851 resultados para Full-time Schools
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
As predicted in the first bulletin, produced jointly by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), the impact of the economic crisis continued to be felt in Latin America and the Caribbean during the second quarter of 2009. Regional exports of goods and services contracted in response to sluggish demand on international markets, while remittances and foreign direct investment flows continued to fall, credit lost its buoyancy and the total wage bill diminished, owing mainly to job losses. As a result, the growth forecasts of many countries had to be adjusted downwards. Since the end of 2008, the countries of the region had started to implement countercyclical policies —albeit with significant differences— in an effort to use public spending to counter flagging investment and consumer-spending levels and boost aggregate demand. In this second bulletin, ECLAC and ILO show how the impact of the crisis has deepened in labour markets in the region in the first half of the year and examine existing options and the outcome of public-infrastructure and emergency employment programmes designed to mitigate the impact of the crisis on the labour market. The unemployment rate has risen in practically all countries compared with the previous year and this situation worsened further in the second quarter, when urban unemployment exceeded the rate of the corresponding period in 2008 by 1 percentage point (to stand at 8.5%, up from 7.5%), while in the first quarter, the variation was 0.6 of a percentage point. Labour indicators also point to an increase in informality, a decline in employment with social protection and a decrease in full-time employment. Labour-market trends observed in the first half-year, together with the forecast for a 1.9% decline in regional GDP in 2009, suggest that the average annual rate of urban unemployment in the region will be close to 8.5%. This forecast is slightly less pessimistic than the estimate given in the first bulletin; this is attributable to the fall in the participation rate in the first half-year to levels that are expected to remain low for the rest of the year. Without this reduction in the labour supply, due largely to the “discouragement effect”, the annual average urban unemployment rate would stand at between 8.8% and 8.9%. Thus, the open urban unemployment figure would increase by 2.5 million and if the “discouraged job-seekers” are included, then the number of additional persons not finding a niche in the urban labour market would climb to 3.2 million. In the region, as in the rest of the world, there are signs that the crisis may have reached bottom in the middle of the year. In many countries, production levels have ceased their decline and there are indications of an incipient recovery leading to cautious optimism that there may be a moderate upturn in labour markets in the fourth quarter. The pace of recovery will vary from one country to the next and is expected to be gradual at best. Even with the return to a growth path, there should be no illusion that the labour problems will immediately disappear. First, the recovery in employment is expected to lag behind the upturn in economic activity. Second, since economic growth is likely to remain moderate in the short term and well below the rates recorded between late 2003 and mid-2008, demand for labour and consequently the generation of good-quality jobs will continue to be weak. Thus, countries should not relax their efforts to defend and create decent jobs, but rather should take steps to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of available instruments. In this way, the region will be in a better position not only to confront the challenges of economic recovery, but also to strengthen the foundations for social inclusion and for advancing under more favourable conditions towards fulfilment of the Millennium Development Goals.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente trabalho está vinculado à linha de pesquisa currículo e formação de professores e intencionou investigar as práticas de leitura das professoras da educação infantil da Rede Pública Municipal de Belém. A discussão sobre a leitura baseou-se, principalmente, em: Kleiman, Silva, Lerner, Barbosa, Zilberman, Freire e Lajolo que compreendem a leitura como uma atividade de construção de sentidos, em uma relação dinâmica entre texto e leitor, uma prática sócio-interacionista, sócio-cultural ou sócio-histórica. No âmbito das práticas de leitura, serviu de referência Roger Chartier que aborda as práticas de leitura como um processo de construção, desenvolvida por leitores autênticos em situações concretas, através de processos diversificados em relação ao ato de ler. Esta é uma pesquisa quanti-qualitativa, de cunho descritivo e interpretativo, que utilizou como instrumentos para a produção dos dados o questionário e as narrativas das professoras. As narrativas foram escolhidas como caminho teórico-metodológico de investigação, com base em autores como Walter Benjamin, Larrosa, Thompson, Bossi, Delgado, entre outros. O ambiente social desta investigação foram quatro Unidades de Educação Infantil do Município de Belém, que atendem crianças de 6 meses a 5 anos de idade em horário integral e parcial. Contou com a participação de vinte e sete professoras, na primeira fase e com dezenove professoras, na segunda fase. A análise foi estruturada de acordo com o contexto das práticas de leitura, o familiar, o escolar, o profissional e o contexto atual. Os resultados principais apontam que 59% das professoras tiveram o seu primeiro contato com a leitura em casa; 44% responsabiliza os pais por essa inserção; 37% afirma que a sua experiência de leitura na escola foi boa; 14% confirma que o livro didático é o suporte mais lido e utilizado; 16% lê com o propósito de preparar aulas; 74% gosta de ler; 40% pratica a leitura frequentemente; 40% se denomina boa leitora; 44,4% dedica menos de duas horas por dia à leitura e 81,5% realiza essa prática em casa. Portanto, as professoras mantêm uma relação com a leitura diferenciada e singular, utilizam-na para atender as suas necessidades pessoais e profissionais. As práticas de leitura das professoras se constituem em diferentes situações, em diversos contextos e maneiras de ler.
