899 resultados para Gis


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Mapping of soil has been highlighted in the scientific community, because as alertness about the environment increases, it is necessary to understand more and more about the distribution of the soil in the landscape, as well as its potential and its limitations for the use. In that way the main aim of this study was to apply indices representing landscape with the use of geoprocessing to give support in the delimitation of different compartments of landscape. Primary indices used were altitude above channel network (AACN) and secondary channel network base level (CNBL), multiresolution index of valley bottom flatness (MRVBF) and Wetness index (ITW), having as object of study the Canguiri Experimental Farm, located in Pinhais, Curitiba's Metropolitan region. To correlate the chemical attributes and granulometric ones in sampling groups, totalizing 17 points (Sugamosto, 2002), a matrix of a simple linear correlation (Pearson) with the indices of the landscape were generated in the Software Statistica. The conclusion is that the indices representing the landscape used in the analysis of groupings were efficient as support to map soil at the level of suborder of Brazilian Soil Classification System.


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Oil spills are potential threats to the integrity of highly productive coastal wetlands, such as mangrove forests. In October 1983, a mangrove area of nearly 300 ha located on the southeastern coast of Brazil was impacted by a 3.5 million liter crude oil spill released by a broken pipeline. In order to assess the long-term effects of oil pollution on mangrove vegetation, we carried out a GIS-based multitemporal analysis of aerial photographs of the years 1962, 1994, 2000 and 2003. Photointerpretation, visual classification, class quantification, ground-truth and vegetation structure data were combined to evaluate the oil impact. Before the spill, the mangroves exhibited a homogeneous canopy and well-developed stands. More than ten years after the spill, the mangrove vegetation exhibited three distinct zones reflecting the long-term effects of the oil pollution. The most impacted zone (10.5 ha) presented dead trees, exposed substrate and recovering stands with reduced structural development. We suggest that the distinct impact and recovery zones reflect the spatial variability of oil removal rates in the mangrove forest. This study identifies the multitemporal analysis of aerial photographs as a useful tool for assessing a system's capacity for recovery and monitoring the long-term residual effects of pollutants on vegetation dynamics, thus giving support to mangrove forest management and conservation.


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Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)


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[EN] In this paper, we have used Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to solve the planar Huff problem considering different demand distributions and forbidden regions. Most of the papers connected with the competitive location problems consider that the demand is aggregated in a finite set of points. In other few cases, the models suppose that the demand is distributed along the feasible region according to a functional form, mainly a uniform distribution. In this case, in addition to the discrete and uniform demand distributions we have considered that the demand is represented by a population surface model, that is, a raster map where each pixel has associated a value corresponding to the population living in the area that it covers...


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Scopo della ricerca è stato definire le dinamiche spazio-temporali degli insetti studiati mediante l’impiego di tecniche geostatistiche. La ricerca è stata condotta su due casi studio, il primo riguardante tre specie di Elateridi di elevata importanza economica su scala aziendale, il secondo inerente al monitoraggio di Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (diabrotica del mais) su scala regionale. Gli scopi specifici dei due casi studio sono stati: Caso studio 1 a) Monitorare l’entità della popolazione di Elateridi su scala aziendale mediante approccio geostatistico. b) Elaborazione di mappe di distribuzione spaziale interfacciabili all’ambiente GIS. c) Individuare i fattori predisponenti l’infestazione. d) Verificare la necessità dell’impiego di mezzi chimici per il controllo delle specie dannose. e) Proporre strategie alternative volte alla riduzione dell’impiego di trattamenti geodisinfestanti. Caso studio 2 a) Studiare la distribuzione spaziale su scala regionale la popolazione del fitofago D. virgifera virgifera. b) Applicare a livello regionale una griglia di monitoraggio efficace per studiarne la diffusione. c) Individuare le aree a rischio e studiare i fattori predisponenti l’infestazione e diffusione. d) Ottimizzare ed economizzare il piano di monitoraggio.


