519 resultados para Gerontology.


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BACKGROUND: Reactive oxygen species production increases during aging, whereas protective mechanisms such as heat shock proteins (HSPs) or antioxidant capacity are depressed. Physical activity has been hypothesized to provide protection against oxidative damage during aging, but results remain controversial. This study aimed to investigate the effect of different levels of physical activity during aging on Hsp72 expression and systemic oxidative stress at rest and in response to maximal exercise. METHODS: Plasma antioxidant capacity (Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity, TEAC), thiobarbituric acid-reactive species (TBARS), advanced oxidized proteins products (AOPP), and Hsp72 expression in leukocytes were measured before and after maximal exercise testing in 32 elderly persons (aged 73.2 years), who were assigned to two different groups depending on their level of physical activity during the past 12 months (OLow = moderate to low level; OHigh = higher level). RESULTS: The OHigh group showed higher aerobic fitness and TEAC (both representing 120% of OLow values) as well as lower oxidative damage (50% of OLow values) and Hsp72 expression. Exercise led to a lower increase in oxidative damage in the OHigh group. Aerobic fitness was positively correlated with TEAC and negatively with lipid peroxidation (TBARS). Hsp72 expression was negatively correlated with TEAC but positively correlated with TBARS levels. CONCLUSIONS: The key finding of this study is that, in people aged 60 to 90 years, long-term high level of physical activity preserved antioxidant capacity and limited oxidative damage accumulation. It also downregulated Hsp72 expression, an adaptation potentially resulting from lower levels of oxidative damage.


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Decline in gait stability has been associated with increased fall risk in older adults. Reliable and clinically feasible methods of gait instability assessment are needed. This study evaluated the relative and absolute reliability and concurrent validity of the testing procedure of the clinical version of the Narrow Path Walking Test (NPWT) under single task (ST) and dual task (DT) conditions. Thirty independent community-dwelling older adults (65-87 years) were tested twice. Participants were instructed to walk within the 6-m narrow path without stepping out. Trial time, number of steps, trial velocity, number of step errors, and number of cognitive task errors were determined. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated as indices of agreement, and a graphic approach called "mountain plot" was applied to help interpret the direction and magnitude of disagreements between testing procedures. Smallest detectable change and smallest real difference (SRD) were computed to determine clinically relevant improvement at group and individual levels, respectively. Concurrent validity was assessed using Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment Tool (POMA) and the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Test-retest agreement (ICC1,2) varied from 0.77 to 0.92 in ST and from 0.78 to 0.92 in DT conditions, with no apparent systematic differences between testing procedures demonstrated by the mountain plot graphs. Smallest detectable change and smallest real change were small for motor task performance and larger for cognitive errors. Significant correlations were observed for trial velocity and trial time with POMA and SPPB. The present results indicate that the NPWT testing procedure is highly reliable and reproducible.


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Engineering of fetal tissue has a high potential for the treatment of acute and chronic wounds of the skin in humans as these cells have high expansion capacity under simple culture conditions and one organ donation can produce Master Cell Banks which can fabricate over 900 million biological bandages (9 x 12cm). In a Phase 1 clinical safety study, cases are presented for the treatment of therapy resistant leg ulcers. All eight patients, representing 13 ulcers, tolerated multiple treatments with fetal biological bandages showing no negative secondary effects and repair processes similar to that seen in 3rd degree burns. Differential gene profiling using Affymetrix gene chips (analyzing 12,500 genes) were accomplished on these banked fetal dermal skin cells compared to banked dermal skin cells of an aged donor in order to point to potential indicators of wound healing. Families of genes involved in cell adhesion and extracellular matrix, cell cycle, cellular signaling, development and immune response show significant differences in regulation between banked fetal and those from banked old skin cells: with approximately 47.0% of genes over-expressed in fetal fibroblasts. It is perhaps these differences which contribute to efficient tissue repair seen in the clinic with fetal cell therapy.


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Depression and suicidal ideation are tightly linked to the lack of hope in the future. Hopelessness begins with the occurrence of negative life events and develops through the perception that negative outcomes are stable and pervasive. Most of the research has investigated individual factors predicting hopelessness. However, other studies have shown that the social context may also play an important role: disadvantaged contexts exacerbate the feeling that future is unreachable and hopeless. In this study we investigate the role of shared emotions (emotional climates) on the sense of hopelessness during the second half of the life. Emotional climates have been defined as the emotional relationships constructed between members of a society and describe the quality of the environment within a particular community. We present results of multilevel analyses using data from the NCCR-LIVES769 project «Vulnerability and growth», the Swiss Household Panel and official statistics, that explore the relationship between characteristics of the Swiss cantons and hopelessness. Although hopelessness is mainly affected by individual factors as life events and personality, results show that canton socio-economic conditions and climates of optimism or pessimism have an effect on the individual perception of hopelessness. Individuals are more likely to feel hopeless after having experienced critical events (i.e., loss of the partner in the late life) in cantons with high rates of unemployment and with a high share of negative emotions. On the contrary, positive emotional climates play a protective role against hopelessness.