Através do presente estudo, procura-se analisar o Programa Mais Educação a partir do referencial Marxiano e marxista. Procura-se analisar as categorias Educação Integral, Esporte e Lazer, analisar relações das categorias com a discussão sobre o neoliberalismo, a sua influência no Estado brasileiro, além de marcos legais e contextuais. O processo de pesquisa ocorreu através da revisão bibliográfica, desenvolvida com base em materiais já elaborados, constituídos principalmente de livros e artigos científicos. Realizou-se o trato do cruzamento das primeiras abstrações sobre o objeto e o cruzamento da pesquisa documental com a revisão bibliográfica e com a pesquisa de campo. O nosso objetivo geral nesta pesquisa foi analisar os limites e as possibilidades na implementação do Esporte e do Lazer no PME e a problemática central da pesquisa: quais os limites e as possibilidades na implementação do Esporte e do Lazer no Programa Mais Educação na política local, nacional e na escola Esmerina Bou Habib de Abaetetuba/Pará (2008 - 2012)? Analisamos que o Programa Mais Educação tem sido um programa limitado à lógica do capital e do seu processo reprodutivo para o mercado de trabalho e a socialização de valores necessários a esta ordem. Por outro lado seria necessária uma Educação Integral e em tempo integral, na qual a construção de espaços deve ser prioridade, como uma alternativa para favorecer a escola pública, ou seja, é necessário mais tempo em uma nova escola. Percebeu-se que o Programa Mais Educação ainda não teve êxito em avançar na superação da escola de um turno para a construção de uma escola de dois turnos, os investimentos não são suficientes, a lógica da produtividade está presente no programa, inclusive na prioridade dada ao Esporte de rendimento. Percebeu-se que o macrocampo Esporte e Lazer é muito solicitado pelos alunos e que há uma aproximação entre as atividades deste macrocampo e as aulas de educação física, sendo que esta aproximação não deve ocasionar a substituição das aulas de educação física, caso que foi percebido durante a pesquisa de campo. Analisamos que a Educação Integral e em tempo integral será importante para a melhoria da educação no Brasil em termos estruturais, assim como uma melhor organização do trabalho pedagógico, valorização do processo educativo e do professor, aumentar as possibilidades educativas, ou seja, para o processo educativo ser mais qualitativo, crítico e dialético para a formação da classe trabalhadora. Contudo, entende-se que o Esporte deve ser tratado, a partir do paradigma da cultura corporal, como um elemento cultural humano deve ser socializado na escola no contexto da formação do novo homem e da nova mulher. Entende-se que a socialização do conhecimento sistematizado é necessária para a organização da classe trabalhadora em sua luta revolucionária. Nesse sentido, a educação escolar tem papel fundamental na luta pelo socialismo. Contudo, acreditou-se na relevância desta pesquisa, do ponto de vista social, por se estar propondo uma análise ampla e crítica que deverá dar conta do trato científico do objeto e das categorias de análise, afinado com perspectivas substancialmente transformadoras. Pretende-se que esta pesquisa possa contribuir para o debate das categorias Educação Integral, Esporte e Lazer.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Childhood is a theme that has attracted many controversies and discussions, and winning approaches to the increasingly large over time: biological, psychological, educational, welfare and, more recently, sociological. It is known that the movement, play and game activities are important recurrent and integral development of children, and should be present prominently in early childhood institutions. Based on these assumptions is that this study aimed to analyze the didactic-pedagogical principles postulated by the law, official guidelines didactic teaching and literature, with regard to meeting the needs of children in early childhood education. Unveiling the expectations of the families responsible for children in relation to early childhood education, especially with regard to movement, and play games and compare to what extent these expectations turn away or close to the guidelines on teaching and pedagogical movement, games and postulated in official documents, legislation and literature. To this end, we carried out literature search, selection and analysis of texts relevant to the understanding of the theme. Fieldwork was conducted in a Municipal School of Early Childhood Education Full-time (Emei) of Bauru/SP, and involved the analysis of the Political-Pedagogical Project of the institution, semi-structured interviews with five teachers and five children in the family responsible for Garden II (ages 5 to 6 years). Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis of Bardin and triangulated by the confrontation of literature/legislation, the Pedagogical Political Project of the institution and the expectations of families/guardians. We also realize that the Pedagogical Political Project of EMEI is in routine activities with the children, movement, and play the game are covered and are worked. According to teachers interviewed they assist in learning other areas of work (Oral and Written Language, Nature and Society, etc.) learning of moral...
