963 resultados para Greenback Labor Party (U.S.)
The relative stability of aggregate labor's share constitutes one of the great macroeconomic ratios. However, relative stability at the aggregate level masks the unbalanced nature of industry labor's shares – the Kuznets stylized facts underlie those of Kaldor. We present a two-sector – one labor-only and the other using both capital and labor – model of unbalanced economic development with induced innovation that can rationalize these phenomena as well as several other empirical regularities of actual economies. Specifically, the model features (i) one sector ("goods" production) becoming increasingly capital-intensive over time; (ii) an increasing relative price and share in total output of the labor-only sector ("services"); and (iii) diverging sectoral labor's shares despite (iii) an aggregate labor's share that converges from above to a value between 0 and unity. Furthermore, the model (iv) supports either a neoclassical steadystate or long-run endogenous growth, giving it the potential to account for a wide range of real world development experiences.
La corrupción sigue siendo uno de los principales problemas del Estado de Derecho en el siglo XXI. Su incidencia reduce la eficacia de la inversión, aumenta el valor de los bienes y servicios, reduce la competitividad de las empresas, vulnera la confianza de los ciudadanos en el ordenamiento jurídico y sobre todo condena a la miseria a quienes deben ser destinatarios de las políticas públicas.Sin embrago, la lucha que han realizado muchos gobiernos y funcionarios judiciales contra este fenómeno ha modificado sus formas de aparición, pues es cada vez menos frecuente la apropiación directa de los caudales públicos o la entrega de sobornos a los funcionarios, prefiriéndose métodos mucho más sutiles como los sobrecostos, la subcontratación masiva o la constitución de complicadas sociedades, en las cuales tienen participación los funcionarios públicos o sus familias.Este libro constituye un esfuerzo por el estudio jurídico y criminológico de la corrupción y los delitos contra la administración pública en Europa y Latinoamérica y reúne la selección de los temas penales más relevantes de la tesis doctoral del profesor Carlos Guillermo Castro Cuenca, denominada Aproximación a la Corrupción en la contratación pública y defendida en la universidad de Salamanca en febrero de 2008, con lo cual obtuvo la calificación de sobresaliente por unanimidad.
El presente trabajo de grado tiene como propósito examinar la incidencia de la organización interna de los partidos políticos colombianos sobre el grado de polarización del sistema partidario, durante el periodo 2002-2014. De esta manera, sostiene que la poca disciplina interna determinó el bajo grado de polarización del sistema, facilitando la conformación de coaliciones contradictorias, efímeras e indisciplinadas en el Congreso y en el Ejecutivo a nivel nacional y local. Por ello, se exponen los principales cambios que sufrió el sistema partidario a partir de las reformas implementadas, y se analiza el comportamiento de las coaliciones de gobierno en el Congreso. Finalmente, se examina el comportamiento de la coalición de la Unidad Nacional en las elecciones locales de 2011, utilizando como marco para este trabajo algunos conceptos básicos sobre la teoría de partidos.
This paper studies in- and out-migration from the U.S. during the first half of the twentieth century and assesses how these flows affected state-level labor markets. It shows that out-migration positively impacted the earnings growth of remaining workers, while in-migration had a negative impact. Hence, immigrant arrivals were substitutes of the existing workforce, while out-migration reduced the competitive pressure on labor markets
Lawrance (1991) has shown, through the estimation of consumption Euler equations, that subjective rates of impatience (time preference) in the U.S. are three to Öve percentage points higher for households with lower average labor incomes than for those with higher labor income. From a theoretical perspective, the sign of this correlation in a job-search model seems at Örst to be undetermined, since more impatient workers tend to accept wage o§ers that less impatient workers would not, thereby remaining less time unemployed. The main result of this paper is showing that, regardless of the existence of e§ects of opposite sign, and independently of the particular speciÖcations of the givens of the model, less impatient workers always end up, in the long run, with a higher average income. The result is based on the (unique) invariant Markov distribution of wages associated with the dynamic optimization problem solved by the consumers. An example is provided to illustrate the method.
This thesis consists of three self-contained papers. In the first paper I analyze the labor supply behavior of Bologna Pizza Delivery Vendors. Recent influential papers analyze labor supply behavior of taxi drivers (Camerer et al., 1997; and Crawford and Meng, 2011) and suggest that reference-dependence preferences have an important influence on drivers’ labor-supply decisions. Unlike previous papers, I am able to identify an exogenous and transitory change in labor demand. Using high frequency data on orders and rainfall as an exogenous demand shifter, I invariably find that reference-dependent preferences play no role in their labor’ supply decisions and the behavior of pizza vendors is perfectly consistent with the predictions of the standard model of labor’ supply. In the second paper, I investigate how the voting behavior of Members of Parliament is influenced by the Members seating nearby. By exploiting the random seating arrangements in the Icelandic Parliament, I show that being seated next to Members of a different party increases the probability of not being aligned with one’s own party. Using the exact spatial orientation of the peers, I provide evidence that supports the hypothesis that interaction is the main channel that explain these results. In the third paper, I provide an estimate of the trade flows that there would have been between the UK and Europe if the UK had joined the Euro. As an alternative approach to the standard log-linear gravity equation I employ the synthetic control method. I show that the aggregate trade flows between Britain and Europe would have been 13% higher if the UK had adopted the Euro.
