842 resultados para High strength nitrogen removal


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En este trabajo se presenta la descripción e investigación en la evaluación de vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) y la elefanta (Pennisetum purpureum) en el diseño de humedales artificiales. Para el tratamiento de aguas residuales de origen doméstico, siendo la vegetación uno de los principales componentes de estos sistemas de tratamientos no convencionales. Muchos \sistemas naturales" están siendo considerados con el propósito del tratamiento del agua residual y control de la contaminación del agua, debido a su alta fiabilidad ambiental y los bajos costos de construcción y mantenimiento, es el caso de los humedales artificiales. El interés en los sistemas naturales está basado en la conservación de los recursos asociados con estos sistemas como opuesto al proceso de tratamiento convencional de aguas residuales que es intensivo respecto al uso de energía y químicos. Los wetlands o humedales artificiales constituyen una alternativa de tratamiento debido a su alta eficiencia de remoción de contaminantes, a su bajo costo de instalación y mantenimiento y a su alta fiabilidad ambiental, generalmente un humedal artificial esta constituido por un medio de soporte el cual generalmente es arena o grava, vegetación y microorganismos o biopelícula los cuales llevan los diferentes procesos bioquímicos para remover los contaminantes del afluente. El objetivo general de este trabajo ha sido: Evaluar la eficiencia de remoción de materia orgánica, sólidos, nitrógeno y fósforo total de dos especies de plantas: vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) y la elefanta (Pennisetum purpureum), en el diseño de humedales artificiales para el tratamiento de aguas residuales de origen doméstico. Los humedales artificiales o sistemas pilotos, se encuentran ubicados en la universidad de Medellín y reciben una preparación de agua sintética, que asemeja a las características de un agua residual de origen doméstico. En el presente trabajo se evalúa el porcentaje de remoción de la carga orgánica de aguas residuales, en un sistema de tratamiento por humedales artificiales con dos especies vegetales. El sistema fue diseñado con tres módulos instalados de manera adjunta. En el primero no se integra ninguna especie vegetal, solo el medio de sustrato el cual constituye el blanco (-), en el segundo se integraron organismos de la especie vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides), en el tercer sistema piloto, organismos de la especie elefanta (Pennisetum purpureum) y en el cuarto organismos de la especie papiro japones (Cyperus alternifolius), los cuales constituyen el control positivo (+). Los módulos experimentales fueron limpiados, cortados y adecuados acorde al montaje inicial de las plantas y al espacio requerido para su disposición. A cada sistema piloto se le agrega medio de soporte constituido por grava (5 a 10 cm) y arena (15 a 20 cm), el sustrato es evaluado y caracterizado por su diámetro nominal, posterior en cada sistema se siembran las especies en un área de 3x3 y cada humedal por dos semanas se adecua bajo la solución de Hoagland y Arnon y régimen de humedad. En el agua sintética se analizaron los siguientes parámetros: pH, sólidos totales, sólidos suspendido totales, sólidos disueltos totales, demanda química de oxígeno (DQO), demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO5), nitrógeno total (NTK) y fosforo total (PT). También se realizó la determinación del crecimiento de las plantas a partir del incremento de biomasa, porosidad de la raíz y de igual forma se determina NTK y PT. Los resultados demostraron que el sistema es una opción para la remoción de la carga orgánica y de nutrientes en aguas residuales de origen doméstico, de bajo costo de operación y mantenimiento, especialmente se observa que las plantas que crecen en sistemas de régimen de humedad ácuico y ústico, tienden a tener una mayor recepción y adaptación en los humedales artificiales pilotos, es el caso de la elefanta (Pennisetum purpureum), el cual presenta las más altas tasas de remoción de contaminantes y nutrientes en el afluente, seguido por el papiro japonés (Cyperus alternifolius) y el vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides), respecto a tasas de remoción. La remoción de contaminantes que se presentan más altos respectivamente, constituyen sólidos en primera instancia, seguido por la demanda bioquímica de oxigeno (DBO5), demanda química de oxígeno (DQO), nitrógeno total (NTK) y fósforo total (PT), estos últimos presentan una baja tasa de remoción, debido a la naturaleza misma del contaminante, a los organismos que realizan la remoción y absorción y al tiempo de retención que se elige, el cual influye en la tasa de remoción del contaminante siendo menor en la concentración de fósforo, pero se encuentranen el rango esperado para estos sistemas de tratamiento no convencionales.