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BACKGROUND: Loss of balance confidence is a frequent condition that affects 20-75% of community-dwelling older persons. Although a recent fall is a common trigger, loss of balance confidence also appears independent of previous experience with falls. Maintaining or improving balance confidence is important to avoid unnecessary, self-imposed restrictions of activity and subsequent disability. Holding another person's hand or using an assistive device while walking are simple interventions that are used naturally to address poor balance confidence in daily life. However, more complex interventions have also been developed and tested to achieve more sustained improvement in balance confidence. OBJECTIVES: This review describes interventions that have been tested to improve balance confidence in older community-dwelling persons. METHODS: Based on 2 recent systematic reviews, an additional search for literature was performed to update current information on interventions aiming at balance confidence improvement. Interventions were classified as those directly aimed at increasing balance confidence or not, and further stratified into those using monofactorial or multifactorial approaches. RESULTS: A total of 46 randomized controlled trials were identified. Five of the 8 interventions that directly targeted balance confidence showed benefits. Among those, multicomponent behavioral group interventions provided the most robust evidence of benefits in improving balance confidence and in decreasing activity avoidance. Among interventions not directly aiming at balance confidence improvement (11/21 studies with benefits), exercise (including tai chi) appears as the most promising monofactorial intervention. Nine of the 17 multifactorial fall prevention programs showed an effect on balance confidence, exercise being a main component in 7 of these 9 studies. Interventions that targeted elderly persons reporting poor balance confidence and/or those at risk for falls seemed more likely to be beneficial. CONCLUSIONS: Positive and sometimes sustained improvement in balance confidence can be achieved by various interventions among community-dwelling elderly persons. The effect of these interventions on activity restriction associated with poor balance confidence have been less well studied, but some studies also suggest potential benefits.


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4. IAG:n (International Association of Gerontology) Euroopan alueen kongressi Berliinissä 7.-11.7.1999


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4. IAG:n (International Association of Gerontology) Euroopan alueen kongressi Berliinissä 7.-11.7.1999


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Previous studies showed a fetal sheep liver extract (FSLE), in association with LPS, injected into aged (>20 months) mice reversed the altered polarization (increased IL-4 and IL-10 with decreased IL-2 and IFN-gamma) in cytokine production seen from ConA stimulated lymphoid cells of those mice. Aged mice show a >60% decline in numbers and suppressive function of both CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+)Treg and so-called Tr3 (CD4(+)TGFbeta(+)). Their number/function is restored to levels seen in control (8-week-old) mice by FSLE. We have reported at length on the ability of a novel pair of immunoregulatory molecules, members of the TREM family, namely CD200:CD200R, to control development of dendritic cells (DCs) which themselves regulate production of Foxp3(+) Treg. The latter express a distinct subset of TLRs which control their function. We report that a feature of the altered Treg expression following combined treatment with FSLE and monophosphoryl lipid A, MPLA (a bioactive component of lipid A of LPS) is the altered gene expression both of distinct subsets of TLRs and of CD200Rs. We speculate that this may represent one of the mechanisms by which FSLE and MPLA alter immunity in aged mice.


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Objetivo: Identificar la calidad de vida, satisfacción personal y laboral de las Auxiliares de Geriatría cuidadoras de personas mayores institucionalizadas. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo realizado a partir de datos cuantitativos y datos cualitativos. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 12 Auxiliares de Geriatría que trabajan en el Centro Sociosanitario Ricard Fortuny y en la Residencia Sant Francesc de Vilafranca del Penedès. Resultados: La mayoría está satisfecha con su vida personal y tienen una buena calidad de vida. Les gusta su trabajo y están motivadas, sin embargo, manifiestan estar poco valoradas y remuneradas, piensan que la formación es importante para ofrecer unos cuidados de calidad. Conclusiones y discusión: Se necesita una formación especializada para ofrecer unos cuidados de calidad a los mayores institucionalizados, ello no sólo influye en la satisfacción laboral de las Auxiliares de Geriatría, sino también en su satisfacción personal y calidad de vida.