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Ziel der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines allgemeingültigen, im mittleren Maßstabsbereich durchgeführten, GIS-Bewertungsverfahrens zur Ermittlung der Grundwasserneubildungsrate unter Berücksichtigung einer langzeitlichen Landnutzungsänderung sowie die Darstellung eines Szenarios zur Grundwassergefährdungsabschätzung für ausgewählte rüstungsspezifi-sche organische Verbindungen. Das Untersuchungsgebiet befindet sich in einem während der beiden Weltkriege stark militär- und rüstungstechnisch genutzten Raum. Die Beurtei-lungsszenarien der Grundwassergefährdung erfolgen rein qualitativ.Die Abhängigkeit der Grundwasserneubildungsrate von der Landnutzungsänderung ist deut-lich zu erkennen. Mit zunehmender Flächenversiegelung, einher gehend mit veränderten Sickerwasserraten und des oberflächennahen Abflusses, reduziert sich die Grundwasser-neubildungsrate deutlich. Die Abschätzung der Grundwassergefährdung für die sprengstofftypischen Verbindungen erfolgt im ersten Schritt emissionsbezogen für die ungesättigte Zone unter Berücksichtigung der Standort- und Bodeneigenschaften und der physikalisch-chemischen Stoffeigenschaften. Im zweiten Schritt erfolgt eine immissionsbezogene Betrachtung der potenziellen Belastun-gen von Trinkwasserbrunnen.Trotz starker Generalisierungseffekte bietet dieser stoffspezifische Bewertungsansatz in Verbindung mit physikalischen Methoden für organische Verbindungen einen guten ersten Überblick über eine potenzielle Gefährdungen des Grundwassers. Die Datenbestände der entwickelten GIS-Anwendung sind leicht erweiterbar, so dass eine Abschätzung der potenzi-ellen Gefährdung auch für andere organische Stoffgruppen sowie auch eine Übertragung auf andere Untersuchungsgebiete möglich ist.


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The aim of this study is the creation of a Historical GIS that spatially reference data retrieved from Italian and Catalan historical sources and records. The generation of locates these metasource was achieved through the integral acquisition of source-oriented records and the insertion of mark-up fields, yet maintaining, where possible, the original encoding of the source documents. In order to standardize the set of information contained in the original documents and thus allow queries to the database, additional fields were introduced. Once the initial phase of data research and analysis was concluded the new virtual source was published online within an open WebGIS source. As a conclusion we have created a dynamic and spatially referenced database of geo-historical information. The configuration of this new source is such to guarantee the best possible accessibility.


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In genere, negli studi di vocazionalità delle colture, vengono presi in considerazione solo variabili ambientali pedo-climatiche. La coltivazione di una coltura comporta anche un impatto ambientale derivante dalle pratiche agronomiche ed il territorio può essere più o meno sensibile a questi impatti in base alla sua vulnerabilità. In questo studio si vuole sviluppare una metodologia per relazionare spazialmente l’impatto delle colture con le caratteristiche sito specifiche del territorio in modo da considerare anche questo aspetto nell’allocazione negli studi di vocazionalità. LCA è stato utilizzato per quantificare diversi impatti di alcune colture erbacee alimentari e da energia, relazionati a mappe di vulnerabilità costruite con l’utilizzo di GIS, attraverso il calcolo di coefficienti di rischio di allocazione per ogni combinazione coltura-area vulnerabile. Le colture energetiche sono state considerate come un uso alternativo del suolo per diminuire l’impatto ambientale. Il caso studio ha mostrato che l’allocazione delle colture può essere diversa in base al tipo e al numero di impatti considerati. Il risultato sono delle mappe in cui sono riportate le distribuzioni ottimali delle colture al fine di minimizzare gli impatti, rispetto a mais e grano, due colture alimentari importanti nell’area di studio. Le colture con l’impatto più alto dovrebbero essere coltivate nelle aree a vulnerabilità bassa, e viceversa. Se il rischio ambientale è la priorità, mais, colza, grano, girasole, e sorgo da fibra dovrebbero essere coltivate solo nelle aree a vulnerabilità bassa o moderata, mentre, le colture energetiche erbacee perenni, come il panico, potrebbero essere coltivate anche nelle aree a vulnerabilità alta, rappresentando cosi una opportunità per aumentare la sostenibilità di uso del suolo rurale. Lo strumento LCA-GIS inoltre, integrato con mappe di uso attuale del suolo, può aiutare a valutarne il suo grado di sostenibilità ambientale.


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Studio in ambiente GIS della disciplina autorizzativa della segnaletica pubblicitaria: applicazione al catasto strade del comune di San Lazzaro di Savena.


