967 resultados para Frozen semen.
Frozen storage characteristics and shelflife vary considerably among species as well as within the species (Powrie, 1973; Fennema. 1973). This can be attributed to the variation in the composition of fish among various species. In certain species like sardines and mackerel. wide seasonal variation in chemical composition occur within the species. These variations affect the quality and shelflife. The nutritional level of water. spawning, method of catching, struggling etc. are found to have profound influence on the condition of the fresh fish. Soon after death the deteriorative changes in fish start due to autolysis and bacterial growth. The rate of these changes depends mainly on temperature. The handling methods have great influence on bacterial contamination. Thus the type oi'handling. temperature control. period of chill storage. processing methods. type of freezing, condition of frozen storage and period of storage affect the quality and shelflife Of the fisho In the present study extensive investigations were carried out on various factors affecting the quality of fish as well as their effect on the physical. chemical and sensory qualities of fish during frozen storage and the shelflife
One thousand, two hundred and sixty four samples of individually quick-frozen (IQF) peeled and deveined raw and 914 samples of cooked ready to eat shrimp samples produced from farm raised black tiger (Penaeus monodon) obtained from a seafood unit working under HACCP concept were analysed for total aerobic plate count (APC), coliform count, Escherichia coli, coagulase positive Staphylococci and Salmonella. The overall bacteriological quality of the product was found to be good. Of the frozen raw shrimp, 96% of samples showed APC below 105 while 99% of the frozen cooked ready-to-eat samples showed APC less than 104. The APC ranged from 1·0´102 to 4·2´106 cfu/gm in frozen raw shrimp and from 1·0´102 to 6·4´104 cfu/gm in the frozen cooked shrimp. Prevalences of coliforms in raw shrimp and cooked shrimp samples were 14·4% and 2·9% respectively. The coliform count in raw products ranged from 1·0´101 to 2·5´103 cfu/gm and in the cooked products, from 1·0 ´101 to 1·8´102 cfu/gm. Although all the cooked shrimp samples were free of coagulase positive staphylococci, E. coli and Salmonella, 1·0, 2·0 and 0·1% of the frozen raw shrimp samples tested positive for coagulase positive Staphylococci, E. coli and Salmonella respectively. The Salmonella strain was identified as Salmonella typhimurium. The results of the present study highlight the importance of implementation of HACCP system in the seafood industry to ensure consistent quality of frozen seafood
Rays, belonging to the class Elasmobranchii, constitute a major fishery in many states in India like Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Maharashtra. The estimated landings are 21,700 tonnes per annum. Even though the meat of rays is nutritious and free from bones and spines, there is little demand for fresh meat due to the presence of a high urea content. The landings are mainly used for salt curing which fetches only very low prices for the producers. Urea nitrogen constituted the major component (50.8%) of the non-protein nitrogen of the meat. An attempt has been made to standat-dize the processing steps to reduce the urea levels in the meat before freezing by using different simple techniques like dipping the fillets in stagnant chilled water, dipping in chilled running water and dipping in stirred chilled running water. It was found that meat dipped in stirred running water for two hours reduced the urea level of the meat by 62%. The yield of the lateral fin fillets and caudal fin fillets vary with the size of the ray. The drip loss during frozen storage is found to be more in the case of samples frozen stored after the treatment for urea removal by the method of stirring in running water. The samples treated in stagnant chilled water had the lowest drip loss. The total nitrogen was higher in samples treated in stagnant chilled water and lowest in the samples treated in stirred running water. The overall acceptability was high in the case of samples treated with stirred running water and frozen stored
L'ús d'esperma criopreservada en la inseminació artificial (IA) d'espècies d'interès productiu permet un major control sanitari i la creació de bancs de germoplasma d'alt valor genètic, entre d'altres avantatges. En el mercat porcí la major part de les inseminacions són encara realitzades amb semen refrigerat degut a l'èxit de l'aplicació de diluents de llarga durada i també a causa de la sensibilitat de l'esperma porcina a la criopreservació. Malgrat que aquesta sensibilitat ve donada per característiques particulars de la fisiologia espermàtica en l'espècie, algunes ejaculacions mantenen els paràmetres de qualitat espermàtica després de la criopreservació (ejaculacions amb bona "congelabilitat", GFEs) enfront d'altres que no sobreviuen al procés (ejaculacions amb mala "congelabilitat", PFEs). El primer objectiu de l'estudi va ser comparar ambdós grups en termes de fertilitat in vivo. El segon objectiu va ser testar l'eficiència de la inseminació postcervical (post-CAI) amb l'esperma criopreservada. El tercer objectiu va ser buscar predictors de la congelabilitat de les ejaculacions, tant en les GFEs com en les PFEs i en tres passos del procés de criopreservació (a 17ºC, a 5ºC i a 240 min postdescongelació). Aquest objectiu es va dur a terme mitjançant l'avaluació de paràmetres convencionals de qualitat espermàtica i a través de l'estudi de la localització i la reactivitat sota el microscopi de tres proteïnes (GLUT3, HSP90AA1 i Cu/ZnSOD) relacionades amb la fisiologia espermàtica i amb