997 resultados para Holy Roman Empire.
Ce mémoire porte sur la continuité des rituels divinatoires païens dans le cadre du culte chrétien en Gaule du IVe au VIe siècle. Il comporte une introduction rapportant notre problématique, notre terminologie, notre méthodologie ainsi que nos sources principales. Par la suite, le développement aborde les rites divinatoires des Sortes Sanctorum, des Sortes Sangallenses et les rites d’incubation dans le culte de Saint Martin de Tours. Pour chacun de ces cas, nous étudions leur provenance, leurs sources, leur déroulement, leur évolution et les similarités qui permettent de faire un lien avec des rituels païens déjà existants. Nous avons vérifié l’existence de cette continuité et déterminé qu’elle passait par plusieurs phénomènes, l’acculturation gauloise des rituels gréco-romains, l’importation de rites christianisés en Orient et l’assimilation des pratiques païennes locales par le culte chrétien pour répondre à une demande de divination par la population.
Die wichtigsten Quellen für die Erforschung des Wirtschaftsleben in den Militärlagern im Norden Britanniens sind die im Kastell Vindolanda gefundenen Holztäfelchen mit Texten aus dem Lageralltag von ca. 90-120 n. Chr. sowie die archäologischen Funde aus der Region. Nicht zuletzt aufgrund dieser Quellenlage wurde der Betrachtungszeitraum auf die Zeit von Agricola bis Hadrianus begrenzt. Es hat sich gezeigt, daß das Wirtschaftsleben in den römischen Militärlagern im Norden Britanniens dieser Epoche einerseits bürokratische Züge trägt, da Führungspersonen in Militär und Verwaltung im Rahmen redistributiver Strukturen viele Güter beschafften, die an die Soldaten gegen Abzüge vom Sold ausgegeben wurden. Andererseits stand diesem Verfahren eine beeindruckende Dynamik im Marktgeschehen gegenüber, die durch die Erfordernisse der Heeresversorgung und des individuellen Konsums der Soldaten entstand. Zu den Bereichen der Wirtschaftstätigkeit, in denen ein starker Einfluß der Bürokratie herrschte, zählten insbesondere die Versorgung mit den Grundnahrungsmitteln (v. a. Getreide, Bier). Hypothesen über ein militärisches Redistributivsystem für Olivenöl unter der Ägide des praefectus annonae wurden allerdings nicht bestätigt. Die Existenz einer zentralen Behörde für die Heeresversorgung im Reich für die Principatszeit nicht nachgewiesen werden. Es zeigte sich statt dessen eine in der Forschung bisher nicht so deutlich gesehene Verantwortung und Aktivität unterer militärischer Entscheidungsträger vor Ort. Die Märkte an der britannischen Grenze bieten eine sehr viel differenzierteres Bild als man es von Handelsplätzen am äußersten Rande der romanisierten Welt vielleicht erwartet hätte. Vor allem zeichneten sie sich durch ein breites Angebot an Waren aus, die über große Entfernungen heran transportiert worden waren (Wein, Oliven, mediterrane Fischcaucen, Pfeffer, Importkeramik). Im Bereich des Handwerks sind im Norden Britanniens durch archäologische Funde und die Tätigkeitsbezeichnungen von Handwerkern in den Texten aus Vindolanda vielfältige Zeugnisse eines Engagements der Militärs präsent.