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A Refinaria de Matosinhos é um dos complexos industriais da Galp Energia. A sua estação de tratamento de águas residuais industriais (ETARI) – designada internamente por Unidade 7000 – é composta por quatro tratamentos: o pré-tratamento, o tratamento físico-químico, o tratamento biológico e o pós-tratamento. Dada a interligação existente, é fundamental a otimização de cada um dos tratamentos. Este trabalho teve como objetivos a identificação dos problemas e/ou possibilidades de melhoria do pré-tratamento, tratamento físico-químico e pós-tratamento e principalmente a otimização do tratamento biológico da ETARI. No pré-tratamento verificou-se que a separação de óleos e lamas não era eficaz uma vez que se formam emulsões destas duas fases. Como solução, sugeriu-se a adição de agentes desemulsionantes, que se revelou economicamente inviável. Assim, sugeriu-se como alternativa o recurso a técnicas de tratamento da emulsão gerada, tais como a extração com solvente, centrifugação, ultrassons e micro-ondas. No tratamento físico-químico constatou-se que o controlo da unidade de saturação de ar na água era feito com base na análise visual dos operadores, o que pode conduzir a condições de operação afastadas das ótimas para este tratamento. Assim, sugeriu-se a realização de um estudo de otimização desta unidade com vista à determinação da razão ar/sólidos ótima para este efluente. Para além disto, constatou-se, ainda, que os consumos de coagulante aumentaram cerca de -- % no último ano, pelo que foi sugerido o estudo da viabilidade do processo de eletrocoagulação como substituto do sistema de coagulação existente. No pós-tratamento identificou-se o processo de lavagem dos filtros como sendo a etapa com possibilidade de ser otimizada. Através de um estudo preliminar concluiu-se que a lavagem contínua de um filtro por cada turno melhorava o desempenho dos mesmos. Constatou-se, ainda, que a introdução de ar comprimido na água de lavagem promove uma maior remoção de detritos do leito de areia, no entanto esta prática parece influenciar negativamente o desempenho dos filtros. No caso do tratamento biológico, identificaram-se problemas ao nível do tempo de retenção hidráulico do tratamento biológico II, que apresentou elevada variabilidade. Apesar de identificado concluiu-se que este problema era de difícil solução. Verificou-se, também, que o oxigénio dissolvido não era monitorizado, pelo que se sugeriu a instalação de uma sonda de oxigénio dissolvido numa zona de baixa turbulência do tanque de arejamento. Concluiu-se que o oxigénio era distribuído de forma homogénea por todo o tanque de arejamento e tentou-se identificar quais os fatores que influenciariam este parâmetro, no entanto, dada a elevada variabilidade do efluente e das condições de tratamento, tal não foi possível. Constatou-se, também, que o doseamento de fosfato para o tratamento biológico II era pouco eficiente já Otimização dos sistemas biológicos e melhorias nos tratamentos da ETARI da Refinaria de Matosinhos que em -- % dos dias se verificaram níveis baixos de fosfato no licor misto (< - mg/L). Foi, por isso, proposta a alteração do atual sistema de doseamento por gravidade para um sistema de bomba doseadora. Para além disso verificou-se que os consumos deste nutriente aumentaram significativamente no último ano (cerca de --%), situação que se constatou estar relacionada com um aumento da população microbiana para este período. Foi possível relacionar-se o aparecimento frequente de lamas à superfície dos decantadores secundários com incrementos repentinos de condutividade, pelo que se sugeriu o armazenamento do efluente nas bacias de tempestade, nestas situações. Verificou-se que a remoção de azoto era praticamente ineficaz uma vez que a conversão de azoto amoniacal em nitratos foi muito baixa. Assim, sugeriu-se o recurso à técnica de bio-augmentação ou a transformação do sistema de lamas ativadas num sistema bietápico. Por fim, constatou-se que a temperatura do efluente à entrada da ETARI apresenta valores bastante elevados para o tratamento biológico (aproximadamente de --º C) pelo que se sugeriu a instalação de uma sonda de temperatura no tanque de arejamento de modo a controlar de forma mais eficaz a temperatura do licor misto. Ainda no que diz respeito ao tratamento biológico, foi possível desenvolver-se um conjunto de ferramentas que visaram o funcionamento otimizado deste tratamento. Nesse sentido, foram apresentadas várias sugestões de melhoria: a utilização do índice volumétrico de lamas como indicador da qualidade das lamas em alternativa à percentagem de lamas; foi desenvolvido um conjunto de fluxogramas para a orientação dos operadores de exterior na resolução de problemas; foi criada uma “janela de operação” que pretende ser um guia de apoio à operação; foi ainda proposta a monitorização frequente da idade das lamas e da razão alimento/microrganismo.


