988 resultados para Host structure


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Aims. We explore the possibility that the stellar relative abundances of different species can be used to constrain the bulk abundances of known transiting rocky planets. Methods. We use high resolution spectra to derive stellar parameters and chemical abundances for Fe, Si, Mg, O, and C in three stars hosting low mass, rocky planets: CoRoT-7, Kepler-10, and Kepler-93. These planets follow the same line along the mass-radius diagram, pointing toward a similar composition. The derived abundance ratios are compared with the solar values. With a simple stoichiometric model, we estimate the iron mass fraction in each planet, assuming stellar composition. Results. We show that in all cases, the iron mass fraction inferred from the mass-radius relationship seems to be in good agreement with the iron abundance derived from the host star's photospheric composition. Conclusions. The results suggest that stellar abundances can be used to add constraints on the composition of orbiting rocky planets.


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Teen pregnancy is a continuing problem, bringing with it a host of associated health and social risks. Alternative school students are especially at risk, but are historically under-represented in research. This is especially problematic in that instruments are needed to guide effective intervention development, but psychometrics for these instruments cannot be assumed when used in new populations. Decisional balance from the transtheoretical model offers a framework for understanding condom decision making, but has not been tested with alternative school students. Using responses from 640 subjects from Safer Choices 2 (a school-based HIV/STD/pregnancy prevention program implemented in 10 urban, southwestern alternative schools), a decisional balance scale for condom use was examined. A two-factor, mildly correlated model fit the data well. Tests of invariance examined scale functioning within gender and racial/ethnic groups. The underlying structure varied slightly based on subgroup, but on a practical level the impact on the use of scales was minimal. The structure and loadings were invariant across experimental condition. The pro scale was associated with a lower probability of having engaged in unprotected sexual behavior for sexually active subjects, and this association remained significant while controlling for demographic variables. The con scale did not show a significant association with engagement in unprotected sexual behaviors. Limitations and directions for future research were also discussed.^


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Two manganese (Mn) nodules were found in upper Miocene sediments in Hole 854C at a depth of 32.12 mbsf (Samples 138-854C-5H-1,0-2 cm, and -6H-1, 2-4 cm). In structure and composition, the lower nodule is similar to the Pleistocene surface nodules associated with radiolarian ooze from the Clarion-Clipperton Nodule Province. The upper nodule resembles those occurring on pelagic clay from the northern margin of that province.


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Data on internal structure, distribution, and chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules from the central part of the South Pacific are reported. Nodules with relatively high contents of Fe, Ti, Co, and Pb were found. Formation of these nodules in pelagic regions of the ocean with low sedimentation rates is tentatively ascribed by the authors to leaching of Fe, Mn, and some minor elements during submarine lava outflow and to geochemical mobility of these elements. The role of diagenetic re-distribution of ore elements during formation of nodules is also discussed.


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Ocean acidification is predicted to impact the structure and function of all marine ecosystems in this century. As focus turns towards possible impacts on interactions among marine organisms, its effects on the biology and transmission potential of marine parasites must be evaluated. In the present study, we investigate two marine trematode species (Philophthalmus sp. and Parorchis sp., both in the family Philophthalmidae) infecting two marine gastropods. These trematodes are unusual in that their asexually multiplying stages within snails display a division of labour, with two distinct castes, a large-bodied morph producing infective stages and a smaller morph playing a defensive role against other competing parasites. Using a potentiometric ocean acidification simulation system, we test the impacts of acidified seawater (7.8 and 7.6 pH) on the production of free-living infective stages (cercariae), the size and survival of encysted resting stages (metacercariae), and the within-host division of labour measured as the ratio between numbers of the two morphs. In general, low pH conditions caused an increase in cercarial production and a reduction in metacercarial survival. The ratio of the two castes within snail hosts tended to shift towards more of the smaller defensive morphs under low pH. However, the observed effects of reduced pH were species specific and not always unimodal. These results suggest that ocean acidification can affect the biology of marine parasites and may also impact transmission success and parasite abundance of some trematodes, with possible consequences for marine communities and ecosystems.


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We present a theoretical study of the structural and electronic properties of the M-doped MgIn2S4 ternary spinel semiconductor with M = V, Cr, and Mn. All substitutions, in the normal and in the inverse structure, are analyzed. Some of these possible substitutions present intermediate-band states in the band gap with a different occupation for a spin component. It increases the possibilities of inter-band transitions and could be interesting for applications in optoelectronic devices. The contribution to, and the electronic configuration of, these intermediate bands for the octahedral and tetrahedral sites is analyzed and discussed. The study of the substitutional energies indicates that these substitutions are favorable. Comparison between the pure and doped hosts absorption coefficients shows that this deeper band opens up more photon absorption channels and could therefore increase the solar-light absorption with respect to the host.