Abstract Montana's Lee Metcalf was an extraordinary Montana leader with an unbelievable record of accomplishment fighting for the little people against the forces of economic and political power. The public memory is so short that this film will serve to help reacquaint Lee & Donna Metcalf to most of those who were around during their time. But it will also provide an opportunity for new generations to receive a perspective of an important leader from an important time. (Language from YouTube version of the film, written and provided by Executive Producer Evan Barrett) Lee Warren Metcalf (January 28, 1911 – January 12, 1978) was an American lawyer, judge, and politician. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as a U.S. Representative (1953–1961) and a U.S. Senator (1961–1978) from Montana. He was permanent acting President pro tempore of the Senate, the only person to hold that position, from 1963 until his death in 1978. U.S. House of Representatives During his tenure in the House, Metcalf served on the Education and Labor Committee (1953–1959), Interior and Insular Affairs Committee (1955–1959), Select Astronautics and Space Exploration Committee (1958), and Ways and Means Committee (1959–1960). He became known as one of Congress's "Young Turks" who promoted liberal domestic social legislation and reform of congressional procedures. He introduced legislation to provide health care to the elderly ten years before the creation of Medicare. He earned the nickname "Mr. Education" after sponsoring a comprehensive bill providing for federal aid to education. He also voted against legislation that would have raised grazing permits on federal lands, and led the opposition to a bill that would have swapped forested public lands for cutover private lands. He was elected chairman of the Democratic Study Group in 1959. U. S. Senate Regarded as "a pioneer of the conservation movement", Metcalf worked to protect the natural environment and regulate utilities. He helped pass the Wilderness Act of 1964, and supported the creation of the Great Bear Wilderness and the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness. In 1962, he introduced a "Save Our Streams" bill to preserve natural recreation facilities and protect fish and wildlife from being destroyed by highway construction. He was a longtime member of the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission. He was also active on the issue of education. He was a leading supporter of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the effort to extend the G.I. Bill's educational benefits to a new generation of veterans, and the development of legislation to improve federally-aided vocational education.[1] The Peace Corps was established under leadership of Metcalf and Senator Mansfield. In 1983, by act of Congress, the Lee Metcalf Wilderness area was created in southwestern Montana in honor of the late Congressman. The Great Bear Wilderness and Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness areas were also created as a result of Metcalf's efforts in Congress, in addition to the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge in Montana. Metcalf was ranked number 15 on a list of the 100 Most Influential Montanans of the Century by the Missoulian newspaper. This text is courtesy of Wikipedia®, a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization, and is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.
OBJECTIVE: We sought to determine maternal and neonatal outcomes by labor onset type and gestational age. STUDY DESIGN: We used electronic medical records data from 10 US institutions in the Consortium on Safe Labor on 115,528 deliveries from 2002 through 2008. Deliveries were divided by labor onset type (spontaneous, elective induction, indicated induction, unlabored cesarean). Neonatal and maternal outcomes were calculated by labor onset type and gestational age. RESULTS: Neonatal intensive care unit admissions and sepsis improved with each week of gestational age until 39 weeks (P < .001). After adjusting for complications, elective induction of labor was associated with a lower risk of ventilator use (odds ratio [OR], 0.38; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.28-0.53), sepsis (OR, 0.36; 95% CI, 0.26-0.49), and neonatal intensive care unit admissions (OR, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.48-0.57) compared to spontaneous labor. The relative risk of hysterectomy at term was 3.21 (95% CI, 1.08-9.54) with elective induction, 1.16 (95% CI, 0.24-5.58) with indicated induction, and 6.57 (95% CI, 1.78-24.30) with cesarean without labor compared to spontaneous labor. CONCLUSION: Some neonatal outcomes improved until 39 weeks. Babies born with elective induction are associated with better neonatal outcomes compared to spontaneous labor. Elective induction may be associated with an increased hysterectomy risk.
