997 resultados para France. Parlement (1946- )


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What is the secret mesmerism that death possesses and under the operation of which a modern architect strident, confident, resolute becomes rueful, pessimistic, or melancholic?1 Five years before Le Corbusiers death at sea in 1965, the architect reluctantly agreed to adopt the project for Lglise Saint-Pierre de Firminy in Firminy-Vert (19602006), following the death of its original architect, Andr Sive, from leukemia in 1958.2 Le Corbusier had already developed, in 1956, the plan for an enclave in the new green Firminy town, which included his youth and culture center and a stadium and swimming pool; the church and a bote miracles near the youth center were inserted into the plan in the 60s. (Le Corbusier was also invited, in 1962, to produce another plan for three Units dHabitation outside Firminy-Vert.) The Saint-Pierre church should have been the zenith of the quartet (the largest urban concentration of works by Le Corbusier in Europe, and what the architect Henri Ciriani termed Le Corbusiers acropolis3) but in the early course of the project, Le Corbusier would suffer the dioceses serial objections to his vision for the church not unlike the difficulties he experienced with Notre Dame du Haut at Ronchamp (19501954) and the resistance to his proposed monastery of Sainte-Marie de la Tourette (19571960). In 1964, the bishop of Saint-tienne requested that Le Corbusier relocate the church to a new site, but Le Corbusier refused and the diocese subsequently withdrew from the project. (With neither the approval, funds, nor the participation of the bishop, by then the cardinal archbishop of Lyon, the first stone of the church was finally laid on the site in 1970.) Le Corbusiers ambivalence toward the project, even prior to his quarrels with the bishop, reveals...


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Objective: To estimate the prevalence of lifetime infertility in Australian women born in 1946-51 and examine their uptake of treatment. Methods: Participants in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health born in 1946-51 (n=13,715) completed up to four mailed surveys from 1996 to 2004. The odds of infertility were estimated using logistic regression with adjustment for socio-demographic and reproductive factors. Results: Among participants, 92.1% had been pregnant. For women who had been pregnant (n=12738): 56.5% had at least one birth but no pregnancy loss (miscarriage and/or termination); 39.9% experienced both birth and loss; and 3.6% had a loss only. The lifetime prevalence of infertility was 11.0%. Among women who reported infertility (n=1511), 41.7% used treatment. Women had higher odds of infertility when they had reproductive histories of losses only (OR range 9.0-43.5) or had never been pregnant (OR=15.7, 95%CI 11.8-20.8); and higher odds for treatment: losses only (OR range 2.5-9.8); or never pregnant (1.96, 1.28-3.00). Women who delayed their first birth until aged 30+ years had higher odds of treatment (OR range 3.2-4.3). Conclusions: About one in ten women experienced infertility and almost half used some form of treatment, especially those attempting pregnancy after 1980. Older first time mothers had an increased uptake of treatment as assisted reproductive technologies (ART) developed. Implications: This study provided evidence of the early uptake of treatment prior to 1979 when the national register of invasive ART was developed and later uptake prior to 1998 when data on non-invasive ART were first collected.


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The development of cultural policy during the twentieth century is underscored by three key developments. First, the formation of the Arts Council of Great Britain in 1946, first headed by the Cambridge economist Lord Keynes, saw the scaffolding developed for ongoing government support for the arts. In doing so, it established the principle of an arms length relationship between the government of the day and individual artists, through the development of independent arts boards engaged in the peer review of creative works. Second, the formation of the Fifth Republic in France in 1958 saw the creation of a Ministry of Culture, headed by the writer Andr Malraux. Malraux and his successors have seen three major tasks for a national cultural policy: government support for the creation of new artistic and cultural works; the promotion and maintenance of cultural heritage; and enabling equitable access to creative works and creative opportunities through all segments of society. Finally, at a global level, agencies such as UNESCO have sought to promote national cultural policies as an element of national sovereignty, particularly in the developing world, and this has involved addressing sources of structural inequality in the distribution of global cultural and communications resources...


