289 resultados para GALLUS-DOMESTICUS
Background: The Galliformes is a well-known and widely distributed Order in Aves. The phylogenetic relationships of galliform birds, especially the turkeys, grouse, chickens, quails, and pheasants, have been studied intensively, likely because of their close association with humans. Despite extensive studies, convergent morphological evolution and rapid radiation have resulted in conflicting hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships. Many internal nodes have remained ambiguous. Results: We analyzed the complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes from 34 galliform species, including 14 new mt genomes and 20 published mt genomes, and obtained a single, robust tree. Most of the internal branches were relatively short and the terminal branches long suggesting an ancient, rapid radiation. The Megapodiidae formed the sister group to all other galliforms, followed in sequence by the Cracidae, Odontophoridae and Numididae. The remaining clade included the Phasianidae, Tetraonidae and Meleagrididae. The genus Arborophila was the sister group of the remaining taxa followed by Polyplectron. This was followed by two major clades: ((((Gallus, Bambusicola) Francolinus) (Coturnix, Alectoris)) Pavo) and (((((((Chrysolophus, Phasianus) Lophura) Syrmaticus) Perdix) Pucrasia) (Meleagris, Bonasa)) ((Lophophorus, Tetraophasis) Tragopan))). Conclusions: The traditional hypothesis of monophyletic lineages of pheasants, partridges, peafowls and tragopans was not supported in this study. Mitogenomic analyses recovered robust phylogenetic relationships and suggested that the Galliformes formed a model group for the study of morphological and behavioral evolution.
作者通过对原鸡(Gallus gallus)、环颈雉(Phasianus colchicus)、白腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus amherstiae)和红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus pictus)3属4种骨骼系统进行比较研究,在本文中阐明了属间及种间在骨骼系统上的区别;根据48个骨骼性状的测量值,运用数值分类学的原理和方法对3属4种22个标本进行了聚类分析;并探讨了属间的亲缘关系以及锦鸡属的种级分类问题。主要结论如下:1. 原鸡属、雉属及锦鸡属之间骨骼系统有较大的差异:原鸡属和雉属的眶后突先端与颧突先端愈合呈弓形,龙骨突发达;锦鸡属的眶后突先端与颧突先端不愈合,龙骨突不甚发达。锦鸡属与原鸡属的胫跗骨较长,而雉属较短。2. 锦鸡属两个种的骨骼形状极相似,但尺骨的长度存在着显著差异。3. 在聚类过程中,当欧氏距离为13.0012时,雉属与原鸡属先聚合,当欧氏距离为15.3379时,两者再与锦鸡属聚合。4. 根据骨骼形态及聚类分析结果,作者认为雉属与原鸡属的亲缘关系可能更接近一些,而锦鸡属可能是雉族中一个特化而孤立的属。5. 作者认为锦鸡属的白腹锦鸡和红腹锦鸡在分类地位上,作为分化较晚,亲缘关系极其密切的两个种可能更合适一些。
A survey of evidence of rodent hantavirus infection in County Down, Northern Ireland was carried out by using immunofluorescence to detect virus antigen and antibody. Antibodies to hantavirus (R22 strain of Seoul virus and Hantaan 76-118) were found in 11/51 (21.6%) brown rats (Rattus norvegicus), 1/31 (3.2%) field mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) and 17/59 (28.8%) house mice (Mus domesticus). Seven rodents had evidence of hantavirus antigen in lung tissues. Antibody positive animals were significantly more likely to be adults than juveniles (P = 0.04) but and there was no sex difference between antibody positive and negative animals. House mice were more likely to be antibody positive if captured inside farm outbuildings (P = 0.08). Attempts to culture virus from the rodent material were unsuccessful. This work demonstrates a substantial rodent reservoir for hantavirus in Northern Ireland.
The chromosomal speciation hypothesis suggests that irregularities in synapsis, recombination, and segregation in heterozygotes for chromosome rearrangements may restrict gene flow between karyotypically distinct populations and promote speciation. Ctenomys talarum is a South American subterranean rodent inhabiting the coastal regions of Argentina, whose populations polymorphic for Robertsonian and tandem translocations seem to have a very restricted gene flow. To test if chromosomal differences are involved in isolation among its populations, we examined chromosome pairing, recombination, and meiotic silencing of unsynapsed chromatin in male meiosis of simple and complex translocation heterozygotes using immunolocalization of the MLH1 marking mature recombination nodules and phosphorylated histone γH2A.X marking unrepaired double-strand breaks. We observed small asynaptic areas labeled by γH2A.X in pericentromeric regions of the chromosomes involved in the trivalents and quadrivalents. We also observed a decrease of recombination frequency and a distalization of the crossover distribution in the heterozygotes and metacentric homozygotes compared to acrocentric homozygotes. We suggest that the asynapsis of the pericentromeric regions are unlikely to induce germ cell death and decrease fertility of the heterozygotes; however, suppressed recombination in pericentromeric areas of the multivalents may reduce gene flow between chromosomally different populations of the Talas tuco-tuco.