55 Briefe zwischen Otto Kirchheimer, Anne Kirchheimer und Max Horkheimer, 1937 - 1947; 1 Brief von Otto und Anne Kirchheimer an Frederick Pollock, 06.08.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen der Rockfeller Foundation (New York) und Max Horkheimer, März 1941; 1 Brief von dem Oberlaender Trust an Frederick Pollock, 10.02.1941; 1 Brief von Otto Kirchheimer an Frederick Pollock, 06.08.1939; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an das American College Bureau (Chicago), 07.10.1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an das College and Specialist Bureau (Memphis, T.), 23.09.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Max Horkheimer und dem Social Science Research Council (New York), 17.12.1938; 73 Briefe zwischen Leo Löwenthal und Max Horkheimer 1933 - 1935; 1 Brief von dem Europa Verlag A. G. (Zürich) an Max Horkheimer, 30.11.1935; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an das United States Department of Labor (New York), 03.05.1935; 2 Briefe von Hugo Sinzheimer an Max Horkheimer, 11.06.1934; 1 Brief von Leo Löwenthal an Hugo Sinzheimer, 16.07.1934; 2 Briefe zwischen Leo Löwenthal und Fritz Schiff, 1934/1935;
Mexican immigrants make up the largest subgroup of Hispanics living in the United States. The largest percentage of illegal immigrants comes from México. As such they are a subpopulation with limited access to health care and social services; their health seeking behaviors including self-medication behaviors that, aside from the intake of antibiotics, have not been studied in depth. The analysis of the data presented sought to document the medication behaviors of illegal immigrants living in El Paso County along the U.S.-México border. Of the 80 participants, 31 were taking medication on a regular basis. Of these, 28 claimed that at least one of the medications had been prescribed by a physician, 13 people had bought at least one of their medications in México, nine participants claimed that they had not paid for at least one of the medications they were taking, ten participants reported that they had skipped the doses of at least one of their medications due to monetary constraints. Participants were also asked if they had purchased medication in México during the year prior to the study, 68 of the 80 (85%) participants had bought 295 pharmaceutical products across the border themselves or through a third party. The most frequently purchased medications were antibiotics (17%), followed by syrups, pomades, creams, eardrops, and cold medicine as a group (15%), followed by analgesics (13%) and other non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (12%) and oral hypoglycemic agents (6%). ^
In the United States, dental caries is the most common chronic illness in children, occurring five to eight times as frequently as asthma. 11 Dental caries is an unmet health need, disproportionately affecting minority groups and individuals with low socio-economic status.15,34,36 School-Based Sealant Programs were developed to target children at risk, to provide dental services in a closer geographic area, to offer low cost preventive dental services, and to educate families about oral health and prevention.1 There is scientific, evidence based literature that shows the effectiveness of dental sealants preventing dental decay. 13^ Currently, there is no central source for cataloging School-Based Sealant Programs (SBSPs). Information is scattered around publications and documents. For instance, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) does not have information about all the existing SBSPs. ^ This literature review determined which are the most common characteristics of SBSPs in the U.S. and determined the extent to which these programs provide sealants to children of low socio-economic status. The method utilized was an electronic database search. Pubmed and EBESCO host databases were searched with Mesh terms like “dental school sealant programs”, “community dentistry”, “school based sealant programs” and “oral preventive programs”. Results were organized in terms of location, population served, providers, funding source and data shared. ^ The searches produced 77 studies, from which 40 were included in this work. Only 18 U.S. states were represented in the results; however these findings are very consistent with the Best Practice Approach – School Based Sealant Programs3. Most of the SBSPs provide their services to children from low income families, and utilized the lower labor cost providers permitted by their state regulations. The author intends that this thesis work will become an aide in the development of future programs, and as evidence for the sustainability of these programs.^
A mass-spectrometric uranium-series dated stalagmite from the Central Alps of Austria provides unprecedented new insights into high-altitude climate change during the peak of isotope stage 3. The stalagmite formed continuously between 57 and 46 kyr before present. A series of 'Hendy tests' demonstrates that the outer parts of the sample show a progressive increase of both stable C and O isotope values. No such covariant increase was detected within the axial zone. This in conjunction with other observations suggests that the continuous stable oxygen isotope profile obtained from the axial zone of the stalagmite largely reflects the unaltered isotopic composition of the cave drip water. The delta18O record shows events of high delta18O values that correlate remarkably with Interstadials 15 (a and b), 14 and 12 identified in the Greenland ice cores. Interstadial 15b started rapidly at 55.6 kyr and lasted ~300 yr only, Interstadial 15a peaked 54.9 kyr ago and was even of shorter duration (~100 yr), and Interstadial 14 commenced 54.2 kyr ago and lasted ~3000 yr. This stalagmite thus represents one of the first terrestrial archives outside the high latitudes which record precisely dated Dansgaard-Oeschger (D/O) events during isotope stage 3. Provided that rapid D/O warmings occurred synchronously in Greenland and the European Alps, the new data provide an independent tool to improve the GRIP and GISP2 chronologies.
El 24 de abril de 1917 se dictó el decreto de intervención federal a la provincia de Buenos Aires. Producido este hecho, las diversas fuerzas políticas se prepararon para participar en las elecciones de gobernador y legisladores que habrían de realizarse en marzo de 1918, pero fue en el radicalismo donde el proceso habría de ser realmente complicado. Arribada la UCR al poder a través de la intervención y con claras perspectivas de llegar al gobierno, rápidamente se pudo contemplar que, dentro de la misma y sin llegar a la ruptura, se formaron dos líneas claramente contrapuestas que se denominaron provincialistas, origen en parte del antipersonalismo provincial, y los metropolitanos. Luego de un arduo proceso, con activa participación de Yrigoyen, se llegó a dar consenso a la fórmula Crotto-Monteverde, que habría de imponerse sobre los conservadores y socialistas, pero que dejó abierto el camino para las fuertes luchas intrapartidarias del radicalismo