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Different factors influence ADL performance among nursing home (NH) residents in long term care. The aim was to investigate which factors were associated with a significant change of ADL performance in NH residents, and whether or not these factors were gender-specific. The design was a survival analysis. The 10,199 participants resided in ninety Swiss NHs. Their ADL performance had been assessed by the Resident Assessment Instrument Minimum Data Set (RAI-MDS) in the period from 1997 to 2007. Relevant change in ADL performance was defined as 2 levels of change on the ADL scale between two successive assessments. The occurrence of either an improvement or a degradation of the ADL status) was analyzed using the Cox proportional hazard model. The analysis included a total of 10,199 NH residents. Each resident received between 2 and 23 assessments. Poor balance, incontinence, impaired cognition, a low BMI, impaired vision, no daily contact with proxies, impaired hearing and the presence of depression were, by hierarchical order, significant risk factors for NH residents to experience a degradation of ADL performance. Residents, who were incontinent, cognitively impaired or had a high BMI were significantly less likely to improve their ADL abilities. Male residents with cancer were prone to see their ADL improve. The year of NH entry was significantly associated with either degradation or improvement of ADL performance. Measures aiming at improving balance and continence, promoting physical activity, providing appropriate nourishment and cognitive enhancement are important for ADL performance in NH residents.


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Objetivo: Identificar la calidad de vida, satisfacción personal y laboral de las Auxiliares de Geriatría cuidadoras de personas mayores institucionalizadas. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo realizado a partir de datos cuantitativos y datos cualitativos. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 12 Auxiliares de Geriatría que trabajan en el Centro Sociosanitario Ricard Fortuny y en la Residencia Sant Francesc de Vilafranca del Penedès. Resultados: La mayoría está satisfecha con su vida personal y tienen una buena calidad de vida. Les gusta su trabajo y están motivadas, sin embargo, manifiestan estar poco valoradas y remuneradas, piensan que la formación es importante para ofrecer unos cuidados de calidad. Conclusiones y discusión: Se necesita una formación especializada para ofrecer unos cuidados de calidad a los mayores institucionalizados, ello no sólo influye en la satisfacción laboral de las Auxiliares de Geriatría, sino también en su satisfacción personal y calidad de vida.


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Objetivo: Identificar la calidad de vida, satisfacción personal y laboral de las Auxiliares de Geriatría cuidadoras de personas mayores institucionalizadas. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo realizado a partir de datos cuantitativos y datos cualitativos. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 12 Auxiliares de Geriatría que trabajan en el Centro Sociosanitario Ricard Fortuny y en la Residencia Sant Francesc de Vilafranca del Penedès. Resultados: La mayoría está satisfecha con su vida personal y tienen una buena calidad de vida. Les gusta su trabajo y están motivadas, sin embargo, manifiestan estar poco valoradas y remuneradas, piensan que la formación es importante para ofrecer unos cuidados de calidad. Conclusiones y discusión: Se necesita una formación especializada para ofrecer unos cuidados de calidad a los mayores institucionalizados, ello no sólo influye en la satisfacción laboral de las Auxiliares de Geriatría, sino también en su satisfacción personal y calidad de vida.


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Summary: Loneliness among older people - how has it been studied in gerontology?


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and do-not-attempt-resuscitation (DNAR) orders, to define factors associated with CPR/DNAR orders and to explore how physicians make and document these decisions. METHODS: We prospectively reviewed CPR/DNAR forms of 1,446 patients admitted to the General Internal Medicine Department of the Geneva University Hospitals, a tertiary-care teaching hospital in Switzerland. We additionally administered a face-to-face survey to residents in charge of 206 patients including DNAR and CPR orders, with or without patient inclusion. RESULTS: 21.2% of the patients had a DNAR order, 61.7% a CPR order and 17.1% had neither. The two main factors associated with DNAR orders were a worse prognosis and/or a worse quality of life. Others factors were an older age, cancer and psychiatric diagnoses, and the absence of decision-making capacity. Residents gave four major justifications for DNAR orders: important comorbid conditions (34%), the patients' or their family's resuscitation preferences (18%), the patients' age (14.2%), and the absence of decision-making capacity (8%). Residents who wrote DNAR orders were more experienced. In many of the DNAR or CPR forms (19.8 and 16%, respectively), the order was written using a variety of formulations. For 24% of the residents, the distinction between the resuscitation order and the care objective was not clear. 38% of the residents found the resuscitation form useful. CONCLUSION: Patients' prognosis and quality of life were the two main independent factors associated with CPR/DNAR orders. However, in the majority of cases, residents evaluated prognosis only intuitively, and quality of life without involving the patients. The distinction between CPR/DNAR orders and the care objectives was not always clear. Specific training regarding CPR/DNAR orders is necessary to improve the CPR/DNAR decision process used by physicians.