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• Premise of the study: The presence of compatible fungi is necessary for epiphytic orchid recruitment. Thus, identifying associated mycorrhizal fungi at the population level is essential for orchid conservation. Recruitment patterns may also be conditioned by factors such as seed dispersal range and specific environmental characteristics. • Methods: In a forest plot, all trees with a diameter at breast height >1 cm and all individuals of the epiphytic orchid Epidendrum rhopalostele were identified and mapped. Additionally, one flowering individual of E. rhopalostele per each host tree was randomly selected for root sampling and DNA extraction. • Key results: A total of 239 E. rhopalostele individuals were located in 25 of the 714 potential host trees. Light microscopy of sampled roots showed mycorrhizal fungi in 22 of the 25 sampled orchids. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences yielded two Tulasnella clades. In four cases, plants were found to be associated with both clades. The difference between univariate and bivariate K functions was consistent with the random labeling null model at all spatial scales, indicating that trees hosting clades A and B of Tulasnella are not spatially segregated. The analysis of the inhomogenous K function showed that host trees are not clustered, suggesting no limitations to population-scale dispersal. χ2 analysis of contingency tables showed that E. rhopalostele is more frequent on dead trees than expected. • Conclusions: Epidendrum rhopalostele establishes mycorrhizal associations with at least two different Tulasnella species. The analysis of the distribution patterns of this orchid suggests a microsite preference for dead trees and no seed dispersal limitation.


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Integration of transgenic DNA into the plant genome was investigated in 13 transgenic oat (Avena sativa L.) lines produced using microprojectile bombardment with one or two cotransformed plasmids. In all transformation events, the transgenic DNA integrated into the plant genome consisted of intact transgene copies that were accompanied by multiple, rearranged, and/or truncated transgene fragments. All fragments of transgenic DNA cosegregated, indicating that they were integrated at single gene loci. Analysis of the structure of the transgenic loci indicated that the transgenic DNA was interspersed by the host genomic DNA. The number of insertions of transgenic DNA within the transgene loci varied from 2 to 12 among the 13 lines. Restriction endonucleases that do not cleave the introduced plasmids produced restriction fragments ranging from 3.6 to about 60 kb in length hybridizing to a probe comprising the introduced plasmids. Although the size of the interspersing host DNA within the transgene locus is unknown, the sizes of the transgene-hybridizing restriction fragments indicated that the entire transgene locus must be at least from 35–280 kb. The observation that all transgenic lines analyzed exhibited genomic interspersion of multiple clustered transgenes suggests a predominating integration mechanism. We propose that transgene integration at multiple clustered DNA replication forks could account for the observed interspersion of transgenic DNA with host genomic DNA within transgenic loci.


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Most poxviruses, including variola, the causative agent of smallpox, express a secreted protein of 35 kDa, vCCI, which binds CC-chemokines with high affinity. This viral protein competes with the host cellular CC-chemokine receptors (CCRs), reducing inflammation and interfering with the host immune response. Such proteins or derivatives may have therapeutic uses as anti-inflammatory agents. We have determined the crystal structure to 1.85-Å resolution of vCCI from cowpox virus, the prototype of this poxvirus virulence factor. The molecule is a β-sandwich of topology not previously described. A patch of conserved residues on the exposed face of a β-sheet that is strongly negatively charged might have a role in binding of CC-chemokines, which are positively charged.


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HIV integrase, the enzyme that inserts the viral DNA into the host chromosome, has no mammalian counterpart, making it an attractive target for antiviral drug design. As one of the three enzymes produced by HIV, it can be expected that inhibitors of this enzyme will complement the therapeutic use of HIV protease and reverse transcriptase inhibitors. We have determined the structure of a complex of the HIV-1 integrase core domain with a novel inhibitor, 5ClTEP, 1-(5-chloroindol-3-yl)-3-hydroxy-3-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)-propenone, to 2.1-Å resolution. The inhibitor binds centrally in the active site of the integrase and makes a number of close contacts with the protein. Only minor changes in the protein accompany inhibitor binding. This inhibitor complex will provide a platform for structure-based design of an additional class of inhibitors for antiviral therapy.


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Symbiotic bacteria of the genus Rhizobium synthesize lipo-chitooligosaccharides, called Nod factors (NFs), which act as morphogenic signal molecules on legume hosts. The common nodABC genes, present in all Rhizobium species, are required for the synthesis of the core structure of NFs. NodC is an N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase, and NodB is a chitooligosaccharide deacetylase; NodA is involved in N-acylation of the aminosugar backbone. Specific nod genes are involved in diverse NF substitutions that confer plant specificity. We transferred to R. tropici, a broad host-range tropical symbiont, the ability to nodulate alfalfa, by introducing nod genes of R. meliloti. In addition to the specific nodL and nodFE genes, the common nodABC genes of R. meliloti were required for infection and nodulation of alfalfa. Purified NFs of the R. tropici hybrid strain, which contained chitin tetramers and were partly N-acylated with unsaturated C16 fatty acids, were able to elicit nodule formation on alfalfa. Inactivation of the R. meliloti nodABC genes suppressed the ability of the NFs to nodulate alfalfa. Studies of NFs from nodA, nodB, nodC, and nodI mutants indicate that (i) NodA of R. meliloti, in contrast to NodA of R. tropici, is able to transfer unsaturated C16 fatty acids onto the chitin backbone and (ii) NodC of R. meliloti specifies the synthesis of chitin tetramers. These results show that allelic variation of the common nodABC genes is a genetic mechanism that plays an important role in signaling variation and in the control of host range.


