993 resultados para GAMMA-RAYS


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The mutagen-sensitive CHO line irs1SF was previously isolated on the basis of hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation and was found to be chromosomally unstable as well as cross-sensitive to diverse kinds of DNA-damaging agents. The analysis of somatic cell hybrids formed between irs1SF and human lymphocytes implicated a human gene (defined as XRCC3; x-ray repair cross-complementing), which partially restored mitomycin C resistance to the mutant. A functional cDNA that confers mitomycin C resistance was transferred to irs1SF cells by transforming them with an expression cDNA library and obtaining primary and secondary transformants. Functional cDNA clones were recovered from a cosmid library prepared from a secondary transformant. Transformants also showed partial correction of sensitivity to cisplatin and gamma-rays, efficient correction of chromosomal instability, and substantially improved plating efficiency and growth rate. The XRCC3 cDNA insert is approximately 2.5 kb and detects an approximately 3.0-kb mRNA on Northern blots. The cDNA was mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization to human chromosome 14q32.3, which was consistent with the chromosome concordance data of two independent hybrid clone panels.


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"Contract No. AT-(40-1)-2513."


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We present optical, near-IR, and radio follow-up of 16 Swift bursts, including our discovery of nine afterglows and a redshift determination for three. These observations, supplemented by data from the literature, provide an afterglow recovery rate of 52% in the optical/near-IR, much higher than in previous missions (BeppoSAX, HETE-2, INTEGRAL, and IPN). The optical/near-IR afterglows of Swift events are on average 1.8 mag fainter at t = 12 hr than those of previous missions. The X-ray afterglows are similarly fainter than those of pre-Swift bursts. In the radio the limiting factor is the VLA threshold, and the detection rate for Swift bursts is similar to that for past missions. The redshift distribution of pre-Swift bursts peaked at z similar to 1, whereas the six Swift bursts with measured redshifts are distributed evenly between 0.7 and 3.2. From these results we conclude that ( 1) the pre-Swift distributions were biased in favor of bright events and low-redshift events, ( 2) the higher sensitivity and accurate positions of Swift result in a better representation of the true burst redshift and brightness distributions ( which are higher and dimmer, respectively), and (3) similar to 10% of the bursts are optically dark, as a result of a high redshift and/or dust extinction. We remark that the apparent lack of low-redshift, low-luminosity Swift bursts and the lower event rate than prelaunch estimates ( 90 vs. 150 per year) are the result of a threshold that is similar to that of BATSE. In view of these inferences, afterglow observers may find it advisable to make significant changes in follow-up strategies of Swift events. The faintness of the afterglows means that large telescopes should be employed as soon as the burst is localized. Sensitive observations in RIz and near-IR bands will be needed to discriminate between a typical z similar to 2 burst with modest extinction and a high-redshift event. Radio observations will be profitable for a small fraction (similar to 10%) of events. Finally, we suggest that a search for bright host galaxies in untriggered BAT localizations may increase the chance of finding nearby low-luminosity GRBs.


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In the present work the neutron emission spectra from a graphite cube, and from natural uranium, lithium fluoride, graphite, lead and steel slabs bombarded with 14.1 MeV neutrons were measured to test nuclear data and calculational methods for D - T fusion reactor neutronics. The neutron spectra measured were performed by an organic scintillator using a pulse shape discrimination technique based on a charge comparison method to reject the gamma rays counts. A computer programme was used to analyse the experimental data by the differentiation unfolding method. The 14.1 MeV neutron source was obtained from T(d,n)4He reaction by the bombardment of T - Ti target with a deuteron beam of energy 130 KeV. The total neutron yield was monitored by the associated particle method using a silicon surface barrier detector. The numerical calculations were performed using the one-dimensional discrete-ordinate neutron transport code ANISN with the ZZ-FEWG 1/ 31-1F cross section library. A computer programme based on Gaussian smoothing function was used to smooth the calculated data and to match the experimental data. There was general agreement between measured and calculated spectra for the range of materials studied. The ANISN calculations carried out with P3 - S8 calculations together with representation of the slab assemblies by a hollow sphere with no reflection at the internal boundary were adequate to model the experimental data and hence it appears that the cross section set is satisfactory and for the materials tested needs no modification in the range 14.1 MeV to 2 MeV. Also it would be possible to carry out a study on fusion reactor blankets, using cylindrical geometry and including a series of concentric cylindrical shells to represent the torus wall, possible neutron converter and breeder regions, and reflector and shielding regions.


