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Exercise increases the metabolic capacity of skeletal muscle, which improves whole-body energy homeostasis and contributes to the positive health benefits of exercise. This is, in part, mediated by increases in the expression of a number of metabolic enzymes, regulated largely at the level of transcription. At a molecular level, many of these genes are regulated by the class II histone deacetylase (HDAC) family of transcriptional repressors, in particular HDAC5, through their interaction with myocyte enhancer factor 2 transcription factors. HDAC5 kinases, including 5′-AMP-activated protein kinase and protein kinase D, appear to regulate skeletal muscle metabolic gene transcription by inactivating HDAC5 and inducing HDAC5 nuclear export. These mechanisms appear to participate in exercise-induced gene expression and could be important for skeletal muscle adaptations to exercise.


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Much recent research has focused on the use of species distribution models to explore the influence(s) of environment (predominantly climate) on species’ distributions. A weakness of this approach is that it typically does not consider effects of biotic interactions, including competition, on species’ distributions.
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Here we identify and quantify the contribution of environmental factors relative to biotic factors (interspecific competition) to the distribution and abundance of three large, wide-ranging herbivores, the antilopine wallaroo (Macropus antilopinus), common wallaroo (Macropus robustus) and eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), across an extensive zone of sympatry in tropical northern Australia.
* 3
To assess the importance of competition relative to habitat features, we constructed models of abundance for each species incorporating habitat only and habitat + the abundance of the other species, and compared their respective likelihoods using Akaike's information criterion. We further assessed the importance of variables predicting abundance across models for each species.
* 4
The best-supported models of antilopine wallaroo and eastern grey kangaroo abundance included both habitat and the abundance of the other species, providing evidence of interspecific competition. Contrastingly, models of common wallaroo abundance were largely influenced by climate and not the abundance of other species. The abundance of antilopine wallaroos was most influenced by water availability, eastern grey kangaroo abundance and the frequency of late season fires. The abundance of eastern grey kangaroos was most influenced by aspects of climate, antilopine wallaroo abundance and a measure of cattle abundance.
* 5
Our study demonstrates that where census and habitat data are available, it is possible to reveal species’ interactions (and measure their relative strength and direction) between large, mobile and/or widely-distributed species for which competition is difficult to demonstrate experimentally. This allows discrimination of the influences of environmental factors and species interactions on species’ distributions, and should therefore improve the predictive power of species distribution models.


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Graft coatings of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAM) are of considerable interest for the reversible control of bio-interfacial interactions. In this study, graft coatings were prepared by free radical polymerisation from surface-bound polymerisable groups, on silicon wafers and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensors. QCM with dissipation monitoring showed a gradual, extended phase change as the temperature increased. Colloid probe atomic force microscopy (CP-AFM) revealed a marked change in the compressibility of the coating below and above the lower critical solution temperature (LCST). Force curves showed an approximate 9-fold reduction in thickness between 24 °C and 38 °C, yet the collapsed coating at 38 °C still had a thickness significantly higher than the ellipsometrically determined dry thickness, indicating a residual extent of hydration above the LCST. At all temperatures, interaction force curves showed steric repulsion, though over different distances. There was little hysteresis between approach and retract force curves, which is evidence for almost instantaneous relaxation of the coating upon decompression. CP-AFM using a probe coated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) showed repulsive interactions with little approach/retraction hysteresis below the LCST, indicating lack of adhesion between the pNIPAM coating and the BSA-coated probe. In contrast, above the LCST the force curves on retraction were characteristic of adhesion, while the approach curves were still repulsive, and the adhesion increased in strength as the temperature was increased further beyond the LCST. Thus, QCM-D and CP-AFM data correlated well in showing a gradual nature of the phase transition and a concomitant gradual change in the interaction force with BSA.


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Purpose: To assess the compatibility of a new silicone hydrogel lens, asmofilcon A (with four multipurpose disinfecting solutions: OPTIFREE RepleniSH, ReNu MultiPlus, Solo-Care Aqua and MeniCare Soft). Ocular responses and subjective responses were monitored with each lens-care system combination.