Expansion of the meat inspection process to incorporate animal-based welfare measurements could contribute towards significant improvements in pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) welfare and farm profitability. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of different welfare-related lesions on the carcase and their relationship with carcase condemnations (CC) and carcase weight (CW). The financial implications of losses associated with CC and CW reductions related to the welfare lesions were also estimated. Data on tail lesions, loin bruising and bursitis, CW and condemnation/trimming outcome (and associated weights) were collected for 3,537slaughter pigs (mean [± SEM] carcase weight: 79.2 [± 8.82] kg). Overall, 72.5% of pigs had detectable tail lesions, whilst 16.0 and 44.0% were affected by severe loin bruising and hind limb bursitis, respectively. There were 2.5% of study carcases condemned and a further 3.3% were trimmed. The primary cause of CC was abscessation. While tail lesion severity did not increase the risk of abscessation, it was significantly associated with CC. Male pigs had a higher risk of tail lesions and of CC. The financial loss to producers associated with CC and trimmings was estimated at €1.10 per study pig. CW was reduced by up to 12 kg in cases of severe tail lesions. However, even mild lesions were associated with a significant reduction in CW of 1.2 kg. The value of the loss in potential CW associated with tail lesions was €0.59 per study pig. Combined with losses attributable to CC and trimmings this represented a loss of 43% of the profit margin per pig, at the time of the study, attributable to tail biting. These findings illustrate the magnitude of the impact of tail biting on pig welfare and on profitability of the pig industry. They also emphasise the potential contribution that the inclusion of welfare parameters at meat inspection could make to pig producers in informing herd health and welfare management plans.
Increasing litter size has long been a goal of pig breeders and producers, and may have implications for pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) welfare. This paper reviews the scientific evidence on biological factors affecting sow and piglet welfare in relation to large litter size. It is concluded that, in a number of ways, large litter size is a risk factor for decreased animal welfare in pig production. Increased litter size is associated with increased piglet mortality, which is likely to be associated with significant negative animal welfare impacts. In surviving piglets, many of the causes of mortality can also occur in non-lethal forms that cause suffering. Intense teat competition may increase the likelihood that some piglets do not gain adequate access to milk, causing starvation in the short term and possibly long-term detriments to health. Also, increased litter size leads to more piglets with low birth weight which is associated with a variety of negative long-term effects. Finally, increased production pressure placed on sows bearing large litters may produce health and welfare concerns for the sow. However, possible biological approaches to mitigating health and welfare issues associated with large litters are being implemented. An important mitigation strategy is genetic selection encompassing traits that promote piglet survival, vitality and growth. Sow nutrition and the minimisation of stress during gestation could also contribute to improving outcomes in terms of piglet welfare. Awareness of the possible negative welfare consequences of large litter size in pigs should lead to further active measures being taken to mitigate the mentioned effects. © 2013 Universities Federation for Animal Welfare.
Increasing litter size has long been a goal of pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) breeders and producers in many countries. Whilst this has economic and environmental benefits for the pig industry, there are also implications for pig welfare. Certain management interventions are used when litter size routinely exceeds the ability of individual sows to successfully rear all the piglets (ie viable piglets outnumber functional teats). Such interventions include: tooth reduction; split suckling; cross-fostering; use of nurse sow systems and early weaning, including split weaning; and use of artificial rearing systems. These practices raise welfare questions for both the piglets and sow and are described and discussed in this review. In addition, possible management approaches which might mitigate health and welfare issues associated with large litters are identified. These include early intervention to provide increased care for vulnerable neonates and improvements to farrowing accommodation to mitigate negative effects, particularly for nurse sows. An important concept is that management at all stages of the reproductive cycle, not simply in the farrowing accommodation, can impact on piglet outcomes. For example, poor stockhandling at earlier stages of the reproductive cycle can create fearful animals with increased likelihood of showing poor maternal behaviour. Benefits of good sow and litter management, including positive human-animal relationships, are discussed. Such practices apply to all production situations, not just those involving large litters. However, given that interventions for large litters involve increased handling of piglets and increased interaction with sows, there are likely to be even greater benefits for management of hyper-prolific herds. © 2013 Universities Federation for Animal Welfare.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Molecular e Microbiana, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2010
Abstract: Selection among broilers for performance traits is resulting in locomotion problems and bone disorders, once skeletal structure is not strong enough to support body weight in broilers with high growth rates. In this study, genetic parameters were estimated for body weight at 42 days of age (BW42), and tibia traits (length, width, and weight) in a population of broiler chickens. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified for tibia traits to expand our knowledge of the genetic architecture of the broiler population. Genetic correlations ranged from 0.56 +/- 0.18 (between tibia length and BW42) to 0.89 +/- 0.06 (between tibia width and weight), suggesting that these traits are either controlled by pleiotropic genes or by genes that are in linkage disequilibrium. For QTL mapping, the genome was scanned with 127 microsatellites, representing a coverage of 2630 cM. Eight QTL were mapped on Gallus gallus chromosomes (GGA): GGA1, GGA4, GGA6, GGA13, and GGA24. The QTL regions for tibia length and weight were mapped on GGA1, between LEI0079 and MCW145 markers. The gene DACH1 is located in this region; this gene acts to form the apical ectodermal ridge, responsible for limb development. Body weight at 42 days of age was included in the model as a covariate for selection effect of bone traits. Two QTL were found for tibia weight on GGA2 and GGA4, and one for tibia width on GGA3. Information originating from these QTL will assist in the search for candidate genes for these bone traits in future studies.
