988 resultados para Hauser, Kaspar
PURPOSE: This study aims to investigate physical performance and hematological changes in 32 elite male team-sport players after 14 d of "live high-train low" (LHTL) training in normobaric hypoxia (≥14 h·d at 2800-3000 m) combined with repeated-sprint training (six sessions of four sets of 5 × 5-s sprints with 25 s of passive recovery) either in normobaric hypoxia at 3000 m (LHTL + RSH, namely, LHTLH; n = 11) or in normoxia (LHTL + RSN, namely, LHTL; n = 12) compared with controlled "live low-train low" (LLTL; n = 9) training. METHODS: Before (Pre), immediately after (Post-1), and 3 wk after (Post-2) the intervention, hemoglobin mass (Hbmass) was measured in duplicate [optimized carbon monoxide (CO) rebreathing method], and vertical jump, repeated-sprint (8 × 20 m-20 s recovery), and Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery level 2 (YYIR2) performances were tested. RESULTS: Both hypoxic groups similarly increased their Hbmass at Post-1 and Post-2 in reference to Pre (LHTLH: +4.0%, P < 0.001 and +2.7%, P < 0.01; LHTL: +3.0% and +3.0%, both P < 0.001), whereas no change occurred in LLTL. Compared with Pre, YYIR2 performance increased by ∼21% at Post-1 (P < 0.01) and by ∼45% at Post-2 (P < 0.001), with no difference between the two intervention groups (vs no change in LLTL). From Pre to Post-1, cumulated sprint time decreased in LHTLH (-3.6%, P < 0.001) and LHTL (-1.9%, P < 0.01), but not in LLTL (-0.7%), and remained significantly reduced at Post-2 (-3.5%, P < 0.001) in LHTLH only. Vertical jump performance did not change. CONCLUSIONS: "Live high-train low and high" hypoxic training interspersed with repeated sprints in hypoxia for 14 d (in season) increases the Hbmass, YYIR2 performance, and repeated-sprint ability of elite field team-sport players, with benefits lasting for at least 3 wk postintervention.
PURPOSE: We investigated association of hematological variables with specific fitness performance in elite team-sport players. METHODS: Hemoglobin mass (Hbmass) was measured in 25 elite field hockey players using the optimized (2 min) CO-rebreathing method. Hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]), hematocrit and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were analyzed in venous blood. Fitness performance evaluation included a repeated-sprint ability (RSA) test (8 x 20 m sprints, 20 s of rest) and the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery level 2 (YYIR2). RESULTS: Hbmass was largely correlated (r = 0.62, P<0.01) with YYIR2 total distance covered (YYIR2TD) but not with any RSA-derived parameters (r ranging from -0.06 to -0.32; all P>0.05). [Hb] and MCHC displayed moderate correlations with both YYIR2TD (r = 0.44 and 0.41; both P<0.01) and RSA sprint decrement score (r = -0.41 and -0.44; both P<0.05). YYIR2TD correlated with RSA best and total sprint times (r = -0.46, P<0.05 and -0.60, P<0.01; respectively), but not with RSA sprint decrement score (r = -0.19, P>0.05). CONCLUSION: Hbmass is positively correlated with specific aerobic fitness, but not with RSA, in elite team-sport players. Additionally, the negative relationships between YYIR2 and RSA tests performance imply that different hematological mechanisms may be at play. Overall, these results indicate that these two fitness tests should not be used interchangeably as they reflect different hematological mechanisms.
Ticks transmit more pathogens to humans and animals than any other arthropod. We describe the 2.1 Gbp nuclear genome of the tick, Ixodes scapularis (Say), which vectors pathogens that cause Lyme disease, human granulocytic anaplasmosis, babesiosis and other diseases. The large genome reflects accumulation of repetitive DNA, new lineages of retro-transposons, and gene architecture patterns resembling ancient metazoans rather than pancrustaceans. Annotation of scaffolds representing ∼57% of the genome, reveals 20,486 protein-coding genes and expansions of gene families associated with tick-host interactions. We report insights from genome analyses into parasitic processes unique to ticks, including host 'questing', prolonged feeding, cuticle synthesis, blood meal concentration, novel methods of haemoglobin digestion, haem detoxification, vitellogenesis and prolonged off-host survival. We identify proteins associated with the agent of human granulocytic anaplasmosis, an emerging disease, and the encephalitis-causing Langat virus, and a population structure correlated to life-history traits and transmission of the Lyme disease agent.
