205 resultados para Heaven
Includes reprints of original title-pages.
"Death and heaven, in five lyric odes": p. [559]-563.
I. Account of former editions of Bishop Hopkins's works. Account of the present edition. Life of Bishop Hopkins. Critical remarks on the author's writings. The Vanity of the world. A practical exposition on the Lord's prayer. A catechistical exposition on the Lord's prayer. Exposition on the Ten commandments.--II. Discourses on the law. Discourses concerning sin. The doctrine of the two covenants. The doctrine of the two sacraments. The nature and necessity of regeneration.--III. The all-sufficiency of Christ to save sinners. The excellency of heavenly treasures. Practical Christianity, in working out our own salvation. The assurance of heaven and salvation, a powerful motive to serve God with fear. On glorifying God in His attributes. The almost-Christian discovered. On the nature, corruption, and renewing of the conscience. The great duty of mortification.--IV. Death disarmed of its sting; from several considerations. Miscellaneous sermons. Index of texts illustrated.
I. Beppo. Don Juan. 1831.--II. Childe Harold's pilgrimage. The giaowi. The bride of Abydos. The corsair. Lara. The siege of Corinth. Parisina. Mazeppa. 1832.--III. The island. Prophesy of Dante. Manfred. Cain. Heaven and earth. The deformed transformed. Satirical poems. Miscellaneous poems. 1832--IV. Notices on Lord Byron's life; by Thomas Moore. 1833.--V, VI. Letters, journals, conversations. 2 vol. 1833-34.
Shoemaker 19246.
With piano accompaniment "for rehearsal only."
First edition, London, 1883.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.
"Part of the Henry Buckingham Witton Collection."
Introduction signed: K. Hopewell, Hanover county, Va.
"'Helps toward Heaven' revised and enlarged by the author."
Hopes for English religion.--Our Catholic inheritance.--University sermons; I. The Church and the future. II Freedom and authority. III. Christianity and culture. IV. The eternal refuge.--The need of God.--The Pharisee and the publican.--"Rejoice evermore."--Service.--'There was silence in heaven.'--Angelic ministry.--The ideal of a university life.--The ineluctable charm.
verso: "Al Araf", Harbor Beach (from the Koran meaning that region between heaven and hell, abode of the half-good). About 1910-changed a number of times from original 1896 cabin
Vols. 1-4 are reissues of the four volumes of the edition of 1830.
Errata tipped in following p. viii.