948 resultados para Hopf steady-state mode interaction


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The steady-state average run length is used to measure the performance of the recently proposed synthetic double sampling (X) over bar chart (synthetic DS chart). The overall performance of the DS X chart in signaling process mean shifts of different magnitudes does not improve when it is integrated with the conforming run length chart, except when the integrated charts are designed to offer very high protection against false alarms, and the use of large samples is prohibitive. The synthetic chart signals when a second point falls beyond the control limits, no matter whether one of them falls above the centerline and the other falls below it; with the side-sensitive feature, the synthetic chart does not signal when they fall on opposite sides of the centerline. We also investigated the steady-state average run length of the side-sensitive synthetic DS X chart. With the side-sensitive feature, the overall performance of the synthetic DS X chart improves, but not enough to outperform the non-synthetic DS X chart. Copyright (C) 2014 John Wiley &Sons, Ltd.


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The aim of this study was to establish the validity of the anaerobic threshold (AT) determined on the soccer-specific Hoff circuit (AT(Hoff)) to predict the maximal lactate steady-state exercise intensity (MLSSHoff) with the ball. Sixteen soccer players (age: 16.0 +/- 0.5 years; body mass: 63.7 +/- 9.0 kg; and height: 169.4 +/- 5.3 cm) were submitted to 5 progressive efforts (7.0-11.0 km.h(-1)) with ball dribbling. Thereafter, 11 players were submitted to 3 efforts of 30 minutes at 100, 105, and 110% of AT(Hoff). The AT(Hoff) corresponded to the speed relative to 3.5 mmol.L-1 lactate concentration. The speed relative to 4.0 mmol.L-1 was assumed to be AT(Hoff4.0), and the AT(HoffBI) was determined through bisegmented adjustment. For comparisons, Student's t-test, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), and Bland and Altman analyses were used. For reproducibility, ICC, typical error, and coefficient of variation were used. No significant difference was found between AT test and retest determined using different methods. A positive correlation was observed between AT(Hoff) and AT(Hoff4.0). The MLSSHoff (10.6 +/- 1.3 km.h(-1)) was significantly different compared with AT(Hoff) (10.2 +/- 1.2 km.h(-1)) and AT(HoffBI) (9.5 +/- 0.4 km.h(-1)) but did not show any difference from LAn(Hoff4.0) (10.7 +/- 1.4 km.h(-1)). The MLSSHoff presented high ICCs with AT(Hoff) and AT(Hoff4.0) (ICC = 0.94; and ICC = 0.89; p <= 0.05, respectively), without significant correlation with AT(HoffBI). The results suggest that AT determined on the Hoff circuit is reproducible and capable of predicting MLSS. The AT(Hoff4.0) was the method that presented a better approximation to MLSS. Therefore, it is possible to assess submaximal physiological variables through a specific circuit performed with the ball in young soccer players.


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Objective: To characterize the thresholds of the auditory steady-state response that relates to term newborns and infants. Design: The study was cross-sectional using auditory steadystate response assessment, and the real-ear-to-dial difference was measured in the external auditory canal. Study Sample: The study group included 60 newborns and infants between the age of 0 and 6 months. Results: A statistically significant difference was found in the carrier frequency variable for auditory steady-state response thresholds but not in comparison to ages. Furthermore, there is an association between auditory steady-state response thresholds and the real-ear-to-dial difference. Conclusion: The same threshold can be used as a normality reference for this age range, with distinct values for the different carrier frequencies. The influence of external auditory canal amplification should be taken into account.


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This research aims to present a new method to get real attenuation of hearing protection devices, with good reproducibility and a small standard deviation, without relying on skills and cooperation individual. Thus the authors performed tests in 10 individuals without protection and after with two kinds of ear protections (ear plug and ear muffs), to get the threshold limit value in each of the 3 stages. For this, the research used an electrophysical exam, normally used in speech therapy, named ASSR (auditory steady-state response). The principle of this exam is put on individual’s head 3 electrodes, to capture electrical signs directly in auditory nerve. In summary, the authors presented the final results. The method proposed by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) indicated an attenuation of 27.6 dB for ear plugs, while the value found in this work was 16 dB; and for ear muffs, the ANSI method indicated 29.8 dB while the value found here was 28.5 dB.