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In vivo, retroviral integration is mediated by a large nucleoprotein complex, termed the preintegration complex (PIC). PICs isolated from infected cells display in vitro integration activity. Here, we analyze the roles of different host cell factors in the structure and function of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) PICs. PICs purified by size exclusion after treatment with high salt lost their integration activity, and adding back an extract from uninfected cells restored this activity. In parallel, the native protein–DNA intasome structure detected at the ends of HIV-1 by Mu-mediated PCR footprinting was abolished by high salt and restored by the crude cell extract. Various purified proteins previously implicated in retroviral PIC function then were analyzed for their effects on the structure and function of salt-treated HIV-1 PICs. Whereas relatively low amounts (5–20 nM) of human barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF) protein restored integration activity, substantially more (5–10 μM) human host factor HMG I(Y) was required. Similarly high levels (3–8 μM) of bovine RNase A, a DNA-binding protein used as a nonspecific control, also restored activity. Mu-mediated PCR footprinting revealed that of these three purified proteins, only BAF restored the native structure of the HIV-1 protein–DNA intasome. We suggest that BAF is a natural host cofactor for HIV-1 integration.


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Expression of Thermus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase I (pol I) in Escherichia, coli complements the growth defect caused by a temperature-sensitive mutation in the host pol I. We replaced the nucleotide sequence encoding amino acids 659-671 of the O-helix of Taq DNA pol I, corresponding to the substrate binding site, with an oligonucleotide containing random nucleotides. Functional Taq pol I mutants were selected based on colony formation at the nonpermissive temperature. By using a library with 9% random substitutions at each of 39 positions, we identified 61 active Taq pol I mutants, each of which contained from one to four amino acid substitutions. Some amino acids, such as alanine-661 and threonine-664, were tolerant of several or even many diverse replacements. In contrast, no replacements or only conservative replacements were identified at arginine-659, lysine-663, and tyrosine-671. By using a library with totally random nucleotides at five different codons (arginine-659, arginine-660, lysine-663, phenylalanine-667, and glycine-668), we confirmed that arginine-659 and lysine-663 were immutable, and observed that only tyrosine substituted for phenylalanine-667. The two immutable residues and the two residues that tolerate only highly conservative replacements lie on the side of O-helix facing the incoming deoxynucleoside triphosphate, as determined by x-ray analysis. Thus, we offer a new approach to assess concordance of the active conformation of an enzyme, as interpreted from the crystal structure, with the active conformation inferred from in vivo function.


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The mechanisms of export of RNA from the nucleus are poorly understood; however, several viral proteins modulate nucleocytoplasmic transport of mRNA. Among these are the adenoviral proteins E1B-55kDa and E4-34kDa. Late in infection, these proteins inhibit export of host transcripts and promote export of viral mRNA. To investigate the mechanism by which these proteins act, we have expressed them in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Overexpression of either or both proteins has no obvious effect on cell growth. By contrast, overexpression of E1B-55kDa bearing a nuclear localization signal (NLS) dramatically inhibits cell growth. In this situation, the NLS-E1B-55kDa protein is localized to the nuclear periphery, fibrous material is seen in the nucleoplasm, and poly(A)+ RNA accumulates in the nucleus. Simultaneous overexpression of E4-34kDa bearing or lacking an NLS does not modify these effects. We discuss the mechanisms of selective mRNA transport.


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Reef-building corals contain host pigments, termed pocilloporins, that function to regulate the light environment of their resident microalgae by acting as a photoprotectant in excessive sunlight. We have determined the crystal structure of an intensely blue, non-fluorescent pocilloporin to 2.2 Angstrom resolution and a genetically engineered fluorescent variant to 2.4 Angstrom resolution. The pocilloporin chromophore structure adopts a markedly different conformation in comparison with the DsRed chromophore, despite the chromophore sequences (Gin-Tyr-Gly) being identical; the tyrosine ring of the pocilloporin chromophore is noncoplanar and in the trans configuration. Furthermore, the fluorescent variant adopted a noncoplanar chromophore conformation. The data presented here demonstrates that the conformation of the chromophore is highly dependent on its immediate environment.