865 resultados para Gastric foreign bodies
The aim of this study was to evaluate the protective effect of hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S) on ethanol-induced gastric lesions in mice and the influence of ATP-sensitive potassium (K(ATP)) channels, capsaicin-sensitive sensory afferent neurons, and transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) 1 receptors on such an effect. Saline and L-cysteine alone or with propargylglycine, sodium hydrogen sulfide (NaHS), or Lawesson`s reagent were administrated for testing purposes. For other experiments, mice were pretreated with glibenclamide, neurotoxic doses of capsaicin, or capsazepine. Afterward, mice received L-cysteine, NaHS, or Lawesson`s reagent. After 30 min, 50% ethanol was administrated by gavage. After 1 h, mice were sacrificed, and gastric damage was evaluated by macroscopic and microscopic analyses. L-Cysteine, NaHS, and Lawesson`s reagent treatment prevented ethanol-induced macroscopic and microscopic gastric damage in a dose-dependent manner. Administration of propargylglycine, an inhibitor of endogenous H(2)S synthesis, reversed gastric protection induced by L-cysteine. Glibenclamide reversed L-cysteine, NaHS, or Lawesson`s reagent gastroprotective effects against ethanol-induced macroscopic damage in a dose-dependent manner. Chemical ablation of sensory afferent neurons by capsaicin reversed gastroprotective effects of L-cysteine or H(2)S donors (NaHS or Lawesson`s reagent) in ethanol-induced macroscopic gastric damage. Likewise, in the presence of the TRPV1 antagonist capsazepine, the gastroprotective effects of L-cysteine, NaHS, or Lawesson`s reagent were also abolished. Our results suggest that H(2)S prevents ethanol-induced gastric damage. Although there are many mechanisms through which this effect can occur, our data support the hypothesis that the activation of K(ATP) channels and afferent neurons/TRPV1 receptors is of primary importance.
Aims: We assessed the effects of right atrial stretch on gastric tone and neuro-humoral pathways involved in this phenomenon. Main methods: Anesthetized male rats were submitted for monitoring of the mean arterial pressure (MAP) and central venous pressure (CVP). A balloon catheter positioned into the stomach monitored by plethysmography the gastric volume (GV). All rats were monitored for 55-min. After the first 20-min of monitoring (basal period), rats were either submitted to a 5-min interval of atrial stretch (AS) or maintained as controls. An intra-atrial balloon catheter was distended with 30,50, or 70 mu L of saline. GV and hemodynamic data were also monitored for a further 30-min. Another set of rats, either previously submitted to subdiaphragmaic vagotomy or splanchnicectomy plus celiac ganglionectomy or maintained as controls (sham), were also submitted to AS. Each subset consisted of six rats. The plasma level of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was measured in another group of rats. Data were compared by ANOVA followed by Bonferroni`s test. Key findings: In control rats, the GV, MAP, and CVP remained at stable levels throughout the studies. In addition to increase the CVP, AS also decreased (P<0.05) the GV by 14%, 11.5%, and 16.5% in the 30, 50, and 70 mu L groups, respectively. Vagotomy prevented the GV decrease. In contrast, the AS decreased (P<0.05) the GV by 21.3% in splanchnicectomized rats. Significance: AS decreased the GV of rats in a volume-dependent manner, a phenomenon prevented by vagotomy but enhanced by celiac ganglionectomy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Gastric cancer is one of the most common malignancies. DNA methylation is implicated in DNA mismatch repair genes deficiency. In the present study, we evaluated the methylation status of MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2 in 20 diffuse- and 26 intestinal-type gastric cancer samples and 20 normal gastric mucosal of gastric cancer patients from Northern Brazil. We found that none of the nonneoplastic samples showed methylation of any gene promoter and 50% of gastric, cancer samples showed at least one methylated gene promoter. Methylation frequencies of MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2 promoter were 21.74%, 17.39%, 0% and 28.26% respectively in gastric cancer samples. MLH1 and PMS2 methylation were associated with neoplastic samples compared to nonneoplastic ones. PMS2:? methylation was associated with diffuse- and intestinal-type cancer compared with normal controls. Intestinal-type cancer showed significant association with MLH1 methylation. Diffuse-type cancer was significantly associated with MSH2 methylation. Our findings show differential gene methylation in tumoral tissue, which allows us to conclude that methylation is associated with gastric carcinogenesis. Methylation of mismatch repair genes was associated with gastric carcinogenesis and may be a helpful tool for diagnosis, prognosis and therapies. However, MSH6 does not seem to be regulated by methylation in our samples.
