194 resultados para Gumbo Limbo hammock


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We cloned a new inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) homolog, SfIAP, from Spodoptera frugiperda Sf-21 cells, a host of insect baculoviruses. SfIAP contains two baculovirus IAP repeat domains followed by a RING domain. SfIAP has striking amino acid sequence similarity with baculoviral IAPs, CpIAP and OpIAP, suggesting that baculoviral IAPs may be host-derived genes. SfIAP and baculoviral CpIAP inhibit Bax but not Fas-induced apoptosis in human cells. Their apoptosis-suppressing activity in mammalian cells requires both baculovirus IAP repeat and RING domains. Further biochemical data suggest that SfIAP and CpIAP are specific inhibitors of mammalian caspase-9, the pinnacle caspase in the mitochondria/cytochrome c pathway for apoptosis, but are not inhibitors of downstream caspase-3 and caspase-7. Thus the mechanisms by which insect and baculoviral IAPs suppress apoptosis may involve inhibition of an insect caspase-9 homologue. Peptides representing the IAP-binding domain of the Drosophila cell death protein Grim abrogated human caspase suppression by SfIAP and CpIAP, implying evolutionary conservation of the functions of IAPs and their inhibitors.


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Edman degradation remains the primary method for determining the sequence of proteins. In this study, accelerator mass spectrometry was used to determine the N-terminal sequence of glutathione S-transferase at the attomole level with zeptomole precision using a tracer of 14C. The transgenic transferase was labeled by growing transformed Escherichia coli on [14C]glucose and purified by microaffinity chromatography. An internal standard of peptides on a solid phase synthesized to release approximately equal amounts of all known amino acids with each cycle were found to increase yield of gas phase sequencing reactions and subsequent semimicrobore HPLC as did a lactoglobulin carrier. This method is applicable to the sequencing of proteins from cell culture and illustrates a path to more general methods for determining N-terminal sequences with high sensitivity.


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Includes index.


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Objective. Our aim was to examine how diagnosis is perceived by a sample of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients. Methods. A qualitative study was carried out in the Lothian region of Scotland using in-depth interviews of 40 newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients recruited from 16 general practices in four Local Health Care Co-operatives and three hospital clinics. Purposive selection ensured that the sample's demographic characteristics were broadly representative of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients in Lothian/Scotland. Results. Clarity, timing and authority of the diagnosis delivery were highly salient for patients. Many patients perceived their GP as unwilling to deliver/confirm the diagnosis. Patients who were not referred to hospital were unclear why a referral had not taken place. Those referred perceived confirmation of diagnosis by the consultant as a central reason. Waiting for a hospital appointment could be problematic for patients. Most wanted the diagnosis confirmed before they felt confident making lifestyle changes. Input from health services during the period prior to the hospital visit was highly valued. Waiting was taken by some asymptomatic patients to indicate that they did not have the condition. Others used a lengthy period of waiting to confirm their view that they had a 'milder' or 'less serious' form of diabetes than other patients. Conclusions. Adequate input from practitioners is needed to ensure that diagnosis is fully exploited as a crucial period in which patients learn to adapt to their condition. Being explicit about the diagnosis at first contact may avoid the problem of patients feeling 'in limbo' or uncertain whether they have type 2 diabetes. Practitioners should convey to patients that post-diagnosis/initial care is a process, stages of this process should be clarified to avoid misunderstanding and services should be integrated during this interim period to best effect. © Oxford University Press 2004; all rights reserved.


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We study a family of models of tax evasion, where a flat-rate tax finances only the provision of public goods, neglecting audits and wage differences. We focus on the comparison of two modeling approaches. The first is based on optimizing agents, who are endowed with social preferences, their utility being the sum of private consumption and moral utility. The second approach involves agents acting according to simple heuristics. We find that while we encounter the traditionally shaped Laffer-curve in the optimizing model, the heuristics models exhibit (linearly) increasing Laffercurves. This difference is related to a peculiar type of behavior emerging within the heuristics based approach: a number of agents lurk in a moral state of limbo, alternating between altruism and selfishness.