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The steady state kinetic mechanism of the H(2)O(2)-supported oxidation of different organic substrates by peroxidase from leaves of Chamaerops excelsa palm trees (CEP) has been investigated. An analysis of the initial rates vs. H(2)O(2) and reducing substrate concentrations is consistent with a substrate-inhibited Ping-Pong Bi Bi reaction mechanism. The phenomenological approach expresses the peroxidase Ping-Pong mechanism in the form of the Michaelis-Menten equation and leads to an interpretation of the effects in terms of the kinetic parameters K(m)(H2O2)center dot K(m)(AH2)center dot k(cat)center dot K(SI)(AH2) and of the microscopic rate constants k(1) and k(3) of the shared three-step catalytic cycle of peroxidases. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The efficiency of the charge-carrier photogeneration processes in poly(2,5-bis(3',7'-dimethyl-octyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene) (OC(1)OC10-PPV) has been analyzed by the spectral response of the photocurrent of devices in ITO/polymer/Al structures. The symbatic response of the photocurrent action spectra of the OC1OC10-PPV devices, obtained for light-excitation through the ITO electrode and for forward bias, has been fitted using a phenomenological model which considers that the predominant transport mechanism under external applied electric field is the drift of photogenerated charge-carriers, neglecting charge-carrier diffusion. The proposed model takes into account that charge-carrier photogeneration occurs via intermediate stages of bounded pairs (excitonic states), followed by dissociation processes. Such processes result in two different contributions to the photoconductivity: The first one, associated to direct creation of unbound polaron pairs due to intrinsic photoionization; and the second one is associated to secondary processes like extrinsic photoinjection at the metallic electrodes. The results obtained from the model have shown that the intrinsic component of the photoconductivity at higher excitation energies has a considerably higher efficiency than the extrinsic one, suggesting a dependence on the photon energy for the efficiency of the photogeneration process.


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I potenziali evocati visivi steady state (ssVEPs) consistono in una perturbazione dell’attività elettrica cerebrale spontanea e insorgono in presenza di stimoli visivi come luci monocromatiche modulate sinusoidalmente. Nel tracciato EEG si instaurano oscillazioni di piccola ampiezza ad una frequenza pari a quella dello stimolo. L’analisi nel dominio delle frequenze permette di mettere in evidenza queste oscillazioni che si presentano con un picco ben distinto in corrispondenza della frequenza dello stimolo. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di capire se la stimolazione transcranica in corrente continua (tDCS) ha degli effetti a breve e a medio termine sui SSVEPs. Si è studiato gli effetti della stimolazione anodica utilizzando un montaggio di stimolazione extra-cefalico (anodo posizionato su Oz e catodo sul braccio destro). L’esperimento prevede il flickering a 3 frequenze di interesse (12, 15, 20 Hz) di 3 quadrati colorati (rosso e giallo) su sfondo nero. Sono state quindi messe a confronto 4 condizioni operative: baseline, stimolazione sham, stimolazione anodica, condizione Post Anodica.L’esperimento è stato sottoposto a 6 soggetti di età tra i 21 e i 51 anni. Il segnale è stato acquisito da due canali bipolari localizzati nella regione occipitale (O1-PO7 e O2-PO8). È stato effettuato un filtraggio tra 3-60 Hz e a 50 Hz. Si sono stimate le PSD normalizzate rispetto alla condizione di riposo in baseline e le potenze nell’intorno della frequenze di interesse (12,15,20 Hz). I dati chiaramente artefattuali sono stati scartati mediante un’analisi esplorativa. Da qui è stato deciso di non includere nella statistica la stimolazione anodica. L’analisi statistica considera tre aspetti: effetto stimolazione, effetto frequenza ed effetto colore. In alcune configurazioni la stimolazione post anodica si è rivelata significativamente differente con ranghi medi delle colonne inferiori alle altre stimolazioni. Non ci sono differenze significative tra le frequenze. Il colore giallo è risultato significativamente maggiore al colore rosso.


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Dendritische Zellen sind professionelle Antigenpräsentierende Zellen und übernehmen sowohl in der Aktivierung naiver T-Zellen als auch in der Aufrechterhaltung peripherer Toleranz eine zentrale Funktion. Ruhende Dendritische Zellen im immunologischen Steady State induzieren antigenspezifisch Toleranz in autoreaktiven T-Zellen, welche bei der negativen Selektion im Thymus nicht eliminiert wurden und verhindern somit die Entstehung von Autoimmunität. Mit Hilfe eines transgenen Maus Modells, welches die induzierbare Expression transgen kodierter CD8+ T-Zell-Epitope auf ruhenden Dendritischen Zellen erlaubt, konnten wir zeigen, dass die periphere Toleranz Induktion durch Dendritische Zellen in Abwesenheit von regulatorischen T-Zellen beeinträchtigt ist. Wir konnten verdeutlichen, dass für die Suppression von steady-state Dendritischen Zellen die Erkennung von MHC Klasse II Molekülen auf Dendritischen Zellen durch den T-Zell-Rezeptor regulatorischer T-Zellen zwingend erforderlich ist. In Abwesenheit dieser suppressiven Interaktion hatten Dendritische Zellen einen aktivierten Phänotyp und lösten eine funktionale T-Zell-Antwort aus, anstatt periphere Toleranz zu induzieren. Als Folge dessen entwickelten Mäuse, in denen Dendritische Zellen nicht antigenspezifisch mit suppressiven CD4+ T-Zellen interagieren konnten, spontane Autoimmunität, welche durch CD8+ T-Zellen mediiert wurde. Wir konnten weiterhin zeigen, dass der Verlust peripherer T-Zell Toleranz durch basale Level an Typ I Interferonen mediiert wird sowie durch CD40 Signale, welche von adaptiven Immunzellen geliefert werden.


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Preoperative mapping of the arterial spinal supply prior to thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair is highly relevant because of high risk for postoperative ischemic spinal cord injuries such as paraparesis or paraplegia.