possibles rols en la congelabilitat. El quart objectiu va ser quantificar l'expressió de les tres proteïnes per transferència western, tant en espermatozoides d'ejaculacions GFEs com en els d'ejaculacions PFEs i en els tres passos abans esmentats, per tal de determinar el seu potencial com a predictores de la congelabilitat. Pel primer i el segon objectiu, 86 truges van ser inseminades per post-CAI amb 26 ejaculacions de mascles Piétrain dividides en una porció refrigerada a 17ºC (tractament control) i una porció criopreservada, ambdues porcions classificades alhora com a GFEs o PFEs. Els resultats més rellevants van demostrar que les probabilitats d'embaràs eren dues vegades menors en inseminacions amb esperma criopreservada d'ejaculacions PFEs (P < 0.05) que en inseminacions amb esperma criopreservada d'ejaculacions GFEs, fet que indica que les ejaculacions amb percentatges elevats d'espermatozoides mòbils progressius i d'integritat de membrana (per sobre del 40% en les GFEs) són més favorables a provocar embarassos que no pas aquelles ejaculacions amb una pobra funció espermàtica in vitro (PFEs). Ni el nombre de truges que van donar a llum, ni la quantitat de garrins, ni el risc de reflux espermàtic van ser significativament diferents entre les inseminacions amb esperma criopreservada d'ejaculacions GFEs i les inseminacions control amb semen refrigerat, la qual cosa demostra la bona aplicabilitat de la inseminació post-CAI amb l'esperma criopreservada. Finalment, pel tercer i quart objectius van ser criopreservades 29 i 11 ejaculacions de mascles Piétrain, respectivament. Dos paràmetres cinètics espermàtics, la linealitat (LIN) i la rectitud (STR), van mostrar una hiperactivació de la mobilitat superior en les ejaculacions PFEs que en les GFEs després de 30 min a 5ºC durant la criopreservació. A més, la combinació d'ambdós paràmetres va donar una fiabilitat propera al 72% en la predicció de la congelabilitat de les ejaculacions porcines. Tot i que no va ser possible predir la congelabilitat mitjançant l'avaluació de les tres proteïnes al microscopi, els resultats de transferència western van revelar diferències en l'expressió de la HSP90AA1 en l'esperma a 17ºC, molt possiblement relacionades amb la millor supervivència a la criopreservació dels espermatozoides d'ejaculacions GFEs. Aquests resultats suggereixen que la promoció de la criopreservació d'esperma porcina per la seva aplicació en IA passa pel desenvolupament de tests per la predicció de la congelabilitat en semen refrigerat.
Recent reports show that biogeochemical processes continue when the soil is frozen, but are limited by water availability. However, there is little knowledge about the interactive effects of soil and environmental variables on amounts of unfrozen water in frozen soils. The aims of this study were to determine the contributions of matric and osmotic potentials to the unfrozen water content of frozen soil. We determined the effects of matric and osmotic potential on unfrozen water contents of frozen mineral soil fractions (ranging from coarse sand to fine silt) at -7 degrees C, and estimated the contributions of these potentials to liquid water contents in samples from organic surface layers of boreal soils frozen at -4 degrees C. In the mineral soil fractions the unfrozen water contents appeared to be governed solely by the osmotic potential, but in the humus layers of the sampled boreal soils both the osmotic and matric potentials control unfrozen water content, with osmotic potential contributing 20 to 69% of the total water potential. We also determined pore size equivalents, where unfrozen water resides at -4 degrees C, and found a strong correlation between these equivalents and microbial CO2 production. The larger the pores in which the unfrozen water is found the larger the microbial activity that can be sustained. The osmotic potential may therefore be a key determinant of unfrozen water and carbon dynamics in frozen soil. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Microbial processes in soil are moisture, nutrient and temperature dependent and, consequently, accurate calculation of soil temperature is important for modelling nitrogen processes. Microbial activity in soil occurs even at sub-zero temperatures so that, in northern latitudes, a method to calculate soil temperature under snow cover and in frozen soils is required. This paper describes a new and simple model to calculate daily values for soil temperature at various depths in both frozen and unfrozen soils. The model requires four parameters average soil thermal conductivity, specific beat capacity of soil, specific heat capacity due to freezing and thawing and an empirical snow parameter. Precipitation, air temperature and snow depth (measured or calculated) are needed as input variables. The proposed model was applied to five sites in different parts of Finland representing different climates and soil types. Observed soil temperatures at depths of 20 and 50 cm (September 1981-August 1990) were used for model calibration. The calibrated model was then tested using observed soil temperatures from September 1990 to August 2001. R-2-values of the calibration period varied between 0.87 and 0.96 at a depth of 20 cm and between 0.78 and 0.97 at 50 cm. R-2 -values of the testing period were between 0.87 and 0.94 at a depth of 20cm. and between 0.80 and 0.98 at 50cm. Thus, despite the simplifications made, the model was able to simulate soil temperature at these study sites. This simple model simulates soil temperature well in the uppermost soil layers where most of the nitrogen processes occur. The small number of parameters required means, that the model is suitable for addition to catchment scale models.