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Az adócsalásnak egy olyan modellcsaládját vizsgáljuk, ahol az egykulcsos adó kizárólag a közjavakat finanszírozza. Két megközelítés összehasonlítására összpontosítunk. Az elsőben minden dolgozó jövedelme azonos, és ebből minden évben annyit vall be, amennyi maximalizálja a nála maradó jövedelemből fedezhető fogyasztás nyújtotta hasznosság és a jövedelembevallásból fakadó hasznosság összegét. A második hasznosság három tényező szorzata: a dolgozó exogén adómorálja, a környezetében előző évben megfigyelt átlagos jövedelembevallás és saját bevallásából fakadó endogén hasznossága. A második megközelítésben az ágensek egyszerű heurisztikus szabályok szerint cselekszenek. Míg az optimalizáló modellben hagyományos Laffer-görbékkel találkozunk, addig a heurisztikán alapuló modellekben (lineárisan) növekvő Laffer-görbék jönnek létre. E különbség oka, hogy a heurisztikán alapuló modellben egy sajátos viselkedésfajta jelentkezik: számos ágens ingatag helyzetbe kerül, amelyben altruizmus és önzés között ingadozik. ________ The authors study a family of models of tax evasion, where a flat-rate tax only finances the provision of public goods and audits and wage differences are ne-glected. The paper focuses on comparing two modelling approaches. The first is based on optimizing agents, endowed with social preferences, their utility being the sum of private consumption and moral utility. The second approach involves agents acting according to simple heuristics. While the traditionally shaped Laffer curves are encountered in the optimizing model, the heuristics models exhibit (linearly) increasing Laffer curves. This difference is related to a peculiar type of behaviour: within the agent-based approach lurk a number of agents in a moral state of limbo, alternating between altruism and selfishness.


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Tree islands in the Everglades wetlands are centers of biodiversity and targets of restoration, yet little is known about the pattern of water source utilization by the constituent woody plant communities: upland hammocks and flooded swamp forests. Two potential water sources exist: (1) entrapped rainwater in the vadose zone of the organic soil (referred to as upland soil water), that becomes enriched in phosphorus, and (2) phosphorus-poor groundwater/surface water (referred to as regional water). Using natural stable isotope abundance as a tracer, we observed that hammock plants used upland soil water in the wet season and shifted to regional water uptake in the dry season, while swamp forest plants used regional water throughout the year. Consistent with the previously observed phosphorus concentrations of the two water sources, hammock plants had a greater annual mean foliar phosphorus concentration over swamp forest plants, thereby supporting the idea that tree island hammocks are islands of high phosphorus concentrations in the oligotrophic Everglades. Foliar nitrogen levels in swamp forest plants were higher than those of hammock plants. Linking water sources with foliar nutrient concentrations can indicate nutrient sources and periods of nutrient uptake, thereby linking hydrology with the nutrient regimes of different plant communities in wetland ecosystems. Our results are consistent with the hypotheses that (1) over long periods, upland tree island communities incrementally increase their nutrient concentration by incorporating marsh nutrients through transpiration seasonally, and (2) small differences in micro-topography in a wetland ecosystem can lead to large differences in water and nutrient cycles.


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The present study comparatively examined the socio-political and economic transformation of the indigenous Sámi in Sweden and the Indian American in the United States of America occurring first as a consequence of colonization and later as a product of interaction with the modern territorial and industrial state, from approximately 1500 to 1900. The first colonial encounters of the Europeans with these autochthonous populations ultimately created an imagery of the exotic Other and of the noble savage. Despite these disparaging representations, the cross-cultural settings in which these interactions took place also produced the hybrid communities and syncretic life that allowed levels of cultural accommodation, autonomous space, and indigenous agency to emerge. By the nineteenth century, however, the modern territorial and industrial state rearranges the dynamics and reaches of power across a redefined territorial sovereign space, consequently, remapping belongingness and identity. In this context, the status of indigenous peoples, as in the case of Sámi and of Indian Americans, began to change at par with industrialization and with modernity. At this point in time, indigenous populations became a hindrance to be dealt with the legal re-codification of Indigenousness into a vacuumed limbo of disenfranchisement. It is, thus, the modern territorial and industrial state that re-creates the exotic into an indigenous Other. The present research showed how the initial interaction between indigenous and Europeans changed with the emergence of the modern state, demonstrating that the nineteenth century, with its fundamental impulses of industrialism and modernity, not only excluded and marginalized indigenous populations because they were considered unfit to join modern society, it also re-conceptualized indigenous identity into a constructed authenticity.


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Firefly Curios and Sundry Lights contains 33 poems and 55 pages, mostly free verse lyric narratives issuing from various geographic, emotional, and temporal landscapes. The book is divided into four sections which might roughly be titled: "before," examining themes of childhood and death: "on-the-road," relaying the compulsion to travel, "odd-and- ends-limbo," including pieces which have no context within the time line; and "in-one- place-for-now," reflecting modes of communication, ordering, and longing. Other concerns include speculations about existence, observations of nature, and the importance of science as a means of apprehending the world. The work reveals a belief in the interconnectedness of mind and matter, combines seriousness and humor, and displays a sonic sensibility. These poems of solitude and observation are themselves vehicles, their motion a means of dislocation in order to find the self. Firefly Curios and Sundry Lights is smaller than a bread box and you can dance to it.


