial diseases is crucial for interpreting the relevance of non-heritable factors and prevents from overlooking genetic associations with small but measurable effects. We propose a "candidate interactome" (i.e. a group of genes whose products are known to physically interact with environmental factors that may be relevant for disease pathogenesis) analysis of genome-wide association data in multiple sclerosis. We looked for statistical enrichment of associations among interactomes that, at the current state of knowledge, may be representative of gene-environment interactions of potential, uncertain or unlikely relevance for multiple sclerosis pathogenesis: Epstein-Barr virus, human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, cytomegalovirus, HHV8-Kaposi sarcoma, H1N1-influenza, JC virus, human innate immunity interactome for type I interferon, autoimmune regulator, vitamin D receptor, aryl hydrocarbon receptor and a panel of proteins targeted by 70 innate immune-modulating viral open reading frames from 30 viral species. Interactomes were either obtained from the literature or were manually curated. The P values of all single nucleotide polymorphism mapping to a given interactome were obtained from the last genome-wide association study of the International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium & the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, 2. The interaction between genotype and Epstein Barr virus emerges as relevant for multiple sclerosis etiology. However, in line with recent data on the coexistence of common and unique strategies used by viruses to perturb the human molecular system, also other viruses have a similar potential, though probably less relevant in epidemiological terms. © 2013 Mechelli et al.


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Efforts to identify genes other than HLA-B27 in AS have been driven by the strength of the evidence from genetic epidemiology studies indicating that HLA-B27, although a major gene in AS, is clearly not the only significant gene operating. This is the case for both genetic determinants of disease-susceptibility and phenotypic characteristics such as disease severity and associated disease features. In this chapter the genetic epidemiology of AS and the gene-mapping studies performed to date will be reviewed and the future direction of research in this field discussed.