Methods: The study was conducted as a prospective, bilateral, clinical trial with a single-masked investigator, and randomized cross-over design with four phases, (one for each care system). Each study phase comprised of two consecutive days of lens wear where the lenses were inserted on day 1 directly from the blister-packs and worn for over 8 hr, then inserted on day 2 after overnight disinfection with one of the study lens care systems. Twenty-five adapted soft contact lens wearers who were able to wear their habitual lenses comfortably for more than 12 hr were recruited.

Results: There were statistically significant differences in corneal staining found for all the lens-care systems when comparing the results of day 1 (from the blister pack) with day 2 (following care system use) (P < 0.05). ReNu MultiPlus solution had the highest grade for corneal staining at the 2-hr time point on day 2 which then decreased by 6 hr (P < 0.05). There was no difference between the lens care systems and the rating of subjective comfort over either of the two days. The rating of dryness and burning sensations were only slightly increased at 6 hr for all lens care systems except ReNu MultiPlus where burning was highest on insertion (P < 0.05).

Conclusion: Corneal staining observed in this study does not seem to have been related to the presence of polyhexamethylene biguanide (0.0001% wv) that was present in three of the four care systems. Only one care system (ReNu MultiPlus) demonstrated an associated level of corneal staining that was statistically significant; however, this was not considered to be of clinical relevance. These results suggest that using this novel surface-treated silicone hydrogel lens may result in less lens and lens care-related interactions.


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To date, there has been limited empirical scrutiny of the correlates and consequences of day-to-day state body dissatisfaction fluctuations within naturalistic contexts. We used ecological momentary assessment (a form of naturalistic observation) to evaluate whether state body dissatisfaction was concurrently and/or prospectively associated with occurrence and quality of social interactions. Women (N = 121), aged 18 to 40, completed a brief trait-based survey and then nominated a 7-day period within which to receive seven text messages daily, at random intervals, prompting them to complete measures of body dissatisfaction at that moment. If they were currently or had recently engaged in social interactions, they were also asked to fill out questions rating the quality of these interactions (operationalized in terms of enjoyment of, and control in, the interaction). Findings suggest that the relationship between state body dissatisfaction and aspects of social interactions is complex and may vary over time. Cross-sectionally, state body dissatisfaction and social interaction quality were negatively associated. Prospectively, however, body dissatisfaction predicted subsequent avoidance of social interactions. Interestingly, when women chose to avoid social interactions, their body dissatisfaction worsened, yet when they did engage in social interactions, they reported improved body satisfaction. Importantly, the links between state body dissatisfaction and social interactions may be moderated by body mass index and trait body satisfaction levels. Potential mechanisms underlying the association between state body dissatisfaction and quality and quantity of social interactions are discussed, and future research avenues are proposed to further understand their inter-relation.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of altered dietary n-3/n-6 LC-PUFA ratio, adaptation to diet over time, different water temperatures, and their interactions on nutrients and fatty acids digestibility in juvenile Atlantic salmon. Three experimental diets were formulated to be identical, with the only exception of the ratio of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) to arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n-6), and fed to triplicate groups of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) of 55. g initial body weight. Fish were reared in a fully controlled recirculating aquaculture system, fed to apparent satiety twice daily and kept at 10. °C and for an initial period of 100. days, and faeces were collected for digestibility estimation. Then, half of the fish of each experimental tank were moved to a separate system, where the water temperature was gradually increased up to 20. °C. Fish were maintained in the two systems for an additional period of 50. days, and faeces were collected for digestibility estimation from both groups of fish at the two water temperatures. This study concluded that dietary treatments and time had only minor effects, whereas environmental temperature resulted in modified digestibility values, with increased nutrient digestibility with increasing temperature. Varying EPA/ARA ratio in the diet had only minor direct effects on digestibility, with no direct effect on overall nutrients digestibility, and fundamentally only statistically significant effects in the fatty acid digestibility of EPA and ARA themselves. Because of current increasing pressure for more efficient fish oil replacement strategies, increasing interest in dietary ARA in aquafeed and increasing relevance and occurrence of sub-optimal rearing temperature in commercial aquaculture, this study can be considered to be important as it provided a series of fundamental information, which are envisaged to be useful towards addressing these constraints and possible nutritional remedial strategies.