Die Arbeit mit dem Titel "Ἐμπόρια- Eine wirtschafts- und kulturhistorische Studie zu den Handelsbeziehungen zwischen dem Imperium Romanum und Indien (1. - 3. Jh. n. Chr.)" ist in die antike Wirtschaftsgeschichte einzuordnen, beinhaltet aber auch kulturhistorische Aspekte. Der Fokus der untersuchten Austauschbeziehungen liegt auf der maritimen Route zwischen den Häfen des Roten Meeres und der Westküste Indiens. Vom ägyptischen Alexandria aus, wo die Waren aus dem gesamten Imperium Romanum verhandelt wurden, verschifften die Kaufleute ihre Exportprodukte über den Nil in das mittelägyptische Koptos. Von dort aus transportierten Lasttiere (Esel und Kamele) die Waren auf verschiedenen Routen an die Häfen des Roten Meeres (Myos Hormos und Berenike). Mit dem Monsun im Juli stachen die Schiffe in See und fuhren über offenes Gewässer zu den Handelsplätzen Indiens. Die Bedeutendsten von ihnen befanden sich an der Indusmündung, an der Mündung des Narmada und an der Malabarküste. Alternativ befuhren die Kaufleute die Route entlang der arabischen Küste, nach Indien. Wie die Europäer der neuzeitlichen europäischen Expansion, waren die Römer vor allem an Rohstoffen interessiert: Verschiedene Gewürze Asiens, Perlen und Edelsteine, sowie Baumwoll- und Seidenstoffe. Im Gegenzug brachten die Kaufleute aus dem Westen Rohstoffe und Fertigwaren auf den Subkontinent, vor allem: Glaswaren, bunte Kleidung und Stoffe, Metalle, Edelsteine, Pigmente und römische Münzen. In dieser Arbeit wird das Zahlenmaterial zum römischen Indienhandel, in Form Quantitativer Studien, nach Vorbild R. Duncan-Jones (The Economy of the Roman Empire. Quantitative Studies, Cambridge 1974), gesammelt und ausgewertet. Dieses Zahlenmaterial ermöglicht eine Einschätzung der ökonomischen Größenordnung des antiken Indienhandels. Im Anschluss daran werden die Handelswaren aus Indien, unter dem Aspekt des römischen Luxusdiskurses, untersucht. Dazu wurden die überlieferten Senatssitzungen, die sich mit dem Thema luxuria beschäftigen, thematisiert. Abschließend werden die indischen Handelsplätze anhand des Port of Trade Modells, wie es Karl Polanyi entwickelte, ausgewertet. Die dazu verwendeten Merkmale orientieren sich an Astrid Möllers Untersuchung zum ägyptischen Handelsplatz Naukratis.
Durante las dos últimas décadas, la etapa final de los programas modernos de Desarme, Desmovilización y Reintegración (DDR), se ha convertido en un componente decisivo en los procesos de transición hacia la paz. Aun así, no existe suficiente análisis conceptual sobre la Reintegración. Esta investigación analiza cómo desde sus inicios, las experiencias de práctica e implementación de programas de DDR ha influenciado y contribuido a la aparición y transformación del concepto de reintegración de excombatientes a la vida civil. La investigación toma tres categorías de análisis de la metodología historiográfica Historia de los Conceptos, propuesta por Reinhart Koselleck, y a partir de cuatro casos, Namibia, República Democrática del Congo, la provincia de Aceh, Indonesia y Colombia, traza una línea de tiempo que evidencia elementos permanentes y discontinuidades al interior del concepto a nivel diacrónico, y la complejización que el término ha sufrido desde 1989 hasta el 2015 a nivel sincrónico
Archaeological research has addressed imperial frontiers for more than a century. Romanists, in particular, have engaged in exploring frontiers from economic, militaristic, political, and (more recently) social vantages. This article suggests that we also consider the dialogue between space and social perception to understand imperial borderland developments. In addition to formulating new theoretical approaches to frontiers, this contribution represents the first comprehensive overview of both the documentary sources and the archaeological material found in Egypt's Great Oasis during the Roman period (ca. 30 B.C.E. to the sixth century C.E.). A holistic analysis of these sources reveals that Egypt's Great Oasis, which consisted of two separate but linked oases, served as a conceptual, physical, and human buffer zone for the Roman empire. This buffer zone protected the "ordered" Nile Valley inhabitants from the "chaotic" desert nomads, who lived just beyond the oases. This conclusion suggests that nomads required specific imperial frontier policies and that these policies may have been ideological as well as economic and militaristic.
This article presents some of the findings of a UROP project, collecting the evidence for youth language phenomena in the ancient world (with a focus on the Roman Empire).
Clausewitz's definition of "strategy" does not greatly differ from the original definition of the term in the 6th century East Roman Empire. His ideas of "victory" are limited to the military arena. Nevertheless, there are elements in his writing which have led subsequent authors, especially Andre Beaufre, to take them further and make them very useful tools for the analysis of conflicts and war aims in subsequent centuries.
Several previously unnoticed texts concerning ancient lawcourts can be found in the Colloquia of the Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana, a set of bilingual dialogues composed for language learners during the Roman empire. The texts describe court cases, both criminal and civil; their writers probably taught in law schools between the second and fourth centuries ad. Editions, translations, and summary information about these texts are provided.
Michael Fulford writes: Recent research is shedding more light on how certain goods, particularly durable materials like pottery, were distributed in the Western provinces of the Roman Empire and on the steps which connected producer with consumer.15 This paper develops the theme further by exploring the contribution to the debate of three British sites with Antonine assemblages of unused pottery and other goods. While interest has previously focused on the samian because of the contribution that it can make to dating, this paper considers the implications of the assemblages as a whole.
A collection of Latin textbooks used by Greek speakers in the Roman empire, translated and annotated for modern readers. Includes reading material such as dialogues, phrasebooks, Colloquia of the Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana, stories about the Trojan war, Aesop's fables, legal treatises, and model letters; grammatical works from Dositheus and Charisius; glossaries/lexica; prose compostion exercises; alphabets. Some texts are transliterated.
