985 resultados para Gas tungsten arc welding.


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Experimentally observed, results are presented for the DCarcplasmajets and theirarc-rootbehaviors generated atreduced gas pressure and without or with an' applied magnetic field. Pure argon, argon -hydrogen or argon-nitrogen mixture is used as the plasma-forming gas. A specially designed copper mirror is constructed and used for better observing the arc-root behavior on the anode surface of the DC non-transferred arcplasma torch. It is shown that for the cases without applied magnetic field, the laminar plasmajets are stable and approximately axisymmetrical. The arc-root attachment on the anode surface is completely diffusive when argon is used as the plasma-forming gas, while the arc-root attachment often becomes constrictive when hydrogen or nitrogen is added into the argon. When an external magnetic field is applied, the arcroot tends to rotate along the anode surface of the non-transferred arcplasma torch.


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In recent years, stable and long laminarplasma jets have been successfully generated, and thus it is possible to achieve low-noise working surroundings, better process repeatability and controllability, and reduced metal-oxidation degree in plasma materials processing. With such a recent development in thermal plasma science and technology as the main research background, modeling studies are performed concerning the DCarcplasmatorch for generating the long laminar argon plasma jet. Two different two-dimensional modeling approaches are employed to deal with the arc-root attachment at the anode surface. The first approach is based on circumferentially uniform arc-root attachment, while the second uses the so-called fictitious anode method. Modeling results show that the highest temperature and maximum axial-velocity at the plasmatorch exit are ~15000 K and ~1100 m/s, respectively, for the case with arc current of 160 A and argon flow rate of 1.95×10{sup}(-4)kg/s.


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In this paper, an AC plasma arc reactorwithworkinggasofhydrogen is applied to destruct chemicalagents. The temperature attains 6000℃ in the arc area and over 2000℃ in the other space of the crucible. The Arsenic (As) contained chemical agent -Adams (DM) used in the experiment, was added into the plasmareactorwith the additives: Fe, CaO, and SiO_2, etc. Pyrolysis and destructionofchemicalagents occurs very quickly in the high-temperature reactor. Gaseous hydrogen was injected into the reactor to form a reductive environment, to reduce the formation of As_2O_3 etc. In the bottom of the crucible, the solid residues of toxicant and additives were melted and formed as vitrified slag. The off-gas was treated by a wet scrubber. The amounts of arsenic distributed in the off-gas, vitrified slag, waste water and solids (soot) were measured. The result shows DM is completely destructed in the plasmareactor. The Arsenic content in the off-gas, vitrified slag, waste water and soot are 0.052 mg/l, 3.0%, 10.44 mg/l, and 5.1% respectively, which will be disposed as the pollutant matters. The results show that the plasma technology is an environmentally friendly technology to destruct chemicals.


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A modelling study is performed to investigate the characteristics of both plasma flow and heat transfer of a laminar non-transferred arc argon plasma torch operated at atmospheric and reduced pressure. It is found that the calculated flow fields and temperature distributions are quite similar for both cases at a chamber pressure of 1.0 atm and 0.1 atm. A fully developed flow regime could be achieved in the arc constrictor-tube between the cathode and the anode of the plasma torch at 1.0 atm for all the flow rates covered in this study. However the flow field could not reach the fully developed regime at 0.1 atm with a higher flow rate. The arc-root is always attached to the torch anode surface near the upstream end of the anode, i.e. the abruptly expanded part of the torch channel, which is in consistence with experimental observation. The surrounding gas would be entrained from the torch exit into the torch interior due to a comparatively large inner diameter of the anode channel compared to that of the arc constrictor-tube.


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Plasma-arc technology was developed to dispose of chemical wastes from a chemical plant by the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS-IMECH). A pilot plant system with this technology was constructed to destroy two types of chemical wastes. The system included shredding, mixing, and feeding subsystems, a plasma-arc reactor of 150 kW, an off-gas burning subsystem, and a scrubbing subsystem. The additives (CaO, SiO2, and Fe) were added into the reactor to form vitrified slag and capture the hazardous elements. The molten slag was quickly quenched to form an amorphous glassy structure. A direct current (DC) experimental facility of 30kW with plasma-arc technology was also set up to study the pyrolysis process in the laboratory, and the experimental results showed the cooling speed is the most important factor for good vitrified structure of the slag. According to previous tests, the destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) for these chemical wastes was more than 99.999%, and the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) concentration in the solid residues was in the range of 1.28 to 12.9mg/kg, which is far below the Chinese national emission limit for the hazardous wastes. A simplified electromagneto model for numerical simulation was developed to predict the temperature and velocity fields. This model can make satisfactory maximum temperature and velocity distributions in the arc region, as well as the results by the magneto hydrodynamic approach.