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Many of developing countries are facing crisis in water management due to increasing of population, water scarcity, water contaminations and effects of world economic crisis. Water distribution systems in developing countries are facing many challenges of efficient repair and rehabilitation since the information of water network is very limited, which makes the rehabilitation assessment plans very difficult. Sufficient information with high technology in developed countries makes the assessment for rehabilitation easy. Developing countries have many difficulties to assess the water network causing system failure, deterioration of mains and bad water quality in the network due to pipe corrosion and deterioration. The limited information brought into focus the urgent need to develop economical assessment for rehabilitation of water distribution systems adapted to water utilities. Gaza Strip is subject to a first case study, suffering from severe shortage in the water supply and environmental problems and contamination of underground water resources. This research focuses on improvement of water supply network to reduce the water losses in water network based on limited database using techniques of ArcGIS and commercial water network software (WaterCAD). A new approach for rehabilitation water pipes has been presented in Gaza city case study. Integrated rehabilitation assessment model has been developed for rehabilitation water pipes including three components; hydraulic assessment model, Physical assessment model and Structural assessment model. WaterCAD model has been developed with integrated in ArcGIS to produce the hydraulic assessment model for water network. The model have been designed based on pipe condition assessment with 100 score points as a maximum points for pipe condition. As results from this model, we can indicate that 40% of water pipeline have score points less than 50 points and about 10% of total pipes length have less than 30 score points. By using this model, the rehabilitation plans for each region in Gaza city can be achieved based on available budget and condition of pipes. The second case study is Kuala Lumpur Case from semi-developed countries, which has been used to develop an approach to improve the water network under crucial conditions using, advanced statistical and GIS techniques. Kuala Lumpur (KL) has water losses about 40% and high failure rate, which make severe problem. This case can represent cases in South Asia countries. Kuala Lumpur faced big challenges to reduce the water losses in water network during last 5 years. One of these challenges is high deterioration of asbestos cement (AC) pipes. They need to replace more than 6500 km of AC pipes, which need a huge budget to be achieved. Asbestos cement is subject to deterioration due to various chemical processes that either leach out the cement material or penetrate the concrete to form products that weaken the cement matrix. This case presents an approach for geo-statistical model for modelling pipe failures in a water distribution network. Database of Syabas Company (Kuala Lumpur water company) has been used in developing the model. The statistical models have been calibrated, verified and used to predict failures for both networks and individual pipes. The mathematical formulation developed for failure frequency in Kuala Lumpur was based on different pipeline characteristics, reflecting several factors such as pipe diameter, length, pressure and failure history. Generalized linear model have been applied to predict pipe failures based on District Meter Zone (DMZ) and individual pipe levels. Based on Kuala Lumpur case study, several outputs and implications have been achieved. Correlations between spatial and temporal intervals of pipe failures also have been done using ArcGIS software. Water Pipe Assessment Model (WPAM) has been developed using the analysis of historical pipe failure in Kuala Lumpur which prioritizing the pipe rehabilitation candidates based on ranking system. Frankfurt Water Network in Germany is the third main case study. This case makes an overview for Survival analysis and neural network methods used in water network. Rehabilitation strategies of water pipes have been developed for Frankfurt water network in cooperation with Mainova (Frankfurt Water Company). This thesis also presents a methodology of technical condition assessment of plastic pipes based on simple analysis. This thesis aims to make contribution to improve the prediction of pipe failures in water networks using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Decision Support System (DSS). The output from the technical condition assessment model can be used to estimate future budget needs for rehabilitation and to define pipes with high priority for replacement based on poor condition. rn


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Coastal flooding poses serious threats to coastal areas around the world, billions of dollars in damage to property and infrastructure, and threatens the lives of millions of people. Therefore, disaster management and risk assessment aims at detecting vulnerability and capacities in order to reduce coastal flood disaster risk. In particular, non-specialized researchers, emergency management personnel, and land use planners require an accurate, inexpensive method to determine and map risk associated with storm surge events and long-term sea level rise associated with climate change. This study contributes to the spatially evaluation and mapping of social-economic-environmental vulnerability and risk at sub-national scale through the development of appropriate tools and methods successfully embedded in a Web-GIS Decision Support System. A new set of raster-based models were studied and developed in order to be easily implemented in the Web-GIS framework with the purpose to quickly assess and map flood hazards characteristics, damage and vulnerability in a Multi-criteria approach. The Web-GIS DSS is developed recurring to open source software and programming language and its main peculiarity is to be available and usable by coastal managers and land use planners without requiring high scientific background in hydraulic engineering. The effectiveness of the system in the coastal risk assessment is evaluated trough its application to a real case study.