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Social marketing has been proposed as a framework that may be effectively used to encourage behaviour change relating to obesity. Social advertising (or mass media campaigning) is the most commonly used social marketing strategy to address the issue of obesity. While social advertising has the potential to effectively communicate information about obesity, some argue that the current framing and delivery of these campaigns are ineffective, and may cause more harm than good.


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Emergency work can expose personnel to sleep restriction. Inadequate amounts of sleep can negatively affect physiological and psychological stress responses. This review critiqued the emergency service literature (e.g., firefighting, police/law enforcement, defense forces, ambulance/paramedic personnel) that has investigated the effect of sleep restriction on hormonal, inflammatory and psychological responses. Furthermore, it investigated if a psycho-physiological approach can help contextualize the significance of such responses to assist emergency service agencies monitor the health of their personnel. The available literature suggests that sleep restriction across multiple work days can disrupt cytokine and cortisol levels, deteriorate mood and elicit simultaneous physiological and psychological responses. However, research concerning the interaction between such responses is limited and inconclusive. Therefore, it is unknown if a psycho-physiological relationship exists and as a result, it is currently not feasible for agencies to monitor sleep restriction related stress based on psycho- physiological interactions. Sleep restriction does however, appear to be a major stressor contributing to physiological and psychological responses and thus, warrants further investigation.


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Nós usamos a metodologia de Regressões em Descontinuidade (RDD) para estimar o efeito causal do Fundo de Participação dos Municípios (FPM) recebido por um município sobre características dos municípios vizinhos, considerando uma variedade de temas: finanças públicas, educação, saúde e resultados eleitorais. Nós exploramos a regra que gera uma variação exógena da transferência em munícipios próximos às descontinuidades no repasse do fundo de acordo com faixas de população. Nossa principal contribuição é estimar separadamente e em conjunto o efeito spillover e o efeito direto do FPM, considerando ambos municípios vizinhos ou apenas um deles próximos às mudanças de faixa. Dessa forma, conseguimos entender melhor a interação entre municípios vizinhos quando há uma correlação na probabilidade de receber uma transferência federal. Nós mostramos que a estimativa do efeito direto do FPM sobre os gastos locais diminui em cerca de 20% quando controlamos pelo spillover do vizinho, que em geral é positivo, com exceção dos gastos em saúde e saneamento. Nós estimamos um efeito positivo da transferência sobre notas na prova Brasil e taxas de aprovação escolares em municípios vizinhos e na rede estadual do ensino fundamental. Por outro lado, o recebimento de FPM por municípios vizinhos de pequena população reduz o provimento de bens e serviços de saúde em cidades próximas e maiores, o que pode ocorrer devido à redução da demanda por serviços de saúde. A piora de alguns indicadores globais de saúde é um indício, no entanto, de que podem existir problemas de coordenação para os prefeitos reterem seus gastos em saúde. De fato, quando controlamos pela margem de vitória nas eleições municipais e consideramos apenas cidades vizinhas com prefeitos de partido diferentes, o efeito spillover é maior em magnitude, o que indica que incentivos políticos são importantes para explicar a subprovisão de serviços em saúde, por um lado, e o aumento da provisão de bens em educação, por outro. Nós também constatamos um efeito positivo do FPM sobre votos para o partido do governo federal nas eleições municipais e nacionais, e grande parte desse efeito é explicado pelo spillover do FPM de cidades vizinhas, mostrando que cidades com dependência econômica do governo federal se tornam a base de sustentação e apoio político desse governo. Por fim, nós encontramos um efeito ambíguo do aumento de receita devido ao FPM sobre a competição eleitoral nas eleições municipais, com uma queda da margem de vitória do primeiro colocado e uma redução do número de candidatos, o que pode ser explicado pelo aumento do custo fixo das campanhas locais.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)