Cet article présente les caractéristiques de l'écriture d'une personne atteinte de la maladie de Parkinson, ainsi que l'influence des traitements de la maladie sur ces caractéristiques. L'expert est ainsi amené à mieux connaître cette source de variation de l'écriture, et vise à l'aider à évaluer les résultats de ses observations lorsqu'il fait face à un cas impliquant des écritures de parkinsoniens. Puisque les écritures imitées peuvent présenter des caractéristiques similaires à celles des écritures pathologiques, il est important de connaître les signes qui permettent de les distinguer. L'écriture des parkinsoniens peut notamment présenter une diminution de la taille des lettres, connue sous le nom de "micrographie", des tremblements ainsi que des formes indistinctes des lettres, et un alignement ondulatoire des mots. Les parkinsoniens écrivent moins vite et avec une accélération et une fluidité réduites. Ils ont tendance à augmenter la durée de l'exécution de leurs traits. Le traitement au moyen de médicaments ou par Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) peut permettre aux parkinsoniens d'améliorer leur performance et d'atteindre une restauration partielle de l'exécution des mouvements séquentiels.
PURPOSE: We investigated the changes in physiological and performance parameters after a Live High-Train Low (LHTL) altitude camp in normobaric (NH) or hypobaric hypoxia (HH) to reproduce the actual training practices of endurance athletes using a crossover-designed study. METHODS: Well-trained triathletes (n = 16) were split into two groups and completed two 18-day LTHL camps during which they trained at 1100-1200 m and lived at 2250 m (P i O2 = 111.9 ± 0.6 vs. 111.6 ± 0.6 mmHg) under NH (hypoxic chamber; FiO2 18.05 ± 0.03%) or HH (real altitude; barometric pressure 580.2 ± 2.9 mmHg) conditions. The subjects completed the NH and HH camps with a 1-year washout period. Measurements and protocol were identical for both phases of the crossover study. Oxygen saturation (S p O2) was constantly recorded nightly. P i O2 and training loads were matched daily. Blood samples and VO2max were measured before (Pre-) and 1 day after (Post-1) LHTL. A 3-km running-test was performed near sea level before and 1, 7, and 21 days after training camps. RESULTS: Total hypoxic exposure was lower for NH than for HH during LHTL (230 vs. 310 h; P < 0.001). Nocturnal S p O2 was higher in NH than in HH (92.4 ± 1.2 vs. 91.3 ± 1.0%, P < 0.001). VO2max increased to the same extent for NH and HH (4.9 ± 5.6 vs. 3.2 ± 5.1%). No difference was found in hematological parameters. The 3-km run time was significantly faster in both conditions 21 days after LHTL (4.5 ± 5.0 vs. 6.2 ± 6.4% for NH and HH), and no difference between conditions was found at any time. CONCLUSION: Increases in VO2max and performance enhancement were similar between NH and HH conditions.