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A modelação matemática de Estações de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) tem sido uma ferramenta de enorme utilidade nas fases de projeto e de exploração destas estruturas de tratamento. O presente estudo teve por objetivo principal construir um modelo matemático da ETAR de Bragança, em particular do seu tratamento biológico de lamas ativadas, com vista a avaliar, compreender e otimizar o seu desempenho. A construção do modelo foi efetuada com recurso ao ambiente de simulação WRc STOAT 5.0. O processo de lamas ativadas foi descrito pelo modelo de referência ASAL3. O modelo construído foi calibrado e validado com base em dados experimentais de 2015, obtidos no âmbito do programa de controlo analítico da ETAR. O modelo foi ainda utilizado para avaliar a qualidade do efluente em resposta a alterações do caudal e composição do afluente, a alterações de condições operacionais e a outras alternativas de tratamento. O modelo mostrou-se bastante adequado na descrição da evolução mensal da qualidade do efluente final da ETAR relativamente aos parâmetros Sólidos Suspensos Totais (SST) e Carência Bioquímica de Oxigénio (CBO5), embora apresente uma tendência para os subestimar em 1,5 e 3,5 mg/L, respetivamente. Em relação ao azoto total, os valores simulados aproximaram-se dos valores reais, quando se aumentaram as taxas de recirculação interna para 400%, um fator de cerca de 4 vezes superior. Os resultados do modelo e dos cenários mostram e reforçam o bom desempenho e a operação otimizada da ETAR em relação a remoção de SST e CBO5. Em relação ao azoto total, a ETAR não assegura de forma sistemática uma eficiência elevada, mas apresenta um bom desempenho, face ao que o modelo consegue explicar para as mesmas condições operacionais. Através do estudo de cenários procurou-se encontrar alternativas de tratamento eficientes e viáveis de remoção de azoto total, mas não se identificaram soluções que assegurassem decargas de azoto abaixo dos limites legais. Os melhores resultados que se alcançaram para a remoção deste contaminante estão associados ao aumento das taxas de recirculação interna do sistema pré-anóxico existente e a uma configuração do tipo Bardenpho de quatro estágios com alimentação distribuída, em proporções iguais, pelos dois estágios anóxicos. Outras soluções que envolvam tecnologias distintas podem e devem ser equacionadas em projetos futuros que visem a melhoria de eficiência de remoção de azoto da ETAR.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of glass ionomer cement (GIC) restorations comparing two minimally invasive methods in permanent teeth after 12 months. Fifty pregnant women (second trimester of pregnancy), mean age 22 ± 5.30 years, were treated by two previously trained operators. The treatment approaches tested were: chemomechanical method (CarisolvTM; MediTeam) and atraumatic restorative treatment (ART). A split-mouth study design was used in which the two treatments were randomly placed in 50 matched pairs of permanent teeth. The chemomechanical method (CM) was the test group and the ART was the control group. The treatments were performed in Public Health Centers. The tested restorative material was a high-strength GIC (Ketac Molar; 3M/ESPE). The restorations were placed according to the ART guidelines. Two calibrated independent examiners evaluated the restorations in accordance with ART criteria. The inter-examiner kappa was 0.97. Data were analyzed using 95% confidence interval on the binomial distribution and Fisher's exact test at 5% significance level. In a 12-month follow-up, 86% of the restorations were evaluated. In the test group (CM), 100% (CI=93.3-100%) of the restorations were considered successful. In the control group (ART) 97.6% (CI=87.4-99.9%) of the restorations were considered successful and 2.4% unsuccessful (marginal defect >0.5 mm). There was no statistically significant difference between the 12-mounth success rate for both groups (Fisher's exact test: P=0.49) and between the two operators (Fisher's exact test: P=1.00). Both minimally invasive methods, chemomechanical method and ART, showed a similar clinical performance after 12 months of follow up.


