988 resultados para Hartree Fock scheme correlation errors


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A method for introducing correlations between electrons and ions that is computationally affordable is described. The central assumption is that the ionic wavefunctions are narrow, which makes possible a moment expansion for the full density matrix. To make the problem tractable we reduce the remaining many-electron problem to a single-electron problem by performing a trace over all electronic degrees of freedom except one. This introduces both one- and two-electron quantities into the equations of motion. Quantities depending on more than one electron are removed by making a Hartree-Fock approximation. Using the first-moment approximation, we perform a number of tight binding simulations of the effect of an electric current on a mobile atom. The classical contribution to the ionic kinetic energy exhibits cooling and is independent of the bias. The quantum contribution exhibits strong heating, with the heating rate proportional to the bias. However, increased scattering of electrons with increasing ionic kinetic energy is not observed. This effect requires the introduction of the second moment.


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The measured angular differential cross section (DCS) for the elastic scattering of electrons from Ar+(3s2 3p5 2P) at the collision energy of 16 eV is presented. By solving the Hartree-Fock equations, we calculate the corresponding theoretical DCS including the coupling between the orbital angular momenta and spin of the incident electron and those of the target ion and also relaxation effects. Since the collision energy is above one inelastic threshold for the transition 3s2 3p5 2P–3s 3p6 2S, we consider the effects on the DCS of inelastic absorption processes and elastic resonances. The measurements deviate significantly from the Rutherford cross section over the full angular range observed, especially in the region of a deep minimum centered at approximately 75°. Our theory and an uncoupled, unrelaxed method using a local, spherically symmetric potential by Manson [Phys. Rev. 182, 97 (1969)] both reproduce the overall shape of the measured DCS, although the coupled Hartree-Fock approach describes the depth of the minimum more accurately. The minimum is shallower in the present theory owing to our lower average value for the d-wave non-Coulomb phase shift s2, which is due to the high sensitivity of s2 to the different scattering potentials used in the two models. The present measurements and calculations therefore show the importance of including coupling and relaxation effects when accurately modeling electron-ion collisions. The phase shifts obtained by fitting to the measurements are compared with the values of Manson and the present method.


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Absolute photoionization cross-section measurements for a mixture of ground and metastable states of Xe4+, Xe5+, and Xe6+ are reported in the photon energy range of 4d -> nf transitions, which occur within or adjacent to the 13.5 nm window for extreme ultraviolet lithography light source development. The reported values allow the quantification of opacity effects in xenon plasmas due to these 4d -> nf autoionizing states. The oscillator strengths for the 4d -> 4f and 4d -> 5f transitions in Xeq+ (q=1-6) ions are calculated using nonrelativistic Hartree-Fock and random phase approximations. These are compared with published experimental values for Xe+ to Xe3+ and with the values obtained from the present experimental cross-section measurements for Xe4+ to Xe6+. The calculations assisted in the determination of the metastable content in the ion beams for Xe5+ and Xe6+. The experiments were performed by merging a synchrotron photon beam generated by an undulator beamline of the Advanced Light Source with an ion beam produced by an electron cyclotron resonance ion source.