At the beginning of the Medieval Climate Anomaly, in the ninth and tenth century, the medieval eastern Roman empire, more usually known as Byzantium, was recovering from its early medieval crisis and experiencing favourable climatic conditions for the agricultural and demographic growth. Although in the Balkans and Anatolia such favourable climate conditions were prevalent during the eleventh century, parts of the imperial territories were facing significant challenges as a result of external political/military pressure. The apogee of medieval Byzantine socio-economic development, around AD 1150, coincides with a period of adverse climatic conditions for its economy, so it becomes obvious that the winter dryness and high climate variability at this time did not hinder Byzantine society and economy from achieving that level of expansion. Soon after this peak, towards the end of the twelfth century, the populations of the Byzantine world were experiencing unusual climatic conditions with marked dryness and cooler phases. The weakened Byzantine socio-political system must have contributed to the events leading to the fall of Constantinople in AD 1204 and the sack of the city. The final collapse of the Byzantine political control over western Anatolia took place half century later, thus contemporaneous with the strong cooling effect after a tropical volcanic eruption in AD 1257. We suggest that, regardless of a range of other influential factors, climate change was also an important contributing factor to the socio-economic changes that took place in Byzantium during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Crucially, therefore, while the relatively sophisticated and complex Byzantine society was certainly influenced by climatic conditions, and while it nevertheless displayed a significant degree of resilience, external pressures as well as tensions within the Byzantine society more broadly contributed to an increasing vulnerability in respect of climate impacts. Our interdisciplinary analysis is based on all available sources of information on the climate and society of Byzantium, that is textual (documentary), archaeological, environmental, climate and climate model-based evidence about the nature and extent of climate variability in the eastern Mediterranean. The key challenge was, therefore, to assess the relative influence to be ascribed to climate variability and change on the one hand, and on the other to the anthropogenic factors in the evolution of Byzantine state and society (such as invasions, changes in international or regional market demand and patterns of production and consumption, etc.). The focus of this interdisciplinary
It is difficult to be precise as to the history of auditing. Everyone who has the responsibility to verify the legitimacy of economic-financial data and answer to one¿s superior may be considered to be an auditor. Verbal audit reports were used during the time of the Roman Empire. In the current world, public administration applies advanced auditing techniques. Brazil is going through a complex process of change in regard to breaking away from the present bureaucratic administrative model toward the management administrative model. Consequently, the procedures of Brazil¿s Audit Courts are adapting to a new administrative paradigm outlined in this study. Operational audits were analyzed beginning with the theoretical basis and presuppositions in the defined context and compared with the traditional audit model, identifying possible contributions to the management administrative model. This qualitative research seeks to explore such contributions beginning with a critical reading of the research of six operational type audits made in the Federal area by the Audit Court, but does not intend to be strictly classified as a theoretical-critical basis to the extent and depth that a study of this type requires, nevertheless, it intends to approach this position. The results obtained of the systematic reading and criticism of the implemented procedures and the filed final reports of the six examples studied demonstrated that they are a model of operational audits with emphasis on the actions of public administrators ¿ evaluating the aspects of competence, productivity and effectiveness of the public administration ¿ not just to be adequate, but essential to the operation of management administration. The final considerations highlight the basic presupposition of management administration, that is, the accountability of public management based on the results of its management obtained with the use of operational audit techniques, seeking the expected rigor of public management in benefit of society.
Inicialmente, faz-se um convite para um passeio na história, observando-se as relações sócio-econômicas na sociedade ocidental, a partir do Império Romano até os primórdios do capitalismo, com a finalidade de identificar sob a responsabilidade de quem estava o bem-estar das comunidades, o permite registrar que essa responsabilidade foi conduzida pelas mãos da igreja, reis, confrarias e pelo Estado, e esteve sempre associada às entidades que detinham o poder. Uma vez feito isso, passa-se ao contexto atual, para entender a maneira com que o poder econômico , mais especificamente as companhias produtoras de bens e serviços, participa da responsabilidade social pelo desenvolvimento das comunidades nas quais estão situadas as unidades de produção e as conseqüências dessa participação para a imagem e sobrevivência das empresas. Finalmente, através da pesquisa de campo realizada na Refinaria de Duque de Caxias do Sistema Petrobras ¿ REDUC, examina-se na prática, a relação estabelecida entre a empresa e a comunidade local, ressaltando as motivações que levam a companhia a empreender-se socialmente, através de estratégias e planos de ação compatíveis com os interesses do seu próprio negócio.