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Pro gradu -tyss tutkitaan ja vertaillaan knnskirjallisuuden arvosteluja Ranskassa ja Suomessa. Empiirinen aineisto koostuu kaikista Helsingin Sanomien ja Le Monden vuonna 2003 julkaisemista arvosteluista. Lehdiss oli yhteens 2691 arvosteltua kirjaa, joista 845 oli knnksi. Ptavoite on ollut selvitt niden valtasanomalehtien kritiikkej tutkimalla, kummassa maassa kntjn ja knnksen asema on nkyvmpi ja minklaisia julkaistut knnskritiikit ovat. Lisksi tavoitteena on ollut tutkia, kumpi lehdist on avoimempi vieraskielisi kirjoja ja knnksi kohtaan. Kirja-arvostelujen lhemmlle tutkimiselle luodaan pohjaa perehtymll kntjn ja knnksen nkyvyyteen liittyviin seikkoihin. Tss kytetn hyvksi Koskisen (2000) tutkimusta. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan mys, millainen on hyv knns eri kntjien ja tutkijoiden mielest, sek muita saman aihepiirin tutkimuksia ja aiheesta vallalla ollutta keskustelua. Lisksi selvitetn, miksi laadukkaat knnsarvostelut ovat harvinaisia ja mist tm johtuu. Analyysivaiheen kvantitatiivisessa osassa perehdytn knnsten mrlliseen osuuteen sek aineistossa ett Ranskan ja Suomen kokonaisjulkaisumriss. Aineiston knnsarvostelut luokitellaan niiden sislln mukaan. Tss on kytetty soveltuvin osin Gullinin (1998) kehittelem mallia. Knnsarvostelujen sisltanalyysissa kiinnitetn huomiota niiden knnst ja kntj koskeviin kommentteihin. Arvostelujen laadun ja kriitikkojen kyttmien arvosteluperusteiden pohdinta nojautuu aiheesta aikaisemmin tehtyihin teoreettisiin sek empiirisiin tutkimuksiin. Pro gradu -ty sislt mys erillisen katsauksen knnettyjen lastenkirjojen arvosteluihin sek arvostelujen ulkopuolisiin kntjiin ja kntmiseen liittyviin artikkeleihin. Koko tutkimuksen ajan lhestymistapa on vertaileva Le Monden ja Helsingin Sanomien vlill. Tutkimuksesta selvi, ett Le Monde julkaisee huomattavasti enemmn kirja-arvosteluja. Molemmat lehdet sisltvt kuitenkin suhteellisesti yht paljon arvosteluja knnskirjoista. Helsingin Sanomissa on enemmn vieraskielisten teosten arvosteluja, ja knnsten ja kntjn asema on huomattavasti nkyvmpi lehden kritiikeiss. Suurin osa Le Monden knnsarvosteluista sislt vain kntjn nimen bibliografisissa tiedoissa. Helsingin Sanomissa vain alle puolet knnskirjoista on arvosteltu tll tavoin. Mys kritiikit, joissa kntjn nime ei mainita ollenkaan, ovat yleisempi ranskalaislehdess. Suhteellisen pieni osa knnsarvosteluista arvioi knnksen laatua. Nille arvioille on ominaista perustelujen ja analyysin puuttuminen ja ne ovat usein lyhyit. Arviot ovat svyltn enimmkseen positiivisia tai neutraaleja. Hyvin yleist on mys se, ett kriitikko sekoittaa kaksi eri asiaa: kntjn ja kirjailijan tyylin. Yleisin kriitikkojen kyttm arviointikriteeri on tutkia knnksen ja kohdekielen tai knnksen ja lhttekstin suhdetta. Monesti arviointikriteeri j tysin epselvksi. Helsingin Sanomien kritiikeiss kntjiin viitataan huomattavasti useammin mys itse arvostelutekstiss. Lehti tuo nkyvsti esille kntji muissakin kuin kirja-arvosteluartikkeleissaan. Sen sijaan Le Mondessa ei ole pelkstn kntji ksittelevi tekstej.