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The wear resistance of denture teeth is important to the longevity of removable prostheses of edentulous patients. The ability of denture teeth to maintain a stable occlusal relationship over time may be influenced by this property. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the wear resistance of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) denture teeth based on their chemical composition when opposed by a ceramic antagonist. The maxillary canines (n=10) of 3 PMMA denture teeth (Trubyte Biotone, cross-linked PMMA; Trilux, highly cross-linked IPN (interpenetrating polymer network)-PMMA; and Vivodent, highly cross-linked PMMA) were secured in an in vitro 2-body wear-testing apparatus that produced sliding contact of the specimens (4.5 cycles/s, sliding distance of 20 mm, under 37°C running water) against glazed or airborne particle abraded ceramic. Wear resistance was measured as height loss (mm) under 300 g (sliding force) after 100,000 cycles, using a digital measuring microscope. Mean values were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (a=0.05). The wear of Trubyte Biotone (0.93 ± 0.14 mm) was significantly higher than that of both other types of teeth tested against abraded ceramic (p<0.05). The Vivodent tooth (0.64 ± 0.17 mm) exhibited the best wear resistance among the denture teeth tested against airborne particle abraded ceramic. There were no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) in wear among the 3 denture teeth evaluated against glazed ceramic. Trilux and Vivodent teeth tested against either glazed or airborne particle abraded ceramic did not differ significantly from each other (p<0.05). All teeth showed significantly more wear against airborne particle abraded ceramic than against glazed ceramic (p<0.05). In conclusion, the three types of PMMA denture teeth presented significantly different wear resistance against the abraded ceramic. The high-strength PMMA denture teeth were more wear-resistant than the conventional PMMA denture tooth.


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This paper presents the experimental results of 32 axially loaded concrete-filled steel tubular columns (CFT). The load was introduced only on the concrete core by means of two high strength steel cylinders placed at the column ends to evaluate the passive confinement provided by the steel tube. The columns were filled with structural concretes with compressive strengths of 30, 60, 80 and 100 MPa. The outer diameter (D) of the column was 114.3 mm, and the length/diameter (L/D) ratios considered were 3, 5, 7 and 10. The wall thicknesses of the tubes (t) were 3.35 mm and 6.0 mm, resulting in diameter/thickness (D/t) ratios of 34 and 19, respectively. The force vs. axial strain curves obtained from the tests showed, in general, a good post-peak behavior of the CFT columns, even for those columns filled with high strength concrete. Three analytical models of confinement for short concrete-filled columns found in the literature were used to predict the axial capacity of the columns tested. To apply these models to slender columns, a correction factor was introduced to penalize the calculated results, giving good agreement with the experimental values. Additional results of 63 CFT columns tested by other researchers were also compared to the predictions of the modified analytical models and presented satisfactory results. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this work was to study the operational feasibility of nitrification and denitrification processes in a mechanically stirred sequencing batch reactor (SBR) operated in batch and fed-batch mode. The reactor was equipped with a draft-tube to improve mass transfer and contained dispersed (aerobic) and granulated (anaerobic) biomass. The following reactor variables were adjusted: aeration time during the nitrification step; dissolved oxygen concentration, feed time defining batch and fed-batch phases, concentration of external carbon source used as electron donor during the denitrification stage and volumetric ammonium nitrogen load in the influent. The reactor (5 L volume) was maintained at 30 +/- 1 degrees C and treated either 1.0 or 1.5 L wastewater in 8-h cycles. Ammonium nitrogen concentrations assessed were: 50 (condition 1) and 100 mgN-NH(4)(+).L(-1) (condition 2), resulting in 29 and 67 mgN-NH(4)(+).L-1-d(-1), respectively. A synthetic medium and ethanol were used as external carbon sources (ECS). Total nitrogen removal efficiencies were 94.4 and 95.9% when the reactor was operated under conditions 1 and 2, respectively. Low nitrite (0.2 and 0.3 mgN-NO(2)(-).L(-1), respectively) and nitrate (0.01 and 0.3 mgN-NO(3)(-).L(-1), respectively) concentrations were detected in the effluent and ammonium nitrogen removal efficiencies were 97.6% and 99.6% under conditions 1 and 2, respectively.