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Discovered in 1963, 3C 273 was the second quasar identified and cataloged in the Third Cambridge Catalog for radio sources, and the first one for which emission lines were identified with a hydrogen sequence redshifted. It is the brightest quasar of the celestial sphere, the most studied, analyzed, and with a resulting abundance of data available in a vast literature. The accurate analysis of the deviations of the spectral lines of quasars provides enough information to put in evidence the variation of fundamental constants of nature and similarly the universe expansion rate. The analysis of the variability of the light curves of these bodies, and the consequent accuracy of their periodicity, is of utmost importance as it provides an efficiency of their observations, enables a greater understanding of the physical phenomena, and makes it possible to conduct spectral observations on more accurate dates (when their light curves show pronounced peaks and therefore richer spectra information). In this master’s thesis twenty eight light curves from the quasar 3C 273 are studied, covering all the electromagnetic spectrum wavebands (radio emission to gamma rays), totaling in the analysis of four light curves for each waveband. We have applied the method of Continuous Wavelet Transform using the sixth-order (!0 = 6) Morlet wavelet function, and obtained excellent results in accordance with the literature.


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Discovered in 1963, 3C 273 was the second quasar identified and cataloged in the Third Cambridge Catalog for radio sources, and the first one for which emission lines were identified with a hydrogen sequence redshifted. It is the brightest quasar of the celestial sphere, the most studied, analyzed, and with a resulting abundance of data available in a vast literature. The accurate analysis of the deviations of the spectral lines of quasars provides enough information to put in evidence the variation of fundamental constants of nature and similarly the universe expansion rate. The analysis of the variability of the light curves of these bodies, and the consequent accuracy of their periodicity, is of utmost importance as it provides an efficiency of their observations, enables a greater understanding of the physical phenomena, and makes it possible to conduct spectral observations on more accurate dates (when their light curves show pronounced peaks and therefore richer spectra information). In this master’s thesis twenty eight light curves from the quasar 3C 273 are studied, covering all the electromagnetic spectrum wavebands (radio emission to gamma rays), totaling in the analysis of four light curves for each waveband. We have applied the method of Continuous Wavelet Transform using the sixth-order (!0 = 6) Morlet wavelet function, and obtained excellent results in accordance with the literature.


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Iron-manganese nodules from the ocean floor have been extensively studied. But, because of the fine grain size of the particles of the nodules, structural identification by X-ray and electron diffraction techniques is difficult and the mineralogy of the iron oxide phase has not been well characterized. The observation of the Mössbauer spectrum-in which each nucleus absorbs gamma-rays independently-is not limited by particle size in the same way as is the observation of Bragg peaks in diffraction measurements, in which radiation must be scattered coherently from a large number of atoms. The magnetic hyperfine splitting in the Mössbauer spectrum of magnetic materials is affected, however, when the particles are so small that they become superparamagnetic. We describe here an investigation using the 57Fe Mössbauer effect of two iron-manganese nodules in which the iron oxide phase could not be detected by X-ray or electron diffraction.


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An epithermal neutron imager based on detecting alpha particles created via boron neutron capture mechanism is discussed. The diagnostic mainly consists of a mm thick Boron Nitride (BN) sheet (as an alpha converter) in contact with a non-borated cellulose nitride film (LR115 type-II) detector. While the BN absorbs the neutrons in the thermal and epithermal ranges, the fast neutrons register insignificantly on the detector due to their low neutron capture and recoil cross-sections. The use of solid-state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD), unlike image plates, micro-channel plates and scintillators, provide safeguard from the x-rays, gamma-rays and electrons. The diagnostic was tested on a proof-of-principle basis, in front of a laser driven source of moderated neutrons, which suggests the potential of using this diagnostic (BN+SSNTD) for dosimetry and imaging applications.


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The Human race of our century is in gluttonous search for novel engineering products which led to a skyrocketed progress in research and fabrication of filled polymers. Recently, a big window has been opened up for speciality polymers especially elastomers with promising properties. Among the many reasons why rubbers are widely used in the process industries, three are considered as important. Firstly, rubbers operate in a variety of environments and possess usable ranges of deformity and durability and can be exploited through suitable and more or less conventional equipment design principles. Secondly, rubber is an eminently suitable construction material for protection against corrosion in the chemical plant and equipment against various corrosive chemicals as, acids and alkalies and if property tailored, can shield ionising radiations as X-rays and gamma rays in medical industry, with minimum maintenance lower down time, negligible corrosion and a preferred choice for aggressive corroding and ionising environment. Thirdly, rubber can readily and hastily, and at a relatively lower cost, be converted into serviceable products, having intricate shapes and dimensions. In a century’s gap, large employment of flexible polymer materials in the different segments of industry has stimulated the development of new materials with special properties, which paved its way to the synthesis of various nanoscale materials. At nano scale, one makes an entry into a world where multidisciplinary sciences meet and utilises the previously unapproached infinitesimal length scale, having dimension which measure upto one billionth of a meter, to create novel properties. The nano fillers augment the elastomers properties in an astonishing fashion due to their multifunctional nature and unprecedented properties have been exhibited by these polymer-nanocomposites just to beat the shortcomings of traditional micro composites. The current research aims to investigate the possibility of using synthesised nano barium sulphate for fabricating elastomer-based nanocomposites and thereby imparting several properties to the rubber. In this thesis, nano materials, their synthesis, structure, properties and applications are studied. The properties of barium sulphate like chemical resistance and radiopacity have been utilized in the present study and is imparted to the elastomers by preparing composites.