The Gallus gallus (chicken) embryo is a central model organism in evolutionary developmental biology. Its anatomy and developmental genetics have been extensively studied and many relevant evolutionary implications have been made so far. However, important questions regarding the developmental origin of the chicken skull bones are still unresolved such that no solid homology can be established across organisms. This precludes evolutionary comparisons between this and other avian model systems in which skull anatomy has evolved significantly over the last millions of years.(...)
Ficino (Marsiglio). Livre de la vie saine, Livre de la vie longue, trad. par Jehan Beaufilz (1542, n. s.)
Contient : 1° Le « Testament JEHAN DE MEUN » ; 2° Le petit Codicille [de JEAN DE MEUNG] ; 3° Les « Enseignemens CHATON », traduction par [LE] « FEVRE » ; 4° « Les Ensaignemens que CHRISTINE donne à son filz » ; 5° Autres Enseignements, ou Les Proverbes des sages ; 6° Instruction pour la confession ; 7° La Science de bien mourir ; 8° « L'A, B, C des simples gens » ; 9° « L'Epistre que Saint BERNARD fist, et l'envoia à Remon, seigneur du Chastel Ambroise, chevalier » ; 10° « Les Ordonnances et commandemens du grant maistre monseigneur ENGUERRAN, prince et seigneur de tous les mariez » ; 11° Extrait de la Somme des vices et des vertus de LAURENT GALLUS ; 12° « Les douz Vendrediz que les douze apostrez junerent » ; 13° « Aucunes Causes pourquoy le vendredi est especiallement jour de devocion » ; 14° Instruction « A oïer messe »
Contient : 1 Mémoires d'OLIVIER DE LA MARCHE, sans commencement ni fin. Premiers mots : «... et vengance de leurs haultaines et grandes entreprinses... ». Derniers mots : « ... que on nommoit messire Jaques de Lalaing, natif du pays... » ; 2 « C'est le triste revel de messire OLIVIER DE LA MARCHE, en son temps chevallier d'honneur de madame Marie, duchesse de Bourgoingne, dit le chevalier deliberé ». Premier vers : « Au sorty de mon reveil de somme... ». Derniers mots : «... Par celluy qui a tant souffert. La Marche ». Tout ce poème est écrit au vermillon ; 3 « S'ensuit la Relacion de BOURGOINGNE, roy d'armes de l'empereur, contenant son besoigner, quant il pourta au roy de France la responce de son cartel et la seurté du camp ». Premiers mots : « Jehan Bourgoingne, roy d'armes... de l'empereur... Charles cinquiesme... » ; 4 « S'ensuit le double de la teneur du cartel du roy de France » FRANÇOIS Ier « envers l'empereur » ; Premiers mots : « Nous Françoys, par la grace de Dieu roy de France... ». 1528 ; 5 Chronique de Bourgogne. Premiers mots : « En l'an XIIIIe apres la Resurrection N.-S., la tres glorieuse Magdeleine,... convertix le roy et la royne de Bourgoigne... ». Derniers mots : «... Dudit monseigneur le duc Philippe descendit tres victorieulx, tres chrestien prince Charles, à present duc et conte de Bourgoingne, que Dieu veuille garder, donner victoyre contre ses ennemis ». Après ces mots vient la mention en latin du décès du duc Charles le Téméraire devant Nancy ; 6 « La dispute du droict de la duché de Bourgoingne ». Premiers mots : « Le roy estant en Espaingne furent commis et depputez certains notables personnaiges tant de France que d'Espaigne... » ; 7 « L'espitaphe du duc Philippe de Bourgoingne ». Premier vers : « Jehan fut nay de Philippe, qui du roy Jehan fust filz... » ; 8 « Election imperialle ». Premiers mots : « Comme vasquoit nagueres la saincte empire... » ; 9 « Anno Domini 1519 fuit electus rex Hyspanorum imperator Romanorum, vacante nuper sacro Romano imperio... » ; 10 Vers en latin sur le même sujet : « Postulat imperium Gallus, Germanus, Iberus,... » ; 11 Vers en français sur le même sujet : « Lyon rempant en tout honneur prospere... » ; 12 « A quodam etiam interpretatio nominis Karoli, secundum litteras ». Premier vers : « Cueur coraigeux, carboucle reluisant... » ; 13 « Questio theologa. Utrum voluntas status triplicis varietate insignis multiplici fuerit libertate decorata ». Premiers mots : « Voluntas divina prima... » ; 14 Autres questions théologiques, en latin ; 15 Prophétie. Premiers mots : « Une prophétie trouvée à Veronne... » ; 16 Autre prophétie : « Item au pays du Lyon