372 resultados para Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.)


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O dendê possui grande importância econômica para o estado do Pará, no entanto, o Amarelecimento Fatal (AF) tem sido um grande obstáculo para a sua produção. Alguns elementos químicos foram testados, em pesquisas anteriores, para saber sua relação com o AF e as consequências da sua deficiência. A análise química por espectrometria de raios-x por dispersão de energia (EDS) é um recurso da microscopia de varredura (MEV) que permite fazer uma avaliação química da amostra. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar semiquantitativamente os elementos químicos cálcio e silício, em quatro diferentes tecidos de raízes terciárias e quaternárias de Elaeis guineensis Jacq. (Dendezeiro) com grau zero (sem sintoma) e grau dez (com sintoma) de amarelecimento fatal (AF). Em plantas com sintomas de AF as médias percentuais para cálcio são de 0,731 a 4,453 e para silício 2,619 a 8,124 dentre os tecidos analisados, enquanto que em plantas sem sintomas as médias são de 0,712 a 5,313 e 2,963 a 7,494, para cálcio e silício, respectivamente. A diferença encontrada em relação as porcentagens dos elementos nos diferentes tecidos radiculares analisados, é maior do que entre os diferentes graus da doença, exceto para o aerênquima. Em relação ao acumulo de cálcio e silício nos tecidos, o comportamento das plantas com sintoma e sem sintoma é muito parecido. A presença de cálcio aumenta conforme se aproxima do cilindro vascular, ocorrendo o comportamento variado com o silício.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os fluxos de CO2 em cultivo de palma de óleo com híbrido interespecífico [Elaeis guineensis Jacq. e Elaeis oleifera (Kunth) Cortés] no leste da Amazônia. O estudo foi realizado na empresa Marborges Agroindústria S.A, Moju ? Pará, onde foi instalada uma torre micrometeorológica para obtenção de dados meteorológicos e de CO2 durante o período de janeiro-dezembro/2015. Foram obtidos maiores valores médios dos fluxos de CO2 no período chuvoso do que no período menos chuvoso. Houve maior absorção de CO2 durante o dia, quando ocorre predominantemente a fotossíntese, do que durante a noite quando ocorre o processo de respiração é dominante. O cultivo de palma de óleo, em geral, apresentou valores elevados de absorção de CO2.


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O aparecimento do Amarelecimento Fatal (AF) tem sido um empecilho para o crescimento da cultura do dendezeiro. Neste sentido, várias pesquisas foram realizadas visando identificar as causas do AF. No entanto outras estratégias precisam ser aplicadas. Técnicas em proteômica vêem se modernizando para obter o perfil protéico qualitativo e quantitativo com maior velocidade e precisão. Sabendo que a regulação de componentes do metabolismo primário está envolvida direta ou indiretamente na defesa, o objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar a cromatografia líquida bidimensional e espectrometria de massas (2D-UPLC/MSE) com o auxílio de ferramentas de bioinformática na identificação de alterações de proteínas envolvidas no metabolismo energético em raízes de plantas com AF. Os resultados revelaram a expressão diferencial de proteínas envolvidas na glicólise, onde a maior frequência de regulação positiva dessas em plantas assintomáticas pode estar relacionada ao retardo no desenvolvimento desta doença.


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A Amazônia é um importante centro de diversidade de Capsicum spp., em especial de C. chinense. Informações relativas à biologia reprodutiva são importantes para o melhoramento e conservação da espécie. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar o sistema de reprodução de C. chinense. Foram avaliados cinco genótipos e quatro tratamentos: polinização natural, proteção dos botões florais, autopolinização manual e polinização cruzada manual. Os genótipos avaliados demonstraram auto-compatibilidade e reprodução como plantas autógamas.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o tempo que as sementes podem ser armazenadas sem que ocorra prejuízo à manutenção da sua germinabilidade.


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Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. (vassoura-vermelha; Sapindaceae) é uma arvoreta comportamento agressivo, pioneira, de dispersão anemocórica, com grande produção de sementes ortodoxas e distribuição cosmopolita. Com base na necessidade de se conhecer o período adequado de armazenamento de D. viscosa, foi realizado experimento de emergência de plântulas em sistema floating, com substrato comercial.


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Morphological caracterization of the seeds and seedlings of six weed especies of the genus Solanum L. The seeds of the genus Solanum are very similar, however, the association of their external characteristics with the anatomical features, such as hilum shape, the texture and the type of the seed coat sculptures, as well as the curved (circulated or coiled) shape of the embryo, are parameters of great importance in the taxonomical identification at the species level. It is are presented the morphological descriptions of the genus Solanum and a more detailed description of each studied species in terms of seed and seedling structures, including illustrations and taxonomical keys for the identification of Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq., S. americanum Mill., S. ciliatum Lam., S. sisymbriifolium Lam., S. sordidum Sendt. e S. viarum Dunal. There are also indications of the common names, the type of reproduction and dispersion, the crops in which the species is considered as a weed and the agricultural seeds in which it is found as a weed seed.