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A torch with a set of inter-electrode inserts between the cathode and the anode/nozzle with a wide nozzle exit was designed to generate plasma jets at chamber pressures of 500–10 000 Pa. The variation of the arc voltage was examined with the change in working parameters such as gas flow rate and chamber pressure. The fluctuation in the arc voltage was recorded with an oscilloscope, and the plasma jet fluctuation near the torch exit was observed with a high-speed video camera and detected with a double-electrostatic probe. Results show that the 300 Hz wave originated from the tri-phase rectified power supply was always detected under all generating conditions. Helmholtz oscillations over 3000 Hz was detected superposed on the 300 Hz wave at gas flow rates higher than 8.8 slm with a peak to valley amplitude lower than 5% of the average voltage value. No appreciable voltage fluctuation caused by the irregular arc root movement is detected, and mechanisms for the arc voltage and jet flow fluctuations are discussed.


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Experimental research on a 150 kW arc-heated plasma testing facility was conducted. Stable plasma jets with different gas compositions, temperatures and velocities were obtained at chamber pressure between 400 Pa – 100 kPa. Stagnation ablation experiments were conducted on samples of typical super alloys used for thermal protection systems. The microstructure and hardness of alloys before and after ablation were compared.


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An attempt is made to provide a theoretical explanation of the effect of the positive column on the voltage-current characteristic of a glow or an arc discharge. Such theories have been developed before, and all are based on balancing the production and loss of charged particles and accounting for the energy supplied to the plasma by the applied electric field. Differences among the theories arise from the approximations and omissions made in selecting processes that affect the particle and energy balances. This work is primarily concerned with the deviation from the ambipolar description of the positive column caused by space charge, electron-ion volume recombination, and temperature inhomogeneities.

The presentation is divided into three parts, the first of which involved the derivation of the final macroscopic equations from kinetic theory. The final equations are obtained by taking the first three moments of the Boltzmann equation for each of the three species in the plasma. Although the method used and the equations obtained are not novel, the derivation is carried out in detail in order to appraise the validity of numerous approximations and to justify the use of data from other sources. The equations are applied to a molecular hydrogen discharge contained between parallel walls. The applied electric field is parallel to the walls, and the dependent variables—electron and ion flux to the walls, electron and ion densities, transverse electric field, and gas temperature—vary only in the direction perpendicular to the walls. The mathematical description is given by a sixth-order nonlinear two-point boundary value problem which contains the applied field as a parameter. The amount of neutral gas and its temperature at the walls are held fixed, and the relation between the applied field and the electron density at the center of the discharge is obtained in the process of solving the problem. This relation corresponds to that between current and voltage and is used to interpret the effect of space charge, recombination, and temperature inhomogeneities on the voltage-current characteristic of the discharge.

The complete solution of the equations is impractical both numerically and analytically, and in Part II the gas temperature is assumed uniform so as to focus on the combined effects of space charge and recombination. The terms representing these effects are treated as perturbations to equations that would otherwise describe the ambipolar situation. However, the term representing space charge is not negligible in a thin boundary layer or sheath near the walls, and consequently the perturbation problem is singular. Separate solutions must be obtained in the sheath and in the main region of the discharge, and the relation between the electron density and the applied field is not determined until these solutions are matched.

In Part III the electron and ion densities are assumed equal, and the complicated space-charge calculation is thereby replaced by the ambipolar description. Recombination and temperature inhomogeneities are both important at high values of the electron density. However, the formulation of the problem permits a comparison of the relative effects, and temperature inhomogeneities are shown to be important at lower values of the electron density than recombination. The equations are solved by a direct numerical integration and by treating the term representing temperature inhomogeneities as a perturbation.