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The modeling technique of Mackay et al. is applied to simulate the coronal magnetic field of NOAA active region AR10977 over a seven day period (2007 December 2-10). The simulation is driven with a sequence of line-of-sight component magnetograms from SOHO/MDI and evolves the coronal magnetic field though a continuous series of non-linear force-free states. Upon comparison with Hinode/XRT observations, results show that the simulation reproduces many features of the active region's evolution. In particular, it describes the formation of a flux rope across the polarity inversion line during flux cancellation. The flux rope forms at the same location as an observed X-ray sigmoid. After five days of evolution, the free magnetic energy contained within the flux rope was found to be 3.9 × 1030 erg. This value is more than sufficient to account for the B1.4 GOES flare observed from the active region on 2007 December 7. At the time of the observed eruption, the flux rope was found to contain 20% of the active region flux. We conclude that the modeling technique proposed in Mackay et al.—which directly uses observed magnetograms to energize the coronal field—is a viable method to simulate the evolution of the coronal magnetic field.


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Watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) is a semi-aquatic plant of the Brassicaceae family highly appreciated in the Mediterranean cuisine. It features sharp, peppery and slightly tangy taste and contains health-promoting phytochemicals. Its consumption as a fresh-cut product has increased in recent years, as well as the global market of minimally processed vegetables. This demand is driven by the growing interest in the role of food in promoting the human health and wellbeing and to meet consumer needs for fresh-like and more convenient foods. Due to the reduced shelf-life of this plant, the suitability of inert gas-enriched atmospheres and ionizing irradiation for preserving visual, nutritional and functional quality attributes during cold storage was studied. Watercress samples were gathered in the Northeast region of Portugal, rinsed in tap water and a portion was immediately analyzed (non-stored control). The remaining fresh material was packaged in polyethylene bags under N2- and Ar-enriched atmospheres, conventional atmosphere (air) and vacuum (no atmosphere). Samples under conventional atmosphere were irradiated at 1, 2 and 5 kGy of gamma-rays (predicted doses) in a 60Co experimental chamber. A non-irradiated control followed all the experiment. Then, all packaged samples were stored at 4 ºC for 7 days. The studied quality parameters included the colour that was measured with a Konica Minolta colorimeter, and total soluble solids and pH determined in squeezed juice. The proximate composition (moisture, proteins, fat, ash, carbohydrates and energy) was evaluated using the AOA C procedures. Organic acids, free sugars, fatty acids and tocopherols were analyzed by chromatographic techniques. Samples were also evaluated for its DPPH• scavenging activity, reducing power, and lipid peroxidation inhibition capacity trough the inhibition of the β-carotene bleaching and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBAR S) formation. Differences among treatments were analyzed using the one-way analysis of variance (ANO VA) and a linear discriminant analysis (LDA ) was used to evaluate the effects on the overall postharvest quality. After evaluating the effect on the individual quality parameters, the LDA revealed that the Ar-enriched atmosphere and the irradiation at 2 kGy were suitable processing choices for preserving the integrity of the non-stored control samples during cold storage. Thus, these non-thermal treatments were highlighted for shelf-life extension of fresh-cut watercress.


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The gamma-ray decay of excited states of the one-valence-proton nucleus Sb-133 has been studied using cold-neutron induced fission of U-235 and Pu-241 targets, during the EXILL campaign at the ILL reactor in Grenoble. By using a highly efficient HPGe array, coincidences between gamma-rays prompt with the fission event and those delayed up to several tens of microseconds were investigated, allowing to observe, for the first time, high-spin excited states above the 16.6 mu s isomer. Lifetimes analysis, performed by fast-timing techniques with LaBr3(Ce) scintillators, revealed a difference of almost two orders of magnitude in B(M1) strength for transitions between positive-parity medium-spin yrast states. The data are interpreted by a newly developed microscopic model which takes into account couplings between core excitations (both collective and non-collective) of the doubly magic nucleus Sn-132 and the valence proton, using Skyrme effective interaction in a consistent way. The results point to a fast change in the nature of particle-core excitations with increasing spin. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.