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This synthesis dataset contains records of freshwater peat and lake sediments from continental shelves and coastal areas. Information included is site location (when available), thickness and description of terrestrial sediments as well as underlying and overlying sediments, dates (when available), and references.


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En este artículo se aborda el tema de la minería en zonas excluibles, por medio de una revisión bibliográfica de la legislación vigente, y se ejemplifican dos casos icono que se han presentado en Colombia en relación con la minería de oro en áreas de protección: el Parque Nacional Yaigojé-Apaporis y el Páramo de Santurbán. En ambos casos se evidencia la falta de coordinación entre las autoridades mineras y ambientales, y el vacío legislativo especialmente en la fase exploratoria, que, además de causar serios impactos ambientales y vulnerar los derechos de minorías étnicas y la población en general, crea inseguridad normativa y grandes costos a las empresas mineras. En un primer momento se describe el panorama jurídico que rige la explotación minera en Colombia, seguido de un contexto técnico del ciclo minero y de las implicaciones desde el punto de vista jurídico de este tipo de explotaciones en áreas protegidas. Luego, se presenta una cronología de los estudios de caso de la minería en un área protegida del sistema de Parques Nacionales y otra de carácter regional, concluyendo que la falta de coordinación entre instituciones deja al sector en un limbo jurídico.


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Cada vez son más los casos en donde una persona muere durante el forcejeo que mantiene con las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado durante el proceso de detención. Esto supone un gran reto profesional para el médico forense que realiza la autopsia. En muchas ocasiones, los resultados obtenidos tras la autopsia no son entendidos por la sociedad, familiares del fallecido ni correctamente divulgados por los medios de comunicación, pareciendo que dicha muerte queda en un limbo judicial. Estas muertes, generalmente son consecuencia del síndrome de delirium agitado. Este síndrome no es bien conocido en nuestro país por parte de médicos ni por cuerpos de seguridad. Se engloban dentro de las muertes en privación de libertad o death in custody. En su producción intervienen factores como la patología previa del paciente, consumo de drogas, especialmente cocaína, y la forma de llevar a cabo el proceso de inmovilización del detenido. Este cuadro se trata de una verdadera urgencia médica que requiere una actuación sanitaria inmediata.


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Cada vez son más los casos en donde una persona muere durante el forcejeo que mantiene con las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado durante el proceso de detención. Esto supone un gran reto profesional para el médico forense que realiza la autopsia. En muchas ocasiones, los resultados obtenidos tras la autopsia no son entendidos por la sociedad, familiares del fallecido ni correctamente divulgados por los medios de comunicación, pareciendo que dicha muerte queda en un limbo judicial. Estas muertes, generalmente son consecuencia del síndrome de delirium agitado. Este síndrome no es bien conocido en nuestro país por parte de médicos ni por cuerpos de seguridad. Se engloban dentro de las muertes en privación de libertad o death in custody. En su producción intervienen factores como la patología previa del paciente, consumo de drogas, especialmente cocaína, y la forma de llevar a cabo el proceso de inmovilización del detenido.


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Cada vez son más los casos en donde una persona muere durante el forcejeo que mantiene con las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado durante el proceso de detención. Esto supone un gran reto profesional para el médico forense que realiza la autopsia. En muchas ocasiones, los resultados obtenidos tras la autopsia no son entendidos por la sociedad, familiares del fallecido ni correctamente divulgados por los medios de comunicación, pareciendo que dicha muerte queda en un limbo judicial. Estas muertes, generalmente son consecuencia del síndrome de delirium agitado. Este síndrome no es bien conocido en nuestro país por parte de médicos ni por cuerpos de seguridad. Se engloban dentro de las muertes en privación de libertad o death in custody. En su producción intervienen factores como la patología previa del paciente, consumo de drogas, especialmente cocaína, y la forma de llevar a cabo el proceso de inmovilización del detenido. Este cuadro se trata de una verdadera urgencia médica que requiere una actuación sanitaria inmediata.


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Cada vez son más los casos en donde una persona muere durante el forcejeo que mantiene con las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado durante el proceso de detención. Esto supone un gran reto profesional para el médico forense que realiza la autopsia. En muchas ocasiones, los resultados obtenidos tras la autopsia no son entendidos por la sociedad, familiares del fallecido ni correctamente divulgados por los medios de comunicación, pareciendo que dicha muerte queda en un limbo judicial. Estas muertes, generalmente son consecuencia del síndrome de delirium agitado. Este síndrome no es bien conocido en nuestro país por parte de médicos ni por cuerpos de seguridad. Se engloban dentro de las muertes en privación de libertad o death in custody. En su producción intervienen factores como la patología previa del paciente, consumo de drogas, especialmente cocaína, y la forma de llevar a cabo el proceso de inmovilización del detenido.