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The biological nitritation/denitritation process in the removal of organic matter and nitrogen in a landfill leachate was studied using an activated sludge sequencing batch reactor Treatment cycles were formed by an anoxic and an aerobic phases in which the conditions for oxidation of the influent N load and the prevalence of nitrite concentration at the end of aerobic treatment cycles were determined as well as the use of organic matter present in the leachate as a carbon source for denim-firing organisms in the anoxic stage The removal efficiencies of N-NO(2) at the end of the anoxic process (48h) ranged between 14 and 30% indicating low availability of biodegradable organic matter in the leachate As for the accumulation of N-NO(2) at the end of the aerobic phase (48h) of treatment cycles imbalances were not observed while 100% removal efficiencies of N and specific nth-dation rates from 0 095 to 0 158kgN-NH(3)/kgSSV per day were recorded demonstrating the applicability of simplified nitrification in the treatment of effluents with low C/N ratios


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The paper presents and discusses experimental procedures, visual observations and test results considered important to obtain data that can be used in validation of constitutive relations and failure criteria. The aim is to investigate the combined effects of stress intensity, stress-triaxiality and Lode parameter on the material response and failure behavior of aluminum alloys. Smooth and pre-notched tensile and shear specimens were manufactured from both very thin sheets and thicker plates to cover a wide range of stress triaxialities and Lode parameters. In addition, modified Arcan specimens were designed allowing investigation of the effect of sudden changes in stress states and deformation modes on the material behavior. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The paper discusses the effect of stress triaxiality on the onset and evolution of damage in ductile metals. A series of tests including shear tests and experiments oil smooth and pre-notched tension specimens wits carried Out for it wide range of stress triaxialities. The underlying continuum damage model is based oil kinematic definition of damage tensors. The modular structure of the approach is accomplished by the decomposition of strain rates into elastic, plastic and damage parts. Free energy functions with respect to fictitious undamaged configurations as well as damaged ones are introduced separately leading to elastic material laws which are affected by increasing damage. In addition, a macroscopic yield condition and a flow rule are used to adequately describe the plastic behavior. Numerical simulations of the experiments are performed and good correlation of tests and numerical results is achieved. Based oil experimental and numerical data the damage criterion formulated in stress space is quantified. Different branches of this function are taken into account corresponding to different damage modes depending oil stress triaxiality and Lode parameter. In addition, identification of material parameters is discussed ill detail. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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At present, the cement industry generates approximately 5% of the world`s anthropogenic CO(2) emissions. This share is expected to increase since demand for cement based products is forecast to multiply by a factor of 2.5 within the next 40 years and the traditional strategies to mitigate emissions, focused on the production of cement, will not be capable of compensating such growth. Therefore, additional mitigation strategies are needed, including an increase in the efficiency of cement use. This paper proposes indicators for measuring cement use efficiency, presents a benchmark based on literature data and discusses potential gains in efficiency. The binder intensity (bi) index measures the amount of binder (kg m(-3)) necessary to deliver 1 MPa of mechanical strength, and consequently express the efficiency of using binder materials. The CO(2) intensity index (ci) allows estimating the global warming potential of concrete formulations. Research benchmarks show that bi similar to 5 kg m(-3) MPa(-1) are feasible and have already been achieved for concretes >50 MPa. However, concretes with lower compressive strengths have binder intensities varying between 10 and 20 kg m(-3) MPa(-1). These values can be a result of the minimum cement content established in many standards and reveal a significant potential for performance gains. In addition, combinations of low bi and ci are shown to be feasible. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fracture mechanics tests were carried out for AerMet 100 in distilled water and NaCl (3.5 and 35 gl(-1)). The initiation period at higher values of the stress intensity factor indicated that load application in the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) environment is a necessary but not sufficient factor for SCC and that time is needed for some other factor (e.g., the local hydrogen concentration) to reach an appropriate value. The threshold stress intensity factor, K-ISSC, was found to increase with decreasing NaCl concentration. The plateau stress corrosion crack velocity was 2 x 10(-8) ms(-1) for NaCl (3.5 and 35 gl(-1)). The fracture mode was transgranular with small areas of an intergranular nature. (C) 1998 Chapman & Hall.


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This paper reports the application of linearly increasing stress testing (LIST) to the study of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of carbon steel in 4 N NaNO3 and in Bayer liquor. LIST is similar to the constant extension-rate testing (CERT) methodology with the essential difference that the LIST is load controlled whereas the CERT is displacement controlled. The main conclusion is that LIST is suitable for the study of the SCC of carbon steels in 4 N NaNO3 and in Bayer liquor. The low crack velocity in Bayer liquor and a measured maximum stress close to that of the reference specimen in air both indicate that a low applied stress rate is required to study SCC in this system. (C) 1998 Chapman & Hall.


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Analytical electron microscopy was used to measure the composition of grain boundaries (GBs) and interconstituent boundaries (IBs) of X52 pipeline steel using specimens about 40-60 nm in thickness. All elements of interest were examined with the exception of carbon. With this caveat; there was no segregation at proeutectoid ferrite GBs. This indicated that the commonly expected species S and P are not responsible for preferential corrosion of GBs during intergranular stress corrosion cracking of pipeline steels. Manganese was the only species measured to segregate at the IBs. Manganese segregated to the IBs between proeutectoid ferrite and pearlitic cementite, and desegregated from IBs between proeutectoid ferrite and pearlitic ferrite. The pearlitic cementite was Mn rich. There was no Mn segregation at the IBs between pearlitic ferrite and pearlitic cementite. The pattern of Mn segregation could be explained in terms of diffusion in the process zone ahead of the pearlite during the austenite to pearlite transformation and diffusion in the IBs between the proeutectoid ferrite and pearlite. (C) 1998 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This is the first paper in a study on the influence of the environment on the crack tip strain field for AISI 4340. A stressing stage for the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) was constructed which was capable of applying loads up to 60 kN to fracture-mechanics samples. The measurement of the crack tip strain field required preparation (by electron lithography or chemical etching) of a system of reference points spaced at similar to 5 mu m intervals on the sample surface, loading the sample inside an electron microscope, image processing procedures to measure the displacement at each reference point and calculation of the strain field. Two algorithms to calculate strain were evaluated. Possible sources of errors were calculation errors due to the algorithm, errors inherent in the image processing procedure and errors due to the limited precision of the displacement measurements. Estimation of the contribution of each source of error was performed. The technique allows measurement of the crack tip strain field over an area of 50 x 40 mu m with a strain precision better than +/- 0.02 at distances larger than 5 mu m from the crack tip. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.