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In the scope of our ongoing research on bioactive agents from Brazilian flora, twenty-four extracts and fractions obtained from Piper arboreum Aub. and Piper tuberculatum Jacq. (Piperaceae) were screened for trypanocidal activity by using MTT colorimetric assay. The strongest activity was found in hexane fractions from the leaves of P. arboreum (IC50= 13.3 µg/ mL) and P. tuberculatum (IC50 = 17.2 µg/mL). Hexane fractions of the fruits of P. tuberculatum and P. arboreum showed potent toxic effects on epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi, with values of IC50 (µg/mL) of 32.2 and 31.3, respectively. Additionally, the phytochemical study of the hexane fraction of P. arboreum leaves furnished two pyrrolidine amides, piperyline (1) and 4,5-dihydropiperyline (2), which could be responsible, at least in part for the observed antiprotozoal activity.


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Recent studies on South American Hybanthus Jacq. s.l. (Violaceae) revealed the need to select a neotype for the name H. longistylus Schulze-Menz, the holotype of which was destroyed in Berlin during World War II.


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In the scope of our ongoing research on bioactive agents from natural sources, 24 extracts and fractions obtained from Piper arboreum Aub. and Piper tuberculatum Jacq. ( Piperaceae) were screened for antifungal activity by using broth microdilution method. The current investigation reveals that P. arboreum extracts and fractions were more effective against Candida krusei and Candida parapsilosis than Cryptococcus neoformans. The growth of Candida albicans was weakly affected by all the tested extracts and fractions. The strongest effects were observed for hexane and ethyl acetate fractions from leaves of P. arboreum, with MIC values ( in mu g/ml) of 15.6 and 31.2 mu g/ml against C. krusei, respectively. Additionally, phytochemical investigation of the hexane fraction of P. arboreum leaves furnished 3 pyrrolidine amides; piperyline, 4,5-dihydropiperyline and tetrahydropiperyline, which could be responsible, at least in part for the observed antifungal activity. The most active compound, tetrahydropiperyline, displayed MIC values of 15.6 mu g/ml against C. krusei, C. parapsilosis and C. neoformans.


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Simulation of irrigated Thanzania grass growth based on photothermal units, nitrogen fertilization and water availability. The mathematical model to predict the forage yield using photothennal units was utilized with success in Elephant grass, Thanzania and Brachiaria niziziensis in the absence of water stress and nitrogen stress. The aim of this study was to propose models to estimate the forage yield of Thanzania grass under different irrigation (25, 50,75, 100 e 125% of ETc) and nitrogen level in various regions of Brazil. As such, models were developed to estimate the dry matter production of Panicum maximum Jacq. frass cv Thanzania in different irrigation and nitrogen levels, using photothermal units. The models were adjusted to doses of 0, 30, 60, 110 and 270 kg of N ha(-1), doses were divided in applications after each evaluation, with a rest cycle of 35 days. The adjusted model presented good performance in predicting dry matter production of Thanzania grass, with r(2) = 0.9999. The results made it possible to verify that the proposed model can be used to predict forage production in different regions of Brazil. It can be estimated, with good precision. The production of Thanzania grass dry matter can be accurately estimated in specific places (in function of latitude and time of year), with the maximum and minimum temperature values.


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BACKGROUND: A dichloromethane-methanol extract of the seeds of Piper tuberculatum Jacq. (Piperaceae) and two isobutyl amides, 4,5-dihydropiperlonguminine (1) and pellitorine (2), which were isolated by chromatographic methods, were assayed for their lethality against the sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis F. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). RESULTS: Bioassays were carried out with fourth-instar caterpillars through topical application of test solutions to the dorsal surface of the prothorax, and dose-response correlations were determined. Significant insect mortalities were observed 24, 48 and 72 h after treatment at concentrations of >= 100 mu g insect(-1). The LD(50) and LD(90) values for compound 1 were 92.83 and 176.50 mu g insect(-1), and for compound 2 they were 91.19 and 184.56 mu g insect(-1). CONCLUSION: According to the LD(50) and LD(90) for compounds 1 and 2, it can be inferred that the values reflect an acute lethal response to both compounds, based on interaction(s) of the toxicants with a primary target or series of targets. Thus, the amides were demonstrated to have potential value in the control of the sugarcane borer. (C) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry


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Ipomoea cameo Jacq. ssp. fistulosa (Mart. Ex Choisy; Convolvulaceae; I. cameo) possesses a toxic component: an indolizidine alkaloid swainsonine (SW) that has immunomodulatory effects due to its inhibition of glycoprotein metabolism. It is also known that SW is excreted into both the amniotic fluid and milk of female rats exposed to I. cameo. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine whether SW exposure, either in utero or from the milk of dams treated with I. cornea, modulates offspring immune function into adulthood. In addition, adult (70 days old) and juvenile rats (21 days old) were exposed to I. cameo in order to evaluate several other immune parameters: lymphoid organs relative weight and cellularity, humoral and cellular immune responses. Offspring exposed to I. cornea during lactation developed rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in adulthood after an immunogenic challenge. In addition, both adult and juvenile rats exposed to I. cameo showed discrepancies in several immune parameters, but did not exhibit any decrease in humoral immune response, which was enhanced at both ages. These findings indicate that SW modulates immune function in adult rats exposed to SW during lactation and in juvenile and adult rats exposed to SW as juveniles and adults, respectively.