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An approximate Kohn-Sham (KS) exchange potential v(xsigma)(CEDA) is developed, based on the common energy denominator approximation (CEDA) for the static orbital Green's function, which preserves the essential structure of the density response function. v(xsigma)(CEDA) is an explicit functional of the occupied KS orbitals, which has the Slater v(Ssigma) and response v(respsigma)(CEDA) potentials as its components. The latter exhibits the characteristic step structure with "diagonal" contributions from the orbital densities \psi(isigma)\(2), as well as "off-diagonal" ones from the occupied-occupied orbital products psi(isigma)psi(j(not equal1)sigma). Comparison of the results of atomic and molecular ground-state CEDA calculations with those of the Krieger-Li-Iafrate (KLI), exact exchange (EXX), and Hartree-Fock (HF) methods show, that both KLI and CEDA potentials can be considered as very good analytical "closure approximations" to the exact KS exchange potential. The total CEDA and KLI energies nearly coincide with the EXX ones and the corresponding orbital energies epsilon(isigma) are rather close to each other for the light atoms and small molecules considered. The CEDA, KLI, EXX-epsilon(isigma) values provide the qualitatively correct order of ionizations and they give an estimate of VIPs comparable to that of the HF Koopmans' theorem. However, the additional off-diagonal orbital structure of v(xsigma)(CEDA) appears to be essential for the calculated response properties of molecular chains. KLI already considerably improves the calculated (hyper)polarizabilities of the prototype hydrogen chains H-n over local density approximation (LDA) and standard generalized gradient approximations (GGAs), while the CEDA results are definitely an improvement over the KLI ones. The reasons of this success are the specific orbital structures of the CEDA and KLI response potentials, which produce in an external field an ultranonlocal field-counteracting exchange potential. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We present an ab initio real-time-based computational approach to study nonlinear optical properties in condensed matter systems that is especially suitable for crystalline solids and periodic nanostructures. The equations of motion and the coupling of the electrons with the external electric field are derived from the Berry-phase formulation of the dynamical polarization [Souza et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, 085106 (2004)]. Many-body effects are introduced by adding single-particle operators to the independent-particle Hamiltonian. We add a Hartree operator to account for crystal local effects and a scissor operator to correct the independent particle band structure for quasiparticle effects. We also discuss the possibility of accurately treating excitonic effects by adding a screened Hartree-Fock self-energy operator. The approach is validated by calculating the second-harmonic generation of SiC and AlAs bulk semiconductors: an excellent agreement is obtained with existing ab initio calculations from response theory in frequency domain [Luppi et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 235201 (2010)]. We finally show applications to the second-harmonic generation of CdTe and the third-harmonic generation of Si. 


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Highly excited eigenstates of atoms and ions with open f shell are chaotic superpositions of thousands, or even millions, of Hartree-Fock determinant states. The interaction between dielectronic and multielectronic configurations leads to the broadening of dielectronic recombination resonances and relative enhancement of photon emission due to opening of thousands of radiative decay channels. The radiative yield is close to 100% for electron energy <1 eV and rapidly decreases for higher energies due to opening of many autoionization channels. The same mechanism predicts suppression of photoionization and relative enhancement of the Raman scattering. Results of our calculations of the recombination rate are in agreement with the experimental data for W20+ and Au25+.


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Lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment and the subsequent thermal conversion processes to produce solid, liquid, and gas biofuels are attractive solutions for today's energy challenges. The structural study of the main components in biomass and their macromolecular complexes is an active and ongoing research topic worldwide. The interactions among the three main components, cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, are studied in this paper using electronic structure methods, and the study includes examining the hydrogen bond network of cellulose-hemicellulose systems and the covalent bond linkages of hemicellulose-lignin systems. Several methods (semiempirical, Hartree-Fock, and density functional theory) using different basis sets were evaluated. It was shown that theoretical calculations can be used to simulate small model structures representing wood components. By comparing calculation results with experimental data, it was concluded that B3LYP/6-31G is the most suitable basis set to describe the hydrogen bond system and B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) is the most suitable basis set to describe the covalent system of woody biomass. The choice of unit model has a much larger effect on hydrogen bonding within cellulose-hemicellulose system, whereas the model choice has a minimal effect on the covalent linkage in the hemicellulose-lignin system. © 2011 American Chemical Society.


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A new method for sampling the exact (within the nodal error) ground state distribution and nondiflPerential properties of multielectron systems is developed and applied to firstrow atoms. Calculated properties are the distribution moments and the electronic density at the nucleus (the 6 operator). For this purpose, new simple trial functions are developed and optimized. First, using Hydrogen as a test case, we demonstrate the accuracy of our algorithm and its sensitivity to error in the trial function. Applications to first row atoms are then described. We obtain results which are more satisfactory than the ones obtained previously using Monte Carlo methods, despite the relative crudeness of our trial functions. Also, a comparison is made with results of highly accurate post-Hartree Fock calculations, thereby illuminating the nodal error in our estimates. Taking into account the CPU time spent, our results, particularly for the 8 operator, have a relatively large variance. Several ways of improving the eflSciency together with some extensions of the algorithm are suggested.