PURPOSE: To compare hemoglobin mass (Hbmass) changes during an 18-d live high-train low (LHTL) altitude training camp in normobaric hypoxia (NH) and hypobaric hypoxia (HH). METHODS: Twenty-eight well-trained male triathletes were split into three groups (NH: n = 10, HH: n = 11, control [CON]: n = 7) and participated in an 18-d LHTL camp. NH and HH slept at 2250 m, whereas CON slept, and all groups trained at altitudes <1200 m. Hbmass was measured in duplicate with the optimized carbon monoxide rebreathing method before (pre-), immediately after (post-) (hypoxic dose: 316 vs 238 h for HH and NH), and at day 13 in HH (230 h, hypoxic dose matched to 18-d NH). Running (3-km run) and cycling (incremental cycling test) performances were measured pre and post. RESULTS: Hbmass increased similar in HH (+4.4%, P < 0.001 at day 13; +4.5%, P < 0.001 at day 18) and NH (+4.1%, P < 0.001) compared with CON (+1.9%, P = 0.08). There was a wide variability in individual Hbmass responses in HH (-0.1% to +10.6%) and NH (-1.4% to +7.7%). Postrunning time decreased in HH (-3.9%, P < 0.001), NH (-3.3%, P < 0.001), and CON (-2.1%, P = 0.03), whereas cycling performance changed nonsignificantly in HH and NH (+2.4%, P > 0.08) and remained unchanged in CON (+0.2%, P = 0.89). CONCLUSION: HH and NH evoked similar Hbmass increases for the same hypoxic dose and after 18-d LHTL. The wide variability in individual Hbmass responses in HH and NH emphasizes the importance of individual Hbmass evaluation of altitude training.
Myriapods (e.g., centipedes and millipedes) display a simple homonomous body plan relative to other arthropods. All members of the class are terrestrial, but they attained terrestriality independently of insects. Myriapoda is the only arthropod class not represented by a sequenced genome. We present an analysis of the genome of the centipede Strigamia maritima. It retains a compact genome that has undergone less gene loss and shuffling than previously sequenced arthropods, and many orthologues of genes conserved from the bilaterian ancestor that have been lost in insects. Our analysis locates many genes in conserved macro-synteny contexts, and many small-scale examples of gene clustering. We describe several examples where S. maritima shows different solutions from insects to similar problems. The insect olfactory receptor gene family is absent from S. maritima, and olfaction in air is likely effected by expansion of other receptor gene families. For some genes S. maritima has evolved paralogues to generate coding sequence diversity, where insects use alternate splicing. This is most striking for the Dscam gene, which in Drosophila generates more than 100,000 alternate splice forms, but in S. maritima is encoded by over 100 paralogues. We see an intriguing linkage between the absence of any known photosensory proteins in a blind organism and the additional absence of canonical circadian clock genes. The phylogenetic position of myriapods allows us to identify where in arthropod phylogeny several particular molecular mechanisms and traits emerged. For example, we conclude that juvenile hormone signalling evolved with the emergence of the exoskeleton in the arthropods and that RR-1 containing cuticle proteins evolved in the lineage leading to Mandibulata. We also identify when various gene expansions and losses occurred. The genome of S. maritima offers us a unique glimpse into the ancestral arthropod genome, while also displaying many adaptations to its specific life history.
With the increase in life expectancy registered in the past few decades, the prevalence of various medical conditions related to aging has been observed, such as dementia and related neurodegenerative conditions. The number of patients afflicted with these conditions is expected to significantly increase in the coming years. The growing social impact of dementia underlines the need for research aimed at identifying and better understanding this type of condition. Among neurodegenerative diseases, amyloidogenic diseases, in particular Alzheimer's disease (AD), are currently the most common form of dementia. Over the years, several hypotheses have been raised regarding the etiology of AD, such as the cholinergic, glutamatergic, amyloid cascade, oligomeric, metallic and diabetes type 3 hypotheses. Unfortunately, no cure is yet available for this disease, only drugs that aid in controlling the symptoms. This review article conducts a comprehensive approach of the main etiological hypotheses of AD, as well as the treatment prospects associated with each hypothesis.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a utilização do molde de látex natural (Hevea brasiliensis) como modificação à neovaginoplastia de McIndoe e Bannister em pacientes portadoras da síndrome de Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH). MÉTODOS: análise retrospectiva de nove pacientes com o diagnóstico de síndrome de MRKH, submetidas à neovaginoplastia pela técnica de McIndoe e Bannister com molde de látex natural. Foram avaliadas epitelização, amplitude e profundidade das neovaginas, ocorrência de coitos bem como satisfação e complicações cirúrgicas. RESULTADOS: após cinco semanas do procedimento, oito pacientes apresentavam neovaginas epitelizadas, com profundidade de 7 a 12 cm. Houve um caso de estenose neovaginal completa em decorrência do uso incorreto do molde pela paciente no pós-operatório. Após seguimento mínimo de um ano, todas as pacientes mantinham neovaginas com profundidade de 4 a 8 cm e capacidade para o coito, com 66,7% de satisfação. Uma paciente apresentou fístula retovaginal precoce e episódios tardios de fistulização uretrovaginal. Duas pacientes apresentaram estenose distal das neovaginas a longo prazo. Uma delas e a paciente com fístulas foram submetidas a novo procedimento. CONCLUSÕES: o uso do molde de látex natural como modificação à técnica clássica de neovaginoplastia permitiu a criação de neovaginas morfológica e funcionalmente similares ao órgão normal em pacientes com estenose vaginal.