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Tutkielma ksittelee viime sotien jlkeisi sosiaalisia ongelmia niin sanotun pinnarilain kautta. Laki tyt vieroksuvien henkiliden mrmisest tyhn tai erikoistylaitokseen oli voimassa 19461948. Tutkielma selvitt, miten viranomaiset sovelsivat pinnarilakia Helsingiss ja avaa tynvieroksunta-ksitteen sislt ja mrittely. Tutkielman nkkulma pohjautuu kontekstikonstruktivismiin. Erilaisuuden ja sosiaalisten ongelmien mrittely on jatkuvan keskustelun ja kiistelyn alainen aihepiiri, sill kyseisiss ilmiiss ja niiden hallinnassa trmvt erilaiset intressit ja tavoitteet. Sosiaalisen ongelman mrittely on tulosta aktiivisesta kollektiivisesta mrittelyprosessista, johon osallistuu useita toimijoita. Koska itse laki mritteli tynvieroksunta-ksitteen ja rajasi lain soveltamisalan hyvin vljsti, paikalliset viranomaiset saivat laajat toimintavaltuudet. Tmn vuoksi on trke tutkia, millaiset henkilt koettiin ongelmallisiksi, hiritsevn erilaisiksi. Trkein lhdemateriaali tyss on kunnallisen tyasiainlautakunnan laatimat henkilaktit tynvieroksujina ksitellyist henkilist. Henkilaktit sisltvt lautakunnan omien merkintjen lisksi poliisin huolto-osaston, huoltolautakunnan ja lkreiden asiakirjoja. Systemaattisen otannan avulla akteista on koottu noin 350 henkilaktin otos. Nm henkilt on jaettu neljn ryhmn sen perusteella, mitk syyt ovat johtaneet henkiln ptymiseen pinnariksittelyyn. Nin muodostuneen neljn ryhmn nimet ovat rikolliset, alkoholiongelmaiset, irtolaisnaiset ja kunnon kansalaiset. Ryhmi analysoidaan vertailun ja tilastollisten menetelmien avulla. Pinnarilaki oli yht aikaa tymarkkina-, sosiaali- ja kontrollipolitiikkaa. Sen soveltamisessa tulivat ilmi valtion tyvoimapoliittiset intressit jlleenrakentavassa ja tyvoimapulasta krsivss maassa. Tynvieroksujien joukkoon ptyi niin yhteiskunnan syrjss roikkuvia moniongelmaisia kuin tykyvyttmyydest tai tyn puutteesta krsivi tavallisia kansalaisia. Pinnarilaki sai sovellettaessa kaatoluokka-luonteen: sen avulla viranomaisten kynnys puuttua epilyttvin pitmiens henkiliden elmn madaltui, sill esimerkiksi alkoholisti- ja irtolaislainsdnnn soveltamisala oli rajatumpi. Sotatoimien ptytty viranomaiset kvivt taistoon yhteiskunnan sisisi vihollisia, kohonnutta rikollisuutta, muuttuneita moraaliksityksi ja lisntynytt pihteidenkytt, vastaan. Tss taistelussa pinnarilaki oli viranomaisten trkein ase ja kontrollikeino.


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Brother of Lola Gruenthal


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Digital Image


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The Davoser Hochschulkurse took place for the first time in 1928. Mainly university teachers from Germany, France, Switzerland (perhaps elsewhere) offered lectures to students recovering from tuberculosis at the health resort in the Swiss mountains. The lecturers were accommodated at the Grand Hotel Curhaus, where the lectures also took place.


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The Davoser Hochschulkurse took place for the first time in 1928. Mainly university teachers from Germany, France, Switzerland (perhaps elsewhere) offered lectures to students recovering from tuberculosis at the health resort in the Swiss mountains. The lecturers were accommodated at the Grand Hotel Curhaus, where the lectures also took place.


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The purpose of the present study was to explore the associations between good self-rated health and economic and social factors in different regions among ageing people in the Pijt-Hme region in southern Finland. The data of this study were collected in 2002 as part of the research and development project Ikihyv 2002 2012 (Good Ageing in Lahti region GOAL project). The baseline data set consisted of 2,815 participants born in 1926 30, 1936 40, and 1946 50. The response rate was 66 %. According to the previous studies, trust in other people and social participation as the main aspects of social capital are associated with self-rated health. In addition, socioeconomic position (SEP) and self-rated health are associated, but all SEP indicators do not have identical associations with health. However, there is a lack of knowledge of the health associations and regional differences with these factors, especially among ageing people. Regarding these questions, the present study gives new information. According to the results of this study, self-perceived adequacy of income was significantly associated with good self-rated health, especially in the urban areas. Similar associations were found in the rural areas, though education was also considered an important factor. Adequacy of income was an even stronger predictor of good health than the actual income. Women had better self-rated health than men only in the urban areas. The youngest respondents had quite equally better self-rated health than the others. Social participation and access to help when needed were associated with good self-rated health, especially in the urban area and the sparsely populated rural areas. The result was comparable in the rural population centres. The correlation of trust with self-rated health was significant in the urban area. High social capital was associated with good self-rated health in the urban area. The association was quite similar in the other areas, though it was statistically insignificant. High social capital consisted of co-existent high social participation and high trust. The association of traditionalism (low participation and high trust) with self-rated health was also substantial in the urban area. The associations of self-rated health with low social capital (low participation and low trust) and the miniaturisation of community (high participation and low trust) were less significant. From the forms of single participation, going to art exhibitions, theatre, movies, and concerts among women, and studying and self-development among men were positively related to self-rated health. Unexpectedly, among women, active participation in religious events and voluntary work was negatively associated with self-rated health. This may indicate a coping method with ill-health. As a whole, only minor variations in self-rated health were found between the areas. However, the significance of the factors associated with self-rated health varied according to the areas. Economic factors, especially self-perceived adequacy of income was strongly associated with good self-rated health. Also when adjusting for economic and several other background factors social factors (particularly high social capital, social participation, and access to help when needed) were associated with self-rated health. Thus, economic and social factors have a significant relation with the health of the ageing, and improving these factors may have favourable effects on health among ageing people.