Whenever the surgeon uses the stomach as an esophageal substitute, either one of two techniques is generally performed: total gastric transposition or gastric tube esophagoplasty. No existing reports compare the complications associated with these two surgical procedures. The purpose of this study is to review the authors` experience with total gastric transposition and verify whether this technique is superior to gastric tube esophagoplasty in children by comparing the main complications with those reported in the publications of gastric tubes esophagoplasties in the English language literature published in the last 38 years. A total of 35 children underwent total gastric transposition according to the classical technique. Most of these patients (27, or 77.1%) had long gap esophageal atresia. The most frequently observed complications were compared to those reported in nine studies of gastric tube esophagoplasty comprising 184 patients. Mortality and graft failure rates were also compared. Seven patients (20.0%) presented with leaks, all of which closed spontaneously. Six children were reoperated, three experienced gastric outlet obstruction secondary to axial torsion of the stomach placed in the retrosternal space and the other three experienced delayed gastric emptying that required revision of the piloroplasty. There were two deaths (5.7%) and no graft failure. Strictures were observed in five patients (14.2%) and all of these were resolved with endoscopic dilatations. Six patients had diarrhea that spontaneously resolved. In the late follow-up period, all patients were on full feed and thriving well. The comparisons with gastric tube patients demonstrated that the total gastric transposition group presented with significantly less leaks and strictures (P = 0.0001 and 0.001, respectively). The incidence of death and graft failure was not statistically different. In conclusion, gastric transposition is as a simple technical procedure for esophageal replacement in children with satisfactory results, and is superior to gastric tube esophagoplasty.
The aim of the present study was to report the occurrence of serious subnutrition, associated to intestinal bacterial overgrowth, in two patients submitted to bariatric surgery. Two female patients (body mass index, 49 and 50 kg/m(2), respectively) were submitted to Y-en-Roux gastric bypass. The first patient evolved a 52% loss of body weight within 21 months after surgery; the other, a 34% loss of initial body weight within 15 months after surgery, results corresponding, respectively, to 62 and 45 kg weight losses. However, both patients reported asthenia, hair fallout, and edema, and one also reported diarrhea, but none was feverish. Their respective albuminemias were of 24 and 23 g/l. A respiratory hydrogen test suggested bacterial hyperproliferation. Thirty days after ciprofloxacin and tetracyclin treatments, they showed improved albumin levels and nutritional states, both confirmed by results of hydrogen breath tests. Bacterial overgrowth is an important complication that can compromise clinical evolution of patients submitted to intestinal surgery like gastroplasty with Y-Roux anastomosis. In cases of clinical suspicion or a confirmed diagnosis, adequate antibiotics, sometimes requiring to be cyclically repeated, should be administered.