INTRODUÇÃO: A presença de hemácias dismórficas na urina é um forte indicativo da origem glomerular do sangramento, sendo uma ferramenta importante no diagnóstico de glomerulonefrites. Os cilindros hemáticos geralmente acompanham as hemácias dismórficas, sendo também fortes indicadores de hematúria glomerular, embora não sejam encontrados com frequência no exame parcial de urina. OBJETIVO: Comparar duas técnicas de concentração de amostras em uma série de exames de urina com hematúria dismórfica. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas 249 amostras com hematúria dismórfica a partir de 4.277 amostras de urina de rotina. As amostras foram processadas utilizando-se duas técnicas: a convencional e a de concentração. O percentual de identificação dos cilindros hemáticos foi comparado de acordo com a metodologia utilizada. RESULTADOS: A presença de cilindros hemáticos pela técnica de concentração foi estatisticamente maior (52,6%) em comparação com a positividade pela metodologia convencional (8,4%) (p < 0,001). DISCUSSÃO E CONCLUSÃO: Sugere-se que a técnica convencional não concentrou suficientemente a amostra de urina e os cilindros hemáticos ficaram no sobrenadante, sendo descartados. A utilização da técnica de concentração aumentou a sensibilidade técnica para a pesquisa dos cilindros hemáticos. Portanto, a técnica de concentração, associada à presença de hemácias dismórficas, mostrou-se útil para aumentar a concordância dos dois parâmetros laboratoriais para a detecção da hematúria de origem glomerular como auxílio diagnóstico das glomerulopatias, importante causa de doença renal crônica.
A disfunção renal é um fator de risco para doença cardiovascular (DCV). Estudos experimentais controlados que possam analisar o impacto da disfunção renal no sistema cardiovascular, isolando esses fatores relacionados à uremia dos fatores de risco tradicionais, que são altamente prevalentes na população com doença renal crônica (DRC), ainda são escassos. OBJETIVO: Analisar o impacto cardiovascular em ratos com disfunção renal, analisando biomarcadores de risco cardiovascular e a histologia das artérias subepicárdicas desses animais. MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental envolvendo trinta ratos machos Wistar, divididos em dois grupos. Um grupo foi submetido à ablação renal e o outro grupo SHAM (grupo controle) à manipulação do pedículo renal. Ambos os grupos foram acompanhados por oito semanas, período em que foram feitas dosagens de ureia, fósforo e do fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-α). Lâminas obtidas de cortes do miocárdio foram confeccionadas para análise das características das arteríolas subepicárdicas. RESULTADOS: O grupo DRC apresentou níveis elevados de uréia e fósforo em relação ao grupo SHAM. Já os níveis de TNF-α, em todas as análises, foram indetectáveis nos animais do grupo SHAM, em contraste com o grupo DRC, onde se observaram elevados níveis de TNF-α (p < 0,05). A espessura da camada média dos vasos subepicárdicos do grupo DRC foi significativamente maior do que em relação ao grupo SHAM (p = 0,011). CONCLUSÃO: A indução de disfunção renal determinou alterações em biomarcadores de risco cardiovascular e um aumento na espessura dos vasos subepicárdicos estudados em comparação aos animais com função renal normal.