The conclusions reached in the study are primarily concerned with the association of the relation between electron density and axial field with the voltage-current characteristic. It is known that the effect of space charge can account for the subnormal glow discharge and that the normal glow corresponds to a close approach to an ambipolar situation. The effect of temperature inhomogeneities helps explain the decreasing characteristic of the arc, and the effect of recombination is not expected to appear except at very high electron densities.


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Este trabalho avaliou o comportamento eletroquímico do metal de base (MB) de uma liga a base de níquel-cromo em relação a juntas soldadas desta liga obtidas pelos processos de brasagem (BRA) e Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG), imersos em saliva artificial com pH 2,5 e 5,5. Foram também realizados ensaios de microdureza e caracterização microestrutural, por meio de microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura e análise química semi-quantitativa por EDS, nos grupos MB, TIG, BRA e no cordão de solda a laser (LAS). O MB apresentou uma matriz rica em níquel e cromo, distribuída em um arranjo dendrítico típico, apresentando inclusões metálicas de silício e titânio, além de porosidades. As soldas TIG e LAS revelaram uma microestrutura mais refinada que o MB, mostrando, entretanto, uma mesma composição química e distribuição de seus elementos. A solda BRA apresentou diferenças marcantes em sua microestrutura, composição química e distribuição de seus elementos em relação ao MB. Os dados de microdureza Vickers (HV), potencial de corrosão (Ecorr) e densidade de corrente de corrosão (jcorr) foram analisados com ANOVA e teste de Tukey (p<0,05). Para determinação da influência do pH quanto a resistência à corrosão dos grupos MB, TIG e BRA, empregou-se o teste t de Student (p<0,05). O MB apresentou menor média de microdureza (256,13 9,39 HV), seguido pelos grupos TIG (271,53 8,07 HV), LAS (303,73 13,93 HV) e BRA (551,99 37,73 HV). Em pH 2,5 as médias do Ecorr (mV) para o MB, TIG e BRA foram, respectivamente, -67,9 8,43, -52,78 16,74, e -284,33 19,04; e em pH 5,5, médias de -54,03 21,15, -62,08 20,16 e -278,8 28,96. Os valores médios de jcorr (A.cm-2) para o MB, TIG e BRA em pH 2,5 foram, respectivamente, 2,49 0,95, 5,584 1,64 e 27,45 4,9; e em pH 5,5, médias de 1,929 0,83, 4,267 1,51 e 54,2 11,96. Os grupos MB e TIG apresentaram boa resistência à corrosão, com maior módulo de impedância em relação ao grupo BRA. As diferenças no pH da saliva artificial não alteraram o comportamento corrosivo dos grupos MB e TIG. Entretanto, observou-se uma redução marcante na jcorr e no módulo de impedância nas soldas obtidas pelo processo de brasagem. O grupo BRA apresentou corrosão galvânica ao ser analisado formando par com o MB, mostrando uma jcorr de 5,3 A.cm-2. Entretanto, o mesmo não foi observado quando o MB foi associado à solda TIG, onde a jcorr foi cerca de 150 vezes menor. O grupo BRA, além de apresentar um comportamento eletroquímico muito diferente do MB, revelou diferenças marcantes quanto a composição química, aspecto microestrutural e microdureza. As juntas TIG e LAS mostraram semelhanças químicas e microestruturais em relação ao MB, sendo que na solda TIG esta semelhança foi ainda mais evidente. Além disto, a solda TIG apresentou um comportamento eletroquímico muito semelhante ao MB e, portanto, parecendo ser mais recomendável para soldar ligas odontológicas de níquel-cromo em relação aos demais processos de soldagem aqui avaliados.