se fera une grande et merveilleuse bataille... » ; 17 Vers moraux tirés d'une édition de la Danse macabre : « Qui à bien vivre veult entendre... » ; 18 Autres vers : « Depuis Adam, le premier homme... » ; 19 « 1536. Nota que en l'an 1536 furent mutacions et grandes emotions entre les souverains... » ; 20 « Du lundi XVe de janvier 1536. Le roy a assisté à l'audition du Palais, au siege real de la salle dorée ». C'est le procès-verbal du lit de justice tenu pour déclarer Charles d'Autriche félon et la réversion des comtés de Flandre, Artois, Charolais, etc. à la couronne, fiefs tenus par ledit Charles ; 21 « Charolus sic interpretatur : Cueur coraigeux, carboucle reluisant... » ; 22 « Nota. Triplici enim coronatur illustrissimus imperator, videlicet ferrea, argentea, aurea... » ; 23 « Versus. Postulat imperium Gallus, Germanus, Iberus... » ; 24 Vers. « Lyon rampant en tout honneur prospère... » ; 25 « Vacante nuper sacro romano imperio, per obitum quondam serenissimi principis domini domini nostri Maximiliani,... ego Laurentius Triesis, decanus Maguntinis (sic), mere prefatorum dominorum dominorum graciosissimorum principum electorum... quo universi cognoscant prefatum dominum Karolum electum in... futurum imperatorem... ». Proclamation de l'élection de Charles-Quint à l'empire ; 26 « Condempnatio domini nostri Jhesu Christi. Nos Pontius Pilatus,... Ite, tenete eum »
The objective of this investigation was to clarify the adaptive significance of female sexual behaviours in the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, and the Texas field cricket, Gryllus integer. Experiments were focussed primarily on: nutritional factors affecting female reproductive success; the ontogeny of female sexual behaviours; female mating frequency and progeny production; and the pattern of sperm competition. Reproduction of singly mated female A. domesticus assigned to 3 nutritional regimes was compared . Females fed a vitamin and protein-enriched mouse chow, cannibalistic females, and starved females produced on the average, 513 , 200 and 68 offspring, respectively. Cannibals probably could not obtain the same amounts of essential nutrients as females fed mouse chow. Reabsorption of oocytes was likely the major factor contributing to the decreased reproduction of starved females. In addition, female !. domesticus fed mouse chow, but allowed constant access to males produced 11 times as many offspring than did females fed corn meal. Females fed corn meal probably could not absorb or synthesize enough dietary lipids, thus resulting in poor ovariole growth. Female !. domesticus first mate at an average adult age of 7 days, closely corresponding to when they first exhibit positive phonotaxis. Females mate repeatedly and often consume the externally attached spermatophore. In ~. domesticus, females allowed constant access to males produced significantly more offspring than did single maters. Similarly, doubly mated G. integer females produced more offspring than did single maters. This difference resulted largely from the failure of many single maters to reproduce. Remating by female crickets partly functions in offsetting the possibility of a failed initial mating. Nymph production increased significantly with the time the spermatophore was attached in singly mated ~. domesticus. Spermatophore consumption by the female was not affected by male guarding behaviour, and the interval between mating and eating of the spermatophore may often be shorter than the time required for maximum insemination. Some degree of sperm depletion in singly mated !. domesticus and G. integer may have occurred. The patterns of daily offspring production of singly and multiplymated females suggests that a factor provided by a male during mating stimulates female oviposition and/or egg production. Female crickets also might acquire nutrition from spermatophore consumption, a benefit that is augmented by female multiple mating. The electrophoretic examination of various allozymes in ~. integer did not permit determination of a pattern of sperm competition. However, the possibility of last male sperm predominance is related to male guarding behaviour.