Measurement or prediction of the mechanical and fracture properties of foods is very important in the design, operation and optimization of processes, as well as for the control of quality of food products. This paper describes the measurement of yield stress of frozen sucrose solutions under indentation tests using a spherical indenter. Effects of composition, temperature and strain rate on yield stress of frozen sucrose solutions have also been investigated.
The stress relaxation behaviour of two frozen sucrose solutions (7% and 19%) during indentation in the temperature range of -20C to -40C were investigated. The stress relaxation is similar to that of pure polycrystalline ice, which is controlled by steady-state creep. The steady state creep rate exponent, m, of 7% and 19% sucrose solutions lies between 2.3 and 3.6. The steady state creep rate constant, B, of 19% sucrose solution is greater than that of 7% sucrose solution. It is suggested that the steady-state creep rate exponent m depends on contributions from the proportions of favourably oriented grains, unfavourably oriented grains and grain boundaries to creep and that these components depend on the value of internal stress which is related to the hardness of samples at the different testing temperatures. The steady-state creep rate constant B depends on the mobility of dislocations in sucrose solutions which, in turn, depends on the temperature and the concentration of sucrose.
An unknown Gram-positive, catalase-negative, facultatively anaerobic, non-spore-forming, rod-shaped bacterium originating from semen of a pig was characterized using phenotypic, molecular chemical and molecular phylogenetic methods. Chemical studies revealed the presence of a directly cross-linked cell wall murein based on L-lysine and a DNA G + C content of 39 mol%. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that the unidentified rod-shaped organism formed a hitherto unknown subline related, albeit loosely, to Alkalibacterium olivapovliticus, Alloiococcus otitis, Dolosigranulum pigrum and related organisms, in the low-G + C-content Gram-positive bacteria. However, sequence divergence values of > 11 % from these recognized taxa. clearly indicated that the novel bacterium represents a separate genus. Based on phenotypic and phylogenetic considerations, it is proposed that the unknown bacterium from pig semen be classified as a new genus and species, Allofustis seminis gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain is strain 01-570-1(T) (=CCUG 45438(T)=CIP 107425(T)).
Russell, J. [Ed. & designer]. Including texts by Kathy Acker, Dominique Auch, Dennis Cooper, Trinie Dalton, Sue De Beer, Felix Ensslin, Dan Fox, Matthew Greene, Pierre Guyotat, Rachel Howe, Kevin Killian, Christopher Knowles, Gean Moreno, J.P. Munro, Paulina Olowska, Damon Packard, Allison Smith, Banks Violette, Benjamin Weissman, & Thom Wolf. 832 pages.
Russell, J. [Ed., designer & authored chapter]. Including texts by Georges Bataille, Art & Language, Fabienne Audéoud, Dave Beech, Paul Buck, David Burrows, Ccru, Jake Chapman, John Cussans, johnny golding, Inventory, Martin Mcgeown, Lucy Mckenzie, Esther Planas, Graham Ramsay, John Russell, Clara Ursitti and Andrew Williamson. 800 pages.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of diet supplementation with vitamin E on the physical and chemical characteristics of ground, frozen and stored or aged Quadriceps femoris (QF) and Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscles from Nellore steers fed high concentrate diets. Muscles were obtained from 24 animals that were 30 months old with a mean live weight of 279 kg. Half of the animals received daily doses of 1,000 mg of alpha-tocopherol acetate (VIT E) per head per day that was added to 100 g of corn meal. The other half received 100 g of corn meal without the antioxidant. Twenty-four hours after slaughtering, QF samples from each animal were ground, frozen and stored for up to 6 months. In addition, 4 samples from the LD of each animal were vacuum packed individually and kept for 21 days. All samples were analyzed to determine the pH, color and water-holding-capacity. The VIT E supplementation improved only the water loss characteristics of frozen ground QF and did not have any positive effect on the physical-chemical characteristics of the aged LD.