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O aço inoxidável hiperduplex possui alta resistência a corrosão por pite em ambientes contendo cloretos, quando comparado a outros aços inoxidáveis comercialmente conhecidos. Possui boas propriedades mecânicas, com limite de escoamento superior a 700MPa e limite de resistência a tração em torno de 1000MPa. Essas propriedades o tornam muito atrativos para aplicações em ambientes contendo cloretos, e por isso tem tido destaque na indústria de óleo e gás, refinarias, plataformas offshore, etc. A liga hiperduplex é composta por uma estrutura bifásica, contendo proporções aproximadamente iguais de ferrita e austenita. Esse material possui boa soldabilidade, mas por ser termodinamicamente metaestável, em altas temperaturas pode ocorrer a precipitação de fases intermetálicas não desejáveis, o que resulta em perda de propriedades mecânicas e diminuição da resistência a corrosão. A fase sigma tem sido fortemente estudada, pois é comum sua precipitação nos aços inoxidáveis da família duplex durante o procedimento de soldagem se este não for muito bem controlado. A fase sigma precipita preferencialmente na fase ferrítica, devido a maior concentração de Cr e Mo, que são os elementos formadores da fase. A resistência a corrosão é reduzida e as propriedades mecânicas do material são alteradas o tornando frágil devido a presença da fase sigma. É formada entre 600C e 1000C e possui uma estrutura tetragonal complexa. O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar a possível presença da fase sigma na junta soldada do aço inoxidável hiperduplex SAF 2707 HD (UNS S32707) pelo processo TIG autógeno manual através da difração de raios-x. Nessa pesquisa, foram analisadas uma junta soldada do material pelo processo TIG autógeno manual com arco pulsado. Complementando o estudo foram analisadas seis amostras do aço inoxidável superduplex, sendo que cinco amostras sofreram tratamento térmico para a proposital formação da fase sigma. O refinamento do resultado da difração das amostras foi feito utilizando o método de Rietveld no software Topas Academic versão 4.1. O resultado da amostra soldada de hiperduplex apresentou as fases austenita, ferrita e alguns prováveis óxidos. Os resultados das amostras de superduplex tratadas termicamente apresentaram a fase sigma, conforme esperado na pesquisa, e as fases austenita e ferrita.


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During high-power continuous wave (cw) Nd:yttritium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) laser welding a vapor plume is formed containing vaporized material ejected from the keyhole. The gas used as a plume control mechanism affects the plume shape but not its temperature, which has been found to be less than 3000 K, independent of the atmosphere and plume control gases. In this study high-power (up to 8 kW) cw Nd:YAG laser welding has been performed under He, Ar, and N2 gas atmospheres, extending the power range previously studied. The plume was found to contain very small evaporated particles of diameter less than 50 nm. Rayleigh and Mie scattering theories were used to calculate the attenuation coefficient of the incident laser power by these small particles. In addition the attenuation of a 9 W Nd:YAG probe laser beam, horizontally incident across the plume generated by the high-power Nd:YAG laser, was measured at various positions with respect to the beam-material interaction point. Up to 40% attenuation of the probe laser power was measured at positions corresponding to zones of high concentration of vapor plume, shown by high-speed video measurements. These zones interact with the high-power Nd:YAG laser beam path and, can result in significant laser power attenuation. © 2004 Laser Institute of America.


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During laser welding, the keyhole is generated by the recoil pressure induced by the evaporation processes occurring mainly on the front keyhole wall (KW). In order to characterize the evaporation process, we have measured this recoil pressure by using a plume deflection technique, where the plume generated for static conditions (i. e. with no sample displacement) is deflected by a transverse side gas jet. From the measurement of the plume deflection angle, the recoil pressure can be determined as a function of incident intensity and sample material. From these data one can estimate the pressure generated on the front KW, during laser welding. Therefore, the corresponding dynamic pressure exerted by the vapor plume expansion on the rear KW, in contact with the melt pool, can be also estimated. These pressures appear to be in close agreement with those generated by an additional side jet that has been used in previous experiments, for stabilizing the observed melt pool oscillations or fluctuations.


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During high-power cw Nd:YAG laser welding a vapour plume is formed containing vaporised material ejected from the keyhole. Spectroscopic studies of the vapour emission have demonstrated that the vapour can be considered as thermally excited gas with a stable temperature (less than 3000K), not as partially ionised plasma. In this paper, a review of temperatures in the vapour plume is presented. The difficulties in the analysis of the plume spectroscopic results are reviewed and explained. It is shown that particles present in the vapour interact with the laser beam, attenuating it. The attenuation can be calculated with Mie scattering theory, however, vaporisation and particle formation also both play a major role in this process. The laser beam is also defocused due to the scattering part of the attenuation mechanism, changing the energy density in the laser beam. Methods for mitigating the effects of the laser beam-vapour interaction, using control gases, are presented together with their advantages and disadvantages. This 'plume control' has two complementary roles: firstly, the gas must divert the vapour plume from out of the laser beam path, preventing the attenuation. Secondly, the gas has to stabilise the front wall of the keyhole, to prevent porosity formation.