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Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 P65 D53 2007


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Integer filling factor phases of many-electron vertically coupled diatomic artificial quantum dot molecules are investigated for different values of the interdot coupling. The experimental results are analyzed within local-spin density functional theory for which we have determined a simple lateral confining potential law that can be scaled for the different coupling regimes, and Hartree-Fock theory. Maximum density droplets composed of electrons in both bonding and antibonding or just bonding states are revealed, and interesting isospin-flip physics appears for weak interdot coupling when the systematic depopulation of antibonding states leads to changes in isospin.


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The structural and electronic properties of Cu2O have been investigated using the periodic Hartree-Fock method and a posteriori density-functional corrections. The lattice parameter, bulk modulus, and elastic constants have been calculated. The electronic structure of and bonding in Cu2O are analyzed and compared with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra, showing a good agreement for the valence-band states. To check the quality of the calculated electron density, static structure factors and Compton profiles have been calculated, showing a good agreement with the available experimental data. The effective electron and hole masses have been evaluated for Cu2O at the center of the Brillouin zone. The calculated interaction energy between the two interpenetrated frameworks in the cuprite structure is estimated to be around -6.0 kcal/mol per Cu2O formula. The bonding between the two independent frameworks has been analyzed using a bimolecular model and the results indicate an important role of d10-d10 type interactions between copper atoms.


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CuF2 is known to be an antiferromagnetic compound with a weak ferromagnetism due to the anisotropy of its monoclinic unit cell (Dzialoshinsky-Moriya mechanism). We investigate the magnetic ordering of this compound by means of ab initio periodic unrestricted Hartree-Fock calculations and by cluster calculations which employ state-of-the-art configuration interaction expansions and modern density functional theory techniques. The combined use of periodic and cluster models permits us to firmly establish that the antiferromagnetic order arises from the coupling of one-dimensional subunits which themselves exhibit a very small ferromagnetic coupling between Cu neighbor cations. This magnetic order could be anticipated from the close correspondence between CuF2 and rutile crystal structures.


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The ab initio cluster model approach has been used to study the electronic structure and magnetic coupling of KCuF3 and K2CuF4 in their various ordered polytype crystal forms. Due to a cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion these systems exhibit strong anisotropies. In particular, the magnetic properties strongly differ from those of isomorphic compounds. Hence, KCuF3 is a quasi-one-dimensional (1D) nearest neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet whereas K2CuF4 is the only ferromagnet among the K2MF4 series of compounds (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) behaving all as quasi-2D nearest neighbor Heisenberg systems. Different ab initio techniques are used to explore the magnetic coupling in these systems. All methods, including unrestricted Hartree-Fock, are able to explain the magnetic ordering. However, quantitative agreement with experiment is reached only when using a state-of-the-art configuration interaction approach. Finally, an analysis of the dependence of the magnetic coupling constant with respect to distortion parameters is presented.


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The electronic structure of an isolated oxygen vacancy in SrTiO3 has been investigated with a variety of ab initio quantum mechanical approaches. In particular we compared pure density functional theory (DFT) approaches with the Hartree-Fock method, and with hybrid methods where the exchange term is treated in a mixed way. Both local cluster models and periodic calculations with large supercells containing up to 80 atoms have been performed. Both diamagnetic (singlet state) and paramagnetic (triplet state) solutions have been considered. We found that the formation of an O vacancy is accompanied by the transfer of two electrons to the 3d(z2) orbitals of the two Ti atoms along the Ti-Vac-Ti axis. The two electrons are spin coupled and the ground state is diamagnetic. New states associated with the defect center appear in the gap just below the conduction band edge. The formation energy computed with respect to an isolated oxygen atom in the triplet state is 9.4 eV.


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We extend the relativistic mean field theory model of Sugahara and Toki by adding new couplings suggested by modern effective field theories. An improved set of parameters is developed with the goal to test the ability of the models based on effective field theory to describe the properties of finite nuclei and, at the same time, to be consistent with the trends of Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculations at densities away from the saturation region. We compare our calculations with other relativistic nuclear force parameters for various nuclear phenomena.