Santos, K.B.; Daniel, A.G.T. & Hagiwara, M.K. [Reduced erythrocitary Glutathione and Heinz bodies in cats experimentally infected with the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.] Glutationa Reduzida Eritrocitaria e Corpusculos de Heinz em gatos infectados experimentalmente pelo Virus da Imunodeficieneia Felina. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 30(1):26-30, 2008. Centro Universitario Serra dos Orgaos, Rua Comendador Queiroz 52, Apto. 1403, Niteroi, RJ 24230-220, Brasil. E-mail: keilabsantos@)gmail.com The Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) produces a chronic infection with immunologic system disfunctions in domestic cats developing non-responsive anaemia. The feline immunologic status depression produces free radicals, whose imbalance between production and removal in the organism favour the oxidative injury occurrence. Heinz bodies in large amounts also can evident in vivo oxidative damage. Glutatione, a tripeptide found in the animal cells, is an important protection mechanism against oxidative damages. In this work erythrocyte reduced glutathione (GSH) concentrations for healthy and cats experimentally infected by FIV were determinated in relation to the hemogram and the Heinz bodies presence. All of the animals presents normal values for hemogram and Heinz bodies, however the GSH erythrocyte concentrations in the FIV positive cats were below the normality probably due to an passive depletion to GSH.
Swallowed prostheses have been described in the literature, and in some cases, the diagnosis can be challenging, especially if the partial or complete denture is metal-free. This article presents a case of a swallowed partial denture and points to the importance of early diagnosis. A man was admitted to the emergency room complaining of progressive breathing difficulty while presenting with an extra volume in his neck. After inconclusive image examinations, endoscopy under sedation was used to identify and retrieve the foreign object, which was a metal-free acrylic partial denture. Early diagnosis and the correct treatment can avoid serious sequelae, such as edematous reactions, mucosal infection, and necrosis. Patients should be scheduled for regular recall visits for evaluation of prosthesis fit and retention, condition of the abutments, and nocturnal wear. Int J Prosthodont 2010;23:339-341.
Synovial chondromatosis is a benign disorder of joints of unknown aetiology, characterised by the presence of loose bodies in the articular space. We present a case that affected the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and was treated with arthrocentesis, which is an efficient, conservative, and inexpensive treatment. (c) 2007 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aims: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and its associated proteins may be protective against the occurrence of apoptosis that would normally inhibit cancer development and progression. Alternatively, the viral infection may cause altered or mutated expression of oncogenes or tumour suppressor genes that are necessary for tumour development. an action that may also involve apoptosis, In this study, a relationship was sought between occurrence of EBV infection, expression of apoptosis-associated proteins (tumour suppressor gene p53 and oncogenes c-myc and bcl-2) and levels of cell death (apoptosis or necrosis) in 119 cases of gastric carcinoma. Methods and results: The EBV status of the gastric carcinomas (using the EBV-encoded small RNA I (EBER-1) and in-situ hybridization), stage and grade of tumour and sex of patients were compared for bcl-2, p53 and c-myc expression patterns. EBER-1 was detected in approximately 20% of cases studied. There was no significant correlation between levels of cell death in the tumour tissue and EBV status. In the protein analyses, development and progression of gastric carcinoma, with or without EBV infection. was independent of bcl-2 expression. However, in gastric cancers with EBV infection, p53 overexpression was inhibited and c-myc expression was increased in early stage cancers, in comparison with decreased c-myc expression in late stage cancers. Conclusions: The p53 and c-myc expression patterns indicate that EBV-infected gastric carcinomas are less likely to have a natural regression via apoptosis at an early stage and explain, in part, the resistance to treatment of late stage of gastric cancers.
The first half of 2001 saw traditional issues dominating the foreign policy agenda, with both Australia's relationship with the United States and the policy of Asian engagement still holding centre stage. But those old issues generated fresh anxieties. In the United States, the incoming Bush administration displayed a genuine radicalism in its approach to foreign policy, and that raised concerns in many Western capitals — including Canberra — about a new mood of unilateralism in Washington. At the same time, the emergence of the thesis that Australia was becoming a "branch office economy", where key decisions were taken in the capital markets of New York and London, made the government noticeably more cautious and selective in its endorsement of globalisation. Further, the issue of Asian engagement grew steadily more complex: Australian policy-makers searched unsuccessfully for a new focus for the policy of Asian engagement, as Japan's economy wallowed and Indonesia's democratic government tottered.