The entering at the University requires new social skills and their deficits may bring to students academic and interpersonal diffi culties. Few studies have addressed the infl uence of undergraduate periods and gender diff erences regarding social skills shown by college students, including frequency and quality which they occur and previous and consequent interaction variables. The main objective of this article is to describe the social skills shown by college students over undergraduate years. For specifi c objectives this study intends (a) the comparison of student groups in diff erent years (fi rst/second; fi rst/third; second/third) of full-time and nocturne periods, of men and women and (b) the presentation of functional analysis of interactions, considering the most frequent behaviors and contexts. For that, 85 students of Design course were analyzed through the following instruments: the Social Skills Questionnaire to College Students, Behaviors and Contexts; and the Social Skills Inventory (SSI). The results indicate diff erences between men and women and between full-time students and nocturne ones, and the greatest diff erences were in comparison between years, indicating that the fi rst and second years require greater investments in interventions, because they present greater diffi culties in communication behaviors, expressiveness and confl ict resolution. Furthermore, implications, limitations and suggestions for research are discussed.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
The Wildlife Master (WM) Program in Colorado was modeled after the highly successful Master Gardener volunteer program. In 10 highly populated suburban counties with large rural areas surrounding the Denver Metro Area, Colorado State University (CSU) Cooperative Extension Natural Resources agents train, supervise and manage these volunteers in the identification, referral, and resolution of wildlife damage issues. High quality, research-based training is provided by university faculty and other professionals in public health, animal damage control, wildlife management and animal behavior. Inquiries are responded to mainly via telephone. Calls by concerned residents are forwarded to WMs who provide general information about human-wildlife conflicts and possible ways to resolve complaints. Each volunteer serves a minimum of 14 days on phone duty annually, calling in from a remote location to a voice mail system from which phone messages can be conveniently retrieved. Response time per call is generally less than 24 hours. During 2004, more than 2,000 phone calls, e-mail messages and walk-in requests for assistance were fielded by 100 cooperative extension WMs. Calls fielded by volunteers in one county increased five-fold during the past five years, from 100 calls to over 500 calls annually. Valued at the rate of approximately $18.00 per volunteer hour, the leveraged value of each WM was about $450 in 2005, based on 25 hours of service and training. The estimated value of the program to Colorado in 2004 was over $45,000 of in-kind service, or about one full-time equivalent faculty member. This paper describes components of Colorado’s WM Program, with guides to the set-up of similar programs in other states.
As a nation we have gained world recognition for our ability to utilize our resources. In forestry our greatest accomplishments have been in the mechanization of harvest methods and in improvements in forest products. The renewal of this resource has been our greatest neglect. Though the end of the 19th Century marked the beginning of the conservation movement, it was not until a half century later that the force of economics through the demands of a growing population made forest re-establishment more than just a desire. Conservation in itself is a Utopian concept which requires other motivating forces to make it a reality. In the post-war years, and as late as the early 195O's, stocked land in the Pacific Northwest could be purchased for less than the cost of planting; the economic incentive was lacking. Only with sustained yield management and increased land values was there a balance in favor of true values. With greater effort placed on forest regeneration there was an increased need for methods of reducing losses to wildlife. The history of forest wildlife damage research, therefore, parallels that of forest land management; after rather austere beginnings, development became predominantly a response to economics. It was not until 1950 that the full time of one scientist was assigned to this important activity. The development of control methods for forest animal damage is a relatively new area of research. All animal life is dependent upon plants for its existence; forest wildlife is no exception. The removal of seed and foliage of undesirable plants often benefits the land managers; only when the losses or injuries are in conflict with man's interest is there damage involved. Unfortunately, the feeding activities of wildlife and the interests of the land managers are often in conflict. Few realize the breadth, scope, and subtilities associated with forest wildlife damage problems. There are not only numerous species of animals involved, but also a myriad of conditions, each combination possessing unique facets. It is a foregone conclusion that an understanding of the conditions is essential to facilitate a solution to any given problem. Though there are numerous methods of reducing animal damage, all of which have application under some situations, in this discussion emphasis will be placed on the role of chemicals and on western problems. Because of the broadness and complexity of the problem, generalizing is necessary and only brief coverage will be possible. However, an attempt will be made to discuss the use and limitations of various control methods.
The Vancouver International Airport (YVR) is the second busiest airport in Canada. YVR is located on Sea Island in the Fraser River Estuary - a world-class wintering and staging area for hundreds of thousands of migratory birds. The Fraser Delta supports Canada’s largest wintering populations of waterfowl, shorebirds, and raptors. The large number of aircraft movements and the presence of many birds near YVR pose a wide range of considerable aviation safety hazards. Until the late 1980s when a full-time Wildlife Control Program (WCP) was initiated, YVR had the highest number of bird strikes of any Canadian commercial airport. Although the risks of bird strikes associated with the operation of YVR are generally well known by airport managers, and a number of risk assessments have been conducted associated with the Sea Island Conservation Area, no quantitative assessment of risks of bird strikes has been conducted for airport operations at YVR. Because the goal of all airports is to operate safely, an airport wildlife management program strives to reduce the risk of bird strikes. A risk assessment establishes the current risk of strikes, which can be used as a benchmark to focus wildlife control activities and to assess the effectiveness of the program in reducing bird strike risks. A quantitative risk assessment also documents the process and information used in assessing risk and allows the assessment to be repeated in the future in order to measure the change in risk over time in an objective and comparative manner. This study was undertaken to comply with new Canadian legislation expected to take effect in 2006 requiring airports in Canada to conduct a risk assessment and develop a wildlife management plan. Although YVR has had a management plan for many years, it took this opportunity to update the plan and conduct a risk assessment.